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  • af Rayola Kelley
    195,95 kr.

    "Will I find faith when I come?" This was Jesus' question concerning the end of this age. However, the truth is genuine faith can be hard to find even among God's people because there are so many pseudo faiths that many clamor after. In Search of Real Faith, is the author's search for faith that connects to God and pleases Him. An added bonus is the author's book, Don't Touch That Dial, which deals with hearing the voice of God in the midst of the onslaught of deceptive and wrong voices. This book shows you how to wade through and discern the voices so that you can hear what the Spirit is truly saying to God's people in this time and age. Both books would prove to be a priceless resource in any Christian's library.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Issues of the Heart is the fourth volume of seven volumes in a foundational series that was written to complement Gentle Shepherd Ministries Discipleship and Supplementation Courses. This volume deals with the real heart of the Christian walk. At the heart of Christianity are relationships. Christians' relationship with God and others determines the quality of their life. The four books in this volume deal with relationships in lieu of godly positions and responsibilities. The first book addresses destructive attitudes and cycles that disrupt relationships, the second with marriage and children, the third addresses the challenges of being single, and the fourth concerns Christian adults who are contending with difficult parents. Each book strips away the confusion that so often surrounds these different matters and reveals the real heart of the problem in light of the solution.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Heavenly Gems: Heaven possesses an endless storehouse of treasures. These treasures have been disbursed through the years through open vessels and passed down as heirlooms to edify succeeding generations. This book contains just a few of these treasures. It includes priceless nuggets of truth, sparkling gems of wisdom, sweet incenses of instruction, and heirlooms of promises. It is like a treasure chest that once it is open, the reader will be inspired and enriched by the nuggets and gems that grace its pages.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Devotions of the Heart Book 2 presents the second part of the spiritual journey of the heart. Each day will bring the reader to different arenas of life that will challenge the heart. Even though the scenery and events can differ for the spiritual sojourner, the lessons and experience of the heart can prove to be similar. The first devotion dealt with the terrain of the heart, the currents of life, and contrary winds, while this book addresses the challenges of the mind, the crooked ways of the imagination, and the different landscapes that will lead the sojourner to the highs, the lows, and the plateaus of life. True to its title, this devotion will tug at the reader's heartstrings as he or she travels through some very familiar terrain, as well as encounter some new life-changing landscape along the way.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Devotions of the Heart Book 1 takes the reader on an incredible journey one day at a time. The complete journey will take two years, but in the first book it starts the reader at from the right place, with God. Eventually the reader will come to a point of identity, which can only be found in Christ. Eventually the terrain will include seasons of the heart, the diverse challenge of the unpredictable currents of life, and the adverse winds of uncertainty and afflictions.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    More Heavenly Gems: Heaven possesses an endless storehouse of treasures. These treasures have been disbursed through the years through open vessels and passed down as heirlooms to edify succeeding generations. This book contains just a few of these treasures. It includes priceless nuggets of truth, sparkling gems of wisdom, sweet incenses of instruction, and heirlooms of promises. It is like a treasure chest that once it is open, the reader will be inspired and enriched by the nuggets and gems that grace its pages.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    137,95 kr.

    Nuggets From Heaven: Heaven possesses an endless storehouse of treasures. These treasures have been disbursed through the years through open vessels and passed down as heirlooms to edify succeeding generations. This book contains just a few of these treasures. It includes priceless nuggets of truth, sparkling gems of wisdom, sweet incenses of instruction, and heirlooms of promises. It is like a treasure chest that once it is open, the reader will be inspired and enriched by the nuggets and gems that grace its pages.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Coming to Full Age: This book is the third and final devotional in a series that is directed at the different stages of spiritual growth. Every spiritual stage hits pinnacles of growth, but after the pinnacles comes the valleys of challenges, where what was learned from great heights must be assimilated into one's walk. It is easy to talk the talk, but another matter all together when it comes to walking it out. Wisdom is knowledge put into practice and those who have arrived at the stage of realizing what it means to come to full age have put their feet of faith to what they know is scripturally true in order to discover the deep things of God. As a result, they become pillars to others as they impart wisdom to establish others in their faith. However, it does not matter how mature one is in his or her walk, the challenges and temptations are there to entrap and ensnare even the most mature believer. These devotions will not only inspire Christians in their walk, but remind them that until they meet Christ face to face, they must keep their discernment sharp, their heavenly wisdom active, and their focus on the finish line.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Disciplining The Strength of Our Youth: This devotion is the second book in a series of three devotions that are directed at encouraging spiritual growth. There are three spiritual stages we can hit in our spiritual walk. Each stage is necessary to prepare the spiritual sojourner for the next terrain of their journey. For those Christians who have the zeal and strength of youth, they must first be trained as soldiers. This involves learning how to temper their zeal according to the Word of God and bringing their strength under the Holy Spirit. They must also learn how to effectively use the sword of the Word against the enemy to be victorious in their walk. These devotions contain valuable insight and principles in regard to Christians becoming overcomers, and will inspire the reader to come higher in his or her spiritual journey.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Daily Food for the Soul, New Testament Devotions: We are told by the psalmist, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." It is clear that for Christians to stand, withstand, and continue to stand in this present world, they need to seize hold of, personally take ownership of, and possess the Word of God as their ultimate truth, counselor, and guide. This second devotion takes a person through the New Testament on a daily journey that will allow him or her to cover its glorious truths in one year. The Old Testament presents the outline and pattern of redemption, but the New Testament is an unveiling of both in the person of Jesus Christ. This second devotion, along with the first devotion, allows the spiritual sojourner the unique opportunity of taking the journey through both the Old and New Testaments at the same time. If one accepts the challenge of reading both devotions in one year, he or she can read one devotion in the morning and one in the evening. Both devotions are priceless and will add valuable insight into one's understanding of God and His truth.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Being A Child of God: This devotion is the first in a series of three devotions that address the different spiritual levels of growth when it comes to Christians. According to 1 John 2:12-14, there are those who are children, experiencing the love of the Father, young individuals who are learning to flex their spiritual muscles against the enemy, and the fathers and mothers who know God. This first devotion has a two-fold mission. It is directed at establishing a new convert in the Christian life, but it will also remind those who are children of God of the abundant life that has been made available to them. These devotions have already challenged and edified many believers, and because of their timeless truths will continue to bless those who read them.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Daily Food for the Soul, Old Testament Devotions: The Bible tells us that we shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. The Word of God serves as our milk, bread, and meat. It satisfies the soul with spiritual nourishment and the spirit with Living Water. Because of the need for daily, spiritual nourishment this devotion, Daily Food for the Soul, Book One, is designed to lead people through the Old Testament in one year. Day by day, step by step, a Christian can take valuable strides through the Bible and come out with a "full meal deal." One can spend five minutes or twenty minutes exploring the depths of the Old Testament and begin to discover its various hidden treasures. It is a devotion that will prove to be priceless to the Bible Student, insightful to the spiritual seeker, and a comfort to those with a tender, open heart towards the truths and ways of God.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    292,95 kr.

    Developing Our Christian Life is the sixth volume in a seven volume foundational series of the Christian faith. As Christians we are told Scripturally that we should be living the life of Christ. This volume of five books explains how the Christian life will express itself. The first book deals with the many false presentations of Christianity, while the second explains what it means to possess our soul. The third book shows what it means to experience the Christian life, while the fourth addresses the matter of having a powerful testimony, and the final book relates the Christian walk to the many examples of the Old Testament, especially the children of Israel. This volume will answer some of the questions of those who know there is more to the Christian life, but do not know where to look to find it.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    272,95 kr.

    Challenging the Christian Life is the fifth volume in a seven-set foundational series that is directed to encourage understanding, discipleship, and maturity in believers. The five books in this volume scripturally confront the confusing and controversial aspects of the Christian life such as the attitudes challenging life in general, the affront taking place against the true Gospel, the misunderstanding and superstition surrounding the manifestations of the Spirit, the false presentations of the real Church of Jesus Christ, and the place women have been positioned in, in God's kingdom to do His work and bidding. As this volume points out, the main challenge for Christians does not always come down to theology, but to attitudes. So much of our understanding is a matter of indoctrination that has produced bent attitudes towards certain scriptural matters. A bent attitude will keep one from seeing the whole picture of a subject. The books in this volume avoid taking up causes for a particular subject by striving to scripturally challenge the person to examine his or her heart attitude about the matter in light of a balanced scriptural presentation.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Developing a Godly Environment is the third volume in a seven-volume foundational series written to disciple both the tender and the serious follower of Christ into a richer understanding of the Christian disciplines, which include prayer and worship, discerning God's voice, and developing a grateful attitude regardless of challenges. This volume ends on a high note as it reveals the ABCs of Christian living. The simple, yet profound presentation of these subjects will give the reader much to meditate on, concerning the spiritual avenues and tools we have available to experience the benefits of the Christian life.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Establishing Our Life in Christ is the first volume in a seven-set foundational series that challenges Christians to a deeper Christian walk. The five books that make up this volume deal with the fundamental teachings surrounding the Christian faith such as God's Word, the matter of sin, the abundant life, the importance of covenant, and foundational beliefs. It will challenge a new believer, give dimension to the serious disciple of Christ, and serve as a valuable resource book for the Bible teacher.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    207,95 kr.

    Putting on the Life of Christ is the second volume in a foundational series that comprises seven volumes. The series was written to revolutionize the understanding and attitudes of Christians who desire a more satisfying Christian walk. In this volume the five books deal with the duty of Christ, the incredible work and presence of the cross, what constitutes genuine faith, what it means to put on the mind of Christ, and the need to follow the pattern set forth in Scripture to secure our life in Christ. This volume truly unveils aspects of Christ's person and work that will not be forgotten by the reader.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    247,95 kr.

    Requested Facebook posts that span over three years that address the times and challenges in light of the only true hope that can be found in the world. It is a book that will encourage people to be established in their spiritual life in Christ as they face the encroaching darkness of this present age.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    213,95 kr.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    257,95 kr.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    186,95 kr.

  • af Rayola Kelley
    180,95 kr.

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