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  • af Rishabh Gupta
    422,95 kr.

    Les orthodontistes, en tant que prestataires de soins bucco-dentaires, s'efforcent toujours de fournir un traitement de la meilleure qualité à leurs patients et d'atténuer leurs problèmes dentaires et faciaux. Les matériaux orthodontiques ainsi que les procédures, depuis la prise d'empreinte jusqu'à la mise en place des appareils et au-delà, sont directement influencés par la salive. Il est donc essentiel que l'orthodontiste ait une connaissance approfondie de la physiologie de la sécrétion salivaire et des diverses méthodes d'isolation dont il dispose, afin de pouvoir offrir aux patients le traitement le plus optimal possible.

  • af Rishabh Gupta
    422,95 kr.

    Os ortodontistas, enquanto prestadores de cuidados de saúde oral, esforçam-se sempre por fornecer um tratamento da melhor qualidade aos seus pacientes e aliviar as suas preocupações dentárias e faciais. Os materiais ortodônticos, bem como os procedimentos, desde a moldagem até à colocação dos aparelhos, são diretamente afectados pela saliva. Por conseguinte, é essencial um conhecimento abrangente da fisiologia da secreção salivar, juntamente com os vários métodos de isolamento à disposição do ortodontista, para que os pacientes possam beneficiar do melhor tratamento possível.

  • af Rishabh Gupta
    422,95 kr.

    Gli ortodontisti, in quanto fornitori di cure orali, si sforzano sempre di fornire ai loro pazienti un trattamento di ottima qualità e di alleviare i loro problemi dentali e facciali. I materiali ortodontici e le procedure, dalla presa d'impronta al posizionamento degli apparecchi e oltre, sono direttamente influenzati dalla saliva. Pertanto, una conoscenza completa della fisiologia della secrezione salivare e dei vari metodi di isolamento a disposizione dell'ortodontista è essenziale per garantire ai pazienti un trattamento ottimale.

  • af Rishabh Gupta
    422,95 kr.

    Kieferorthopäden sind als Anbieter von Mundgesundheitsleistungen stets bestrebt, ihren Patienten die bestmögliche Behandlung zukommen zu lassen und ihre Zahn- und Gesichtsprobleme zu lindern. Kieferorthopädische Materialien und Verfahren, von der Abdrucknahme bis zum Einsetzen der Apparaturen und darüber hinaus, werden direkt vom Speichel beeinflusst. Daher ist ein umfassendes Wissen über die Physiologie der Speichelsekretion und die verschiedenen Isolierungsmethoden, die dem Kieferorthopäden zur Verfügung stehen, unerlässlich, um den Patienten eine optimale Behandlung zukommen lassen zu können.

  • af Rishabh Gupta
    257,95 kr.

    Ortodonty, kak specialisty po ohrane zdorow'q polosti rta, wsegda stremqtsq obespechit' nailuchshee kachestwo lecheniq swoih pacientow i oblegchit' ih stomatologicheskie i licewye problemy. Ortodonticheskie materialy, a takzhe procedury, nachinaq s izgotowleniq slepkow i zakanchiwaq ustanowkoj apparatow i t.d., naprqmuü zawisqt ot slüny. Poätomu dlq optimal'nogo lecheniq pacientow neobhodimy glubokie znaniq fiziologii slünnoj sekrecii i razlichnyh metodow ee wydeleniq, dostupnyh ortodontu.

  • af Rishabh Gupta
    142,95 kr.

    This book is a practical, comprehensive guide to help early-stage Ayurveda, Skincare & FMCG Startups Founders/CEOs & Professionals become Expert Marketers- Leading to exponential profitability. It serves as an essential roadmap for startups looking to build a solid marketing foundation and achieve sustainable growth. It is an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs seeking to stand out from the crowded competition. Rishabh Gupta is a renowned Global Marketing Strategist specialising in the marketing of Ayurveda, FMCG, and Skincare startups. With over 15 years of extensive experience in the marketing industry, he is recognized for his expertise in transforming companies into marketing-dominated sales organisations, achieving remarkable success.His primary focus is on assisting startups in maximizing their marketing potential and driving substantial revenues. He has successfully collaborated with numerous entrepreneurs, helping them build strong marketing foundations and guiding their companies towards sustained profitability.

  • af Rishabh Gupta
    549,95 kr.

    For all patients, the lower third of the face and particularly the anterior teeth are vital for social communication and acceptance. Orthodontic treatment aims to position anterior teeth to achieve optimum aesthetics and function.1 Orthodontic treatment objectives can thus be stated as obtaining functional occlusion, esthetics and stability. One of the criteria for obtaining a functional occlusion is to have ideal axial inclinations of all teeth at the end of active treatment.

  • af Rishabh Gupta
    266,95 kr.

    Orthodontists as oral health care providers always strive to provide best quality treatment to their patients and alleviate their dental and facial concerns. Orthodontic materials as well as procedures, right from impression making to placement of appliances and beyond are directly affected by saliva. Hence, comprehensive knowledge of the physiology of salivary secretion along with the various methods of isolation available to the orthodontist is essential so that most optimal treatment can be rendered to the patients.

  • af Ruhi Mahajan, Rishabh Gupta & Heena Gupta
    576,95 kr.

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