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Bøger af Robert Hand

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  • af Robert Hand
    273,95 kr.

    This book covers complete delineations of all the major transits - conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition - that occur between transiting Sun, Moon and all planets to each planet in the natal chart and the Ascendant and Midheaven, as well as complete delineations of each planet transiting each house of the natal chart. These 720 lucid delineations are full of insight for both the professional astrologer and the beginner.

  • af Robert Hand
    226,95 kr.

    To Robert Hand, children are adults in the process of becoming. Parents will welcome this book and use it to help their children learn to cope with the complexities of modern life. Readers of all ages will use it to understand their own patterns of early development. The first four chapters define the roles of mother and father, explain the effects of various planetary energy systems and discuss the meaning of elements and crosses in a child''s chart. Hand analyses the charts of three children, including Judy Garland and Shirley Temple, to illustrate the astrological principles and psychological insights set forth in his intriguing study of personality development. The major part of the book consists of delineations of horoscope factors, written with young people in mind. Every planet in every sign, house and major aspect, as well as every rising sign, is interpreted in about three hundred words that stress possibilities rather than certainties.

  • - det ældste system
    af Robert Hand
    128,95 kr.

    TEGNHUSE - DET ÆLDSTE SYSTEM er første dansksprogede bog af den amerikanske astrolog Robert Hand, som tillige er filolog med en ph.d. i historie. Han var i 1993 medstifter af Projekt Hindsight sammen med Robert Schmidt og Robert Zoller. Deres vision var at kombinere deres viden om både filologi og astrologi for herigennem at skabe filologisk og astrologisk korrekte nyoversættelser af de klassiske tekster i den Vestlige tradition.Det foreliggende lille værk er en udløber af dette arbejde. Heri fortæller forfatteren om en ældgammel teknik, Tegnhuse, som i sin grundholdning og teknik er radikalt forskellig fra de mest anvendte hussystemer i dag såsom Placidus, Regiomontanus, Campanus, Alcabitius, Koch osv. Alle disse er kvadrant-systemer, skabt ud fra sindrige astronomiske modeller og beregninger.Eneste undtagelser herfra er Equal House (Lige Store Huse) systemet, der er en jævn tolvdeling fra Ascendanten, samt Meridian-systemet, der har MC som nulpunkt – og nu Tegnhusene, der ligeledes er en jævn tolvdeling, men som udgår fra 0° i hvert tegn. Alle tre rummer samme enkle symbolik.

  • af Robert Hand
    188,95 kr.

    Planets in Composite contains an explanation of the composite technique, chapters on casting and reading the horoscope, five case studies illustrating the use and validity of composite charts, plus twelve chapters of delineations. There are delineations for all the planets (including Sun and Moon) in each house and every major aspect (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition). 374 interpretations in all, 300 words each, thumb-indexed for easy reference. And there are 41 delineations of the Moon's nodes as well.

  • af Robert Hand
    275,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Robert Hand
    263,95 kr.

    Whether you''re a beginning student or a practicing professional, Horoscope Symbols takes you beyond your present conception of astrology into a whole new realm of understanding. Horoscope Symbols takes the beginner beyond cookbook interpretations to genuine insight, beyond superficial keywords to the fundamental principles that underlie astrology, beyond overemphasis on signs to the primacy of planets and angles. Although Hand assumes little prior knowledge of astrology, the more you know, the more you will get out of this book. Hand takes the expert beyond the fatalism of tradition to a deep understanding of the role of personal choice in the life of the individual, beyond fortune telling to the true source of human experience.

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