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Bøger af Robert Eaker

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  • af Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker & mfl.
    778,95 kr.

    Forskning viser, at et professionelt læringsfællesskab, der sætter elevernes læring i centrum i et målorienteret teamsamarbejde, og hvor alle medlemmer af teamet tager kollektivt ansvar for at tilrettelægge undervisningen, giver alle elever de bedste læringsmuligheder.Håndbog i professionelle læringsfællesskaber er til alle, der ønsker at udvikle deres arbejde i og som et professionelt læringsfællesskab. Bogen tilbyder en grundig indføring i, hvad professionelle læringsfællesskaber er, og hvordan man kan komme i gang med at arbejde i professionelle team, der har elevernes læring i fokus.

  • af Robert Eaker
    353,95 kr.

    "In Leading PLCs at Workª Districtwide: From Boardroom to Classroom, authors Robert Eaker, Mike Hagadone, Janel Keating, and Meagan Rhoades guide educators in developing successful districtwide professional learning communities (PLCs) to ensure high levels of learning for every student. The authors advocate high-performing districts develop when collaborative teams at every level align their concepts, practices, and vocabulary. Aligning this work is a top-down, bottom-up cyclical process, starting with the district level and ending with grade-level and content-area teams. By reading Leading PLCs at Work Districtwide, district and school leaders will have the tools and strategies to create a districtwide culture of continuous improvement"--

  • af Robert Eaker
    328,95 kr.

    Champion continuous school improvement with the support of our Leading PLCs at Work(R) Districtwide Plan Book. Divided into weekly and monthly planning pages, the plan book helps guide leaders in identifying and acting upon major responsibilities, tasks, and goals throughout the year. Also included are PLC checklists as well as multiple tools for self-reflection, project preparation, and meeting planning. Leaders can use this resource to embed core values into the planning process so that educators at every level accomplish the right work: Discover how to work backward when designing effective plans for your school district. Understand why it is essential to have a visual districtwide calendar that holds everyone accountable and provides everyone with the same information. Receive templates for planning and monitoring activities and due dates. Utilize daily checklists as well as weekly and end-of-year self-reflection tools. Learn how to evaluate timelines to optimize time and productivity in your professional learning community (PLC). Contents: Section 1 Preface--Districtwide Planning How to Use this Plan Book Section 2 Monthly PLC Work (July Through June) Monthly Calendar Daily Planner Monthly Reflections Tool Section 3 Midyear Self-Reflection Tool End-of-Year Self-Reflection Tool Project-Planning Tool Meeting-Planning Tool

  • af Robert Eaker
    433,95 kr.

    "The anthology Cultures of Continuous Learning: Lessons From Professional Learning Communities at Workª and High Reliability Schools successfully proves the thesis that the PLC at Work framework and HRS model are not only interrelated, but that they support each other. With this proposition in mind, authors Robert Eaker and Robert J. Marzano work with numerous contributors to both explore the HRS model and examine its role within the PLC framework. Readers will study each level of the HRS model and the ways in which a successful implementation of the model improves education. Then, readers will be provided with a concrete example of that level of the model at work in a successfully implemented PLC at Work system. Throughout this anthology, readers will learn from the best of America's educators as each chapter is written by an educator with a deep, comprehensive understanding of either the HRS model or the PLC at Work Framework. Using this book, readers will see how the merging of the HRS model and the PLC at Work framework leads to vastly improved schooling for all students"--

  • af Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker & mfl.
    459,95 kr.

    Forskning viser, at et professionelt læringsfællesskab, der sætter elevernes læring i centrum i et målorienteret teamsamarbejde, og hvor alle medlemmer af teamet tager kollektivt ansvar for at tilrettelægge undervisningen, giver alle elever de bedste læringsmuligheder.Håndbog i professionelle læringsfællesskaber er til alle, der ønsker at udvikle deres arbejde i og som et professionelt læringsfællesskab. Bogen tilbyder en grundig indføring i, hvad professionelle læringsfællesskaber er, og hvordan man kan komme i gang med at arbejde i professionelle team, der har elevernes læring i fokus.Bogen er systematisk bygget op og kommer rundt om emner som, hvordan man afklarer organisationens formål, hvordan man får skabt et læringsfokus, og hvad man gør, når nogle elever ikke lærer. Herefter gennemgår den, hvordan man opbygger en samarbejdskultur i professionelle læringsfællesskaber, og hvordan man sikrer, at samarbejdet bliver tilpas resultatorienteret gennem brugen af relevant information og data. Forfatterne beskriver også, hvordan man kan implementere professionelle læringsfællesskaber på alle skoler i en forvaltning. Til sidst kommer de med konkrete bud på, hvordan man kan skabe konsensus i sin organisation, og hvad lederne og underviserne kan - og er nødt til - at gøre, hvis der opstår konflikter i de professionelle læringsfællesskaber eller i udviklingen af dem.Bogen indeholder skemaer, der kan bruges til at vurdere, hvor i udviklingsprocessen ens egen organisation befinder sig. Alle skemaer og redskaber kan downloades til brug i egen praksis på

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