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  • af River Nightmoon
    127,95 kr.

    Harper and his twin brother Daniel are military kids. They ended up in Anchorage, Alaska when unlikely friends taught them to take life by the horns and to enjoy the ride.Parker is a friend of Harper's whose dad unintentionally forced his son to come out.Luka and Damien are friends of Harper and Daniel. Luka lives on the same military base as Harper. Damien lives on the East Coast. They taught Harper that no matter where you live, you can make a family... even if it is not a blood family. They also taught Harper that all families matter, even if they are the rainbow family of the West.Lincoln was the first transgender kid that Harper ever met. He taught Harper that not everything is at it appears.

  • af River Nightmoon
    117,95 kr.

    Life is better when you have support!Join twins Anthony & Arianna as they maneuver through their senior year and into adulthood. Not only are they trying to figure out their school path for the future, but they are also trying to find themselves. Arianna is straight. Always has been. She takes pride in knowing Anthony & Eli's secret. She does what she can to help them discover that they are indeed meant for eachother.

  • af River Nightmoon
    117,95 kr.

    Sometimes people come into your lives to become members of your support... members of your chosen family... Sometimes bonds are made over the course of years... sometimes over months... sometimes within days... You never know the impact you have on someone's life until it is later in life.Some of these people come into your life to better your life for you. These are your cheerleaders! Come along this journey while Harper, Parker and Asher reconnect and foster a loving and supporting a meaningful relationship for their sons, Zeke, Oakland Jon and Yanis!Always remember that family is who you choose to be part of and who chooses to be part of you!

  • af River Nightmoon
    127,95 kr.

    Aranck was excited about finishing up his senior year. He and Derrick has been going strong for a little less than a year now and he was excited that his brother Achachak has agreed to allow him to ask Derrick to marry him. However, at the same time, he was rather scared about it. You see, Derrick has been threatened to be kicked out of his parents' family simply because he is of homosexual affiliation... One thing that Aranck knows for a fact is that with the help of his chosen family, they can help to build a bridge to connect Derrick with his mom and dad before it is too late....Donovan and Dominic are best friends of Derrick and Aranck. When Derrick came out to them, they had a rough time at the beginning as Derrick was their friend since late elementary school. How will Derrick Build a bridge to mend a broken relationship with them...Derrick had a strong belief in family... both blood and the chosen family... One thing that he wasn't quite sure of was... is building bridges worth it or should he just consider it a lost cost... after all... if he had a bridge to Aranck's heart... that is all he needed...

  • af River Nightmoon
    117,95 kr.

    The Barcode What if one day you wake up with a barcode on your arm? This barcode shows up on your arm in the early morning of your thirteenth birthday. It holds all of your deepest secrets and biggest desires. Your barcode is unique to you and in it holds all of the answers to who you are! Your barcode reveals who your sexual orientation, who you will fall in love with, how many kids you are destined to have, what your career will be, where you are going to live and all of the key points for your life. The catch... After your barcode is scanned for the first time, your fate is sealed. Nothing can change. Are you ready for your barcode?

  • af River Nightmoon
    127,95 kr.

    Sometimes life throws us curve balls and we have to learn to adapt or get out of the way... Sometimes when we learn to adapt, a change of heart is what is needed to survive. When we have a change of heart, we learn and grow to become a better version of ourselves.Join Xavier, Markus, Damien, Luka, Lincoln, Keegan, Parker, Harper and Daniel as they become a better version of themselves through self-discovery and adaptation to life changes as they enter their senior year of high school especially with also trying to guide Asher through life changes as a younger teenager.

  • af River Nightmoon
    117,95 kr.

    Donald and Dominic thought that they had their life figured out... that was until they met a boy named Drake who would change their lives forever when they gave him his forever home. In the three short years that Drake was part of their lives, Drake taught Donald and Dominic to love loud and love authentically authentically as a family unit!

  • af River Nightmoon
    152,95 kr.

    Jerimiah is fifteen-years-old, he and his thirteen-year-old brother Dylan has been in foster care since their parent's death the day after Jerimiah turned thirteen. Jerimiah vowed to keep them together for the rest of their lives, they have already been through so much heartache that he couldn't stand to think about his brother living without him.While in a boy's home, Jerimiah met another boy named Johnnie who like Jerimiah is sixteen. Follow them on their journey of finding themselves and a forever family worth living for...

  • af River Nightmoon
    117,95 kr.

    Travis has always been the caregiver to Tripp and their younger twin siblings, Zeus and Xena. When Travis leaves their hometown New Orleans, Louisiana to go to college in Texas. It was Tripp's best friend Richie who made him realize that Travis may be following his long time girlfriend Rachel to Texas. Since Travis left their home in New Orleans, Tripp is taking it upon himself to make sure that Zeus' and Xena's needs are being met. Tripp is making sure that Zeus being the most caring sibling of all of his siblings is taken care of and not being bullied for potentially being gay, even though it is Tripp who is in the closet.

  • af River Nightmoon
    117,95 kr.

    Finding ones true self sometimes takes a village! Welcome to Rainbow Ranch, the place where people find their true authentic self!

  • af River Nightmoon
    117,95 kr.

    Being your authentic self can be hard, but it is important that you are true to who you are!

  • af River Nightmoon
    137,95 kr.

    Best friends Samuel (Sammie), Ace and Willow will do whatever it takes to find and bring home Timothy (Timmy) J. McGee, even if that means that they need to team up with Triton, the alpha's son, to overthrow Triton;s dad, James. As these boys set off to find out what really happened to Timmy, they are met by another alpha from another pack who wants to join the quest to find Timmy, over throw James and find their true selves in the process. Let the quest begin!

  • af River Nightmoon
    117,95 kr.

    Trisha has a goal that she wants to teach her son Hunter. That goal is how to live life authentically and how to love fierce!Hunter is a loving fifteen year old boy who is trying to discover who he is. Over the past couple of years, Trisha and Hunter have faced life with an open heart. They have faced some major life changes from loss to a move to an old hometown, to falling in love with an old fling and in Hunter's case a new fling or two. Join them as they find or re-find themselves and discover who they are while attempting to be in the present moment with each other. This book is a book that flips from Trisha's point of view to Hunters.

  • - (A Celebration of the LGBT+ Community and their Allies)
    af River Nightmoon
    127,95 kr.

    Join Damien and his friends Kai, Ashley, Fin and others that Damien has met over his years as they discuss their coming out as a member of the LGBT+ community or as an ally! Come with them!

  • af River Nightmoon
    152,95 kr.

    Aryk is one of the few people who supports and does his best to always be there for his fiancé (even though the Merriam Webster dictionary defines fiancée as a woman who will marry a guy) Levi. Levi is still in college to get his teacher credentials in a Waldorf style school setting. Levi has a few obstacles and past hurts that the love of his life Aryk will help him process and work through, from the death of his first love interest to the passing of his one support in his immediate family.... his dad. Aryk is a 24-year-old, Deputy Director for a youth engagement non-profit called Youth Force. This is an organization which works hand in hand with the local school districts to offer their high school student's internships and leadership opportunities to help collectively work with other students from back grounds outside of what they are used to working with.Levi is a 24-year-old, College student, he has less then about a year and a half left of college left to endure. He is still up in the air about his schooling, but with the guidance and support of Aryk, will Levi finish off his schooling?

  • af River Nightmoon
    117,95 kr.

    My name is Kayleb.... but, do I live up to my name meaning? Kayleb \ka(y)-leb\ is a boy's name of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Kayleb is "faith, devotion, whole hearted".My parents are the traditional Christian church goers. At one point, I was a devout church goer just like them.... that was until I was awoken to my true self. I have to be me and I have to be with him. I am devoted to become the man that I am supposed to be. Mykel and Dawson are two of the men who has entered my life and has made one of those impacts that you know is a lasting impact. In a way, these two men (or like I call them angels) are the reason why I am still alive. Mykel has taught me many things and one of the things he has taught me is that suicide is not always the answer. Dawson... he is one cool dude. He and his family has taught me to give God (who ever she is to you) another chance to change my life.I'm getting ahead of myself here... this is where my journey begins, so hop on board and enjoy the ride...

  • af River Nightmoon
    92,95 kr.

    Winter is an amazing time of the year. It is the turning point of the year and a point of fresh beginnings! Join Midnight, Jace, Casper and Tyler as they celebrate their first Christmas all together on Rainbow Ranch!

  • af River Nightmoon
    97,95 kr.

  • af River Nightmoon
    108,94 kr.

  • af River Nightmoon
    117,95 kr.

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