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  • af Rebecca Voss
    446,95 kr.

    Diese Studie beleuchtet aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln das noch junge Feld des intergenerativen Singens als eine niederschwellige Form intergenerativer Bildung. Hospitationen in zwei intergenerativen Singprojekten sowie Interviews mit Leitern, Initiatoren und Teilnehmern aus unterschiedlichen intergenerativen Singprojekten zeichnen ein differenziertes Bild. Es werden Benefits aufgezeigt sowie die Gelingensbedingungen formuliert. Die Studie macht deutlich, dass die Anforderungen an Leiter intergenerativer Singprojekte komplex sind. Im abschließenden "Didaktischen Dreiklang" werden die erforderlichen Kompetenzen für Leiter - gegliedert nach Wissen, Fertigkeiten und Strategien - formuliert.

  • af Rebecca Voss
    282,95 kr.

    "Bring 'em back! Bring 'em back!"Calvin Edwards awoke to his wife crying out in her sleep. He was unsure which hurt worse, the situation or his wife's pain. Either way it had been a long, painful six months since their two daughters had been stolen. The word "kidnapped" just didn't fit this situation, he thought to himself, as he reached out to hold his crying wife.As Christians they turn to their faith, family, and friends as they cope with their loss and move on with their lives, without losing hope that they will someday be made whole. For Amanda this is a day to day, sometimes, moment to moment struggle to hold on to her faith and sanity. Although Calvin is Amanda's best source of earthly strength, even he is occasionally overcome by their loss.Through their trials, God blesses them with old and new friends like Ronnie and Laurinda. When Ronnie and Laurinda take a journey to Ronnie's hometown what Laurinda thinks she saw on the way, could change the Edward's lives forever.

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