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Bøger af Richard Hobbs

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  • - Islamofascism, the Third Jihad, and other threats to the USA
    af Richard Hobbs
    343,95 kr.

    What are the threats to the USA in this World War IV? What is this Islamofascism and what is the Third Jihad? Why do some Muslims hate us so much? Does this come from the Qu'ran and is this also a civil war within Islam? After 9/11, we smashed the Taliban in Afghanistan but then we grabbed a tar baby in Iraq. What was the role of the neoconservatives? What about Israel and its powerful lobby in Washington, and where does oil fit in this equation? Of course, there are the WMDs and the "Axis of Evil." Iran and North Korea are on our plates. But there are other problems - terrorist attacks in Europe and the prediction that Europe will go Muslim in coming decades. Al Qaeda is searching for a new base in Africa. Top that off with overpopulation in the world, the problems of illegal immigration in the US, the leftist surge in Latin America and there are many threats to the US as we charge into the 21st Century. Lurking always on the horizon is the specter of capitalistic Communist China.

  • - Mistreatment under Islam including in Europe and America
    af Richard Hobbs
    228,95 kr.

    The objective of this book is to try to deal with the Terrible Situation that Women and Children face in their lives under the Cult of Muhammad as well as the way these men treat all non-Muhammadans whether in Muhammadan countries but particularly in Europe and here in America.

  • - The Great War of the 21st Century
    af Richard Hobbs
    288,95 kr.

    The West has grown old, lethargic, materialistic, and with little or no leadership. It is faced with a rejuvenated and resurgent Muhammadism, the brainwashed Cult of Muhammad. The goal of this totalitarian ideology operating behind a façade of religion has not changed in 1,400 years. They still believe it is their divine mission to establish, by force if necessary, a worldwide caliphate of this 7th Century Fear and Obey thinking and impose the Law of Muhammad (sharia) on all people. It is late but Western civilization must recognize that it is in the great war of the 21st Century for survival. The barbarians are at the gates - some are already inside!

  • - Do we want Dhimmitude - third class citizens/slaves under Islam - or do we want freedom? It is Our Choice
    af Richard Hobbs
    298,95 kr.

    Sun Tzu advised thousands of years ago to know your enemy. If you do not acknowledge who your enemy is, you are well on the way to losing. Unfortunately, that is the current stance of our political and military leaders. They believe we are fighting some mysterious terrorist organizations who have hijacked a supposedly peaceful religion called Islam. They could not be more wrong. Perhaps part of the explanation for their ignorance is their lack of knowledge of history. For most of the period from the end of World War I through the Cold War, Islam was not a subject. Our leaders may have heard about the Barbary Pirates, but probably as romantic figures, not as the evils of Islam. But Thomas Jefferson and our Founding Fathers knew. Alexis de Tocqueville and Winston Churchill and Theodore Roosevelt knew. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk knew and he condemned Islam as unfit for a progressive state and separated the mosque and state (but unfortunately the current government under Recep Tayyip Erdogan is re-Islamizing Turkey). But later in the 20th Century, the multiculturalists and the liberals imposed their politically correct ideas and pronounced that Islam was just another religion and should not be criticized. That is when most of the current leadership went to school and our schools failed to teach about the First Jihad when the Arabs swept out of Arabia and brutally conquered much of the then Christian and Hindu and Buddhist world and was only stopped in the West by Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) at Tours in 732, or about the Second Jihad - the Ottoman Empire - which sprang out of Turkey and was only stopped by King Jan Sobieski at the gates of Vienna on 11 September 1683 (ironic date?). Since Ataturk abolished the caliphate in 1924, Islam just has not been on Western minds. But the Muslims were not asleep. The Muslim Brotherhood was formed in 1928, Saudi Arabia was created in the 1930s with a union of the Sauds and the radical Wahhabis which continues to this day. The fall of the Shah of Iran brought the brutal theocratic regime of Ayatollah Khomeini and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan brought the mujahedin, al Qaeda, and turmoil in the Middle East. However, the West still did not wake up. We are in total denial. We must first realize that Islam is not a religion as we think of religions. It is a totalitarian ideology with only a façade of religion. It is based on hatred and violence and never was peaceful and never will be. We must understand that the terrorist groups al Qaeda, HezbAllah, etc. are practicing "true Islam" and have not hijacked peaceful Islam. Their violent activities are what Islam directs them to do and that has not changed in 1,400 years. This ideology is a threat to the world and our naïve thinking is a threat to the national security of the United States, as well as the rest of the Free World. In addition with our ignorance, we are putting the future of our children at risk. The world will never know peace until this ideology is declared a threat to the world and treated like fascism and communism. The more one studies Islam, the more disturbing it becomes. The world has suffered from history's greatest psychological warfare campaign over the past 1,400 years. The constant mantra that Islam is a religion of peace has been so ingrained that we even have presidents expounding it. Muslims themselves do not realize how thoroughly they have been brainwashed. This is a civilizational war and Islam is not compatible with civilization. The confrontation will come and if we delay too long, it will be catastrophic. We are facing an unending jihad - mujahedin versus kafirs (non-Muslims) - against civilization which drives to establish a single unified caliphate with no specific timetable, but with many coordinated and uncoordinated actions, all leading to the same goal, a world under sharia rule. We need to wake up and face this threat to the survival of Western civilization.

  • - Islam, Fiscal Irresponsibility, and other Threats to Destroy America
    af Richard Hobbs
    343,95 kr.

    Islam - is it a religion or an ideology with a façade of religion - or is it a cult? Islamism, jihad, Muslims, the Qur'an, Salafis, Sharia, abrogation, apostasy, dhimmitude, taqiyya. Muhammad - his life an epic tale - to Muslims, the world's perfect man - probably the most brilliant illiterate in history - some 1.5 billion people idolize him. The Muslim Brotherhood and the myriad of Muslim organizations operating around the world including here in the US. Islam swept out of the desert and conquered from the Atlantic to Indonesia with almost irreversible success and ended local religions. The Middle East is in turmoil Our elected officials, local, state, and federal, have bankrupted our country with debt that can never be paid? Why is China buying up gold in addition to oil, farmland, and minerals all around the world? If China, now the world's second largest economy, consumes the way Americans did, it would absorb so much oil, food, minerals, and water in a few years that there would be little left for the other 5 billion of us! The populations of the industrialized countries are declining (except the USA, only because of expanding Hispanic population, many of whom are illegal immigrants) while those of the Third World are still rapidly growing with increasing pressure on food and water. A new world order is still evolving and it will not likely be to our liking. Read about these and other threats facing America in this hard hitting book from ColDoc Publishing by Richard Hobbs that provides a background for all concerned citizens to better understand the world situation.

  • - Changes over time and space
    af Richard Hobbs
    1.128,95 kr.

    This monograph examines the deposition of precious metal artefacts in the late Roman and early Byzantine periods (from c. AD 200 to AD 700) within and beyond the frontiers of the Roman Empire and its successor states. The primary foci of the study are the size, date range and spatial distribution of these finds, with less emphasis on specific aspects of artefacts themselves and the specific contexts in which individual deposits were found. The immense chronological and regional scope allows broad changes in deposition patterns to be presented and examined. And a variety of possible interpretations of these patterns are offered in the final chapter.

  • - Late Roman Silver Plate from East Anglia
    af Richard Hobbs
    74,50 kr.

    Discovered in Suffolk in 1942, the Mildenhall Treasure is one of the most important collections of Late Roman silver tableware from the Roman Empire.

  • af Richard Hobbs & Annie M. Young
    298,95 kr.

    A practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer for the non-specialist, this fully updated new edition includes new drug treatments, as well as covering the new UK screening program and guidelines. The book covers core knowledge on therapy, management, and supportive care interventions, and highlights the evidence base.

  • - Life at the Edge of Empire
    af Richard Hobbs
    126,95 kr.

    An accessible, highly illustrated introduction to the history, society, culture and art of Britain when it was a province of the Roman Empire

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