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Bøger af Rebecca Davis

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  • - It Only Takes A Wish...
    af Rebecca Davis
    117,95 kr.

    Angela Montgomery never believed in fairy tales. But, when her best friend tells her she's marrying a hat maker from Wonderland, she has no choice but to go with it. And, the trip to the Realm was nothing like she thought it would be. Surrounded by people, and places she thought only belonged in books, she meets an immortal redhead that captures her entire attention. When she's kidnapped by a pirate who holds her as ransom, will she keep her faith and trust in the one she tries to deny has her heart?

  • - Not Everyone is As They Seem...
    af Rebecca Davis
    117,95 kr.

    Ina was his Other Half. Wolfsbane hadn't stopped thinking about her since he left twelve years earlier. When he comes back, Ina doesn't know what to think. Will she look past his mistake and welcome him back with open arms, or will she let her bitterness ruin her chance at a Happily Ever After?

  • - Queen of Gospel Songs
    af Rebecca Davis
    102,95 kr.

    The man said he was a doctor . . . but he did something to little baby Fanny's eyes that made her blind for the rest of her life. How could she find out about the world around her? How could she be happy? How could she learn? How could she love God? How could she forgive?Fanny Crosby was blind for more than ninety years . . . and she wrote over 8,000 hymns and gospel songs about her Savior.Potter's Wheel Books: showing children the Master Potter at workChristian biography for children ages 7-10

  • - Only the Best Are Mad...
    af Rebecca Davis
    117,95 kr.

    It has been two years since Alice left Wonderland... Two years since she slayed the Jabberwockey. Two years since she broke the Hatter's heart. Now, he has given up hoping that his Other Half even exists. Determined to live his final days without love, he numbly lives in the world that he created. But, when a strange girl lands in his front yard, whom the Queens claim to be the granddaughter of the girl that haunts his dreams at night, will he finally open up his heart to true love?

  • - The Heavenly Man of China
    af Rebecca Davis
    107,95 kr.

    Yun lived in the time of the Cultural Revolution of China-no Bibles were to be found anywhere, because all of them had been burned and the families who owned them had been severely beaten or killed. But through a dream and a miracle, God provided Yun with the Bible he needed. Yun began to preach all over China. He was captured, but amazingly escaped, again and again. Thousands of people came to Christ, and together the Chinese Christians saw many miracles.

  • - Voice Catcher Around the World
    af Rebecca Davis
    107,95 kr.

    It was the 1930s, when records and record players were new. Joy lay sick in bed, wishing to get back to Honduras, where she had been a missionary. But while she recovered, the bright idea came to her to record some gospel stories and songs in Spanish. After one record came more and more and more, in one language after another. The organization Joy founded, now called Global Recordings, has recorded gospel stories in over six thousand languages around the world.Written for children, but in a style that adults can enjoy too, Joy Ridderhof: Voice Catcher Around the World, is a missionary book that will introduce readers to a whole new world of missions: catching voices of remote tribal people speaking the words of the gospel in their own language.

  • - Love Will Find A Way
    af Rebecca Davis
    117,95 kr.

    The Huntsman waited patiently for his chance at love, but never found it. He had given up hope that he was going to find his Other Half. Instead, he accepted the conclusion that he would be one of the few who had been chosen to live their lives without a partner beside them. Then, he was asked to kill a king's daughter, and by none other than the king himself. Lara had almost forgotten what love was after her mother died. Her fathers resentment and sisters hatred kept her locked away from mankind for what had seemed like an eternity for her. But, then her killer spared her life, and she was thrown into the throngs of a sudden, fierce love. Can they make it through, when all odds are against them, or will they break before the Fates can tear them apart?

  • af Rebecca Davis
    107,95 kr.

    Vowels and Other Strange Letters teaches the different vowel combinations and the many different sounds that each vowel makes. This book uses association and pictures to help the child remember what each combination of sounds makes. Other letters that make a sound that is different from its usual sound are also discussed. This book helps the child become a much better reader in just a few weeks.

  • af Rebecca Davis
    172,95 kr.

    This book actually teaches the ABC's by using word associations and games. Children find ABC Fun enjoyable and easy to learn. Children, who have had difficulty learning their ABC's with other methods, usually find this book very helpful.

  • af Rebecca Davis
    107,95 kr.

    This book teaches the multiplication tables using patterns, association, rhymes, and games. It is much easier to learn than simply memorizing.Give your child the tools he/she needs to make learning fun and easy.

  • af Rebecca Davis
    507,95 - 668,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca Davis
    107,95 kr.

    When people weren't looking, he stole money from them. He stole from his father, he stole from his teacher, he even stole from the pastor of his church.And he was studying to be a pastor himself.But one day George Mueller found out that the God he had been pretending to worship was real. His life changed completely. Now, instead of taking from others, he wanted to give to help others.And give . . . and give . . . and give. By the end of his life, George Mueller had given over a million dollars. But where did he get it?He didn't steal the money. He didn't work for the money. He didn't ask anyone for the money. That is, he didn't ask any people. He asked God. And God gave . . . and gave . . . and gave.George Mueller used that money to provide homes for over ten thousand orphans in his lifetime. All of England was changed because of this one man.

  • af Rebecca Davis
    142,95 kr.

    Could it be that the one who is smiling at you as he hands you the offering plate is abusing his wife at home?What if your Sunday school teacher, who knows so much about the Bible, is abusing his family behind closed doors?Is it possible that one of the elders or even the pastor of your church is practicing an unholy charade? If the spouse of one of these abusers comes to you for help, would you even be able to recognize the signs? How will you understand the dynamics of this deceiving evil?Pastor and author Jeff Crippen presents Christ's body with a work steeped in Scripture that lays before us a map of the abusive mind, the tactics of abuse, the effects abuse has on its victims, and the tragic way our churches have failed the victims of this sin. He issues a clarion call for those who love Christ to answer the call to love the oppressed and speak for the victims, as Proverbs 31:9 says: "Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy."Together we can root out the wolves in the midst of the flock and unmask the domestic abuser in the church hiding in our pews.

  • af Rebecca Davis
    162,95 kr.

    Haunted by dreams of a stranger with jade-green eyes for most of her life, eighteen-year-old Lizzy is shocked to find out that he's not just a figment of her imagination. Despite an immediate attraction, however, she's not here for romance. She has more important things to do, having come to the Victorian age in order to search for word of a mysterious and distant relative who will soon be hanged for murder. Lizzy knows that she has limited time to find her ancestor-and maybe even clear the woman's name-before she has to return home to her family, her friends, and her future...but will she be able to stay away from the man of her dreams?

  • - Seizing Serendipity
    af Rebecca Davis
    267,95 kr.

    The first full biography of Justice Leah Ward Sears. As this biography recounts Sears's life and career, it is filled with instances of how Sears made her own luck by demonstrating a sharpness of mind, a capacity for gruelling hard work, and a relentless drive to succeed, as well as a strict devotion to judicial independence and the rule of law.

  • - True Stories of God at work in Iran
    af Rebecca Davis
    72,95 kr.

    The Gospel is spread in Iran Unsung missionary heroes being used by God Iranian Christians and Churches advancing the gospel

  • - From the lives of Great Christians
    af Rebecca Davis
    87,95 kr.

    Discover a true-life story Read God's Word and pray Padded hardback giftbook. With Ribbon

  • - True Stories of God at work in Papua, Indonesia
    af Rebecca Davis
    72,95 kr.

    In 1938, in the remote highlands of a mountainous island, explorers discovered thousands upon thousands of tribal people. Missionaries began to come, to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Little did they know that many of the people of the tribes were waiting . . . waiting . . . for someone to come and help them out of the darkness of their old way of life. Witness Men consists of true missionary stories that took place throughout the highlands of Papua, Indonesia, from 1955 to 2010, when one of the tribes received their first New Testaments.

  • - True Stories of God at work in the Central African Republic
    af Rebecca Davis
    72,95 kr.

    From one old woman's prayer, a young girl was brought to faith, a missionary was sent to Africa and a church was born in Central Africa.

  • - True Stories of God at work in Ethiopia
    af Rebecca Davis
    72,95 kr.

    These stories from Ethiopia show the power of God. Find out about the invisible evangelist, the two girls who prayed and other astonishing stories.

  • - True Stories of God at work in Colombia
    af Rebecca Davis
    72,95 kr.

    Colombia has been known as a land of violence ‿ Colombian people have reacted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by cursing the messengers, beating them, kidnapping them, killing them and burning down their houses. But from those burnings have shot out sparks and flames and laser beams of light, as the Gospel has continued to shine forth in the midst of darkness. God has delivered people from burning houses. God has healed the ones who cursed. God has even rescued kidnappers. Read fourteen true stories of the Light of the World shining in the land of Colombia, South America.

  • - True Stories of God at work in Southeast Asia
    af Rebecca Davis
    72,95 kr.

    Book 4 of the Hidden Heroes Series Missionary Adventures Karen tribe, Myanmar (Burma), Southeast Asia Free Educator Resources available

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