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Bøger af Robert Corfe

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  • - A Romantic Docu-Drama of the East-West Divide
    af Robert Corfe
    243,95 kr.

    A romantic fract-based novel describing a love relationship etween a man from the West with a girl from East Berlin at the close of the 1950s.

  • - And the Threats to its Existence
    af Robert Corfe
    188,95 kr.

    In confronting the threat to the environment and over-population, it is argued that Technological Civilisation under the leadership of the advanced industrial economies, should take the initiative in addressing the greatest problems of our time.

  • - In the Advanced Industrial Economies
    af Robert Corfe
    188,95 kr.

    The takeover of democracy by the financial institutions and the imposition of debt through the collapse of home-based productivity, and what we should do about it.

  • - Dark Secrets in Hidden Arabia
    af Robert Corfe
    213,95 kr.

    The true story of a public execution in Saudi Arabia interspaced with a businessman's observations on the culture of Arab and Islamic life throughout the Gulf region, and its impact on the ex-pat population and peoples further afield.

  • - Fundamentalism's Threat to World Civilisation
    af Robert Corfe
    205,95 kr.

    An analysis of the worldwide problem of Islamic culture and religiosity and its incompatibility with the demands of modernity, and how a secular Islam may be created for a harmonioys future for all humanity.

  • - The Story of the Ron Evans Spy Case
    af Robert Corfe
    216,95 kr.

    An account of one of the most notorious Soviet spy episodes during the Cold War period of the mid-1960s that took place in Scandinavia.

  • - The reality of power relationships
    af Robert Corfe
    210,95 kr.

    Democracy understood as people power, which is the only proper definition of the word, is put forward in this book as the panacea for resolving the most pressing issues of our time. But democracy as a practicable system hinges on many conditions which are seldom appreciated by our world leaders, international institutions, or relevant bodies of learning.The evolution of democracy as a system of government and way of life, and the problems to which the former gives rise is broadly discussed by the author. Of most significance are those situations, in both East and West, when democracy is ideologically used as a cover for ulterior purposes.It is powerfully argued that the left/right divide which for 200 years has served as the rationale for advancing social progress in sustaining democracy is now destroying it, as partly witnessed through the collapse of both party memberships and voting figures in most advanced industrial economies. This has occurred through the transformation of society and the world of work over the past 60 years, and has left our parliamentary representatives trapped in a time-warp of the past in their inability to meet the actuality of contemporary issues.It is clearly shown, through a variety of reasons, that democracy as an all-inclusive system of government is only workable within the nation state. This partly explains the crises of the EU, and the shortcomings of the UN's Security Council. The greatest threat to democracy, since it limits the power of the nation state to carry through electoral promises, is international finance and transnational corporations, which are unaccountable to any responsible authority and liable to bring economic catastrophe in their wake.This is a book which seeks to empower our national politicians, irrespective of party, so they may more effectively represent the interests of their electorates. A way must be found for our politicians to resolve their predicament, even though it may entail a shift in their attitudes and ideals.

  • - The story of a Childhood
    af Robert Corfe
    295,95 kr.

    Taking a multi-purpose and inter-denominational approach, this is a book addressed to all Christians, who in this sceptical age, may be experiencing a religious crisis or doubts as to their commitment to Christ's teaching and Revelation. Whilst this book is written from the basis of conviction, it insists on demonstrating factual evidence. Nothing is presented which is contrary to the reason of the ordinary man or woman in arguing the basis of religious truth. With this in mind, the reader is taken through the Bible, from the book of Genesis onwards, and answers are offered for many of those difficult questions which usually arouse anxiety in the minds of the faithful from time to time. In addition, the book offers questions and discussion topics at the conclusion of each chapter. This is an ideal handbook which religious teachers and ministers of all denominations will find helpful, written by a fully-qualified scholar holding a doctorate in theological studies.

  • - papers from the enlightened Far North
    af Robert Corfe
    310,95 kr.

    Social science

  • - the irrelevance of the traditional left & the call for a progressive politics of universal humanity
    af Robert Corfe
    204,95 kr.

    Critique of socialism

  • - Reforming business structures
    af Robert Corfe
    328,95 kr.

    Business reform

  • - Reforming capitalism
    af Robert Corfe
    327,95 kr.

    New capitallism

  • - and the end of class conflict
    af Robert Corfe
    316,95 kr.

    Changes in society

  • - and the collapse of aspirational values
    af Robert Corfe
    194,50 kr.

    Dangers of populism

  • - The collapse of class-based politics
    af Robert Corfe
    205,95 kr.

    Political change

  • - The Role of Religion in the 3rd Millennium
    af Robert Corfe
    231,95 kr.

    Future of religion

  • - How society has changed
    af Robert Corfe
    314,95 kr.

    Class changes

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