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Bøger af Roland Michael Beckmann

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  • af Roland Michael Beckmann
    2.854,95 kr.

    Band 6 umfasst die Kommentierung der §§ 125-129 VVG sowie der ARB 2010/2012/2021 und der Strafrechtsschutzversicherung.

  • - (Kaufrecht)
    af Roland Michael Beckmann
    8.168,95 kr.

    This revised 2013 edition of the volume on Sections 433-480 provides comprehensive and well-researched information on every question involving sales law, for example: The long disputed issue of the scope of replacement in the case of installed goods was decided by the European Court of Justice on 16 June 2011 against the seller (meaning the goods must be replaced by the seller even at disproportionately high cost). The commentary carefully examines this ruling. The key decision by the German Supreme Court on 13 April 2011 determining where the seller is obligated to perform the replacement ("the place of performance for subsequent performance") and its practical consequences are discussed in detail. The question of including software contracts under sales law that has recently become the subject of legal debate. The even murkier question of whether the stipulations of sales law are applicable to company acquisition agreements. Includes meticulously explained solutions to all the most important disputes involving sales law.

  • af Roland Michael Beckmann
    723,95 - 798,95 kr.

    The "Staudinger Cornerstones of Civil Law" provides a solid foundation for good lawyering by focusing on the essentials, whether for exams or legal practice: a knowledge of fundamental principles, not details, and an understanding of the system overall, not specialized expertise, thus ensuring preparedness for sound case work. This revised 2012 edition offers: Essential German supreme court decisions relevant for exams presented in table format. Thanks to a summary of recent changes in the German civil code relevant for exams in the ]"Current German civil law 2011/2012" section, this new edition saves you time. Exclusive: Entries that integrate and explain the interrelationships between areas handled separately by the German civil code (for example "infringement of contractual obligations", "tort law", or "contract types"). Discussion of the relevance of European law and current debates in European law that affect (or could affect) German civil law. Affordable: Over 1,200 pages of valuable information in the hardcover edition at a list price of only 149.95 euros. In short: "Students as well as lawyers of all ages should learn first-hand that this is a superbly designed book." (ZAP Review of Books, ZAP number 4, 16 February 2011)

  • af Roland Michael Beckmann
    6.353,95 kr.

    Die Neubearbeitung 2023 steht im Zeichen der zum 1.1.2022 umgesetzten Digitale-Inhalte-Richtlinie und Warenkauf-Richtlinie. Die Kommentierung geht vertieft auf die hierdurch eingetretenen Änderungen ein und zeigt die zentralen Querbezüge zu den neu eingefügten §§ 327 ff BGB sowie §§ 475a ff BGB auf, die erhebliche gewährleistungsrechtliche Modifikationen mit sich bringen. Nicht zuletzt war das Kaufrecht auch Bestandteil einiger wichtiger höchstrichterlicher Entscheidungen, etwa im Zusammenhang mit dem VW-Dieselskandal, die in die Kommentierung eingepflegt wurden.

  • af Roland Michael Beckmann
    3.588,95 kr.

    Band 7 des Bruck/Möller enthält die Kommentierung des Transportrechts in §§ 130-141 VVG einschließlich der DTV-Güter, DTV-VHV, DTV-ADS, AVB Flusskasko, AVB Wassersportfahrzeuge.

  • af Et Al., Oliver Brand, Robert Koch, mfl.
    4.423,95 kr.

    Band 2 behandelt die §§ 19 - 73 VVG.

  • af Roland Michael Beckmann
    3.733,95 kr.

    Band 1 des Bruck/Möller umfasst die Generaleinführung (inkl. Ausführungen zu InsurTech) sowie die Kommentierungen der §§ 1-18 VVG mit den Allgemeinen Vorschriften in Abschnitt 1 und der VVG-InfoVO.

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