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  • af Robert Rite
    78,95 kr.

    Are all our prayers stored in heaven? Can you actually pray to have your DNA corrected? Some people erroneously think that God does not answer prayers. This is probably because they do not know how to pray. In this book I will reveal to you that when you ask in the right manner, God listens - and when He delivers you usually will receive much more than you expected! When you learn to pray correctly you can change your life for the better - in an instant. Proper prayer can heal, save marriages, restore and grow your finances, protect you and your loved ones from anything, and create miracles in your life that you never before imagined! Nothing in life is more important than establishing an intimate relationship with our Creator, and only prayer can establish that supernatural connection. Only then will you be able to ask and receive. In this book you will learn how to pray for and receive real and lasting results. You will discover...... Secrets for praying and being heard. Certain things that we should NEVER pray for. Why is God not healing me or my loved one - and the Prayers that heal? Why do Bad things happen to good people - and prayers to you from evil? Sample Prayers to pray for most any situation. Prayers for financial security. How to pray for weight loss and a host of other afflictions. Powerful prayers found in the bible. And much more! When you apply these concepts, this book will truly be a life-long blessing for you!

  • - How to Unlock the Supernatural Healing Power of God
    af Robert Rite
    78,95 kr.

    Can cancer be supernaturally healed? What about mental illness? Can people's missing limbs grow back supernaturally? Can a person born blind, receive perfect eyesight? This book addresses all of these questions and more. Some people believe that the gift of healing ended with Jesus Christ and that miracles no longer happen. Nothing can be further from the truth! When you learn to harness the power that God freely offers to all of us, then the supernatural becomes natural. This includes miraculous healings of all types of diseases and afflictions. That is what this book is all about. After reading this book you will better understand that when you operate within the kingdom of God, you can receive kingdom power and then nothing inside of this dimension becomes impossible. Discover over fifty healing promises in the bible. You can claim any of these for your healing needs. Learn the secret sauce for unlocking healing for yourself and your loved ones. This book clearly explains the conditions and steps to achieving supernatural healing. It then provides many examples of prayers that you can pray for yourself or others to manifest total healing. You will discover why some people receive instant healing while many others do not. Can Our Life be extended beyond what God has planned for us? This book provides examples that will clearly address that question! Upon reading this book, you will be equipped with the knowledge that once applied will Unlock the Supernatural Healing Power of God.

  • af Robert Rite
    78,95 kr.

    To the "natural thinker" the supernatural is unnatural. But to the person with a renewed mind, the supernatural becomes the new normal! In this book you will learn how to renew your mind so that kingdom power becomes natural to you. You will learn how to overcome ordinary thinking and expectations, and how to connect to heaven and release kingdom power that flows through you so that you can create miracles and blessings for yourself and for others - in all areas of life. You no longer will have to endure pain, suffering, illnesses, unhappiness, loneliness, financial problems, nor any other problem. This book will show you how to eliminate these afflictions through the release of kingdom power the betterment of yourself, your loved ones and mankind! This book reveals the only way to release supernatural power and blessings into our life without engaging in dangerous occult practices and reaping the unwelcome consequences thereof. Once we let go of traditional thinking and ordinary thinking and replenish our minds with the true words of God, then we are connected to heaven and kingdom power can flow through us so that we can create miracles for ourselves and other. Do you REALLY believe in miracles? Do you know anybody who does? Is there Supernatural evidence of God's presence today on earth? We will reveal much evidence in this book. The supernatural is difficult to accept or witness if you have a "natural" mindset. When you operate and live in the natural your mind refuses to accept anything that is supernatural. We can experience the kingdom of God right here in the now when we plug into supernatural power from heaven. When the Lord went to heaven he delegated to you and I (the church) the honor to expand his kingdom throughout the earth. The gospel of the kingdom is supernatural because it brings heaven down to earth. God is a supernatural God and when we are connected with him we become his representatives to release supernatural power to administer his works here on earth. In heaven the supernatural is the normal. Heaven is not this place way out of reach in outer space. Heaven can exist here and now! Invisible heaven becomes visible here and now when others witness miracles and healing before their very eyes, through the works of empowered individuals.

  • - The True Story that the Establishment does not want you to Discover
    af Robert Rite
    108,95 kr.

    Are we living at that time referred to as the End of Days? Are we that last generation? Discover the non-fiction version of the end of days before it is too late. Learn the keys to unlocking the signs for the end times. Learn how to survive the coming apocalypse. Many end time signs have already come to pass as you will learn. Learn the mystery of the Israeli Connection to the End of Days. Understand why the rise of ISIS and the tribulation in the Middle East is a sign of the end times. Learn why so many doubt the prophecies for the end of days, and why this time they may regret it! You will know why so many will be deceived into believing the lies of the coming global leader. In this new release, the following will no longer be a mystery: - Who are the key Players During the Tribulation Period - Why so many will be deceived into taking on the Mark of the Beast (the 666 - mark of Satan) - Why does taking the Mark of the Beast instantly condemn a Person to Eternal Damnation? - How to recognize the Coming Global Leader when he arrives on the world scene. - Why will the End of Days will NOT be the End for Everyone. - Will there actually be a rapture? - What to do if you are Left Behind? - Will some survive? If so how can You prepare and Survive the Coming Apocalypse - What emergency supplies should we have on hand regardless of an apocalypse. - How to prepare emotionally and spiritually for any situation. - Survival tips for the apocalypse - Overcoming Fear during the Apocalypse - What is the Whole Armor of God? - What is the Israel Connection to the End of Days? - Why is there such a Controversy over Jerusalem? - What is the Book of Life and how to ensure that your name is written in and remains in that book that secures eternal life. This is truly a book for the very time that we are living in today. While many wonder what is going on - you will know why and you will be prepared - mentally, physically and spiritually!

  • - Unveiling the Similarities between the Ancient Scrolls and the Coming Apocalypse
    af Robert Rite
    78,95 kr.

    In this book you will learn about the amazing similarities between the ancient books of Genesis, Exodus and Revelation; and how the story of Exodus and the plagues of Egypt are strikingly similar to the plagues of Revelation (the coming apocalypse). You will learn how Pharaoh of Egypt in the bible is symbolic of Satan and of all those who deny the sovereignty of God. You will also discover striking similarities between the lives of Joseph, Moses and the Messiah Jesus. Upon reading this book you will understand the deception and lies of the prince of darkness and this lost world, and why there is a need for the coming apocalypse (the Great Tribulation) as described in the book of Revelation.

  • - Discover Ancient Secrets and Bible Prophecies about the Supernatural
    af Robert Rite
    78,95 kr.

    Supernatural forces do exist. Although most of us cannot see or feel them, aliens, angels, fallen angels, demons, and nephilim may indeed be all around us and may even play a significant role in our thinking, our actions and our destiny. As you will learn, even nations and governments are readily influenced by these unseen spirits and forces. Therefore it is extremely important that we understand this other dimension that strives to influence our belief systems, and ultimately our destiny. You will learn how you can neutralize any adverse impact that their influence may have on our lives, and in the lives of our loved ones. Did giants really exist at one time? What about ancient astronauts, UFOs, and intelligent beings from other galaxies? What is their true origin? What about alien abductions. Are they all for real? Do they actually all exist? If so then why, and what are they after? This book will attempt to clarify all of these questions as well as related questions for you. Careful study of the bible and several other secret ancient writings help uncover the inter-relationship between aliens, angels, fallen angels, demons and the nephilim? This book helps explain the inter-relationship between these supernatural beings. This book covers the supernatural in detail and explains how and why Aliens, fallen angels, demons, and the nephilim all have a part in this cosmic battle in the spirit and invisible realm. I endeavor to help the reader understand who the chief players are in this ongoing cosmic battle, and what role they have and will play in past, and future world events. I am confident that after reading this book, you will acquire a much clearer understanding of the supernatural forces at hand, as I attempt to unlock for you their reasons and their purpose for existing.

  • - Unlocking the End Time Prophetic Codes as Revealed by the Ancient Prophets
    af Robert Rite
    93,95 kr.

    Did you know that all of the hundreds of prophecies foretold by the ancient prophets up to this time have all come to pass? They have - and only those prophecies that point to the very time of the end remain to be fulfilled. All it takes is to watch just one session of the evening and or world news to realize that everything is not quite well down here on planet earth. Yet so many believe the lie that the coming apocalypse is all just science fiction, and that mankind and its appointed leaders can keep it all together - if we all just learn to get along and hold hands. Not only does history prove this has never happened, but the prophecies are clear that it won't; that the day of reckoning is rapidly approaching. Some world leaders have even hinted recently that World War III has already started in diverse parts of the world. Just like WW II most of the world seems oblivious to the storm clouds until it reaches our backyard. Despite years of searching, I never found a book that listed most or all of the key end time prophecies. So I decided to create one for you. Finally you can learn all of the prophecies from the ancient prophets in one book; from A to Z. The bible is loaded with end time prophecies from both the Old and New Testament. You will discover hundreds of these predictions and revelations all in one book! We are living in perilous times, this book will help you understand and discern the signs of the times.

  • - Who is "Mystery Babylon" of the End of Days?
    af Robert Rite
    73,95 kr.

    Why is Babylon the Great one of the most important mysteries of the bible to understand? Did you know that once you discover this secret, you will be able to unlock many other secrets of the apocalypse codes? You will discover that Babylon the great, is actually "one great nation", unlike what many think. Discover: - Who is Babylon the Great? - Who is the Scarlet Woman riding the Beast in revelation 17? - Where is America in Bible Prophecy? - Is America Babylon the Great? - What about the Rome, and EU connection? - Discover who will destroy Babylon the Great? - the 9/11 Connection And more! There is a lot more to Babylon the Great than most have ever realized - and now you can unlock this mystery. You will no longer be fooled by those who claim that Babylon is NOT a great modern nation that will play a great part in the end of day scenario!

  • - and the Coming Global Religion
    af Robert Rite
    76,95 kr.

    Why is the "New Age Movement" (the NAM) so diametrically opposed to Christianity? What is the coming one world religion? Could it be the New Age Movement; or a mixture of Catholic-Christianity with the New Age Movement and other religions; or a mutation thereof? Could it be a global Islamic Caliphate; since the book of Revelation reveals the martyrdom by many by beheading? What is the NAM's position regarding Satan, Lucifer, Heaven and Hell - does the NAM even think that sin exists in the world? Is the New Age Movement involved in the Occult and the mystery religions? All of this is explained in detail. Do the NAM like other religions look forward to a one world religion? Unlock the mysteries of what the hidden objective of the New Age Movement is. You will understand what the key differences are between the New Age Movement, and Christianity. Discover what their true position is regarding God, Jesus, Salvation, sin, reincarnation, aliens, and the creation. Discover why the self improvement movement and meditation is part of the NAM's belief system - and is it spiritually dangerous? Discover how the New Age Movement has merged, ancient, Hindu, Buddhist and other Mystery religions into its teachings. Finally discover how a one world religion can emerge even though there are so many different religions throughout the world, and why it may be embraced by the masses. All of this and more is discussed in this new book. A must read in these confusing times.

  • - Unlocking the Mystery of the Coming Blood Moons of 2014 & 2015
    af Robert Rite
    73,95 kr.

    Are the end of day prophecies already revealed in the heavens, and by the coming Blood Moons (Lunar Eclipses) of 2014 and 2015? Do these signs have a divine significance? Will the coming series of Lunar Eclipses (blood moons) signal the beginning of the Apocalypse? Are there other signs and clues in the heavens. NASA scientists have confirmed that in 2014 and 2015 there will be a series of blood moons (lunar eclipses) - four in all, and there will also be a solar eclipse in the middle of the blood moons. A total lunar eclipse is referred to as a blood moon because the event casts a red shadow on the moon. When several (four) blood moons occur within a short period (a two year span) it is historically a sign of something BIG that is about to happen. This cosmic phenomenon has historically preceded a significant event that affects all mankind. Learn what has happened the few other times that this cosmic event has occurred over the past 600 years - and what this upcoming series of blood moons may be warning us of. You will also learn secret signs behind the some of the major star groups (constellations), Zodiac signs and other signs in the heavens. Upon reading this book you will have a totally different perspective of the heavenly bodies, and their significance to mankind.

  • af Robert Rite
    88,95 kr.

    Did you know that Science, Astronomy, and physics actually prove the Bible's accuracy? Numbers, the Human body, our DNA, and even the heavenly bodies all point to a creator. There seems to be no contradictions between what modern society has discovered about our world and the cosmos and what the Bible reveals in hundreds of ancient scriptures and prophecies. The big bang theory, and evolution do not dispel the accuracy of the bible, but actually reinforce it! A must read for those seeking the truth in this perplexing time.

  • af Robert Rite
    98,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered why there are so many different kinds of religions, false gods, and idols throughout the world - over 4,000 of them? Is there a conspiracy going on right now behind the scenes to establish a global government? What are the similarities between modern religious philosophy and the ancient mystery religions? Discover the forces of darkness and its influence on religion, and what most religions and faiths have in common. Is the new age movement - really new? And how will this and many other religions have in common with the coming global religion. Learn some of the secret plans of the global elite and Illuminati. Join me as your personal guide as we embark into one of the most important journeys to unravel the truth, which is hidden inside of a myriad of religions, faiths, cults and belief systems that have infiltrated the mind and soul of humanity since the very dawn of this age. The truth is out there - and we will unlock it!

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