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Bøger af Rose C. Manalo

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  • af Rose C. Manalo
    153,95 kr.

    Discover the ultimate coloring adventure with our 200-page coloring book, tailor-made for young girls and filled with their favorite activities from all four seasons! Join in the excitement as you color girls playing in colorful spring gardens, splashing in summer pools, jumping in autumn leaves, and building snowmen in winter wonderlands. Spark your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of vibrant colors as you bring each illustration to life, capturing in your own unique way everything you love with your family, friends and the magic of every season. With a variety of delightful scenes, this book is a celebration of home, friendship, imagination, and the joy of every season, offering endless hours of creative fun and artistic expression for girls of all ages!

  • af Rose C. Manalo
    133,95 kr.

    While it is unlikely that two persons suffering from depression have the same exact triggers, we cannot deny that we've all had the same bitter taste of this dreadful "mental" condition: - the constant terrifying sense of foreboding and hopelessness- that perpetual queasy sensation in the gut- the weakness in the limbs- the persistent mental pull to focus on the negative things- the inability to get satisfaction from sleep- and the constant need to breathe deeply as an attempt to ease our chests from the burden of unrelenting pounding palpitations.These and many other harrowing characteristics of depression, in different shades of severity, are the common grounds shared by most people who suffer from it.In each therapy chapter, you will witness how every one of these awful facets of depression was dealt with and whether there was success or not. You will have an unobstructed view of the nitty gritty, the darkest and most naked of thoughts, the smallest and biggest of steps taken, and all the failures and successes in between.You will see how seemingly insignificant steps can prove to be reliable lifeline out of your horrible pit of depression. From these intimate efforts, you can draw out your own customized templates for therapy that you can readily use any given time that you need them, anywhere, unlimited times, for free.It is my hope that you would find the same courage that enabled me to strip my mind naked as I faced the only person in the Therapy Room: ME.When you realize that you can face and look in the eye this stark-naked person that you are - and that you are willing to improve the areas that you can and accept those you cannot - then you have the rest of the therapy time to enjoy.

  • af Rose C. Manalo
    148,95 kr.

    Are you Y? Or are you X? X - incessantly anxious, edgy and agitatedY - composed, calm and collectedX - constantly worried, fearful and apprehensiveY - Peaceful, tranquil and unfazedX - frantic, frenzied, worked upY - cool, self-controlled, confident, unflappableX - easily offended, very touchyY - willing to overlook an offense, forgiving, patientX - hypercritical, confrontational, quarrelsomeY - easygoing, moderate, pleasant, not given to angerDuring the entire period of my depression, I experienced feeling hopeless, helpless, fearful, anxious and downright terrified. I was in that mood for most days.When I wasn't, it simply meant I had swung to the opposite end of my mental and emotional spectrum. This end was peppered with feelings of animosity, anger, and revenge. I was combative and aggressive.X manifests both ends of the spectrum - the extremes.Y resides in the balanced and stable middle.Do you know that you were never meant to be X? You were never born as an X. The natural and original you is Y. Y was how you were created.What happened? What went wrong? How did we lose our ability to stay in that balanced, stable and harmonious "middle"?What pushed us too strongly that had kept us perpetually swinging from end to end, unable to find our way back and stay mentally and emotionally sound?The answers to these questions are what this book is all about.This book will show you: 1. How you got from being Y to X;2. The things that stubbornly keep you as X;And most importantly: 3. How you can find your way back to being Y (balanced, sober, peaceful) and the things you can easily do to stay as such.My depression lasted for 3 years but it seemed forever. And forever can make one forget. Having depression felt so intense and so real that I had forgotten how life felt without it.I remembered only when I finally experienced being "me" again. "Me without depression" felt so simple yet beautiful, so free yet dependable. And I was just all willing and ready to do everything to make sure I become and stay that way for good.It turned out that I did all the right things. And they're all in this book. For you. This book is yourSUPER-HIGHWAY out of your depression pit.At last, the elusive face of this so-called "mental" condition that has plagued modern mankind is revealed.It's no longer a face we ought to fear.This book details how I navigated my way out of the dark, horrible and anxiety-riddled pit of depression from which I suffered for 3 debilitating years. I reveal the shocking scientific, yet very simple principles I discovered behind my healing and recovery, from which you can benefit, right now.

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