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Bøger af Rebecca McLaughlin

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  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    108,95 kr.

    Examines the arguments used to claim that the Bible affirms same-sex relationships.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    188,95 kr.

    Os quatro Evangelhos estão repletos de histórias em que a participação de mulheres se destaca. O que não deixa de ser surpreendente quando olhamos em retrospectiva a pouca importância dada a elas pela sociedade, cultura e religião da época.Nesse aspecto, vale a pena questionar: Se as mulheres que seguiram Jesus pudessem descrevê-lo, o que diriam? Tal pergunta tem seu significado ampliado quando levamos em conta a diversidade de mulheres que se aproximaram de Jesus ao longo de seu curto ministério. Pobres, ricas, enfermas, enlutadas, jovens, idosas, gentias, judias, virgens, viúvas, prostitutas, profetisas, elas se achegaram a Jesus em busca de cura, perdão e respostas, e essas motivações repercutem ainda hoje em nosso coração, inspirando-nos e fortalecendo-nos.Guiados pela escrita sensível de Rebecca McLaughlin, somos convidados a revisitar esses encontros emocionantes com o Filho de Deus e neles refletir: E se fosse eu? Quais seriam as minhas razões para encontrar Jesus ainda hoje?

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    158,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    226,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    323,95 kr.

    Join author Rebecca McLaughlin in this eight-session teen Bible study as she examines the gospel accounts of Jesus's life, ministry, death, and resurrection.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    53,95 kr.

    Adapted from bestselling author Rebecca McLaughlin's book Confronting Jesus, this tract explores the character of Christ--calling readers to let the Lamb of God take their sin as they put their trust in him alone.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    183,95 kr.

    Greater love has no one than this: that he lay down his life for his friends. -John 15:13Our culture idolizes romance and the love of parents for their children. But Jesus said there was no greater love than sacrificial friendship love. What's more, He issued a command to live into this kind of love. Christian friendship isn't just a nice-to-have. It's vital. But it's also dangerous.Friends can pull us up when we're knocked down, embrace us with their love, and spur us on to follow Jesus. But friends can also grind us to the ground or invite us into sin.Male or female, single or married, joyful or lamenting, lonely or embraced, we all need friendship love. This book will help us give and receive it in a way that calls us back to Jesus's commandment: that we love each other just like He loves us.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    418,95 kr.

    The Gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John--are four accounts of one extraordinary life. Each book tells the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These book aren't fairytales, fiction, or legend; they are gospel truth. Our eternal future hinges on whether or not they are trustworthy testimonies of the events of Jesus's life and accurate records of HIs teaching. While exploring the terrain of the gospels, you'll learn to identify and understand the different kinds of writing in these ancient texts, including narrative, poetry, parable, and more. Through this journey, your confidence in the truth of Scripture will be renewed and you'll gain a more captivating view of the Savior. And along the way you'll acquire skills that will help you become a better student of all of Scripture. Features: Leader helps for group discussion 7 weeks of personal study to be completed between the 8 group sessions Teaching videos, approximately 20-25 minutes, via redemption code printed in the Bible study book Benefits: Affirm that the accounts of Jesus's life in the Gospels are reliable and true.  Gain a clearer and more captivating view of Jesus's ministry and purpose. Cultivate an ability to read, understand, and interpret the different types of genres in the Bible. Develop a desire to be a diligent and confident student of Scripture. ​Video Sessions: Session 1: Can We Trust the Gospels? (17:27)--In the opening teaching session, Rebecca provides a foundation for the study by giving us five reasons why we can trust that Gospels are historically reliable accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus. Session 2: Narrative (20:23)--In Session 2, Rebecca affirms that all the stories about Jesus found in the Gospels were recorded so that we may believe that He is the Christ, the Son of God. However, she challenges us to discover why these particular stories were used out of hundreds that could have been told. Session 3: Metaphor (18:05)--Jesus used metaphors in His teaching, but how and why? Rebecca will help us see in the Session 3 video teaching that metaphors in the Gospels present truth in a way that gets our attention and woos our hearts. Session 4: Parables (22:50)--Jesus told lots of parables. He used these simple, purposeful stories to share deep, life-changing truths. In this session, Rebecca will define four different kinds of parables found in the Gospels to help us better understand what Jesus was teaching. Session 5: Teaching (22:03)--We've seen how Jesus used metaphors and parables in His teaching. Now in Session 5, Rebecca explains five other different kinds of teaching elements--hyperbole, blessing, commandment, contradiction, and aphorism--Jesus used to express the truth. Session 6: Dialogue (21:59)--The Gospels include significant encounters Jesus had with individuals. In this video session, Rebecca will walk us through three conversations Jesus had with different people to show us how these dialogues weren't just idle chatter, but meaningful moments that caused people to confront the truth. Session 7: Prophecy (20:45)--When we think about prophecy, we can easily get focused just on specific predictions being fulfilled. But Rebecca will point out four different categories of prophecy found in the Gospels, and why each is significant, and how we best need to read them. Session 8: Wrap Up (6:00)--Rebecca closes the study by challenging us to not just pick out little pieces of the Gospels, but to sit down and read them through--to have a fresh, life-changing encounter with Jesus through these four accounts of His life, ministry, and teaching.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    173,95 kr.

    Now more than ever, kids need to explore the Bible for themselves.In this kids Bible study, Rebecca McLaughlin and her young theologian daughters Miranda (12) and Eliza (10) guide your kids through the book of Mark. At its heart, this is a study of a person: Jesus. Through sixty-six days, your kids will get to understand more of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Mark's Gospel was based on the memories of Jesus' disciple Peter. Since Peter was an act first, think later kind of guy, your kids will notice that Mark uses the word "immediately" a lot. This is an action-packed book!If you're looking for a theologically rich, accessible bible study that helps your kids know and fall in love with Jesus and paves the way to a lifelong love of God and the Bible, give them Exploring the Earliest Gospel.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    138,95 kr.

    En este libro desafiante, Rebecca McLaughlin nos ayuda a desenredar las creencias que los cristianos felizmente afirman de aquellas que no pueden aceptar, y nos invita a hablar con las personas a nuestro alrededor sobre las cosas que en realidad importan. Lejos de oponerse al amor a las diferencias, McLaughlin afirma que el cristianismo es la fuente original y el fundamento más firme para la verdadera diversidad, igualdad y amor transformador. In this provocative book, Rebecca McLaughlin helps us disentangle the beliefs Christians gladly affirm from those they cannot embrace, and invites us to talk with our neighbors about the things that matter most. Far from opposing love across difference, McLaughlin argues, Christianity is the original source and firmest foundation for true diversity, equality, and life-transforming love.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    88,95 - 216,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    106,95 kr.

    Rebecca McLaughlin uses teen-friendly illustrations and biblical truth to address 10 questions teens face about the Christian worldview, challenging young people to think deeply about hard topics and stand for truth in a secular age.

  • af Rebecca McLaughlin
    176,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • - Unlocking the Secrets and Dispelling Myths Through True Stories of Daycare Experiences
    af Rebecca McLaughlin & Rita Palashewski
    178,95 - 368,95 kr.

    In the United States, nearly 11 million children are in daycare each day, yet it s surprising how uninformed many parents are about what really goes on while they are away. How do you find the right daycare or know that the one you have chosen is indeed the best choice? Every parent wants peace of mind knowing their children are in good hands but h

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