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Bøger af Rick Phillips

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  • - Religious Pluralism and the Transformation of Mormon Culture
    af Rick Phillips
    77,95 kr.

    This dissertation examines the construction and maintenance of religious identity and solidarity among members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the LDS or Mormon church) in the United States. Specifically, this study explores how the constituent elements of Mormon identity and solidarity are fashioned as Mormons negotiate the demands of a larger society, and react to pressures created by the growth and geographic dispersion of Mormonism. The dissertation also describes the nature and extent of these constructions by contrasting Mormon life in Utah-where Mormons enjoy overwhelming numerical and cultural dominance-with places where Mormons are a tiny minority in pluralistic milieux. The study is a comparative congregation study contrasting the construction of religious identity and solidarity in two Mormon parishes, or "wards." The first ward is in a locus of Mormon culture: a suburb of Salt Lake City that is over 90% Mormon. The second ward is in suburban New Jersey (49th among states in per capita Mormons), where less than .3% of the population is LDS. Contrasting these disparate wards reveals the processes of Mormon identity and solidarity construction in the nation's most and least Mormon places. Data for the study include ethnographic interviews of ward members, multiple discussions with key informants from each location, secondary analyses of ward membership data, and almost three years of extensive participant observation divided between the wards. The study finds that the vitality of the New Jersey congregation is ensured by a strong emphasis on self-control, asceticism, and separation from the larger society. In contrast, vitality in the Utah ward is enhanced through pervasive kinship ties, a shared cultural heritage, and residence in a common homeland. The comparison of these two disparate congregations is used to theorize about the construction and maintenance of religious identity and solidarity in the United States. This work also contributes to a growing literature on the sociology of Mormonism, and attempts to address several major issues in the sociology of United States religion.

  • - A kid-turned-adult perspective of Catholic School and the nun-run classroom in the 1960s
    af Rick Phillips
    152,95 kr.

    "I DON'T BRAKE FOR NUNS!" is a hilarious narrative of Catholic School in the 1960s as seen through the eyes of a kid stuck right smack in the middle of a nun-run educational system. For every kid who ever felt the snap of a nun's ruler or the sneaky, crisp slap of a shrouded sister, this book pays in recompense. "I DON'T BRAKE FOR NUNS!" will bring tears of laughter to anyone who can empathize with children trying to survive the fanatical discipline of nuns. While witty and marvelously perspicuous throughout, the book is also poignant, and impels readers to be introspective, too. Most notably, the book is funny. "I DON'T BRAKE FOR NUNS!" is a serious, tongue-in-cheek, precise exaggeration that enables readers to put themselves back at their desk and relive for themselves their own school days. This book appeals to everyone who always wanted to go back to those days of yesteryear with an adult mind, and alter the course of classroom history.

  • - The Life of a Caddy Shack King
    af Rick Phillips
    147,95 kr.

    Cucamonga Pete is a character study of great friendship, kindness, humor, courage, and heroism. Pete is the embodiment of a person who requires the minimum to be happy. Yet, it's not until a young caddie sets him straight about himself that he finds good fortune and peace of mind. Pete's stories are hilarious, and the caddies at the shack are all characters bonded together. The caddy shack is a unique setting for comedic action. Pete's orphanage childhood built him into a self-sufficient man, ready to take on any challenges. He left Marquette University just three credits shy of a degree to join the Army Rangers. He was the consummate warrior in Vietnam. He saved his best friend in battle and rescued a Vietnamese general. That was his past. Fifteen years later, he still suffers a repressed guilt of his war-driven actions.Cucamonga Pete is a pro jock caddie. He lives a simple life that is filled with laughter, camaraderie and joy. It's his friends at the caddy shack, his popularity at the park, and his best friend from those Vietnam days that allow him to pursue a happy existence. But his haunting past prevents him from accepting a normal life. And then, it all changed.

  • af Rick Phillips
    512,95 kr.

    In PL/SQL From Beginner to Pro world-recognized Rick Phillips, Ph.D. leverages his experience with 8 courses and over 65 thousand online students to take the learner through the wonderland which is PL/SQL programming. Whether you are young or old, new to programming or a seasoned veteran, this is the PL/SQL book for you. Google Rick Phillips, Ph.D. to learn more about his experience and lifestyle.

  • af Rick Phillips & Jeanie Caldwell Yancey
    172,95 kr.

    Sound travels fast in the sea, three times faster than in the air, and so do stories. Some stories go around the world underwater, without being heard above it. Unless they need to be. The dolphin pod from the shallow, warm gulf of the green ocean (the sea men call Atlantic) like to sing about Chax. Chax has led them well. His reputation is known. His exploits are part of the pod's long song, the chirping song that tells the pod's story. The song reminds the oldest dolphins of what has come before, and informs the newest ones. Dolphins from other pods - even some birds - know parts of it. Chax has been everywhere, and done other exploits, but this was his first. The song tells how Chax kept sharks from eating men that fell from the sky. This was long before he became a leader of the pod. Every dolphin in the pod can sing parts of that song, but no one knows it all, except Chax. He sang it the first time, tired and amazed to be alive as he was. A few terns had been there and added details. Part of it became part of the pod's song. When Chax became leader, it became more important, but it was already a good part. Chax protected the men, so the story goes, because he was offered the opportunity, and because he admired one of them. Some men are admirable. Chax had been swimming out from the pod on a hot day in spring. The pod was resting, feeding on mullet - slender, silver, oily, tasty, easily excitable fish. Mullet thrive in the warm water along the edges of what men call the Gulf of Mexico. Chax heard about the men from terns, who had heard from whales. The leaders had said Chax could swim away from the pod if he wished. As a full-grown dolphin, growing into his place, he was ready. Whales had seen the men fall. After Chax found the whales, he was guided to the men by a noise the whales told him about. He swam until he heard it. Eventually it stopped, but he found the bubble the men were in anyway. He asked gulls and terns and pelicans, and listened. Sharks had found the men too. By the time Chax arrived, several had gathered. Chax scanned the men with sounds he directed at them. From the echoes that came back, he could tell that the men rode what was mostly a bubble, covered with skin. Dolphins can send sound through the water, out of their soft foreheads - though it takes effort - and they can learn much from the echoes that bounce back. Much. Sound is intense under water, and full of information. Want an overview? Read on: Dolphins have helped swimmers in trouble for as long as people have shared the ocean with them. Despite reasons not to like us, it seems they do. Accounts of the human-dolphin relationship are found in the legends and art of antiquity, and in tomorrow's cable news cycle. Yet much remains a mystery. Chax: A Dolphin's Song, considers many of those things, sometimes from the dolphin's perspective. It's not just a dolphin story, however. One reader described it as "southern gothic gone to sea." One "hero" is Chax, who leads a pod of bottlenose dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico. With help from his friends. Chax is a superb listener. Popper, a young dolphin learning his place in the pod, helps too. The reader sees and hears what the dolphins do, and hears them "talk" to each other. Kimberly Barone, a bright young marine biologist, studies dolphins and the deteriorating ocean environment with passion, even if her boss and former professor has lost focus. The boat that serves as their base is captained by a former Coast Guard rescue diver. Captain Pete Gordon is as passionate about the ocean as Kimberly, and sees so much more in her than the jaded professor. A Navy submarine is in Chax's neighborhood, paying attention, especially Sonar Technician 1st Class Opie Simcox, who goes above and beyond. Smooth, talented, amoral Claiborne Chandler's choices have led him from privilege to piracy. He is no hero. Dodging responsibility has brought him here. Yet even Claiborne knows dolphins are spe

  • af Ryan T. Cragun & Rick Phillips
    137,95 kr.

    Mitt Romney is a Mormon, but does that mean he's a Christian? Does he belong to a cult? Does he wear funny Mormon underwear? These questions and more are answered in this accessible and concise introduction to Mormonism, in which two sociologists of religion take an objective and often humorous look at 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney's beliefs. Geared to voters wondering whether Romney's Mormon faith should affect their vote, COULD I VOTE FOR A MORMON FOR PRESIDENT? comes at key time for those in search of unbiased information about the candidate and his faith.

  • af Rick Phillips
    179,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Rick Phillips
    672,95 kr.

    Packer Backer? Ya, You Betcha Dare is a light hearted look in the mirror of a Green Bay Packers fan. The book attempts to explain (through some very twisted science) how the Packer fans have influenced the success of their Title Town team. Rick Phillips, the author, holds a doctorate in Visual Pscyhophysics from the University of Wisconsin and severely stretches his science background in creating this light and funny read.

  • af Rick Phillips
    495,95 kr.

    In this clear and concise book, Dr. Rick Phillips leverages his many years of teaching technology to nontechnical professionals by exploring the use of technology within the nonprofit trade and professional association arena. The book begins with an overview of software and databases - how they work and how to best leverage them within a business environment. The book then moves on to discuss when to build, buy and/or lease technology. The book next goes on to discuss the most commonly used information systems and how these technologies relate to the nonprofit association world. The book culminates with an overview of networking and telephony.

  • - The Case of Gay Mormons
    af Rick Phillips
    797,95 kr.

  • - Harnessing Student Power to Stop Bullying and Violence
    af Rick Phillips, John Linney & Chris Pack
    187,95 kr.

    Safe School Ambassadors is an essential guide for school administrators, counselors, teachers, parents, and youth organization leaders. It challenges the current "outside-in" thinking that keeping schools safe is accomplished primarily by adults through heightened security and stricter policies.

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