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  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    582,95 kr.

    In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, one architectural paradigm has risen to the forefront, promising unprecedented flexibility, scalability, and integration capabilities: microservices. The transition from monolithic mainframe applications to microservices has become a pivotal milestone for organizations seeking to thrive in the digital age."Microservices: Decomposing Monolithic Mainframe Applications" is a book that delves into the heart of this transformative journey. It's a guide for those who dare to break free from the constraints of outdated, monolithic systems and embrace the future of software architecture.In the following pages, we will embark on a voyage through the intricacies of microservices, discovering how they empower organizations to develop, scale, and integrate their applications like never before. We'll explore the principles that underpin the microservices architecture and the symbiotic relationship it shares with containerization technologies.Decomposing a monolithic mainframe application is no small feat. It requires a strategic approach and careful consideration. This book will help you assess your monolith, identify microservices boundaries, and adopt effective strategies for a seamless transition.Containerization plays a pivotal role in the microservices ecosystem, enabling deployment, scaling, and management with ease. We'll dive into containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes, unveiling their benefits and how they mesh seamlessly with the microservices architecture.Effective communication and API design are the lifeblood of microservices. We'll explore best practices for designing APIs, choosing communication protocols, and managing service discovery. You'll learn how to optimize data exchange and serialization for a robust microservices ecosystem.Scalability and resilience are key aspects of microservices. We'll cover horizontal and vertical scaling, load balancing, and fault tolerance strategies, ensuring that your microservices can handle both routine traffic and unexpected challenges.DevOps and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices are essential for managing the dynamic nature of microservices. This book will shed light on DevOps culture, infrastructure as code, and testing and monitoring strategies that can help you maintain a healthy microservices environment.Security and compliance are paramount in the world of microservices, especially in the face of increased data breaches and regulations. You'll gain insights into securing your microservices, handling authentication, authorization, and data protection, all while ensuring compliance with relevant standards.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    577,95 kr.

    In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, where the old meets the new, a quiet revolution is taking place in the heart of our data-driven enterprises. Mainframes, the sturdy workhorses that have powered critical business operations for decades, are embracing the future through RESTful APIs.Welcome to "Mainframe REST: Bridging Legacy Power with Modern Agility." This book is your gateway to a transformational journey where we explore the fusion of Mainframes with the world of REST APIs, unlocking new possibilities and potential for your organization.In this era of digital transformation, organizations are faced with the challenge of harmonizing their time-tested Mainframe systems with the nimbleness and flexibility demanded by modern software architectures. REST APIs, with their simplicity and ubiquity, offer an elegant solution. They provide a standardized way for diverse systems to communicate, enabling Mainframes to seamlessly integrate with web and mobile applications, cloud services, and more.This book serves as your comprehensive guide, starting with the fundamentals and progressively delving into the intricacies of building, securing, and optimizing RESTful services on Mainframes. Whether you're a seasoned Mainframe professional seeking to modernize your skill set or a developer looking to harness the power of Mainframe data, you'll find valuable insights and practical knowledge within these pages.Through real-world examples, best practices, and hands-on guidance, we'll explore how Mainframes and REST APIs can work together harmoniously. From data serialization to error handling, from security considerations to performance optimization, we've got you covered.Additionally, this book isn't just about the present; it's about the future. We'll peek into emerging trends and technologies that are reshaping the Mainframe landscape, ensuring that your knowledge remains relevant in the ever-changing IT world.So, whether you're embarking on a journey to modernize your organization's Mainframe infrastructure or you're simply curious about the convergence of tradition and innovation, this book is your trusted companion. It's time to unleash the full potential of your Mainframes and embrace the era of Mainframe REST.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    587,95 kr.

    In the ever-evolving world of technology, few entities have stood the test of time as steadfastly as the mainframe. These powerful computing behemoths have been the backbone of industries across the globe for decades, processing vast amounts of data securely and efficiently. Yet, as the digital landscape undergoes rapid transformation, the role and relevance of mainframes have come under scrutiny.The call for innovation, agility, and adaptability has never been louder. Modern businesses demand speed and flexibility that traditional mainframe environments often struggle to provide. Yet, a vast majority of the world's critical business data and applications still reside on these systems. This has created a pressing need-a need to bridge the gap between the reliability and robustness of the past and the dynamism of the present."Bridging the Gap:" Strategies for Successful Mainframe Modernization" is a response to this very need. This book isn't just a theoretical exercise; it's a pragmatic guide, distilled from real-world experiences, expert insights, and tangible case studies. It seeks to help enterprises and IT professionals navigate the complex journey of modernizing their mainframe infrastructure, without compromising on its inherent strengths.Throughout this guide, we delve deep into the challenges and opportunities presented by mainframe modernization. We explore various strategies, tools, and technologies that can aid in this transition. Whether you're looking to re-host, re-platform, re-engineer, replace, or even adopt a hybrid model, you'll find insights tailored to your unique needs.The aim is not to abandon the mainframe but to augment it. To make it more aligned with today's business needs. To harness its potential in new and innovative ways. To ensure that as the world moves forward, the mainframe isn't left behind, but rather, continues to be a foundational pillar of our digital future.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    582,95 kr.

    In the tech-centric world of today, where agile startups and cutting-edge technologies capture headlines, the mention of 'mainframes' often evokes nostalgic memories of large, room-filling machines with spinning tapes. Yet, these iconic symbols of early computing are far from extinct. In fact, the mainframe is deeply embedded in the foundational infrastructure of numerous global organizations, silently powering critical applications from banking to aviation."Mainframe Reimagined: Harnessing the Power of Legacy Systems in the Digital Age" is not merely a homage to these enduring giants of the computing world. Rather, it's a journey into understanding their persistent relevance, their adaptability, and the vast potential they offer for innovation.Modernizing the mainframe is not about relegating it to the annals of history. On the contrary, it's about evolving and integrating these systems into the rapidly advancing digital landscape of the 21st century. As you delve into the chapters that follow, you will discover that the mainframe's story is one of resilience, innovation, and untapped potential.Why modernize? That's a question we address at length. There's a compelling business case, of course-cost savings, increased efficiency, and improved scalability, to name a few. But beyond the numbers, there's a strategic imperative for organizations to remain agile and competitive in a constantly evolving technological landscape.This book will illuminate the modernization strategies available, offering insights into their benefits and challenges. By showcasing real-world case studies, we aim to provide a tangible and relatable understanding of how companies have successfully navigated their modernization journeys. Furthermore, in recognizing the importance of security and the rapid growth of emerging technologies, we delve deep into how mainframes can adapt and thrive in these new paradigms.For professionals who cut their teeth on mainframe technologies, this book will offer a fresh perspective on a familiar friend. For the newer generation of tech enthusiasts, it's an invitation to explore and appreciate the depth, complexity, and potential that mainframes bring to our digital age.As we stand on the brink of another technological renaissance, it is essential to not only look forward but also to recognize and leverage the power of what we've built in the past. It is our hope that by the end of this book, you'll not only view mainframes with renewed respect but also with excitement for the future possibilities they present.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    587,95 kr.

    Welcome to "Embracing Modernity: A Comprehensive Guide to Mainframe Containerization." This book is designed as a comprehensive journey that will guide you from understanding the basic concepts of mainframes and containerization to the complexities of implementing and managing containers in a mainframe environment.Mainframes have been the cornerstone of the business world for many years, powering most of the critical operations in sectors such as banking, healthcare, and transportation. However, in an increasingly digital and agile world, there is a growing need for these systems to be more flexible, scalable, and compatible with modern application development and deployment practices.Containerization represents a technological breakthrough that addresses these needs. By encapsulating applications in isolated user spaces known as containers, it allows for a level of portability, simplicity, and efficiency that was previously unattainable.Despite the clear benefits, the path to integrating containerization into mainframe systems is not without its challenges. Many organizations struggle with understanding the best practices, tools, and methodologies to achieve this integration smoothly and effectively.This book aims to address these challenges head-on. We explore the inner workings of both mainframes and containerization before delving into their intersection. We also offer a detailed overview of the tools and platforms central to mainframe containerization, such as Docker and Kubernetes."Embracing Modernity: A Comprehensive Guide to Mainframe Containerization" is more than just a technical manual; it's a roadmap for organizations and individuals looking to usher their mainframes into the modern age. Whether you are a CIO looking to modernize your company's IT infrastructure, a DevOps engineer tasked with implementing containers in a mainframe environment, or an IT student interested in learning about this emerging field, this book is for you.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    582,95 kr.

    In this ever-evolving world of technology, where cloud computing, machine learning, and IoT are the talk of the town, it's easy to forget the stalwarts that keep our digital world running smoothly. Among these unsung heroes of the IT world, the mainframe computer holds a special place. Despite the onset of newer technologies, mainframes continue to be the backbone of many industries, handling a significant portion of the world's business transactions.SOAP, or Simple Object Access Protocol, has been pivotal in allowing mainframes to communicate effectively with the digital universe. By using SOAP, mainframes can provide their robust and reliable services over the network to clients, regardless of the client's platform or language. In an era where interoperability is key, SOAP's role in mainframe architecture is more critical than ever.This book, "Mastering SOAP in Mainframes: A Comprehensive Guide to Web Services in Enterprise Computing," is designed to illuminate the essential role of SOAP in mainframe environments. The aim is to provide a practical guide to professionals who are working, or aspiring to work, with mainframe SOAP services. From basic concepts to advanced topics, this book covers a broad spectrum of knowledge, intended to help you navigate through the intricacies of SOAP in mainframe environments.The book begins with an introduction to mainframes and SOAP, providing the necessary foundation for later chapters. It then delves into the specifics of SOAP in the mainframe world, discussing configuration, implementation, and testing of SOAP services. Later sections focus on managing, monitoring, and ensuring the security of these services. Advanced topics and future trends are also covered, offering a forward-looking perspective on SOAP's role in mainframe computing.Throughout the book, emphasis has been laid on practical, real-world scenarios. Case studies illustrate the theory in practice, providing a bridge between abstract concepts and their tangible applications.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    587,95 kr.

    The world of technology is constantly evolving and, with it, so are the methodologies that guide how we develop and manage these technological advancements. Agile methodologies have taken the software development world by storm, offering flexible and efficient ways to handle complex projects in a rapidly changing environment. Yet, there has been a conspicuous gap in the application of Agile methodologies to one particular area of technology - mainframes.Mainframes are the bedrock of global IT infrastructure. They process 30 billion transactions per day, including 90% of all credit card transactions. They host the core business systems of 71% of global Fortune 500 companies. Despite their widespread use and critical importance, mainframes have, until recently, been untouched by many of the advancements in software development methodologies. In many organizations, mainframe systems development continues to follow the classic Waterfall model, which is often perceived as a safer and more reliable approach.This book, "Agile Ascendancy: Modernizing Mainframe Development," seeks to bridge the gap between the world of Agile methodologies and mainframes. It is designed as a guide to help mainframe professionals understand and implement Agile methodologies, even within the constraints that mainframe environments might impose.The journey to Agile transformation is not an easy one, particularly in an environment as unique and complex as mainframes. Yet, it is a journey worth embarking on, for the benefits of Agile methodologies are as applicable to mainframes as they are to any other area of software development. This book seeks to take you on that journey, providing guidance, insights, tools, and real-life case studies to help illuminate the path.From introducing the Agile principles to delving into specifics of implementing Agile on mainframes, this book aims to be a comprehensive guide for both novices and experienced professionals in the Agile and mainframe space. It covers a wide range of topics, from cultural changes, process transformations, and technical adaptations, providing a holistic view of the Agile transformation process.Whether you're a project manager, a developer, a business analyst, a tester, or an executive, this book has something for you. It is designed to be a roadmap, a toolkit, and a source of inspiration as you undertake the transformation towards Agile in your mainframe environment.Join us in this journey towards modernizing mainframe development and uncovering the latent potential of Agile methodologies in transforming the way we manage and develop our most critical business systems.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    582,95 kr.

    The mainframe - a powerful, resilient, and secure computing platform - is at the heart of many global businesses, handling immense volumes of transactions daily. However, in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, maintaining efficiency and competitiveness requires modernization. This imperative has brought continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices into the limelight, extending even to the world of mainframes.This book, "Modernizing Mainframes: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)", is designed to bridge the gap between traditional mainframe operations and the accelerating world of DevOps. It provides the readers with an understanding of how they can bring the speed and agility of CI/CD into their mainframe environments without compromising on the security, stability, and scalability that mainframes offer.Written with a diverse audience in mind, this book aims to assist IT professionals, DevOps engineers, mainframe experts, and decision-makers as they navigate the transformation journey. By combining comprehensive theoretical knowledge, practical steps, real-life examples, and future trends, it provides a foundation to implement, adapt, and optimize CI/CD practices in mainframe environments.The book begins with a review of the basics of mainframes and CI/CD, setting the stage for the detailed discussions that follow. It then delves into the specific challenges and benefits of implementing CI/CD in a mainframe environment. The middle chapters provide a roadmap for implementing CI/CD, including details about various tools, steps, and best practices. Case studies are provided to illustrate real-world applications of the concepts presented. The book concludes with a look at future trends, anticipating the trajectory of mainframe CI/CD practices."Modernizing Mainframes" does not promise a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, it encourages readers to understand the unique aspects of their own mainframe environments and align them with the best practices in CI/CD. We hope this book serves as a trusted guide in your journey towards a more agile, efficient, and future-ready mainframe environment.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    582,95 kr.

    As we dive into the digital era, businesses are racing to transform their IT infrastructure to keep pace with the growing demands of the interconnected world. Mainframe systems, a stalwart of the computing world, are not an exception to this transformation. They have and continue to play a critical role in our everyday lives - powering key sectors like finance, healthcare, transportation, and even our government.While mainframes are renowned for their unparalleled processing power, scalability, and resilience, they alone are not enough to bridge the gap between the burgeoning technological demands and the decades-old legacy systems. This is where middleware, the unsung hero of mainframe computing, comes into play.Middleware, as the name suggests, sits in the middle, serving as a connective layer between various software applications and operating systems. This invisible glue in mainframe systems is an enabler - facilitating communication, ensuring seamless integration, and enhancing security. Yet, despite its pivotal role, middleware often remains underappreciated and misunderstood.This book " Connecting Giants: Unveiling the World of Mainframe Middleware" seeks to shed light on the complex world of middleware in mainframe environments. It covers the historical context, fundamental concepts, different types, applications, and the future of mainframe middleware. The book also includes detailed discussions on middleware protocols, standards, security considerations, and the exciting potential of cloud integration.Whether you are a seasoned IT professional, a student diving into the world of mainframe computing, or a curious onlooker, this book aims to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of mainframe middleware. It is designed to be both a guide for the uninitiated and a reference for the experienced.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    582,95 kr.

    The term 'mainframe' may evoke images of colossal machines from the mid-20th century, lurking in massive, chilly rooms and requiring complex, obscure commands to operate. But in the modern world, mainframes are more vital than ever, powering crucial operations in banking, healthcare, insurance, retail, and many more industries. Yet, their power remains somewhat shrouded in mystery, often due to a lack of contemporary, accessible interfaces to interact with these powerful systems.This is where Zowe comes into the picture.Zowe, an open-source software framework, aims to bridge this gap and provide a user-friendly approach to interacting with mainframes. Whether it's through a Command Line Interface (CLI), APIs, or a graphical interface, Zowe opens the door to a new generation of mainframe professionals by giving them the tools they are familiar with.The aim of this book, "Mastering Zowe: A Comprehensive Guide to Mainframe Modernization", is to offer a detailed yet easy-to-understand guide to getting started with Zowe and making the most of its impressive capabilities. From setting up Zowe and understanding its components, to securing your Zowe deployments and troubleshooting common issues, this book will serve as a comprehensive resource.This book has been designed to cater to a broad range of readers - whether you're a student looking to understand Zowe for a project, a developer new to mainframes, or a seasoned mainframe professional interested in modernization techniques.Mainframe modernization is a journey, not a destination. It requires both the willingness to adapt to new methods and the patience to navigate challenges. The mainframe ecosystem is constantly evolving, and so is Zowe. It is the readers' ability to adapt and grow with these changes that will define their success.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    582,95 kr.

    This book, "Harnessing Mainframe Databases: Strategies for Modern Data Management," was born out of the need for a comprehensive and up-to-date resource on mainframe databases. It is intended to help both novices and seasoned IT professionals navigate the complex landscape of these unique data systems.Starting with an introduction to the world of mainframes and their databases, we delve into the intricate details of their architecture, data management, and performance optimization. We dedicate substantial sections to explore key technologies, such as IMS, DB2, VSAM, and IDMS, among others. The aim is not only to understand these systems but also to get hands-on with their practical aspects, including security, data integration, and ETL processes.The book also looks ahead, shedding light on the future of mainframe databases in the context of Big Data and other emerging trends. We tackle the challenges and opportunities of modernizing mainframe databases, offering pragmatic solutions for ensuring their longevity and continued relevance.In-depth case studies provide real-world context and practical applications of the principles discussed. These examples serve to highlight the diverse sectors where mainframe databases continue to thrive - from banking to healthcare, government institutions, and beyond.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    587,95 kr.

    "Mainframe Transaction Processing: Principles, Practices, and Paradigms" aims to provide readers a comprehensive guide to the world of mainframe transaction processing. The aim is to shed light on the crucial role that mainframes play in modern businesses and industries and to unravel the complexity of transaction processing systems.The book is designed to be informative for a wide range of readers. It provides a fundamental understanding for beginners and simultaneously delves into advanced concepts for seasoned professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge.The initial chapters introduce mainframes and transaction processing, offering historical context and an overview of their modern applications. Subsequent chapters provide a deeper dive into the operating systems, databases, and programming languages relevant to mainframe transaction processing.An entire section is dedicated to the architecture and lifecycle of transaction processing, discussing the security considerations and performance optimization techniques. The book does not shy away from discussing the future of mainframes, addressing emerging trends and how they are likely to shape transaction processing systems.One of the unique aspects of this book is its focus on practical application. Real-world case studies are included to demonstrate the power and potential of mainframe transaction processing. The aim is to go beyond theory, illustrating how mainframes are used in real-world scenarios, driving some of the world's largest and most successful organizations.As you journey through this book, it is my hope that you will gain a comprehensive understanding of mainframe transaction processing. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a curious individual, I hope this book will deepen your understanding, spark your interest, and fuel your passion for the fascinating world of mainframes.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    792,95 kr.

    The world of computing has undergone several paradigm shifts since the dawn of the digital age. Mainframes, once the backbone of the computing industry, have been challenged by emerging technologies and platforms such as personal computers, servers, cloud computing, and edge computing. This book, "Mainframes vs Other Platforms: A Pragmatic View," is a comprehensive guide to understanding and comparing the various computing platforms, their evolution, strengths, limitations, and their respective roles in modern computing ecosystems.The purpose of this book is to provide readers with a clear understanding of mainframes and other platforms, enabling them to make informed decisions when selecting the right computing solution for their organization. This book caters to a wide range of readers, from IT professionals and managers to students and enthusiasts who want to learn more about the world of computing platforms.Throughout the book, we will explore the historical context of mainframes and other platforms, delve into their architectures and components, compare performance and cost considerations, and discuss how to select the right platform based on specific business requirements. We will also look at real-world case studies that demonstrate successful implementations, migrations, and hybrid solutions. Finally, we will examine the future of mainframes and other platforms, considering emerging technologies and their impact on the computing landscape.By the end of this book, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the key factors to consider when choosing between mainframes and other platforms. With this knowledge, you will be better equipped to determine the most appropriate computing solution for your organization, and to envision and navigate the ever-evolving landscape of computing technology.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    457,95 kr.

    The mainframe has long been the backbone of the computing world, powering critical applications in various industries, including finance, healthcare, government, and transportation. Its unmatched reliability, scalability, and performance have made it a trusted solution for managing vast amounts of data and complex transactions. Despite the emergence of new technologies, the mainframe continues to hold a significant position in the IT landscape.However, with the increasing reliance on technology and the ever-evolving threat landscape, mainframe cybersecurity has become a critical concern for organizations. This book, "Mainframe Cybersecurity: A Comprehensive Guide," aims to provide a detailed understanding of mainframe security principles, best practices, and methodologies to protect these vital systems from potential threats and vulnerabilities.Our primary goal is to provide a valuable resource for IT professionals, security practitioners, mainframe administrators, and developers seeking to strengthen their knowledge of mainframe security. Whether you are new to the world of mainframes or an experienced professional, this book will serve as a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the complexities of securing mainframe environments.We hope that this book not only enhances your understanding of mainframe cybersecurity but also serves as a practical guide for implementing effective security measures to protect your organization's mainframe assets. As you progress through the chapters, we encourage you to apply the concepts and strategies discussed to your specific mainframe environment, keeping in mind the unique challenges and opportunities that it presents.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    452,95 kr.

    Mainframe architecture represents a key milestone in the evolution of computing. It is the foundation of the modern computing infrastructure that powers the business and technological landscape today. This architecture has revolutionized the way we store, process, and manage data, enabling organizations to handle large amounts of information and perform complex operations with ease.This book provides a comprehensive overview of the mainframe architecture, covering its history, development, and modern-day applications. It explores the technical details of mainframe computing, including hardware and software components, input and output devices, storage systems, and network connectivity.The book also discusses the key benefits and challenges associated with mainframe computing, including its reliability, scalability, and security features. It provides valuable insights into the mainframe's role in modern-day business operations, including banking, healthcare, government, and manufacturing, and its potential for future technological advancements.Whether you are an IT professional, a student, or simply someone interested in the evolution of computing, this book is an essential resource for understanding mainframe architecture and its impact on the modern-day computing landscape.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    452,95 kr.

    Mainframe storage has been the backbone of large organizations for several decades, providing a robust, reliable, and secure foundation for data management and processing. As the volume of data generated by businesses continues to grow exponentially, the importance of mainframe storage in managing and protecting critical information has only increased. This book aims to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding, implementing, and optimizing mainframe storage systems in the modern era.In the age of cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence, mainframe storage remains a crucial component of the IT infrastructure for many enterprises. Despite the rapid evolution of technology, mainframes continue to offer unparalleled performance, scalability, and security for mission-critical applications. As such, it is essential for IT professionals, data center managers, and decision-makers to have a deep understanding of mainframe storage technologies and best practices.This book serves as both an introduction for newcomers and a reference for experienced professionals, covering a wide range of topics related to mainframe storage. We will explore the history, architecture, and various types of storage devices used in mainframe systems. Additionally, we will delve into storage management techniques, performance optimization, security, and disaster recovery.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    582,95 kr.

    Mainframe systems programming is a critical field that requires a deep understanding of the underlying hardware, operating systems, and software components that comprise mainframe computer systems. Mainframes are still widely used in many industries, particularly in finance, healthcare, and government, where they offer unparalleled processing power, reliability, and security. As a mainframe systems programmer, you will be responsible for configuring, optimizing, and maintaining the mainframe system's hardware and software to ensure it runs efficiently and effectively. This involves a range of tasks, including installing and configuring software, managing system resources, monitoring system performance, and resolving any issues that arise. This book aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to mainframe systems programming, covering the fundamental concepts, tools, and techniques required to work with these complex systems. Whether you are a seasoned programmer looking to expand your skillset or a newcomer to the field, this book will provide you with the knowledge you need to become an effective mainframe systems programmer. Throughout the book, we will cover a range of topics, including mainframe hardware architecture, operating system fundamentals, system programming languages and tools, and techniques for troubleshooting and performance tuning. We will also explore emerging trends and technologies in the field, such as virtualization and cloud computing. Ultimately, our goal with this book is to provide you with a solid foundation in mainframe systems programming that will enable you to tackle complex projects and effectively manage mainframe systems in a professional setting. We hope you find this book informative, engaging, and useful as you embark on your journey into the exciting world of mainframe systems programming.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    457,95 kr.

    In the world of computing, mainframe computers play a crucial role in running the most important and mission-critical systems that power our society. These machines, with their unparalleled reliability and processing power, have been a staple of enterprise computing for decades, and continue to be an essential part of many large organizations.However, operating a mainframe is a complex and challenging task that requires specialized knowledge and skills. The mainframe environment is unique, with its own set of tools, interfaces, and protocols. In order to manage and maintain these systems effectively, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of mainframe operations.This book is a comprehensive guide to mainframe operations, designed for both novice and experienced operators. It covers the fundamentals of mainframe computing, including hardware architecture, system software, and data management. It also provides practical advice and best practices for tasks such as system monitoring, performance tuning, and disaster recovery.Throughout this book, readers will gain a deep understanding of the intricacies of mainframe operations, and develop the skills needed to manage these powerful machines with confidence. Whether you are a new mainframe operator looking to learn the ropes, or a seasoned professional seeking to enhance your knowledge, this book will be an invaluable resource.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    457,95 kr.

    Mainframes have been a critical part of enterprise IT infrastructure for many years, and they continue to play a vital role in today's digital landscape. As enterprises modernize their IT environments, the role of mainframes in supporting mission-critical workloads remains as important as ever.Mainframe networking is a complex and challenging field, and many IT professionals find it difficult to keep up with the latest trends and best practices. This book aims to provide a comprehensive guide to mainframe networking, covering everything from the basics of networking protocols and hardware to advanced topics such as network security, performance optimization, and integration with modern systems.This book is intended for mainframe network administrators, network architects, IT managers, and anyone who is interested in mainframe networking. We assume that readers have a basic understanding of mainframe systems and networking concepts, but we try to explain technical terms and concepts in a clear and accessible manner.

  • af Ricardo Nuqui
    207,95 kr.

    Mainframe computing has been a cornerstone of the IT industry for over half a century. While newer technologies have emerged over the years, the mainframe continues to play a vital role in many industries, handling mission-critical operations and large-scale transaction processing with unmatched reliability and efficiency.This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of mainframe computing, covering its history, architecture, operating systems, databases, programming languages, and applications. We will explore the unique features and benefits of mainframes, as well as the challenges and opportunities they present in the modern IT landscape.Our goal is to provide a comprehensive guide for both experienced mainframe professionals and newcomers to the field, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to work effectively with mainframe systems and applications. We will also look at emerging trends and technologies in mainframe computing, providing insights into the future of this essential technology.Whether you are a seasoned mainframe professional or new to the field, we hope that this book will provide you with valuable insights into the world of mainframe computing and equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to be successful.

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