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Bøger af Robert Villegas

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  • - A Stage Play
    af Robert Villegas
    97,95 kr.

    This stage play is about the struggle of the main character, Ricard, who has recently been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. The play chronicles his personal struggle to deal with how he became an alcoholic and how to repair his life. It focuses on his values, how to identify their role in his life, and how he can shed alcohol as a value. As he begins to understand what is important in his life, he begins the trek from his distorted value structure to what is important in life.

  • - A City on a River
    af Robert Villegas
    189,95 kr.

    We live in a city on a river. Our city is called New America, and our river is the river Styx. We don't know how the river got this name, but it is a very wide body of water and, they say, on the other side of the river are some very bad people. We have been at war with them all our lives and almost all the news we receive is about the war and how our Supreme Leader is winning it. We give the bodies of our young to fight this war and some never return. They are lost in the greyness on the other side of the river. We never think about losing them because they don't know their parents, and their parents don't know them. Our country is also called New America. It is a wide stretch of land on the coast of what some people call Old America. So, we live in New America, New America. Sometimes we call it NewA for fun. Our city has tall spires for buildings, but most of them are empty and in ruins since the time the Supreme Leader came to save us and restore order. Some time, long ago, the old leaders decided to make these buildings out of the same-colored rocks, grey and drab. We don't know why they chose that color, but it makes the city look old and decrepit from a distance.

  • - The Same Old Altruism
    af Robert Villegas
    171,95 kr.

    Most of us have heard the cliché "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss". The same can be said about Peter Singer's effective altruism: "Meet effective altruism, same as the old altruism". Indeed, the problem with the new altruism is that it is altruism, nonetheless. This is because the fundamentals of effective altruism are the same as the fundamentals of primordial human sacrifice that began with the decimation of a scapegoat. Today's altruists, as if seeming to realize that the old altruism has never been effective, are now offering what they deem to be an "effective" version of the old altruism that is different, new, and workable, so they say. The old altruism is dead; they think. Now it is time for something devastatingly new.

  • - A Rational Thoughtbook
    af Robert Villegas
    122,95 kr.

    The quest for identity is a human yearning. Each of us seeks to define who we are and what is our purpose. This yearning is the desire to integrate our existence, our knowledge and our purpose. To aid in this quest, the authors have created the "Rational Thoughtbook, a new breed of book that uses vibrant images and essential questions to help you think about your most important issues.A Rational Thoughtbook is not intended merely for reading; but for thinking. You don't read each page; you think about the questions being posed and take your time answering them according to your best knowledge at the time. Rational thinking is the exertion of mental focus and energy to improve internal harmony and cognitive abilities. Through this book, you will use your mind to "see" reality, determine right action, generate energy and prepare yourself for living.

  • af Robert Villegas
    97,95 kr.

    The Short Play Adam Reborn has been joined by a short story originally entitled "The Garden" which started over 40 years ago as the precursor to the Play. This story has been updated and refurbished to give it a consistent new theme that joins the two works and gives a fresh perspective on the nature of man and the glory of human accomplishment. The result is a tribute to man's greatness and his unending pursuit of values.

  • - What is the Price of Independence?
    af Robert Villegas
    87,95 kr.

    Jonny Payne is an Indiana teenager who has just discovered the philosophy of Ayn Rand and his parents are displeased. They take him to a priest and a psychologist, but his only question is "What is the price of independence?Jonny struggles to grow intellectually while confronted by the disapproval of his parents and peers. As he grows, he learns that the battle for individuality is the battle of life.

  • - A Korean War Story
    af Robert Villegas
    82,95 kr.

    This is a story about an impossible love. Bob is a young American soldier in Korea during the Vietnam era. As he goes through his training, he works hard to survive the war that has been killing many of his friends. He does not know what will happen and he feels the stress of war looming. How will he survive?Bobbie is a beautiful young Korean woman trying to survive in a world that hates her because she likes Americans and their culture.When Bob meets Bobbie in an army town outside of Camp Casey, Korea, a new Korean War begins and they wonder if their love can survive the clash of values.

  • - A Radical New Perspective
    af Robert Villegas
    177,95 kr.

    One man's conspiracy might be another man's social revolution. Yet, there was a group of men who joined forces to create at least four documents that we have come to know as the Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. You can call it a conspiracy in a sense. In another sense, these men were part of a larger mission to use their intellectual abilities and writing skills to create materials that would move and enlighten. From these efforts, the world was forever changed. This book presents a radical new perspective on how the Gospels were written.

  • - For Sport and Entertainment
    af Robert Villegas
    132,95 kr.

    This second volume adds the knowledge and experience that my company has gained since writing the first volume known as "Finding Sponsors." After having made thousands of phone calls, engaged in many presentations and negotiations and helped teams and organizations obtain funding, we feel we are uniquely positioned to write this book. Since the first volume, we have also worked to develop funding opportunities in the entertainment industry for agents, marketing companies and concert/party promoters. Our experiences in developing sponsorship proposals have been invaluable to our efforts in the entertainment industry and we would like to thank our customers in this field for providing their unique perspectives to our work.

  • af Robert Villegas
    87,95 kr.

    These poems were discovered among Mr. Villegas's archives in 2016. Many of them have been read by only Mr. Villegas. Most of these poems were rejected as "not that good". After seeing them again, he has changed his mind. These poems are expressive, fresh and spontaneously honest.

  • af Robert Villegas
    157,95 kr.

    In today's corporation, especially those involved in the web design industry, everything is marketing. Effective strategic marketing requires the ability to differentiate the website development organization and its deliverables from those of the competition. All business processes should be designed to facilitate the provision of the highest quality services or project deliverables to the customer-and thereby create the marketing story that brings customers to the door.

  • - A Story of Love
    af Robert Villegas
    82,95 kr.

    This theatrical presentation features romantic love poems found in Mr. Villegas's books Poetic Prose and Poetry, The Raven Haired Girl and others. The poems are arranged so they create a love story about a young woman and her soldier husband.

  • - A Feature Movie Screenplay
    af Robert Villegas
    82,95 kr.

    Johnny is a Spanish guitar player with a mysterious past. At a party, he meets the beautiful songstress Aphrodite who is enthralled with his flamenco guitar skills. Later, she learns they have a connection, a particular song they both appear to know. Aphrodite discovers the connection, and through dreams, the two fall in love. The question is whether they will ever be together.

  • af Robert Villegas
    217,95 kr.

    This book provides suggestions on how sport teams, athletes and concert promoters can mitigate the damage done to their businesses by the economic lockdowns (due to the Coronavirus). It integrates checklists, SWOT Analysis and other valuable business aids into one toolkit that will help you keep your sport and/or genre alive in these difficult times.

  • af Robert Villegas
    87,95 kr.

    Adam Reborn is an allegory for the stage. It uses the Biblical symbols of Adam and Eve to tell the story of man's relationship with God. In this story, Adam and Eve are young and heroic people learning to deal with a Paradise and a God that are hostile to them. There is no chance of life and everything that is natural to them is cut off, given no chance for fruition. They sense this; they feel the vacuum in their souls, and they are uncertain as to how to deal with it. The man/woman relationship suffers as it must under such strains; independence is too essential to it. How they deal with it is the message of this allegory.

  • af Robert Villegas
    142,95 kr.

    These beautiful poetic expressions represent some of Mr. Villegas' youngest thoughts while he lived and traveled to many locations around the world. They range from the romantic to the enlightened.

  • - The Man at the Computer
    af Robert Villegas
    82,95 kr.

    This theatrical play is based upon poems from Mr. Villegas's book Poetic Prose and Poetry. Some of the poems have been slightly altered to reflect the internal story of the play. The title poem is about the citizen journalist and how he has changed the world through his computer.

  • - A Future History
    af Robert Villegas
    112,95 kr.

    Amerigo was born in a time of desperation and dystopia. He was the only man with the vision of a great future. Many repaired to his cause while others swore to destroy him. They wanted his life, his mind and everything he loved. He swore that no matter what they did, he would win the struggle for freedom and a new future.

  • af Robert Villegas
    157,95 kr.

    I see Christianity, as we know it today, as an outgrowth of mostly one mind and one perspective and that is the mind and perspective of Paul the apostle who was the alter-ego for another man who lived and wrote in the AD 80s and AD 90s. What I have discovered is that Paul, in writing about himself, is not writing about philosophy and movements that were later molded into a world religion; he is writing firstly about the very real events in which he participated, and only secondarily about his own singular effort to concoct a new religious perspective.

  • af Robert Villegas
    112,95 kr.

    This book contains links to music videos that were the foundation of the style of text used in the writing of the chapter in which they are presented. These videos are essentially the only difference you will find to the originally published version of this book which is straight text. I hope you enjoy the juxtaposition of music and words which, in my experience, is the first of its kind - an effort to connect music and thought in the American novel.

  • af Robert Villegas
    132,95 kr.

    How many times have we heard the old saw: "Capitalism has failed again" over the course of contemporary events? We heard it during the Great Depression of 1929 after Hoover had invoked tariffs and precipitated economic retaliation and a banking crisis. Along with this question usually came a statement to the effect, that "We can fix capitalism and make it even stronger by issuing economic controls or spending money to stimulate economic activity." This book will argue that capitalism, as an economic system, cannot fail as long as individuals are free to act.

  • af Robert Villegas
    97,95 kr.

    This workbook is intended to be a personal diary in which you can make notes on the addiction you are working on. It is based upon Mr. Villegas' book Alcoholism and Addiction - A Secular Ten-Step Program.A psychiatrist writes of the book: "I have talked about "The Secular Ten-Step Program Workbook" with several young adult patients, who seem to have benefited from it. I think it goes beyond alcohol and drug addiction to alcohol to all sorts of addiction (e.g. sex, social media, constant social interaction, etc) that give momentary pleasure to cover or totally avoid pain and its causes."

  • - And Escaping Ethnicity
    af Robert Villegas
    82,95 kr.

    This book includes chapters from the author's book Individualism. They are published as a separate booklet because of the related nature of chapters about racism and ethnicity.

  • af Robert Villegas
    87,95 kr.

    This book is designed to assist the Call Center Supervisor in upgrading the skills of his Call Center Representatives. Call Center Representatives are important because they are the only point of contact you're your customers. They must know the company's quality assurance standards and be able to represent the company well. They often make the difference between a customer with a problem resolved and a customer who will not come back. Giving proper answers, having the proper attitude and tone of voice are, therefore, of utmost importance for the company. This booklet will take the Supervisor and employee through a systematic training regimen that will teach the basic methods for ensuring that the representative understands and uses correct rebuttals and skills with the customer. The Supervisor documents thoroughly all activities and results in order to ensure that the representative is thoroughly trained and understands the job.

  • - Forms Book
    af Robert Villegas
    77,95 kr.

    This "Forms Book is intended to provide samples of the forms mentioned in my book "Finding Sponsors for Sport and Entertainment". This will make it possible for you to reproduce these forms in other formats as well as download the forms document from the DSI website for use with Microsoft Word.

  • - Patient Version
    af Robert Villegas
    82,95 kr.

    This book is for patients or individuals dealing with the issues of alcoholism and addiction. It starts with a short story that gives a fictional account of the life of the man who discovered alcohol. It provides a new understanding of addiction without the obligatory religious perspective. In fact, it focuses on knowledge and the process needed for "changing one's mind" rather than for merely changing one's actions.You are exposed to the thought process that sees alcohol as a value and show the devastating impact of excessive use on your life and relationships.It is hoped that this approach will assist the reader in also beginning his own journey of understanding about addiction and alcoholism in particular. This document is the Patient's companion document to the Counselor version of this story. In addition to the short story "The World's First Drunk", contains a quiz for the patient. The intent of this set of materials is for the counselor to provide the Patient version to his or her patients and then use his Counselor version to direct an individual or group discussion about what he learned through reading the story.

  • - Includes Short-Story "The World's First Drunk"
    af Robert Villegas
    122,95 kr.

    The ideas in this book provide a secular approach to addiction that is founded upon real values that the individual identifies for himself. This departs from the traditional religious views that impose altruism as a prime value. According to the traditional view, the individual's prime value should be other people and serving them - it should not be about the individual. The author challenges this view.Mr. Villegas wrote this book to help develop a new model for people trapped in the cycle of addiction. It is his view that the religious premises of the current Alcoholics Anonymous organization must be re-considered. As he made his journey through substance abuse, he had the opportunity to observe these premises and judged them to be defective. As a consequence, Mr. Villegas developed a different path that worked for him. This new path is presented in this book.

  • - With Counselor Talking Points
    af Robert Villegas
    82,95 kr.

    The materials in this document are intended for counselors who are seeking new tools and a new understanding of addiction without the almost obligatory religious perspective. In fact, this new perspective is secular - without religion - and provides some interesting insights for counselors dealing with patients who need that understanding.This document is the counselor's companion document to the Patient version of this story entitle "The World's First Drunk". It contains a quiz for the patient and some talking points for group and individual discussion with the patient. The intent of these materials is for the counsellor to provide the Patient version to patients and then use the Counselor version to direct an individual or group discussion as the patients report on their specific answers to the quiz.

  • - A False Choice
    af Robert Villegas
    162,95 kr.

    The goal of my writing is to warn people about the dangers of bad ideology. I have, for many years, known that the consequences of creeping altruism, on both left and right, were poverty and moral decline. I learned this from Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff (whose ideas have yet to be refuted), and I also learned about countervailing ideas of modern philosophers, religious leaders, and their philosophical offshoots. These thinkers have persistently sought the destruction of values and rational living and they don't care that their ideas contradict reason.

  • af Robert Villegas
    152,95 kr.

    Today, our culture is inundated with collectivism, the idea that man belongs to the group and must obey the group's moral pronouncements. We are told we belong to the family, the community, the church, the race, the ethnic group, etc. We are told that only the collective is important and that sacrifice to the group is the only moral act.This book seeks a different perspective. It holds that the individual is supremely important and an end in him or herself, not to be used by collectivist leaders for the sake of "common" goals.This book is "succinctly written and conveys complex concepts to the lay reader with unique clarity and excellent real-world examples." It expresses a "well-drawn depiction of people who choose (and, perhaps, need) to go along with the herd, rather than defining themselves as truly individual selves with individual goals, values, and life philosophies. Finally, it is a refreshing, enjoyable read. Many professionals might refer the work to their patients."Individualism holds that the essence of human life is the singular being and that the individual is a self-creating entity whose goal is to obtain as much experience, love, pleasure and accomplishment as possible. Man, says Individualism, is a being of self-created soul, a being whose thoughts, feelings and morals proceed from his independent, thinking mind.

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