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Bøger af Ron Eyerman

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  • af Ron Eyerman
    1.722,95 kr.

    Vietnam: A War, Not a Country explores the conflicting ways in which the American-Vietnamese War has been collectively remembered and represented from the perspective of the war's three primary belligerents: the Vietnamese communists, the South Vietnamese, and the Americans. The book examines how the three different collectives memorialize this traumatizing historical event. Within each of these three groups there exists a number of competing narratives, generating not only a sense of shared meaning and community, but also impassioned social conflict. In order to trace these narratives within each collectivity, the authors develop the concept of arenas of memory, distinct discourses that are tied to specific individuals, organizations, and institutions that advocate specific narratives through specific forms of media. Their analysis leads them to make the case as to whether each of these societies experienced a cultural trauma as a result of the way in which the war is remembered.

  • af Ron Eyerman
    1.019,95 - 1.028,95 kr.

    This volume brings together Ron Eyerman's most important interventions in the field of cultural trauma and offers an accessible entry point into the origins and development of this theory and a framework of an analysis that has now achieved the status of a research paradigm.

  • af Ron Eyerman
    232,95 kr.

    From police on the street, to the mayor of New Orleans and FEMA administrators, government officials monumentally failed to protect the most vulnerable residents of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast during the Katrina disaster. This violation of the social contract undermined the foundational narratives and myths of the American nation and spawned a profound, often contentious public debate over the meaning of Katrina's devastation. A wide range of voices and images attempted to clarify what happened, name those responsible, identify the victims, and decide what should be done. This debate took place in forums ranging from mass media and the political arena to the arts and popular culture, as various narratives emerged and competed to tell the story of Katrina. Is This America? explores how Katrina has been constructed as a cultural trauma in print media, the arts and popular culture, and television coverage. Using stories told by the New York Times, New Orleans Times-Picayune, Time, Newsweek, NBC, and CNN, as well as the works of artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers, and graphic designers, Ron Eyerman analyzes how these narratives publicly articulated collective pain and loss. He demonstrates that, by exposing a foundational racial cleavage in American society, these expressions of cultural trauma turned individual experiences of suffering during Katrina into a national debate about the failure of the white majority in the United States to care about the black minority.

  • - From Social Drama to Cultural Trauma
    af Ron Eyerman
    367,95 kr.

    Explores the multiple meanings of the November 2004 murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh and the different reactions it elicited: among the Amsterdam-based artistic and intellectual subculture, the wider Dutch public, the local and international Muslim communities, the radical Islamic movement, and the broader international community.

  • - Intellectuals in Modern Society
    af Ron Eyerman
    762,95 kr.

    aeo This is the first new interpretation to be made of the role of the intellectual for many years. aeo It has a strongly comparative approach. aeo The author is well known for his work on social movements. aeo This is the first new interpretation to be made of the role of the intellectual for many years.

  • - A Cognitive Approach
    af Ron Eyerman
    209,95 kr.

    aeo With its integration of both American and European approaches, this book is a highly original study of social movements. aeo Eyerman and Jamison see social movements through a social theory of knowledge that is both politically and historically informed.

  • - Kapitel 3 i Socialkonstruktivistiske analysestrategier
    af Ron Eyerman
    19,50 kr.

    Selv om socialkonstruktivismen stadig mødes af kritik fra flere sider, er de dage talte, hvor socialkonstruktivismen kunne siges at indtage en marginal position i samfundsvidenskaberne. Den socialkonstruktivistiske diskussion har imidlertid overvejende fundet sted på et overordnet videnskabsteoretisk niveau. Udgangspunktet for denne antologi er, at der i brug for i højere grad at diskutere, hvilken forskel socialkonstruktivismen gør i den konkrete analyse. Med udgangspunkt i dette spørgsmål anlægges der i antologien et analysestrategisk perspektiv på socialkonstruktivismen.Bogen præsenterer en række forskellige analysestrategier, sådan som de udfoldes i de vigtigste forfatterskaber inden for traditionen. Bogen udgør dermed et inspirerende katalog over socialkonstruktivismens omsætning til konkrete strategier for forskning, der har relevans både for studerende og forskere.Socialkonstruktivistiske analysestrategier omfatter både de bindestregssociologier, der udgør det oprindelige grundlag for socialkonstruktivismen (videnssociologien, hverdagssociologien, kultursociologien), den aktuelle institutionalisme (institutionel historie, spilanalyse og rolleanalyse) og den mere felt- og praksisorienterede tradition (aktør-netværks analyse, feltanalyse og narratologi).Bogen er produceret sideløbende med bogen Poststrukturalistiske analysestrategier, også udgivet på forlaget Roskilde Universitetsforlag.

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