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I Katolicismen: En rejse ind i troens hjerte søger biskop Robert Barron at indfange essensen af den katolske tro. Med udgangspunkt i Jesu Kristi liv og lære gennemgår Barron de vigtigste dele ved katolsk tro og kultur - fra sakramenter, tilbedelse og bøn, til Maria, apostlene og helgenerne, til en forklaring af begreber som nåde, frelse, himmel og helvede - med talrige referencer til kunst, litteratur, arkitektur, personlige historier, den hellige skrift, filosofi og historie.Forfatteren skriver: "Jeg vil tage dig med på en guidet udforskning af den katolske verden, men ikke som om det var en guidet tur i et kulturhistorisk museum. Jeg vil føre dig ind i Inkarnationens mysterium i håbet om, at du må blive forvandlet ved dens kraft.” Bogen er blevet til på baggrund af de manuskripter, Barron satte sammen til produktionen af en populær TV-serie Catholicism fra 2011. Han skriver: "De tre år, som jeg brugte på at planlægge, skrive, rejse, filme og redigere den filmserie, udgør en uforglemmelig del af mit liv.” Bogen Katolicismen er et uundværligt bidrag til enhver, der ønsker at udforske den kristne tros dybder. Den er en fantastisk gennemgang af katolsk tro og historie og dens betydning for vores verden af i dag. Bogen er rigt illustreret med farvebilleder.
Una reciente encuesta del Pew Forum reveló la alarmante cifra de que el 69% de los Católicos no cree en la Presencia Real de Cristo en la Eucaristía. Para la mayoría de los Católicos en la actualidad, la Eucaristía es meramente un símbolo de Cristo, y la Misa es meramente una colectividad de personas que piensan parecido que se reúne a recordar su vida. Esto evidencia un desastre espiritual porque la Eucaristía es "la fuente y culmen de la vida Cristiana". En respuesta a esta crisis, el Obispo Robert Barron, entonces el Presidente del Comité sobre Evangelización y Catequesis de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, comenzó a trabajar con sus hermanos obispos en una solución. De estas conversaciones surgió el Avivamiento Eucarístico Nacional. Esto es Mi Cuerpo: Un Llamado a un Resurgimiento Eucarístico tiene el propósito de acompañar este resurgimiento. En este texto breve pero revelador, el Obispo Barron ofrece un análisis tripartito de la Eucaristía como comida sagrada, sacrificio y Presencia Real, ayudando a los lectores a comprender el sacramento del Cuerpo y Sangre de Jesús más minuciosamente para que puedan enamorarse de él más completamente. Descubra la verdad profunda que brota de las palabras de Jesús en la Última Cena: "Tomen y coman, esto es mi Cuerpo . . . Beban todos de ella, porque esta es mi Sangre, la Sangre de la Alianza".
Thomas Aquinas is widely considered the greatest and most influential of Catholic theologians. Yet too often his insights into the nature of God and the meaning of life are seen as somehow cold, impersonal, and divorced from spirituality. In this award-winning book, Bishop Robert Barron shows how Aquinas' profound understanding of the Christian mystical life animates and helps explain his writings on Jesus Christ, creation, God's "strange" nature, and the human call to ecstasy. "When one interprets Thomas merely as a rationalist philosopher or theologian, one misses the burning heart of everything he wrote. Aquinas was a saint deeply in love with Jesus Christ, and the image of Christ pervades the entire edifice that is his philosophical, theological, and scriptural work. Above all, Thomas Aquinas was a consummate spiritual master, holding up the icon of the Word made flesh and inviting others into its transformative power."
"In this groundbreaking book, the first of two volumes, Bishop Robert Barron offers a new way of understanding the Old Testament rooted in the writings of the Church Fathers." -- Book jacket provided by publisher.
For many Catholics today, the Eucharist is merely a symbol of Christ, and the Mass is merely a collectivity of like-minded individuals gathering to remember his life. But the truth of what is made present on the altar, and what the faithful dare to receive into their bodies and souls, is far more strange and beautiful. In this engaging theological treatise, Bishop Robert Barron offers a reintroduction to the ancient meaning and power of the Eucharist. Through a threefold analysis of the Eucharist as sacred meal, sacrifice, and Real Presence--distinct but tightly interwoven motifs grounded in Scripture--Bishop Barron draws readers into the profound truth flowing out of Jesus' words at the Last Supper: "Take, eat; this is my body. . . . Drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant." We are not merely invited to remember Jesus or imitate his moral example; we are invited to the grace of communion--and ultimately, to the realm of God--by eating and drinking the very self that he offers in sacrifice.
The Rosary is one of the most widely recognized prayers of Catholicism--and also one of the most misunderstood. What is it all about? How do you pray it? And what is it meant to accomplish? Join one of the world's leading Catholic evangelists, Bishop Robert Barron, in exploring the meditative depth, rhythmic beauty, and spiritual power of this ancient prayer. Informative, intuitive, and beautifully designed, The Rosary with Bishop Barron is an essential book for anyone hoping to gain a better understanding of the Rosary, a stronger commitment to praying it, and a deeper appreciation of its power.
Proclaiming the Power of Christ: Classic Sermons is a collection of over thirty of Bishop Robert Barron's greatest homilies. Exploring both Old and New Testament texts, Bishop Barron brings his characteristic blend of erudition and relatability to a variety of subjects. From its humble beginnings in Chicago to its worldwide reach to millions today, Word on Fire emerged out of Bishop Barron's masterful preaching. But that preaching--as these classic sermons demonstrate--emerged out of a mission: to proclaim Christ to the culture and to draw people into his Church.
The Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible enlists leading theologians to read and interpret scripture creedally for the twenty-first century, just as the church fathers, the Reformers, and other orthodox Christians did for their times and places. 2 Samuel, like each commentary in the series, is designed to serve the church and demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible."Robert Barron is a great teacher of the Church and a gifted biblical commentator who breaks open the Word of God for our day as Ambrose and Augustine did for theirs."--George Weigel, Ethics and Public Policy Center"In this book, Barron brings his theological erudition to the task of interpreting Sacred Scripture. The result will be a delight for all his readers. Not only will they relish the many profundities of the text, but they will be able to join the author in wrestling with its various conundrums. Even the challenging parts of David's life are handled in fresh, creative, and--most important--productive ways."--Gary Anderson, University of Notre Dame"Robert Barron has written a beautiful commentary on 2 Samuel, and it will be a tribute to the series. He has a keen sense of the subtlety of the narrative and the imagination to draw theological and spiritual meaning from particulars. Yet he is neither doctrinaire nor heavy-handed; his interpretations always grow out of the story and do not become theological disquisitions. Barron writes well, and this commentary is a pleasure to read. Even serious readers of the Bible will delight in the surprising things he discerns in the narrative."--Robert Louis Wilken, University of VirginiaGeneral editor: R. R. Reno (editor, First Things) Series editors: Robert W. Jenson (Center of Theological Inquiry)Robert Louis Wilken (University of Virginia)Ephraim Radner (Wycliffe College, University of Toronto)Michael Root (Catholic University of America)George Sumner (Wycliffe College, University of Toronto)
G.K. Chesterton once said that Catholicism keeps its beliefs "side by side like two strong colors, red and white . . . It has always had a healthy hatred of pink." Catholicism is both/and, not either/or. It celebrates the union of contraries--grace and nature, faith and reason, Scripture and Tradition, body and soul--in a way that the full energy of each opposing element remains in place. In Vibrant Paradoxes, bestselling author Bishop Robert Barron brings together themes and motifs that many would consider mutually exclusive or, at best, awkward in their juxtaposition. But seen through the Incarnation, these opposites crash together and reflect new light in every direction requiring a new vision. This book will train you to see.
In the modern world, Christianity has come to be seen by many as an unintellectual, uninspiring, and unthreatening worldview. But the classical tradition of mystics and scholars reveals something quite different: the most engaging, surprising, and strange of all the religious paths. The Strangest Way: Walking the Christian Path is an instructive guide through the breathtaking reality of what it means to be a Christian. Bishop Barron not only lays out his famous three paths to holiness--finding the center, knowing you're a sinner, and realizing your life is not about you--but also concretizes them with practical actions. Drawing on both literary and spiritual masters, Bishop Barron invites readers to intimacy with God through imitation of his own self-gift in Christ.
" ... a foundational tool for both the Word on Fire Institute and the broader Word on Fire movement. Its purpose is to help evangelists better understand the spiritual and theological ethos of Word on Fire. The contents of this book are aligned with the Eight Principles of Word on Fire." --
About the Book In two thousand years, the Catholic Church has yielded countless saints, artists, mystics, and scholars. But among them are figures that are truly pivotal""men and women who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course of civilization. In this vibrant book based on the multi-part film series CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players, Bishop Robert Barron draws readers into the life and work of twelve Pivotal Players""from great saints such as St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas to literary masters such as G.K. Chesterton and Flannery O'Connor""who personally demonstrated the dynamics of the Christian faith in their distinct time and place. These stories capture both the great variety of personalities and vocations in the Catholic Church and the harmonies between them, all oriented to its ultimate purpose: to be salt and light for all the nations. Elegantly designed with full-color images and photography, The Pivotal Players is a unique journey into the truth and beauty of Catholicism as exemplified in the concrete lives of some of its most fascinating figures. Product Details - 280 Pages - Hardcover
"All I know is I was blind, and now I see." These words from the Gospel of John--spoken by a man born blind after being healed by Jesus--guide this rich theological investigation from Bishop Robert Barron into the meaning of Christian transformation. In And Now I See: A Theology of Transformation, Bishop Barron blends insights from the theological and literary traditions to show that metanoia, or conversion to God, revealed in Christ, is about transforming the mind and soul--from a mind of fear to a mind of trust, and from a pusilla anima (small soul) to a magna anima (great soul)--and that theology itself supports this transformation. But he also shows that this change conduces not just to a new way of believing or thinking but to a new way of being. Blending insights from the great minds of the theological tradition with the work of literary masters such as Dante, William Faulkner, and Flannery O'Connor, And Now I See is a unique and unforgettable portrait of what it means to have our eyes opened and see the light.
For a long time, Christians have tried to bridge the divide between Christianity and secular liberalism with philosophizing and theologizing. In The Priority of Christ, Bishop Robert Barron shows that the answer to this debate--and the way to move forward--lies in Jesus. Barron transcends the usual liberal/conservative or Protestant/Catholic divides with a postliberal Catholicism that brings the focus back on Jesus as revealed in the New Testament narratives. Barron's classical Catholic post-liberalism will be of interest to a broad audience including not only the academic community but also preachers and general readers interested in entering the dialogue between Catholicism and postliberalism.
In a time of discouragement, how can the Church renew itself and its outreach to all people? Bishop Robert Barron insists that a "dumbed down" Catholicism cannot succeed in today's highly educated society - instead, the Church needs to draw upon its great theological heritage in order to renew its hope in Christ.
The highly anticipated follow-up to Bishop Robert Barron's hugely successful Catholicism: A Journey to the FaithAs secularism gains influence, and increasing numbers see religion as dull and backward, Robert Barron wants to illuminate how beautiful, intelligent, and relevant the Catholic faith is. In this compelling new bookdrawn from conversations with and narrated by award-winning Vatican journalist John L. Allen, Jr.Barron, founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, proclaims in vivid language the goodness and truth of the Catholic tradition. Through Barron's smart, practical, artistic, and theological observations as well as personal anecdotesfrom engaging atheists on YouTube to discussing his days as a young diehard baseball fan from ChicagoTo Light a Fire on the Earth covers prodigious ground. Touching on everything from Jesus to prayer, science, movies, atheism, the spiritual life, the fate of Church in modern times, beauty, art, and social media, Barron reveals why the Church matters today and how Catholics can intelligently engage a skeptical world.
Robert Barron is one of the Catholic Church's premier theologians and author of the influential The Priority of Christ. In this volume, Barron sets forth a thoroughgoing vision for an evangelical catholic theology that is steeped in the tradition and engaged with the contemporary world. Striking a balance between academic rigor and accessibility, the book covers issues of perennial interest in the twenty-first-century church: who God is, how to rightly worship him, and how his followers engage contemporary culture. Topics include the doctrine of God, Catholic theology, philosophy, liturgy, and evangelizing the culture. This work will be of special interest to readers concerned about the so-called "new atheism."
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