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  • - Predator
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    502,95 kr.

    Introduction Stardate: 2374-08-24. We have so far, once again still have a lot of enemies out here. That is dodging nearly all those Waring races of Aliens, including the Lycanion's Predator class warships, which were sent to destroy us, or capture us. Now we have made some new friends, and we have acquired upgrades, to the Sumara's defensive capabilities. We are wanted as outlaws, by the Lycanion Empire, for saving innocent lives, who would have suffered a horrible ending to their lives, at the hands of the Lycanions. The Grogans and the Lycanions, had a bounty on us for an astronomical amount of credits, for the capture of our stealth and laser technology. We are once again forced to keep moving through this Universe, with only the Warship Sumara to get us all home; so has to be with our families, once more. I was originally assigned to the Warship Sumara, because they wanted a Commander who would uphold the peace, and to carry that peace to other worlds, where no human has ever gone before. Someone who could deal with the diplomacy, and the Communications, of Alien races. Presently we are running in stealth at Warp ten, still looking to find a faster way home. It will still take us at warp ten, well over 171 years, to reach the Andromeda Galaxy. We had to find a faster way home, and we were determined to get home. Maybe the answers were out here, for us to find. Once again, my name is Commander Richard Alexander, and these are my Journals, aboard the Warship Sumara.

  • - Outlaws
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    682,95 kr.

    Introduction Stardate: 2374-01-23. We have so far, made a lot of enemies out here. In an unknown territory. That is dodging nearly all the Waring races of Aliens, within the Argonnian universe. Along the way, we have made some new friends, and we have met a race of beings, that have the technology, as superior as our own; but have not the forces to fight back, only to protect its own. Because of the bounty on our heads, we are forced to keep moving, through this Universe, with only the Warship Sumara, to get us all home once more. That being said, I could only hope, as with the rest of my crew. that it would be in our own lifetime, so we can be with our families. We were now being hunted by what is called the Predator, a Warship of the Lycanions. It had the superiority, of our technology, in which had nearly destroyed the Sumara. I know now that there is something far more dangerous out here, and we needed help. I was originally assigned to the Warship Sumara, because they wanted a Commander who would uphold the peace, and to carry that peace to other worlds, where no human has ever gone before. Someone who could deal with the diplomacy, and the communications, of Alien races. Presently we are running in stealth at warp ten, through more of the Grogan known Galaxies. We had to find a faster way home, and that would not be so easy, out here within the Argonnian Universe, for we are now wanted, as Outlaws. Once again, my name is Commander Richard Alexander, and these are my Journals, aboard the Warship Sumara.

  • - Volume III A final chapter
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    572,95 kr.

    Stardate: 2026-07-21........ 6 years after the finding of a World called Arcanus II, within the Exterio system, and once again one of the Oldest they say. Our new lives had taken us from a lost and unforgiving World, filled with Cannibals, and Ancient deserted cities, of a great race that once formally lived there, on the legendary lost world of Arcana. Elizabeth and I started off as strangers on earth, and found ourselves out into a future world of what we could not have ever imagined. The humans who were abducted throughout earth's history were taken by an Alien race known as the Dragonnions. They took humans from earth, and turned them into slaves. They were the greatest enemy in the Universe. The human slaves that they took, brought the common cold with them to their world, killing all of the Dragonnions on the fringes of the exterio system. The humans took immediate control of the technology that was now theirs, and used to build their World of safety, and their empire, the Arcanian Empire. Afterwards they left their World because of a new outbreak, called the Logarian flu. It would turn the dead into Zombies, and others into beast like Cannibals. We had now enjoyed our year off on shore leave on Arcana II, for it was our new home now. We were all waiting for the Arcanian commission to approve our return, back to our ship, and that day had finally arrived, that the modifications to the Myth, was finally finished. This is our story of what became of Elizabeth and me; two humans from earth, who had found a flying Saucer, at the edge of an Unforgiving Universe. My name is Captain Richards, of the legendary Myth.

  • - The Orakian Wars
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    782,95 kr.

    The Legend We had found a Black hole that would send us over 200 million light years from our present location, just to find the Orak. Once we had survived the trip into the Black hole, only to finally end up on the other side of a Rogue expanse, known as the Orakian Dominion, a place not for the sane, or beings of light. We had saved a young women, a female human called Lauryn, from an alternate realm, by an evil race called the Orak. A merciless, race of Savages, for they were the tyrants of her reality, and of this reality that we were presently in. At the time when we had saved Lauryn, we had heard from her captors, who were called Reavers. We had overheard them talking to one another, about certain rumors of the Orak. One of them had spoken up saying that they were the rulers of their Universe. Elizabeth and I had decided in that moment, to stay and fight alongside of the rest of our crew, in order to save what little there was left of humanity, within this realm, an alternate reality. Here, Slavery and Cannibalism had a home once again, and it was a place called Maldoom. I had asked Serena in navigation to find us the closest earth type World with a colony on it, so that we could determine to where we were. We had now exited Slipstream, on approach to a Desert World called Karo, a strange new World. These are the continuing Stories of our journey home, to a tiny blue planet called earth. Elizabeth and I were just two humans from that tiny planet, from the 21st Century. We had as well found one another accidentally, and a Dragonnion Saucer ship at the edge of our own unforgiving Universe, upon a lost alien World. Captain Rick Richards

  • - Salvation
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    677,95 kr.

    Introduction We had once again destroyed the Vermillions Homeworld, to hopefully end an evil race of Cannibalistic creatures to whom were bent on consumption, and Domination in another parallel Universe to our own. The Vermillions were far worse than the Wamparians ever were, or even the Glarkoneons. There were many civilians to whom we had saved along the way, bringing the many back to an unknown World. To the many, that knew not of this world, in which Elizabeth and I knew about, called Kepler 22-b. We had brought many, sentient beings to this World, for their safety from the Wamparians, Vermillions, and the many others who would enslave, or eat them for nourishment. We had now once again, using the Quantum drive engines, tried to make another attempt to return us back to our own reality. We had failed once again, finding ourselves within another parallel Universe. Where earth was nothing more than a Dead World, once again. We were definitely that pivotal point, within the timeline. Just enough to change, or redirect the timeline itself, within those realities. Elizabeth and I were just two humans from a tiny planet called earth, in the 21st Century. We had found one another and a Dragonnion Saucer ship at the edge of our own, unforgiving Universe. We were still searching for a way home. These are the continuing logs of our journey home, to a tiny blue World in which we called earth. We had finally arrived, in the year of Tranquility, within the Great City called Genesis, inside the Milkyway Galaxy..... The year is 3001 A.D. Captain Rick Richards

  • - Stardate: 2020-03-27
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    682,95 kr.

    Introduction Stardate: 2020-03-27........ 4 years after the finding of a World called Arcanus II, within the Exterio system, one of the oldest they say. Two unlikely souls found one another alone in a vast unknown universe. My name was Mr. Richards, a U.f.O specialist hired by the federal Government back when Elizabeth and I were both on earth, and that was over four years ago, to date. Elizabeth and I both vaguely remember those events which brought us out here. Our new lives had taken us from earth, and threw us out onto a lost and unforgiving World, filled with Cannibals, and Ancient deserted cities of a great race that once lived out here, among the stars. We had found a genuine flying Saucer, which was called the Myth. We then left Arcanus II, to go home back to earth, over 14 million light years away. So along the way we had found, and saved a few more, to help us operate the Myth. A Saucer ship, now with a half crew on board. Elizabeth and I started off as strangers on earth, and found ourselves thrusted out into the fringes of an Unknown Universe. The Myth was equipped with experimental Stealth activators, litanium energy shielding, and Anti graviton Oscillating energy fields, as to land the Saucer ship down onto the surface, with a soft landing. We had as well a full complement of extraordinary alien weapons, and technology. Including six fully rotational Sonicion laser cannons. This is the legend of what became of two humans, who had found a flying Saucer, at the edge of an unforgiving Universe. My name is Captain Richards, of the legendary Myth.

  • - A.T.T.W.S. A Time Traveling War Ship
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    682,95 kr.

    Introduction Stardate: 2838-03-27........ 461 years after the finding of a planet called Anarn, which was located in the Anarium system, within the Borun Galaxy, inside of the Argonnian Universe. By a Warship called the Sumara, earth's first interplanetary Warship that had ever been built, to keep the peace between three Universes. My name is Commander Lamora Alexander. My friends who know me, will call me Lamora from time to time. I was assigned to the Nostradamus for a five year mission, because they wanted a Commander who would uphold the peace within these three realms. Someone who could deal with the communications, between many known, and unknown races of Aliens. Humanoids, Vermilions, Corillion parasites, Koranian pirates, and the Shadows. Centuries ago it would take us five years to cross the expanse from one galaxy to another. Now it takes us a day to cross the expanse, between two Universes. You see the design's that they called the engineering sheets for a Quantinaptic Warship, they called the Nostradamus. The sketches were sent to the military back in 2019, to a place they called area 51. They sat on the construction of this ship, for nearly a thousand years. I was taught that a young genius of that time period, by the name of Dr. Richard Panter, Who some claimed, built a Time machine, well he was never found, or seen from again. My crew, to who I was to rendezvous with this afternoon, will be going on its Maiden voyage. I had never been to the Argonnian Universe, this would be my first Command. Commander Lamora Alexander Stardate: 2838-03-27

  • - T.T.W.S-0109
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    572,95 kr.

    Stardate 2431-07-14. Just over two weeks ago, we arrived home on earth, with celebrations of our arrival back to our own time. My journey had really just begun, and after we had arrived back on earth, I had noticed that the Trogans, and the Alorians, Herodians, Nomadians had become part of, the once known, United System of Planets. It was now called, "The United System of Galaxies, for Galactic Peace." The mission of altercation, that I had been on, was successful. Now I was being called to stand in front of the board of twelve to be introduced to them, and for a briefing on my next mission. I was heading down to the transport hubs, to be transported over to the Great Hall of Peace, within the city of New Ottontario. The air smelled fresh as the morning dew. The galaxies were at peace now with one another. The Klags, Wampars, Grogans, Dragmars, Centurions, and the Malsickorians, an evil empire of destruction, Slavery, and cannibalism. They were all destroyed over a million years ago by the legendary Time travelling Warship, called the Amaran Hum. My name is Commander George Alexander, I was to finish the work that my Grandfather had first started, which was to end the reign of Savagery, Cannibalism, and Slavery, out here among the stars, forever. Bringing Justice, and Peace to the Cosmos, where there was none. My name is, Commander George Alexander, and these are my final, Journals.

  • - The Lost Realm
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    572,95 kr.

    These are the continuing adventures of the most advanced time traveling Warship that was ever built, with the cooperation of over a thousand Alien species. They put their Science and technology together, to save Worlds not only for their own, but for other realities, and parallel Worlds, and others that are out there, who would be in need of the Nostradamus, an inter-dimensional time traveling Warship. Stardate: 3125-03-31

  • - The New World
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    682,95 kr.

    Stardate: 2375-02-05. We have crossed back into our own Universe once again, only to find that I had created a Ripple in time, which virtually changed our universe as well. I knew that there would be repercussions from changing the past, and because I gave the Lamorians advanced technology, the Lycanions stole that tech, and then entered our Universe, in order to conquer it, over a hundred years ago. We had found a way to repair the Timeline, by reentering the Argonnian universe, then travelling back a hundred years to change the past, as to alter the future once again. When we arrived, we found that a forth wave of Lycanion ships, hundreds of them came to destroy the Lamorian Homeworld; and steal their tech, just shortly after we had left the first time. The second time we had stopped that wave, thanks to our newest member Karma. We corrected the Timeline, to see if our future would return to the way it was, again. We are currently running in stealth, and heading for earth, at Warp ten. I was originally assigned to the Warship Sumara, because they wanted a Commander who would uphold the peace, and to carry that peace to other Worlds, where no human has ever gone before. Someone who could deal with the diplomacy, and the Communications, of Alien races. Once again, my name is Commander Richard Alexander, and these are my Journals, aboard the Warship Sumara.

  • - The Terranian Legend
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    682,95 kr.

    Stardate: 2376-10-06, log entry 4672. We are still on course for earth, this mission was over, and we had seen the Koranians, a race of Barbaric Cannibalistic Savagery, and what they could do if they ever reached our Universe. We as well stopped along the way, at Anarn, the Homeworld of the Anokian Empire. Once again the good people of Anarn, celebrated the return of the one in which we had saved on Ogla II, called Princess Wanana. She was saved, with two more Sentient beings. One of them was a young Lamorian female. The second was new to all of us, and the Thugolian slave master that owned her like property, had cut her tongue out, to silence her. The question I would be asking, was why? They called her a Terranian, the last of her kind. I hope when she awakes, and we have repaired her a new tongue, she would tell us her story. I am hoping to learn more about this stranger, before reaching earth. I was originally assigned to the Warship Sumara, because the Targonions, an Advanced Alien race wanted a Human Commander, who would uphold the peace, where no human has ever gone before. Someone who could deal with the diplomacy, and the Communications, of Alien races that we would find out here among the cosmos, well beyond the expanse. My name is Commander Richard Alexander, and these are my Journals, I wish to share of my time aboard the Warship Sumara.

  • - The Vermillions
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    572,95 kr.

    Introduction We were attempting once again to return home, using the Quantum drive that our Tanarium engineer Vrogan had created, to return us back to our own reality once again, we failed. We had now found ourselves within another parallel Universe where Arcana II was nothing more than a slave and trade World. Elizabeth and I still believed that there were more to the Wamparians, then we knew. The Wamparians, were once again an evil race of Cannibalistic Waring savages, and Slave traders; that were out here among the stars, and a deceitful race that had to be eliminated... We had decided to be that pivotal point within the timeline's. Just enough to change or redirect the timeline, within that reality for a better future. Elizabeth and I were just two humans from a tiny planet, called earth. We had found one another and a Dragonnion Warship at the edge of our own unforgiving Universe. Now we travel the many Galaxies to parallel Worlds, saving who we can; just to make a difference, so others could have a chance at survival, once again. We were destined to be the salvation for others, which would find ourselves leading a revolution, to change an outcome, for the many possible futures, which would raise the Arcanian Empire to its magnificent glory one day. Within those realities that we had encountered out here among the vastness of space, searching for a way home. This is the continuing logs of our journey home, to earth in the year of tranquility, within the city of Genesis, inside the Milkyway Galaxy..... Earth. The year is 3001.

  • - Destiny
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    797,95 kr.

    Introduction We had entered another Alternate Universe through a Quantum time dispersment, electron tachyon energy wave, within the transverse system. It threw us out into an Alternate reality once again, where the earth was being stripped of its resources, by huge drilling platforms; and all of the humans that once lived on that earth, were no longer there. It was an Alien World now that was once called earth. Elizabeth and I stood there in disbelief that this was once a beautiful World taken by others who would decimate Worlds, with the evilest of intentions. We had now moved on, beyond the Milky way Galaxy, through the Slipstream towards the Homeworld of the Wamparian Empire, within this alternate reality. The Wamparians, were once again an evil race of Cannibalistic Waring savages, and slave traders, that were out here among the cosmos. Elizabeth and I were just two humans from earth, who had found one another, and a Dragonnion Warship, at the edge of an unforgiving Universe. They were destined to be the salvation for others, which would find them leading a revolution, to change an outcome to many possible futures, which would raise the Arcanian Empire to its magnificent glory one day, within those realities that we had entered. We were becoming the legend's that stories were written about, and told to others once again, as their bedtime stories. It's just another adventure, from the Nostradamus files, which were being read in the year 3001, of a Dragonnion Saucer ship called The Myth.

  • - T.T.W.S.- 0110
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    572,95 kr.

    Stardate 2433-07-01. Just over a year ago, we arrived home on earth, with celebrations once again, of our arrival back to our own time. After we had arrived back on earth, with Jenny and Joshua, the wife and son of the infamous Traveller himself, and a member on the board of twelve. I wonder how he managed to have that position, on the board of twelve, and most likely the one who planted the seed, so we could survive what was waiting in the Vastness of space for us. "The United System of Galaxies, for Galactic Peace." Was more than just a name but hope, that the future is ours to hold on too. The mission of altercation, that I had been on, was successful. Now I was being called to stand in front of the board of Twelve, once again, for a briefing on my next mission. I was now, heading down to the transport hubs, to be transported over to the Great Hall of Peace, within the city of New Ottontario. My name is Commander George Alexander, I was to finish the work that my Grandfather had first started, which was to end the reign of Savagery, Cannibalism, and Slavery, out here among the stars, forever, bringing Justice and Peace to the Cosmos, where there was none. Another story, and the final conclusion to this Saga, that has taken over a Million years in its creation, and its conviction for a better future for all. Join me on my final voyage, as the Commander of the Greatest Time Travelling Warship ever to be created, called the Amaran Hum.

  • - The Timeless Continuum
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    797,95 kr.

    Introduction Stardate: 2377-01-17, Log entry 4730........ We are resting on the surface of a star, while regenerating the shields and weapons, on the Sumara. I was using the time to make a decision, about the Corillions. We have seen the Koranians, a race of Barbaric Cannibalistic Savages, and what they could do if they ever reached our Universe. So my mission was clearly understood, has to find the origin of this unholy war. The Corillions were the forefathers of the Koranians. With that understanding I needed to erase the Corillion Empire from existence. What I needed to do is get a Stardate, before all of this carnage had happened, and why they changed. But first I was going to find out more about the ones we had just rescued, for they may hold the map to where we are going, and the key to ending a Million year War. Maybe even locating the Homeworld of the Corillion Empire, wherever it may be. My Science Officer Lamora was telling me that the isotonic electron tachyon wave that has been following us over the last few years, is still out there following us, just like a blimp on the horizon. I was originally assigned to the Warship Sumara, because they wanted a Commander who would uphold the peace, and to carry that peace to other Worlds, where no human has ever gone before. Someone who could deal with the diplomacy, and the Communications, of Alien races, far beyond our own Universe. Once again, my name is Commander Richard Alexander, and these are my final Journals, during my time that I commanded, the Warship Sumara.

  • - Maldoom
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    682,95 kr.

    The Legend: We had found ourselves chasing after several Orakian Warships into a Slipstream, hoping that they were heading us into this Illusive, and Mysterious World of the legendary Orakian Empire, called Maldoom. We had has well managed to transport 31 of their captives before the Orakian Warships had gone into Slipstream within in a Rogue expanse, known as the Orakian Dominion. A place not for the sane, or beings of light, no, it was a place of Horror and shame. It was the birthplace of all that was evil. The Orak were a merciless race of Savages born of a disease that ravaged their planet, for they were the tyrants of that reality, and quite possibly the evil scourge that had crossed into over a million other realms, and there Slavery and Cannibalism had a home called Maldoom. This is now the final chapter in a ten Volume Series that will take you outside of our own galaxy, and beyond our own Universe, along with two humans from our own time, and taking them into the 31st Century. But the real story will be the journey, on how they finally arrived home, and not in their own time either. This is the final Voyage of their journey home, to that tiny blue World we called earth. Elizabeth and I were just two humans from that tiny World, from the 21st Century. We had accidentally found one another, and a Dragonnion Saucership at the edge of our own unforgiving Universe. Upon a forgotten lost Alien World that was Millions of years old.

  • - The Visitors
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    792,95 kr.

    Introduction Elizabeth and I were just two humans, from a World we once called earth. Now it was only a distant memory, on how primitive we were, compared to what's waiting for us out there. We had entered an Alternate Universe through a Quantum time dispersment, electron tachyon energy wave, within the transverse system, which threw us slightly back in time, and into an Alternate reality. Where earth had been invaded, and stripped of its resources by the Wamparians once again. All of the humans that once lived on that alternate earth, were being sold into slavery, out among other Worlds. We all had a choice to stay, and help the others, or return home to our own reality. But thanks to Vrogan, a Tanarium engineer, he gave us that choice. We had now moved on deeper into another uncharted Galaxy, called the Argonne Galaxy, within this alternate reality. Searching for humans, or others in distress that would have given up all hope, of ever being rescued. There were others that we had met along the way, who we had befriended, referring to us as the Visitors, saviors from an alternate reality. A reality in which earth was invaded by an Alien Warrior race, for its resources. They were known as the Wamparians, an evil race of Cannibalistic Savages, and slave traders. We were just two humans from earth, who had found one another, and a Dragonnion Warship, at the edge of an Unforgiving Universe, billions of light years away from a tiny planet called earth, within the Terra system, inside the Milky way Galaxy. My name is Captain Richards, of the Legendary Myth.

  • af Richard Alexander Panter
    457,95 kr.

    The year is 2371, and my name is Commander Richard Alexander. My friends call me Richard. I was originally assigned to the Sumara's crew, because they wanted a Commander who would uphold the peace, between three Galaxies, and to carry that peace to other worlds, where no human has gone before. Someone who could deal with the diplomacy, and the communications, of now seven races of Aliens. Once it took us five years to cross the expanse. Now it takes us only less than a day, to cross that great expanse between three Galaxies. My crew who I was to rendezvous with this afternoon, has been on shore leave for the last year or so, while the Sumara was being outfitted with some of the newest hardware, and weaponry systems, from seven Alien races who gave the best of their technology that they had, and re-engineered it, back into the Sumara, and so we now had Wormhole drive engines. I had heard of a new enemy that we were now facing called the Malsickorians, and others, even more ruthless than the Wamparians or the Klagonians. I had just returned from the Targonion Empire, on Genesis. This is where I was spending time with my family, of brothers and sisters. I was speaking to Quenelly on a matter to find out who the Malsickorians are, and if the stories of a race called the Malgorians are even true. Once again, my name is Commander Richard Alexander, and these are my Journals, of my time aboard the Warship Sumara.

  • af Richard Alexander Panter
    572,95 kr.

    The year is 2366, and are weapons systems are being upgraded with Photonic laser cannons, and a new type of shield emitters, a gift from the Targonion empire, that are being installed, throughout the ship. I was to keep the peace between two Galaxies. My name is Commander Richard Alexander. My friends call me Richard. I was originally assigned to the Sumara's crew, because they wanted a Commander who would uphold the peace, between two Galaxies. Someone who could deal with the diplomacy, and the communications, of now four races of Aliens. Humanoids, Valerians, Targonions, Alorians, and finally Humans. Once it took us five years to cross the expanse. Now it takes us only less than a week to cross the expanse, between two Galaxies. My crew who I was to rendezvous with this afternoon, has been on shore leave for the last year or so, while the Sumara was being outfitted with some new hardware. We have heard of a new enemy called the Thugolians, and others, even more ruthless than the Wamparians or the Klags. We have been dispatched by the Targonion Empire, to investigate the Pinwheel Galaxy. I was as well going to welcome our newest member of the crew, lieutenant Ashlyn, to whom will be my second in command, Quenelly's daughter. Once again, my name is Commander Richard Alexander, and these are my Journals of my time aboard the Warship Sumara.

  • - The Omega Factor
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    587,95 kr.

  • - Once Upon a Time
    af Richard Alexander Panter
    482,95 kr.

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