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Bøger af Ron Ripley

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  • - Supernatural Suspense Thriller with Ghosts
    af Ron Ripley
    146,95 kr.

    Shane Ryan is out for vengeance. And Hell itself can't stop him... Retired marine and Ghost hunter, Shane Ryan, is no stranger to betrayal. A lifetime of battling supernatural evil has left him bitter and scarred. But when a former ally, Connor Loughlin, reveals the true depths of his depravity, Shane is determined to put him down once and for all... Tracking the conniving businessman to a shadowy medical clinic, Shane is shocked to discover the true purpose of this blood-drenched laboratory-the harvesting of tormented souls, for profit and power. Forced to battle a horde of wrathful spirits, Shane barely manages to escape with his life. And his quarry is still on the loose. But Shane isn't the only one hunting Connor down. And they'll stop at nothing to claim their revenge. With an army of deranged cultists standing between him and his target, Shane Ryan has his work cut out for him. Shane has fought evil before. And he will make sure Connor faces the hell he's about to unleash.

  • - Supernatural Suspense Thriller with Ghosts
    af Ron Ripley
    146,95 kr.

    Evil lurks beneath the streets of Boston. And only Shane Ryan can stop it... It stalks the shadowy tunnels beneath the city. It strikes without warning. It kills without a sound. But someone has come to end it... Ghost hunter and retired Marine, Shane Ryan. When a contact from a previous case reaches out for help, Shane soon finds himself searching the tent cities and homeless encampments of the sprawling city, hot on the trail of a merciless killer. What he finds is an animalistic spirit, driven into a frenzy by bloodlust. And a connection to the sinister cult of the Endless Night. Shane suspects the cult are seeking to harness this deadly entity for their own nefarious ends. But to stop the killer ghost, he must form an uneasy alliance with a cult member. Can Shane trust this new ally? Or will he meet his end as he comes face to face with the ultimate supernatural predator?

  • - Supernatural Suspense Thriller with Ghosts
    af Ron Ripley
    167,95 kr.

    The world's greatest ghost hunter has finally met his match... Shane Ryan has faced supernatural evil beyond imagination. As a ghost hunter and retired Marine, Shane is no stranger to violence. But when his own home is invaded by a sinister force, it sets him off on a path straight into the heart of darkness itself... Following the lead of an old fortune teller, Shane discovers that a powerful ghost named Thomas Coulson was responsible for desecrating his home. And this spirit has left a trail of clues, leading Shane on a breathless cross-country chase. But as Shane closes in on his prey, he quickly discovers that Coulson is no ordinary ghost. In life, Coulson was a skilled ghost hunter himself. His vast knowledge and powerful abilities make him a foe unlike any other. And Shane is forced to admit that this time, he may be in over his head... Can Shane Ryan defeat an enemy that knows his every move?

  • - Supernatural Suspense Thriller with Ghosts
    af Ron Ripley
    167,95 kr.

    Collecting ghosts is the ultimate thrill. Can Shane Ryan stop a powerful cult from such deadly obsession? Barely escaping from his last brush with death, Ghost hunter and retired Marine Shane Ryan is hot on the trail of the sinister cult who betrayed him. This evil cabal seeks to capture and control an army of violent spirits. And unless Shane can stop them, they'll unleash an evil deadlier than anything he has faced before. But this supernatural conspiracy is bigger than Shane ever imagined. Finding the leader will be hard enough. Killing them may prove to be impossible. As Shane works his way through the ranks, he quickly discovers that his target may not even be alive... The trail of clues leads to Boston, where Shane must draw upon every ounce of his training and experience. It will take a miracle for Shane to come out on top. Will he survive? Or will this be the end of our embattled hero?

  • - Supernatural Suspense Thriller with Ghosts
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    There is no escape from death itself... Ghost hunter Shane Ryan has cheated death countless times. But death has a funny way of collecting what it's owed. And when James Moran asks Shane to retrieve a group of deadly spirits and their haunted items, the retired Marine finds himself wading into battle with supernatural evil once more. Traveling to the estate of deceased media mogul Arthur Hempstead, Shane quickly discovers there is more to this case than meets the eye. Hempstead was more than just a collector of occult objects... He died intent on drawing on power for his own nefarious ends. But Shane quickly finds out Hempstead was not the only one eager to harness the power of death itself. And unless Shane Ryan can stop them, they'll unleash an evil greater than any he has ever faced. But first, he'll have to survive a haunted house of horrors. And cheat death one more time...

  • - Horror Short Stories Collection with Scary Ghosts, Paranormal & Supernatural Monsters
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Take another trip into the shadows...A teenager defends her brother from a ravenous creature that feeds on sick children. Dystopian nightmares drive a man into the wilderness, where he learns that freedom comes with a high price. And a comet passing over the Earth rids the planet of the vermin infesting its surface.Scare Street is proud to present twelve chilling tales of the supernatural, in one monstrous volume. This ghastly collection of short stories is your ticket to the world of dark nightmares and sinister dreams.It's time to cross the veil once again, and journey into the underworld. Strange cries echo through the misty fog, and the moon hangs low beyond the gnarled trees. The spirits have come to welcome you back to the shadows.They've been waiting for you...

  • - Horror-Kurzgeschichtensammlung mit gruseligen Geistern, paranormalen und übernatürlichen Monstern
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    In den Schatten lauern Ihre schlimmsten Albträume ...Ein antikes Puppenhaus empfängt eine in Schwierigkeiten geratene Familie zu einer Feier des Todes. Die Sucht eines Partygirls bringt ein Monster hervor. Der beste Freund des Menschen muss den größten Albtraum einer Frau abwehren ...Scare Street ist stolz darauf, elf spannende Geschichten über das Übernatürliche in einem grauengefüllten Band zu präsentieren. Die Horrorautoren Ron Ripley, David Longhorn, Sara Clancy und viele andere vereinen sich, um Ihnen eine furchteinflößende Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten zu präsentieren, von denen Sie garantiert jede einzelne in Ihren Träumen verfolgen wird. Jede Geschichte ist schrecklicher als die davor.Wenn Sie einmal angefangen haben zu lesen, werden Sie nicht mehr aufhören können. Denn wenn diese Autoren Sie erst einmal in ihren Fängen haben, ist es bereits zu spät.Der einzige Weg, diesen Albträumen zu entkommen ... ist, schreiend aufzuwachen.

  • - Horror Short Stories Collection with Scary Ghosts, Paranormal & Supernatural Monsters
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    There is no escape from the realm of shadows...A surprised guest finds herself in a house where whispering walls urge the occupants to kill. An ancient legacy of death and sorrow plagues the new owner of house built over hallowed ground. And the wailing cries of a baby drive a man to investigate a brutal crime in the apartment upstairs...Scare Street's stable of horror authors return to bring you new tales of supernatural terror in one diabolical collection. Each story is guaranteed to take you to the shadowy world of nightmares.But as you begin your journey into this realm of dark fantasy, be sure to light a candle. It's so easy to get lost in a nightmare. And as the wind moans in the distance, you realize that even the slightest breeze could leave you trapped in the shadows for all eternity...

  • af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    "It began with a Carter, and it must end with a Carter." Six months have passed since Alan Carter woke up from the coma Copper Tibet had put him in, and much has changed in Melington. A new Chairman, a power hungry Sheriff, a spineless son who struggles with the absence of his father. And children still going missing while the monster taking them roams free and unrestrained. In the small town of secrets, what had once been hidden is now slowly coming to light, and few rest easy, including Alan Carter. He is plagued by nightmares. The visions haunt him the minute he closes his eyes, and his dreams are clad with images of darkness, corridors lined with doors, and a woman in red who tells him he can never leave. And somewhere in the distance, Alan's sister calls for him, begging him to save her and to take her home.

  • - Scary Ghosts, Paranormal & Supernatural Horror Short Stories Anthology
    af Ron Ripley
    342,95 kr.

    Too much terror to contain...Shadows reach out with darkened claws. The floorboards creek as your greatest fears stalk the halls. And no matter how much you tell yourself it is just a dream, you know the truth. Evil hides in the darkness. And now, it has finally been unleashed....Scare Street gathers volumes 1 to 3 of Terror in the Shadows in a single edition. Over thirty tales stalk the pages of this macabre collection. And just when you think you've experienced the most chilling horror of all, a new story unfolds within this massive tome of fear.A shiver runs down your spine. You break out in a cold sweat, as the wind whispers outside. You know you should shut the window and lock the doors. But you're frozen by fear.You're trapped within a nightmare, as a new tale begins... and there's no escape in sight.

  • - Scary Ghosts, Monsters, Demons, and Hauntings
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Something hides in the shadows. And it wants to come out and play...Tormented spirits, fiendish demons, ravenous monsters... there's no end to the ghastly creatures that slither in the dark corners of your room. But have no fear, they just want to play a little game of hide and seek. And they want you to be their new playmate...Scare Street brings you volumes 7 and 8 of Short Horror Stories in a single edition. Six terrifying tales of supernatural horror-brought together for your reading pleasure. And each spine-tingling story will have you gasping in the dark, as you struggle to stay as quiet as a mouse.You hear the moaning of the spirits drifting closer. Something shuffles be-hind the curtains. You try to run and hide, but somehow, they always seem to find you. Perhaps they can smell your fear? It doesn't take long before they catch you. Now, it's time to play.And the screaming begins...

  • - Horror Short Stories Collection with Scary Ghosts, Paranormal & Supernatural Monsters
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    The shadows have returned, and they hunger for your fear...An innocent invitation traps a door-to-door salesman in a hellish nightmare. A man develops an unhealthy obsession with arachnids. And a woman with blood on her hands spirals into the darkest depths of madness and guilt...Scare Street's horror authors present thirteen tales of supernatural horror in one macabre collection. From a lonely forest trail, to a spider-infested hellhole, each diabolical story brings you face to face with your deepest fears. But whatever you do, don't make a sound. Because with every turn of the page, the shadows come closer. And if you gasp in fear, or squeal in horror...It just may be the last sound you ever make.

  • - Horror-Kurzgeschichtensammlung mit gruseligen Geistern, paranormalen und übernatürlichen Monstern
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Können Sie mit diesem kalten Fest der Angst umgehen ...?Ein romantischer Urlaub wird zu einer schrecklichen Tortur, wenn das Böse von den Sternen fällt. Ein verängstigter junger Mann wird von einem grimmigen Exemplar in Gestalt des besten Freundes des Menschen verfolgt. Die unterbezahlte Mitarbeiterin eines Spielzeugladens entdeckt, dass das Spielen während der Arbeit tödliche Folgen haben kann ...Das Horror-Autorenteam von Scare Street bringt Ihnen in dieser neuen, aufregenden Sammlung zwölf herrlich makabre Geschichten des Schreckens. Gönnen Sie sich ein köstliches Festmahl aus schrecklichen Albträumen und dunklen Fantasien.Jede Geschichte wird Ihren Appetit nach mehr Angst wecken. Aber Vorsicht. Es könnte sein, dass Sie einen Appetit für die Dunkelheit entwickeln ...Aber auch die Dinge, die in den Schatten lauern, haben Appetit auf Sie.

  • - Scary Ghosts, Monsters, Demons, and Hauntings
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Whispering voices tell a sinister tale...Spooky tales told around a crackling campfire. Urban legends that hide a shadow of truth. Tales of dreams and nightmares, with endings you never see coming. Everyone loves a good shiver now and then...Scare Street is proud to present volumes 13 & 14 of Short Horror Stories in a single edition. Six bone chilling tales of supernatural horror, each one guaranteed to satisfy your addiction to terror.Just be sure you keep your guard up as you turn the pages into the night. They say one good story deserves another. And the spirits within these collections have their own tales to tell. If you're not careful, the next ghost story they whisper in the graveyard may be yours...

  • - Horror-Kurzgeschichtensammlung mit gruseligen Geistern, paranormalen und übernatürlichen Monstern
    af Ron Ripley
    342,95 kr.

    Es gibt zu viel Grauen, um es einzudämmen ...Die Schatten greifen mit dunklen Krallen nach Ihnen. Die Bodendielen knarren, während Ihre größten Ängste die Gänge durchstreifen. Und egal, wie sehr Sie sich einreden, es sei nur ein Traum, Sie kennen die Wahrheit. Das Böse versteckt sich in der Dunkelheit. Und jetzt wurde es endlich freigelassen ...Scare Street fasst die Bände 1 bis 3 von Schatten des Grauens in einer einzigen Ausgabe zusammen. In dieser makabren Sammlung gibt es über dreißig Geschichten. Und gerade wenn man glaubt, den schrecklichsten Horror von allen erlebt zu haben, entfaltet sich in diesem gewaltigen Band der Angst eine neue Geschichte.Ein Schauer läuft Ihnen über den Rücken. Ihnen bricht der kalte Schweiß aus, während der Wind draußen flüstert. Sie wissen, dass Sie das Fenster schließen und die Türen verriegeln sollten. Aber Sie sind vor Angst wie erstarrt. Sie sind in einem Albtraum gefangen, als eine neue Geschichte beginnt ... und es ist kein Ausweg in Sicht.

  • af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    A cold dark night. A cemetery full of secrets. And murderous ghosts on the loose. After more than a decade, Connor Mann is forced out of the psychiatric ward he once called home. He finds himself back in the town where he grew up, with a distant father, and a tragedy all too painful to bear. His attempt to resume a normal life soon comes under attack when he encounters restless spirits lurking in the basement. And someone - or something - terribly vicious awaits him with open arms in nearby Pine Grove Cemetery. Meanwhile, a series of unexplained murders begin to wreak havoc on the town, and a group of detectives work tirelessly on the puzzling case. Unbeknownst to them, an elderly Chinese man, Hu, is on the lookout for a nefarious priest, who might hold the key to unlocking the mystery. As a legion of deadly ghosts cast an ominous cloud over Pine Grove, Connor must confront his tragic past and gather all his strength to defeat them. The battle against unimaginable evil will change everything he knows about himself, and the world.

  • - Scary Ghosts, Monsters, Demons, and Hauntings
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    A double helping of diabolical terror...They say you can never get too much of a good thing. But for those who crave fear and horror, how much is too much? And how far are you willing to go to test your limits? Scare Street brings you volumes 3 and 4 of Short Horror Stories in a single edition. Six macabre morsels of fear brought together for your reading pleasure. And each tale packs enough spine-tingling chills to last a lifetime.Can you handle this many scares, this many chills, and this many screams? Prepare to find out. But don't say we didn't warn you...

  • - Supernatural Suspense Thriller with Ghosts
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    True evil never dies... Barely surviving his last battle against malevolent forces, retired marine and ghost hunter Shane Ryan is surprised to receive an invitation to a new Iron Tournament. But before he can turn his attention to this supernatural death match, he must first track down a shipment of unusual metal, torn from the foundation of a cursed cathedral. Each twisted scrap leaves a trail of nightmare in its wake. Shane tracks a shipment of this stolen material to Buffalo, NY, where he quickly discovers that the metal seems to aid and enhance supernatural possession. Ghosts he vanquished in the past have re-surfaced and taken control of those who touch the cursed mineral. And at a farmhouse in Kentucky, this strange metal has allowed three violent spirits to possess a single body. As they struggle for control of their flesh and bone host, work begins on the new Iron Tournament. Shane was victorious in the first tournament... Can he now defeat a man infused with the power of this unholy trinity? And will he still have the strength to defeat the ultimate evil, lurking in the shadows... Or will he and everyone around him succumb to the power of the Shadow King?

  • - Horror-Kurzgeschichtensammlung mit gruseligen Geistern, paranormalen und übernatürlichen Monstern
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Mit jedem Umblättern wird neuer Horror entfesselt ...Ein ahnungsloser Antiquitätenkäufer befreit einen bösartigen Geist aus seinem alten Gefängnis. Ein dunkles Ritual wendet eine von übernatürlichen Kräften besessene Frau gegen die Menschen, die sie am meisten liebt. Ein besessener Fernseher beweist, dass alte B-Movie-Monster immer noch ein ahnungsloses Publikum erschrecken können ...Die Autoren von Scare Street bringen Ihnen elf neue Geschichten über übernatürliche Schrecken in einem einzigen, blutrünstigen Band. Diese makabre Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten bringt garantiert Ihren Puls in Wallung und lässt Ihnen Schauer über den Rücken laufen.Jede dieser herrlich dunklen Geschichten wird Sie in Ihren Träumen verfolgen und Sie dazu bringen, lange über die Geisterstunde hinaus zu lesen. Aber warten Sie ... Was war das für ein Geräusch? Hat sich etwas in den Schatten bewegt?Sagen Sie sich einfach ... es ist nur eine Geschichte.

  • - Scary Ghosts, Paranormal & Supernatural Horror Short Stories Anthology
    af Ron Ripley
    342,95 kr.

    The dead hunger for the living....Ghosts, specters, wraiths... Restless undead spirits wail beneath the full moon and reach out for you from the swirling mists. The pain and loneliness of death drives them to seek the one thing they cannot have-the spark of life within your soul... Scare Street presents volumes 7 - 9 of Terror in the Shadows, gathered into one spine-tingling tome. Over thirty stories of supernatural fear and suspense lurk with this macabre collection. Each one packed with a ghoulish assortment of creatures from beyond the grave.As you turn the pages, a shiver runs down your spine. Cold sweat drips down your forehead, and the terror makes your heart beat faster. The spirits can hear it, thumping in your chest. And once you feel the cold touch of spectral hands on your skin, you know it's too late. Soon your heart will beat no more, as the undead drag you down into their world of shadows once and for all...

  • - Supernatural Suspense Thriller with Ghosts
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Shane was fighting for his life. Now, he's fighting for revenge... After surviving the bloody ordeal of the Iron Tournament, retired marine and ghost hunter Shane Ryan is out for blood. He's hot on the trail of Guthrie, the man who organized the supernatural fighting ring. And behind him lurks Lazarus, the sinister entity who draws power from the dead... Shane's search takes him north, to the frozen wilderness of Canada. There, in a remote town nestled among the dark trees, Lazarus' evil power has been unleashed. A host of spirits have been freed to stalk a nearby graveyard. And they inhabit the townsfolk, controlling them like ghastly puppets. But as Shane and his allies battle these living dead, he quickly discovers the true depths of Lazarus' evil. The dark spirit is using these servants to build a cathedral, a monument to his dark power. And if this diabolical church is completed, Lazarus' power will become impossible to contain... And it just might be the end of the world as we know it.

  • - Scary Ghosts, Paranormal & Supernatural Horror Short Stories Anthology
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    With every turn of the page, a new terror is unleashed ...An unwitting antique shopper releases a vicious evil spirit from its ancient prison. A dark ritual turns a woman obsessed with supernatural powers against the people who love her most. A possessed TV proves that old B-Movie monsters can still terrify an unsuspecting audience...Scare Street's roster of authors brings you eleven new tales of supernatural horror, in one blood-chilling volume. This macabre collection of short stories is guaranteed to get your pulse racing, and send shivers down your spine.Each deliciously dark tale will haunt your dreams, and keep you reading long past the witching hour. But wait...What was that noise? Did something move in the shadows?Just keep telling yourself... it's only a story.

  • - Horror-Kurzgeschichtensammlung mit gruseligen Geistern, paranormalen und übernatürlichen Monstern
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Die Dunkelheit kann ein schrecklicher, schrecklicher Ort sein ...Die Versuche eines jungen Mannes, gegen seine Bewährungsauflagen zu verstoßen, enden in einer Nacht des Grauens. Einem Kind wird klar, dass sein Weihnachtsgeschenk unheimlicher sein könnte, als es ursprünglich dachte. Ein Redakteur enthüllt versehentlich den finsteren Plan seines Klienten, die Welt von allem Bösen zu reinigen ...Die Autoren Ron Ripley, David Longhorn, Sara Clancy und A. I. Nasser von Scare Street kommen zusammen, um Ihnen zehn Geschichten zu erzählen, die Sie bis ins Mark erschrecken.Begeben Sie sich also zu Ihrem Lieblingsplatz zum Lesen, machen Sie es sich bequem und tauchen Sie gleich ein.Wir versprechen Ihnen, dass Schlaf das Letzte sein wird, woran Sie denken.

  • - Scary Ghosts, Monsters, Demons, and Hauntings
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Darkness falls across the land...Things look different in the moonlight. Old trees become gnarled claws. The howling wind transforms into the cry of a hungry beast. And jagged tombstones turn to fangs, eager to devour new flesh and drag fresh bodies into their graves...Scare Street brings you volumes 11 & 12 of Short Horror Stories in a single edition. Five diabolical morsels of fear, brought together for your reading pleasure. And each tale packs enough scream-inducing terror to keep you reading all through the night.But as the moon grows full, and the sky goes dark, you must ask yourself-are these visions of terror you see just a dream? Or are they real? You'll have to survive until the sun rises to find out...

  • - Scary Ghosts, Monsters, Demons, and Hauntings
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Six times the terror...Moonlit graveyards, ravenous monsters, and deadly reflections in the mirror... some nightmares are so diabolically delicious, you never want them to end. And now they don't have to.Scare Street brings you volumes 1 and 2 of Short Horror Stories in a single edition. Six macabre morsels of fear, brought together for your reading pleasure. And each tale packs enough spine-tingling chills to last a lifetime.The clock chimes midnight. Your heart pounds in your chest as you start to read. Turning the pages faster and faster, you begin to wonder... can you survive long enough to see the next nightmare begin?

  • - Short Horror Stories Anthology
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Looking for a frightfully good time? Your next scream is on us... Horror is no laughing matter when an antiques dealer discovers a sinister jester costume in an old chest. A trip down memory lane slowly drives a man insane, as he revisits the horrors of his childhood. And evil reaches from beyond the grave, when a famous estate passes on its curse to a new generation... Welcome to Hannigan's, the tavern of a thousand screams. What's your fancy on this dark cold night? Ghosts? Ghouls? Ghastly creatures beyond comprehension? Whatever your taste in terror, Hannigan's will serve up a bone-chilling cocktail of your favorite frights. This diabolically delightful new collection features eleven tales of skin-crawling horror. So sit back and relax. Your next scream is on the house. As well as the next, and the one after that...

  • - Scary Ghosts, Monsters, Demons, and Hauntings
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Welcome to a world of nightmares...Demonic shadows, savage beasts, cursed paintings... in the twilight world of your darkest dreams, there are so many sinister delights to sample, it can be hard to choose just one. Luckily, you don't have to...Scare Street brings you volumes 9 & 10 of Short Horror Stories in a single edition. Six macabre masterpieces of fear, brought together for your reading pleasure. And each tale packs enough bone-chilling terror to delight the most devoted horror fan.This diabolical collection will transport you to a dark dreamscape of supernatural beauty and eerie horror. But take care. It's easy to get lost in the land of nightmares. And also impossible to leave...

  • - Supernatural Suspense Thriller with Ghosts
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    Shane Ryan's ultimate battle is about to begin... In back alleys and hellholes across the world, ravaged souls and scarred warriors whisper of the Iron Tournament. A savage game of death, pitting living fighters against caged spirits, all for the amusement of a mysterious audience. But a new challenger is about to enter the ring-ghost hunter and retired Marine Shane Ryan. He's never backed down from a fight. And he's not about to start now. When a mysterious invitation arrives on his doorstep, Shane finds himself swept into a world of underground death matches, supernatural gladiators, and tortured souls. And in this sadistic arena, there is only one rule: Winners live, and losers die... But Shane quickly discovers a sinister presence behind these dark, bloody battles... A ravenous force that feeds on death and suffering. Can he defeat this supernatural enemy in mortal combat before it unleashes unthinkable carnage upon the world? Or will Shane have to back down from a fight for the very first time?

  • - Scary Ghosts, Paranormal & Supernatural Horror Short Stories Anthology
    af Ron Ripley
    342,95 kr.

    So many nightmares. So little time...Restless spirits, zombified pets, devilish clowns... there's no end to the ghastly terrors that haunt our dreams. But now, your darkest fears have been unleashed. They're heading your way, reaching for you from the shadows. And there's nothing you can do to stop them. Scare Street presents volumes 4 - 6 of Terror in the Shadows, gathered into one bone-chilling tome. Over thirty stories of supernatural fear and suspense lurk within this sinister collection. Each with enough scares to keep you up all night, eagerly turning the pages beneath the light of the full moon... Just one more story, you tell yourself. One more delightfully diabolical tale before bed. A horde of horrors awaits you, with every turn of the page. And with this many nightmares inside, you may never sleep again...

  • - Horror Short Stories Collection with Scary Ghosts, Paranormal & Supernatural Monsters
    af Ron Ripley
    172,95 kr.

    The shadows are calling for you...A teenage girl's unnatural obsession with an ancient coin leads to bloodshed. Supernatural evil bides its time, as it lurks within the gears of an old grandfather clock. And a new bride discovers her mother-in-law is willing to go to terrifying lengths to build the perfect family...Scare Street is proud to present fourteen chilling tales of the supernatural, in one sinister volume. This bone-chilling collection of supernatural horror was curated just for you, each tale pulled from the shadows of your hidden fears and darkest nightmares. Can you hear the ghostly voices wailing in the mists? They call out to you, summoning you once again to the land of shadows. The warm light of your room grows faint and distant, as you descend into their nightmarish underworld.The shadows have you in their grasp. And all you can do is turn another page, as the light goes out once and for all...

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