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  • - Selection of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Sayings from the Most Authentic Hadith Books
    af Recep Dogan
    232,95 kr.

    Hadith is the second source of Islam and it covers the Prophet's every act, word, and confirmation and as well as his physical descriptions. The science of hadith deals with Prophet Muhammad's life and intends to explain based on certain methodology and key concepts. The scholars in the field of hadith have undertaken painstaking efforts to verify the authenticity of hadith and developed hadith sciences and terminological concepts in this field. However, understanding the prophetic traditions based on methodology of hadith is not covered much in English language. Furthermore, hadith studies written in English which combine both traditional and contemporary approaches are very few. Therefore, I tried answer the need in this area by combining both traditional and contemporary approaches on the selected hadiths of important topics. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is the exemplary role model for all human beings, especially, for Muslims. In order to live Islam in its best way possible Muslims must know the life, words and teachings of the Prophet. Because, it is one of the primary sources of Islam. Allah bestowed upon the Prophet the interpretation of al-Qur'an for the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is composed of statement and action, it is derived from the Book of Allah, and is indicative of its meaning. Hadith, its plural form ahādīth, is a main source to learn Islam directly from the Prophet in its pure form. Although Prophet Muhammad addressed every aspect of life by his words, acts and conformation I could not take all ahādīth in this book for it requires very voluminous works. Thus, I chose hadiths on the most important topics which are most relevant to contemporary Muslims. Instead of making this book many volumes I restricted it to one volume to make it easy and handy for readers.

  • af Recep Dogan
    232,95 kr.

    Islam aims to bring happiness to the lives of human beings in this world and the afterlife by providing them with the most suitable lifestyle for the human condition. Islam is not imposed on individuals; it is practiced by the free will of human kind, and therefore leaves people free and respects their decisions. The religion of Islam has two main categories: the theological and the practical. Kalām, the theoretical aspect, is the belief system. Worship and life make up the practical aspect. Worship includes purification (wudu), the five daily prayers (salah), charity (zakat), fasting (sawm), pilgrimage (hajj) and similar activities. Life, is applying the religion to every aspect of human existence; individual, family, society and so on. This book focuses on worship and its relevant topics. To be able to perform sound and healthy worship, a Muslim must have an accurate knowledge of the religion. Islamic religion is a set of rules conveyed by Allah to human beings through messengers. Allah revealed Islam through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) giving Muslims two main sources from which to learn their duties and worship: the Qur'an and Sunnah (the behavior and words of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In order to worship in the most authentic way, a Muslim must know both the Qur'an and Sunnah. Understanding the Qur'an and Sunnah has such an importance in Islam that prominent scholars with exemplary knowledge such as Abū Ḫanīfa (699-767 CE / 80-148 AH), Mālik (c. 711-795 CE / 93-179 AH), Shāfi (767-820 CE / 150-204 AH) and Aḫmad bin Hanbal (780-855 CE / 164-241 AH), established law schools enabling ordinary Muslims to practice Islam correctly in their daily lives by following their instruction.This book addresses the topic of worship from the perspective of the Ḫanafī School of Thought and explains the evidence for their rulings from the Qur'an, Sunnah and other sources. Since the emergence of the Ḫanafī School of Thought, its scholars have controversially been accused of neglecting the Sunnah and giving legal rulings based on personal opinions. During his life, Abū Ḫanīfa was able to successfully defend his position, proving that he followed the way of the Prophet (pbuh) precisely. This book also presents evidence that the Ḫanafī School of Thought gave rulings based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. If there was more than one piece of evidence for a ruling, they chose the strongest, most authentic evidence from the Sunnah and ruled accordingly. Abū Ḫanīfa belongs to the Kūfa School of Thought which goes all the way back to prominent jurists and Companions such as 'Ali bin Abū Tālib and 'Abdullah ibn Masud. Both of these Companions spent most of their time with the Prophet (pbuh) from the beginning of his prophethood until his death, not only did they witness the practices of Islam at first hand, but also had a deep understanding of the whole religion. When giving a ruling, if there were any conflicting pieces of evidence, Abū Ḫanīfa preferred the narration of a Hadith from these Companions over the others. In this book I have covered the pillars of Islam; the book of purification (wudu), the five daily prayers (ṣalah), charity (zakat), fasting (sawm) and pilgrimage (ḫajj). Before explaining these topics, I have described some concepts that are frequently used in fiqh terminology with the aim of making the topic easier to understand for those who are not familiar with such words.

  • af Recep Dogan
    177,95 kr.

    The journey of humanity started in Paradise first and then continues on Earth. God created human beings in the best form and endowed them with the necessary capacity that enables them to be vicegerents of God. So, humankind is destined to act behalf on God; to provide justice and contribute to harmony among the creatures. Fulfilling this responsibility needed divine guidance and continuous support for humankind. God had sent many messengers to different nations in different time segments throughout history. We do not know all the prophets, but some of them are mentioned in the Qur'an. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the final Messenger of God, and the Qur'an is the final revelation to guide humanity to happiness in both this world and the next, by offering them the most suitable lifestyle. In this regard, it is pivotal to know the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), because it provides the proper understanding of the Qur'an. The last revelation was experienced, practiced, and taught by him, so it is not an exaggeration to say that God articulated His last message in the Prophet's life. Therefore, to understand the words of God better, it is essential to learn the life of the Prophet. The Prophet is the best role model for humankind and he represented the best human values in his nature. Discovering the different aspects of his life is indeed discovering the real value of humankind. This will also enlighten us as to why God chose humankind to be his vicegerent on Earth. He explained the meaning of this universe and introduced our Creator with His names and attributes. If we know God in His true sense, it is because of the Prophet Muhammad. Similarly, if we know how to be perfect man and represent the universal values, it is again through His exemplary life. All of humanity is in great debt to him, regarding learning the meaning of their life on Earth and achieving the happiness in both worlds. In this work, we tried to show his exemplary life, so that people can follow his way and find solutions for all kinds of problems. In this book, I discovered the different aspects, dimensions, and praiseworthy characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Through this, I came to the conclusion that it is beneficial to combine Sīrah with the philosophy behind it, so I have attempted to do so in this humble work.

  • af Recep Dogan
    1.043,95 kr.

    This book analyzes how the Justice and Development Party (AKP) - the ruling political Islamists of Turkey - uses the doctrine of necessity to legitimize human rights violations, and demand unconditional obedience and full control of the state.

  • af Recep Dogan
    969,95 - 971,95 kr.

    This book explores the struggle and differences between the current governmental power, the AKP, and the Gulen movement, the leading civic Islamic movement, in Turkey.

  • - The Sciences and Methodology of the Qur'an
    af Recep Dogan
    197,95 kr.

    This valuable work on the methodology of exegesis by Dr. Recep Dogan will serve as an important source of future works in the field. With his expertise in the history and exegesis of the Quran, as well as his familiarity and comprehensive understanding of Islamic disciplines, Dr. Dogan has managed to combine both classical and modern acquis. Presenting a variety of different approaches, Dr. Dogan also offers a broad range of Western approaches in reading the Quran.

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