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Bøger af Roald Dahl

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  • af Roald Dahl
    188,95 kr.

    Charlies fantastiske oplevelser begynder, da han finder en guldseddel i en chokoladestang. Han er en af de fem heldige, der vinder et besøg i Willy Wonkas mystiske chokoladeimperium og alt det slik, han kan spise i resten af sit liv. Og hvem vil ikke gerne besøge en fabrik, der fremstiller sliktapeter til børneværelser, tyggegummi, der aldrig mister smagen og bolsjer, der skifter farve hvert tiende sekund? Men besøget på chokoladefabrikken er fuld af både overraskelser og farer, og ikke alle fem børn føler sig lige heldige under besøget ? Flere af Roald Dahls moderne klassikere er blevet filmatiseret. Det gælder Mathilda, Heksene og Charlie og Chokoladefabrikken, der nu for anden gang er blevet filmatiseret, denne gang instrueret af Tim Burton med Johnny Depp i rollen som Willy Wonka. Filmen får dansk premiere 30. september 2005. Omslag: TM & copyright: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s05)

  • af Roald Dahl
    123,95 kr.

    Dette er ikke et eventyr. Det handler om rigtige hekse. Og rigtige hekse flyver ikke rundt på kosteskafter. Du kan faktisk sidde ved siden af en heks helt uden at vide det. De ser nemlig ud som ganske almindelige, søde damer, men de er ondskabsfulde og beregnende væsner - som i øvrigt afskyr børn! Så meget at de vil gøre alt for at dræbe dem, hvis de opsnuser bare så meget som lugten af et barn. Og nu planlægger Overheksen at gøre det af med alle Englands børn på én gang. Kan nogen mon stoppe hende?Hovedpersonen i Heksene gør, hvad han kan. Hans seje, norske mormor har lært ham alt, hvad hun ved om disse frygtelige væsener. Og alligevel undgår drengen ikke heksenes forbandelse…Heksene er et pragteksempel på Roald Dahls evne til både at fornøje og forskrække, og med John Kenn Mortensens både ildevarslende, skøre og smukke illustrationer kan en ny generation af børn nu gyse over de børnehadende hekse.Pressen skriver: » […] herligt illustreret i en grotesk, humoristisk stil, som klæder en historie, der stadig vil fange børn i målgruppen og være en fornøjelse at læse op.«– Elisabeth Bennetsen, Lektør »Vi elsker Roald Dahl herhjemme. Han er en mester til at fortælle. Du skal købe denne udgave, fordi John Kenn Mortensen har lavet en række helt unikke illustrationer, som understreger historieren til fulde. Han er klart en af Danmarks bedste illustratorer til det lidt uhyggelige.«- Maria Bruun Fanø, Onsdagsavisen»Er man til gys, er Heksene det rigtige valg. De ondskabsfulde damer, som ligner almindelige mennesker, hader børn, og de dræber de unger, de kan få fingre i. Genudgivelsen af den skrækindjagende fortælling er krydret med nye og særdeles skøre samt mareridts-skabende illustrationer af John Kenn Mortensen. Det er i det hele taget en voldsomt uhyggelig historie, som det kræver gode nerver at komme igennem.«**** - Helle Kastholm Hansen, Ekstra Bladet»Heksene af Roald Dahl, er en helt fantastisk bog […] det lettilgængelige sprog med til, at jeg fløj over siderne, og der gik ikke lang tid før bogen var slut.  Alt i alt var bogen en fantastisk oplevelse. Efter jeg læste denne bog, føler jeg mig nu som en ekspert i hekse.«9/10 stjerner - Bookeater »En elsket børnebogsklassiker, som skræmte begge mine børn fra vid og sans. Til deres store fornøjelse!«- Trine Færge Haurits Nielsen, Midtjyllands Avis

  • af Roald Dahl
    126,95 kr.

    Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in glorious full colour.Mr Willy Wonka is the most extraordinary chocolate maker in the world.And do you know who Charlie is? Charlie Bucket is the hero. The other children in this book are nasty little beasts, called: Augustus Gloop - a great big greedy nincompoop; Veruca Salt - a spoiled brat; Violet Beauregarde - a repulsive little gum-chewer; Mike Teavee - a boy who only watches television.Clutching their Golden Tickets, they arrive at Wonka's chocolate factory. But what mysterious secrets will they discover? Our tour is about to begin. Please don't wander off. Mr Wonka wouldn't like to lose any of you at this stage of the proceedings . . .Look out for new Roald Dahl apps in the App store and Google Play- including the disgusting TWIT OR MISS! inspired by the revolting Twits.

  • af Roald Dahl
    128,95 kr.

    Meet Oswald Hendryks Cornelius, Roald Dahl's most disgraceful and extraordinary character . . . Aside from being thoroughly debauched, strikingly attractive and astonishingly wealthy, Uncle Oswald was the greatest bounder, bon vivant and fornicator of all time. In this instalment of his scorchingly frank memoirs he tells of his early career and erotic education at the hands of a number of enthusiastic teachers, of discovering the invigorating properties of the Sudanese Blister Beetle, and of the gorgeous Yasmin Howcomely, his electrifying partner in a most unusual series of thefts . . .'Raunchy and cheeky entertainment' Sunday Express'Immense fun' Daily TelegraphRoald Dahl, the brilliant and worldwide acclaimed author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, and many more classics for children, also wrote scores of short stories for adults. These delightfully disturbing tales have often been filmed and were most recently the inspiration for the West End play, Roald Dahl's Twisted Tales by Jeremy Dyson. Roald Dahl's stories continue to make readers shiver today.

  • af Roald Dahl
    98,95 kr.

    Before Charlie, before the Chocolate Factory, comes a story of invention and imagination . . .Ever since he was a child, Willy Wonka had dreamed of making chocolate and sharing it with the world.As a young man, he arrives at the world-famous Galeries Gourmet, determined to change the world one delectable bite at a time.But hounded by a trio of jealous chocolatiers, and tricked into a lifetime of washhouse drudgery, Wonka will need a little luck and a whole lot of magic - along with some help from a few friends - to fulfil his destiny.Because if you're lucky enough to meet Willy Wonka, anything is possible.This delicious tale of dreams, friendship and chocolate is based on the major motion picture, Wonka, directed by Paul King, who created the story and wrote the screenplay with Simon Farnaby. The story is brought to the page by bestselling author Sibéal Pounder.

  • af Roald Dahl
    73,95 kr.

    Ladybird Readers is an ELT graded reader series for children aged 3­-11 learning English as a foreign or second language. The series includes traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction. - Beautifully illustrated books, carefully written by language learning experts. - Structured language progression to develop children's reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills. - Eight levels follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). - Language activities provide preparation for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 to A2 (YLE) tests. - A unique code in each printed book provides access to online audio, extra activities and learning resources. Roald Dahl: The Magic Finger, a Level 4 Reader, is A2 in the CEFR framework and supports YLE Flyers exams. The longer text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, more past and future tense structures, modal verbs and a wider variety of conjunctions."I have a Magic Finger. When I get angry . . . things begin to happen!" What will happen when the finger is pointed at the Gregg family?Visit the Ladybird Education website for more information.

  • - Volume One
    af Roald Dahl
    146,95 kr.

    The Complete Short Stories of Roald Dahl in the first of two unsettling and sinister volumes.'They are brutal, these stories, and yet you finish reading each one with a smile, or maybe even a hollow laugh, certainly a shiver of gratification, because the conclusion always seems so right' Charlie Higson, from his introduction.Roald Dahl is one of the most popular writers of the modern age, effortlessly writing for children and adults alike. In this, the first of two volumes chronologically collecting all his published adult short stories, we see how Dahl began by using his experiences in the war to write fiction but quickly turned to his powerful and dark imagination to pen some of the most unsettling and disquieting tales ever written.In 27 stories, written between 1944 and 1953, we encounter such classic tales as 'Man from the South', featuring a wager with appalling consequences; 'Lamb to the Slaughter', in which a wife murders her husband yet has a novel idea for throwing the police off the scent; and in 'The Sound Machine', the horrific truth about plants is revealed.Enter the sinister, twisted world of Roald Dahl: whether you're young or old, you'll never want to leave.'Roald Dahl is one of the few writers I know whose work can accurately be described as addictive' Irish Times'The great magician' SpectatorLook out for Volume Two, introduced by Anthony Horowitz Roald Dahl, the brilliant and worldwide acclaimed author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, and many more classics for children, also wrote scores of short stories for adults. These delightfully disturbing tales have often been filmed and were most recently the inspiration for the West End play, Roald Dahl's Twisted Tales by Jeremy Dyson. Roald Dahl's stories continue to make readers shiver today.

  • af Roald Dahl
    126,95 kr.

    James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl in magnificent full colour.James Henry Trotter lives with two ghastly hags. Aunt Sponge is enormously fat with a face that looks boiled and Aunt Spiker is bony and screeching. He's very lonely until one day something peculiar happens. At the end of the garden a peach starts to grow and GROW AND GROW. Inside that peach are seven very unusual insects - all waiting to take James on a magical adventure. But where will they go in their GIANT PEACH and what will happen to the horrible aunts if they stand in their way? There's only one way to find out . .Look out for new Roald Dahl apps in the App store and Google Play- including the disgusting TWIT OR MISS! inspired by the revolting Twits."e;A true genius . . . Roald Dahl is my hero"e; David Walliams

  • Spar 24%
    af Roald Dahl
    123,95 - 190,95 kr.

    Charlies fantastiske oplevelser begynder, da han finder en guldbillet i en chokoladebar. Han er en af de fem heldige, der vinder et besøg i Willy Wonkas mystiske chokoladeimperium og alt det slik, han kan spise i resten af sit liv!Hvem vil ikke gerne besøge en fabrik, der fremstiller sliktapeter til børneværelser, tyggegummi, der aldrig mister smagen og bolsjer, der skifter farve hvert tiende sekund? Men besøget på chokoladefabrikken er fuld af både overraskelser og farer, og ikke alle fem udvalgte børn føler sig lige heldige under besøget ... En historie, der sætter fokus på forkælelse, overbeskyttelse, grådighed og utålmodighed og fortæller en herlig politisk ukorrekt og virkelig sjov fabel om relationer mellem børn og voksne.

  • af Roald Dahl
    98,95 kr.

    Contains: The Umbrella Man; Dip in the Pool; The Butler; The Hitchhiker; Mr Botibol; My Lady Love, My Dove; The Way Up to Heaven; Parson's Pleasure; The Sound Machine; The Wish.

  • af Roald Dahl
    Stream i AppenFysisk bog

    Hekse, humor og hyggelig uhygge  - Heksene er til alle børn og barnlige sjæle!Du har sikkert hørt om hekse: hvordan de går med spidse hatte og rører rundt i sorte gryder. Men alt det, du hidtil har hørt, kan du godt glemme. Hekse ser nemlig ud som ganske almindelige, søde damer – og så er de ovenikøbet ondskabsfulde og beregnende væsner, der virkelig afskyr børn! Så meget at de vil gøre alt for at dræbe dem, hvis de bare opsnuser så meget som lugten af et barn. Nu planlægger Overheksen at gøre det af med alle Englands børn på én gang. Kan nogen mon stoppe hende? Hovedpersonen i Heksene er heldigvis en både modig og snarrådig dreng, hvis seje, og en lille smule skøre, mormor er hekseekspert. Og sammen gør de alt, hvad de kan, for at forpurre heksenes hårrejsende plan.Nyoversat udgave af Roald Dahls klassiker med de originale illustrationer af Quentin Blake. Findes nu også på som lydbog!Pressen skriver:  »Heksene af Roald Dahl, er en helt fantastisk bog […] det lettilgængelige sprog med til, at jeg fløj over siderne, og der gik ikke lang tid før bogen var slut.  Alt i alt var bogen en fantastisk oplevelse. Efter jeg læste denne bog, føler jeg mig nu som en ekspert i hekse.«9/10 stjerner - Bookeater »En elsket børnebogsklassiker, som skræmte begge mine børn fra vid og sans. Til deres store fornøjelse!«- Trine Færge Haurits Nielsen, Midtjyllands Avis

    Stream i AppenFysisk bog
  • af Roald Dahl
    248,95 kr.

    Roald Dahls dystermuntre mesterværk, Heksene, er nu endelig tilgængelig som grafisk roman. Kvinden bag er den Eisner-prisvindende kunstner Pénélope Bagieu, der også har skabt Cobolts Skamløs-serie. Hekse findes, og de er meget, meget farlige. De går i almindeligt tøj, har almindelige jobs og de bor i helt almindelige byer verden over - og så er der intet, de foragter mere end børn. Så meget at de har planer om at forvandle alle Englands børn om til mus. Heksenes otte-årige hovedperson og hans norske bedstemor er måske de eneste i verden, der kan forhindre den grusomme plan. De fleste kender historien og det hæsblæsende forløb på et kurhotel i Sydengland. Men at se det i billeder er en anden ting. Pénélope Bagieu fortæller om betydningen af få lov til at genskabe Dahls værk: »Der var nogle specifikke scener, som jeg ikke kunne vente med at tegne, især dem, der havde skræmt mig, da jeg selv var otte år. Heksene er som skabt til at blive omdannet til en grafisk roman; den har alle ingredienserne til det: skøre actionscener, forfærdelige skurke og farverige figurer.«

  • af Roald Dahl
    73,95 kr.

    Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series for English Language Teaching (ELT) markets, designed for children learning English as a foreign or second language.

  • af Roald Dahl
    126,95 kr.

    THE WITCHES, Roald Dahl's most scary story for children, in a large format, full colour paperback edition.With Quentin Blake's brilliant line artwork in full colour, THE WITCHES is a must-have for children collecting all of the Roald Dahl in full-colour format including CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, FANTASTIC MR FOX, THE TWITS, GEORGE'S MARVELLOUS MEDICINE, JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH, ESIO TROT and THE MAGIC FINGER.

  • af Roald Dahl
    108,95 kr.

    Five-year old Matilda longs for her parents to be good and loving and understanding, but they are none of these things. They are perfectly horrid to her. Matilda invents a game of punishing them each time they treat her badly and she soon discovers she has supernatural powers. A Welsh translation of the award-winning Dahl title Matilda by Elin Meek. Hen leidr cas yw tad Matilda Wormwood a thwpsen yw ei mam. Maen nhw'n meddwl bod Matilda'n boendod ac y dylai hi wylio rhagor o deledu a darllen llai o lyfrau! Ond mae Miss Honey, ei hathrawes hyfryd, yn credu bod Matilda yn athrylith. Mae gan Matilda rai triciau rhyfeddol yn ei llawes, felly gwell i'r brifathrawes a'i rhieni ofnadwy, fod yn ofalus. Cyfieithiad Cymraeg gan Elin Meek.

  • af Roald Dahl
    88,95 - 118,95 kr.

    Penguin presents the audiobook edition of The Twits by Roald Dahl, read by Richard Ayoade. Mr Twit is a foul and smelly man with bits of cornflake and sardine in his beard. Mrs Twit is a horrible old hag with a glass eye. Theyve kept Muggle-Wump monkeys caged in the garden for far too long, and now the monkeys want to take their revenge . . .

  • af Roald Dahl
    88,95 - 118,95 kr.

    Penguin presents the audiobook edition of Georges Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl, read by Derek Jacobi. George Kranky is eight-years-old and wondering what sort of mischief he might get into. Georges Grandma is a grizzly old grouch and George wants to teach her a lesson . . . And when Grandmas finished drinking Georges marvellous medicine, shell really have something to grumble about.

  • - Volume Two
    af Roald Dahl
    146,95 kr.

    The Complete Short Stories of Roald Dahl in the second of two unsettling and sinister volumes.'Dahl finds the child in the adult and the adult in the child and, with a little smile, he sticks the knife in both' Anthony Horowitz, from his introductionRoald Dahl is one of the world's most popular writers, equally at home writing for both children and adults. In this, the second of two volumes chronologically collecting all his published adult short stories, we experience Dahl's dark and powerful imagination in full flight in 28 stories written between 1954 and 1988 (including eight tales which are not available in any other printed edition).Here, in 'Parson's Pleasure', a piece of furniture is the subject of a deceitful bargain; in 'William and Mary', a wife revenges herself on her dead husband; and in 'Royal Jelly' some new parents find an unusual and unsettling way to give their newborn its start in life.Whether you're young or old, once you've stepped into the brilliant, troubling world of Roald Dahl, you'll never be the same again. 'One of the most widely read and influential writers of our generation' The Times 'The absolute master of the twist in the tale' Observer Look out for Volume One, introduced by Charlie Higson. Roald Dahl, the brilliant and worldwide acclaimed author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, and many more classics for children, also wrote scores of short stories for adults. These delightfully disturbing tales have often been filmed and were most recently the inspiration for the West End play, Roald Dahl's Twisted Tales by Jeremy Dyson. Roald Dahl's stories continue to make readers shiver today.

  • af Roald Dahl
    98,95 kr.

    Which famous writer goes best with a hot dog? Roll Dahl of course!Laugh yourself silly with Roald Dahl's Marvellous Joke Book, filled with over 400 hilarious jokes, limericks and riddles, illustrated by Quentin Blake. Based on Roald Dahl's most famous characters you will be chortling away with Matilda, Charlie, George, The BFG, James and many more! Roald Dahl was full of fun and mischief, and LOVED all kinds of jokes- the sillier the better, like chocolate-covered chickens to grizzly, grouchy grandmas. This side-splitting book includes his own 'knock-knock' jokes, keeping all practising jokesters amused for hours!

  • af Roald Dahl
    168,95 - 188,95 kr.

  • af Roald Dahl
    146,95 kr.

    *A brand-new recipe book inspired by the amazing worlds of Roald Dahl!*'I've eaten many strange and scrumptious dishes in my time . . .'So spoke the Grasshopper as, in James and the Giant Peach, he told us about the most incredible food he'd eaten - some of which you wouldn't even believe was real!Mice with rice, earwigs cooked in slime, fresh dragon's flesh and curried slugs and much much more. Now YOU can create the most amazing food from the world of Roald Dahl in this incredible new recipe book, inspired by stories such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Giraffe the Pelly and Me, and Danny Champion of the World. With easy step-by-step guides to making the most marvellous (and most revolting) recipes, and hints and tips for budding young chefs, this book will give you everything you need to cook amazing dishes. Each recipe will be beautifully illustrated by a host of amazing artists.

  • Spar 24%
    af Roald Dahl
    119,95 - 190,95 kr.

    Matilda elsker at sidde med hovedet begravet i en bog og bruge sit kløgtige hoved. Hendes forældre mener derimod, at det er spild af tid, og at hun hellere burde se noget mere fjernsyn – og stoppe med at sige så mange dumme ting. Da hun endelig må komme i skole, tror hun, at alt vil ændre sig. Lige indtil hun møder den onde rektor Frøken Trunchbull, som på tyrannisk vis styrer skolen. Efter flere års undertrykkelse fra både forældre og rektor, tager Matilda kampen op - men ikke helt på den måde, hun havde forestillet sig.En Roald Dahl-klassiker fuld af sort humor, skøre påfund og et skævt persongalleri.

  • af Roald Dahl
    113,95 kr.

    Englische Literatur in Reclams Roter Reihe: das ist der englische Originaltext - mit Worterklärungen am Fuß jeder Seite, Nachwort und Literaturhinweisen.Roald Dahls zuletzt von Tim Burton verfilmter Kinderbuchklassiker ist so phantasie- und liebevoll erzählt, dass er seit Jahrzehnten auch Erwachsene begeistert. Der elfjährige Charlie Bucket lebt in ärmsten Verhältnissen und muss sich vor allem von Kohlsuppe ernähren. Doch dann gewinnt er mit vier anderen Kindern eine Führung durch die Schokoladenfabrik des Willy Wonka, in der wundersame Dinge geschehen. Die jungen Helden erleben wilde Abenteuer und werden vielfach herausgefordert, bis sich am Ende nur Charlie als würdig erweist, das Erbe des großen Chocolatiers anzutreten.Englische Lektüre: Niveau A2-B1 (GER)

  • af Roald Dahl
    108,95 kr.

  • af Roald Dahl
    190,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG! The Enormous Crocodile is a horrid greedy grumptious brute who loves to guzzle up little boys and girls. But the other animals have had enough of his cunning tricks, so they scheme to get the better of this foul fiend, once and for all!This picture book edition has a beautiful full-color interior and large trim to feature Quentin Blake's iconic art.

  • af Roald Dahl
    146,95 kr.

    The graphic novel adaptation of The Witches was originally published in France by Gallimard Bande Dessinâee in 2020.

  • af Roald Dahl
    83,95 kr.

    Spot the shapes with Roald Dahl and the Enormous Crocodile!What shapes can you see? There's: A big round sunA whirling, swirling kite And sharp, pointy teeth! Busy little hands can lift the flaps to discover the shapes with iconic illustrations of Dahl's much loved characters from the one and only, Quentin Blake.More marvellous books for titchy toddlers:Roald Dahl's OppositesRoald Dahl's 123Roald Dahl's ColoursRoald Dahl's ABC Roald Dahl's WordsMy Dad is Fantastic

  • af Roald Dahl
    213,95 kr.

    Willy Wonka's famous chocolate factory is opening at last!But only five lucky children will be allowed inside. And the winners are: Augustus Gloop, an enormously fat boy whose hobby is eating; Veruca Salt, a spoiled-rotten brat whose parents are wrapped around her little finger; Violet Beauregarde, a dim-witted gum-chewer with the fastest jaws around; Mike Teavee, a toy pistol-toting gangster-in-training who is obsessed with television; and Charlie Bucket, Our Hero, a boy who is honest and kind, brave and true, and good and ready for the wildest time of his life!

  • af Roald Dahl
    73,95 kr.

    Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series for English Language Teaching (ELT) markets, designed for children learning English as a foreign or second language.

  • af Roald Dahl
    63,95 kr.

    Ladybird Readers is an ELT graded reader series for children aged 3­-11 learning English as a foreign or second language. The series includes traditional tales, favourite characters, modern stories and non-fiction. Written by experts, it uses proven methods to help children learn English and grasp key grammar and vocabulary points. Perfect for learning English in school or at homeDevelops reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skillsFeatures much-loved characters and authors such as Peter Rabbit, Peppa Pig, Roald Dahl and Eric Carle Eight levels follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR)Language activities in every book provide preparation for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 to A2 (YLE) testsFeatures free online resources including audio, answer keys, lesson plans and tips for parentsRoald Dahl: Esio Trot, a Level 4Reader, is A2 in the CEFR framework and includes practice for the Cambridge English A2 Flyers tests. The longer text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, more past and future tense structures, modal verbs and a wider variety of conjunctions. Mrs. Silver loves her tortoise, Alfie. Mr. Hoppy loves Mrs. Silver. Will Mr. Hoppy's big idea make him brave enough to tell her?Visit the Ladybird Education website for more information.

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