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Bøger af Rupert Sheldrake

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  • - Frisæt Videnskaben
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    358,95 kr.

    Videnskabens bedrag og vildfarelse er, at den giver et indtryk af at have svar på de fleste store spørgsmål, og at den ifølge sin videnskabelige natur hviler på sikre grundlag.Den engelske biolog Rupert Sheldrake har stor tiltro til den videnskabelige metode, men han foretager i denne bog et klart opgør med videnskabelige institutioners og traditioners træghed, konformitet og ideologiske dogmatik. Sheldrake udforsker i bogen videnskabelige trosformer og fremviser visionen om en friere forskerånd med fornyet vitalitet og større frihed fra de dogmer, som fastlåser den. Blandt hans centrale tanker er især disse ti, som Sheldrake sætter i modspil til ti centrale, videnskabelige dogmer:1. Universet kan opfattes som levende2. Stoffet kan have en form for bevidsthed3. Naturlovene kan opfattes som vaner, der ændrer sig og udvikles4. Universets samlede stof og energi kan være i vækst5. Naturen kan have iboende formål og hensigter6. Biologisk arv kan have andre kilder end genetik7. Hukommelse kan være lagret uden for hjernen, hvorfra vi kan hente den8. Bevidstheden fungerer også uden for hjernen og nerve-systemet9. Psykiske fænomener kan være virkelige10. Mekanisk baseret medicin kan være stærkt begrænsende* Bogen vandt i 2012 "the Book of the Year Award from the British Scientific and Medical Network."Bogen berører mange emner som:MORFOGENEGISK FELT, TELEPATI, PLACEBO-EFFEKT og TANKENS KRAFT

  • af Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna & Ralph Abraham
    146,95 kr.

  • - Feeling the Spirit of Enquiry
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    126,95 kr.

    The science delusion is the belief that science already understands the nature of reality. The fundamental questions are answered, leaving only the details to be filled in. In this book, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world's most innovative scientists, shows that science is being constricted by assumptions that have hardened into dogmas. The sciences would be better off without them: freer, more interesting, and more fun. According to the dogmas of science, all reality is material or physical. The world is a machine, made up of dead matter. Nature is purposeless. Consciousness is nothing but the physical activity of the brain. Free will is an illusion. God exists only as an idea in human minds, imprisoned within our skulls. But should science be a belief-system, or a method of enquiry? Sheldrake shows that the materialist ideology is moribund; under its sway, increasingly expensive research is reaping diminishing returns. In the skeptical spirit of true science, Sheldrake turns the ten fundamental dogmas of materialism into exciting questions, and shows how all of them open up startling new possibilities.The Science Delusion will radically change your view of what is possible. and give you new hope for the world.

  • - Reconnecting through direct experience
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    96,95 kr.

    By the author of The Science Delusion a detailed account of how science can authenticate spirituality

  • - Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    126,95 kr.

    Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance challenges the fundamental assumptions of modern science. A world-famous biologist, Sheldrake proposes that all self-organizing systems, from crystals to human societies, inherit a collective memory that influences their form and behaviour. Rather than being ruled by fixed laws, nature is essentially habitual. All human beings draw upon a collective human memory, and in turn contribute to it. Even individual memory depends on morphic resonance rather than on physical memory traces stored within the brain. Morphic resonance works through morphic fields, which organize the bodies of plants and animals, coordinate the activities of brains, and underlie mental activity. Minds are extended beyond brains both in space and time. This fully-revised and updated edition of The Presence of the Past summarizes the evidence for Dr Sheldrake's controversial theory, reviews new research, and explores its implications for biology, chemistry, physics, psychology and sociology. In place of the mechanistic worldview that has dominated biology since the nineteenth century, this book offers a revolutionary alternative, and opens up a new understanding of life, minds and evolution.

  • af Rupert Sheldrake
    448,95 kr.

    "Hay muchas cosas que no entendemos sobre las naturalezas humana y animal.Este libro surge de la convicción de que, si tan sólo abriéramos nuestras mentes e hiciéramos un esfuerzo por entender, seríamos ampliamente recompensados con un nuevo conocimiento. Las señales descansan olvidadas a nuestro alrededor. Durante generaciones, los prejuicios arraigados en el pensamiento de filósofos de los siglos XVII y XVIII han inhibido la investigación y la exploración. Como consecuencia, todavía tenemos mucho que descubrir sobre la naturaleza biológica de humanos y animales.En este libro, trato de demostrar que habilidades humanas inexplicables como la telepatía, la sensación de ser observado y la premonición no son paranormales, sino normales, parte de nuestra naturaleza biológica."R. Sheldrake

  • af Rupert Sheldrake
    298,95 kr.

    To 'go beyond' means to access a higher state of consciousness--a place of bliss, greater understanding, love and connection. This groundbreaking manual combines the latest scientific research with deep mystic knowledge and wisdom in order to examine seven spiritual practices. Along the way, it points out how everyday activities, including sports and our relationships with animals, can bring us closer to mystical dimensions. It also delves into traditional religious practices such as fasting, prayer, and the celebration of festivals and holy days, and looks at the states of consciousness induced by psychedelics such as ayahuasca. Ultimately, the book sets out to investigate why these practices work, how they relate to our brains, and to what extent they can open the door to expanded forms of consciousness.

  • af Rupert Sheldrake
    88,95 kr.

    'All Our Relations' celebrates and honours human beings' relationships with all those other life forms who share our planetary home. How we treat these 'fellow-travellers, ' how we perceive them and interact with them - and the extent to which we love and respect them - is a measure of our humanity and our spiritual evolution. The greater our appreciation for other creatures, the more they give to us, the more they teach us and the more joy and inspiration they bring into our lives.Contributors to the book include scientists, researchers, poets, authors, health practitioners and others. Here you will find discussions ranging from the merits of vegetarianism to the problem of linguistic 'speciesism.' You will read about dogs who know when their humans are coming home and be encouraged to rediscover your own inherent, animal 'knowing.' Above all, you will almost certainly delight in the first-person accounts of life-changing interactions with members of other species, from snakes to horses, from dogs to oak trees and from huge whales to baby frogs.

  • af Rupert Sheldrake
    243,95 kr.

    Explores Rupert Sheldrake's more than 25 years of research into telepathy, staring and intention, precognition, and animal premonitions • Shows that unexplained human abilities--such as the sense of being stared at and phone telepathy--are not paranormal but normal, part of our biological nature • Draws on more than 5,000 case histories, 4,000 questionnaire responses, and the results of experiments carried out with more than 20,000 people • Reveals that our minds and intentions extend beyond our brains into the world around us and even into the future Nearly everyone has experienced the feeling of being watched or had their stare result in a glance in their direction. The phenomenon has been cited throughout history in nearly every culture, along with other commonplace "paranormal" occurrences such as premonitions and telepathy. In this newly updated edition, Sheldrake shares his more than 25 years of research into telepathy, the power of staring, remote viewing, precognition, and animal premonitions. Drawing on more than 5,000 case histories, 4,000 questionnaire responses, and the results of experiments on staring, thought transference, phone telepathy, and other phenomena carried out with more than 20,000 people as well as reports and data from dozens of independent research teams, Sheldrake shows that these unexplained human abilities--such as the sense of being stared at--are not paranormal but normal, part of our biological nature. He reveals that telepathy depends on social bonds and traces its evolution from the connections between members of animal groups such as flocks, schools, and packs. Sheldrake shows that our minds and intentions extend beyond our brains into our surroundings with invisible connections that link us to each other, to the world around us, and even to the future.

  • af Rupert Sheldrake
    193,95 kr.

    The bestselling author of Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home offers an intriguing new assessment of modern day science that will radically change the way we view what is possible.In Science Set Free (originally published to acclaim in the UK as The Science Delusion), Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, one of the world's most innovative scientists, shows the ways in which science is being constricted by assumptions that have, over the years, hardened into dogmas. Such dogmas are not only limiting, but dangerous for the future of humanity. According to these principles, all of reality is material or physical; the world is a machine, made up of inanimate matter; nature is purposeless; consciousness is nothing but the physical activity of the brain; free will is an illusion; God exists only as an idea in human minds, imprisoned within our skulls. But should science be a belief-system, or a method of enquiry? Sheldrake shows that the materialist ideology is moribund; under its sway, increasingly expensive research is reaping diminishing returns while societies around the world are paying the price. In the skeptical spirit of true science, Sheldrake turns the ten fundamental dogmas of materialism into exciting questions, and shows how all of them open up startling new possibilities for discovery. Science Set Free will radically change your view of what is real and what is possible.

  • af Rupert Sheldrake
    168,95 kr.

    An in-depth dialogue on the nature of science between post-materialist biologist Rupert Sheldrake and renowned skeptic Michael Shermer

  • af Rupert Sheldrake
    263,95 kr.

    NEW SCIENCE / BIOLOGY "Bold, clear, and incisive, Sheldrake's thesis constitutes a sweeping challenge to the very fundamentals of established science. It may outrage or delight, but it will never fail to stimulate. Sheldrake has a remarkable ability to identify the weak spots of scientific orthodoxy." --Paul Davies, physicist, cosmologist, and author of The Mind of God and The Goldilocks Enigma "So compelling that it sets the reader to underlining words and scribbling notes in the margin." --Washington Post In this fully revised and updated edition of The Presence of the Past, Cambridge biologist Rupert Sheldrake lays out new evidence and research in support of his controversial theory of morphic resonance and explores its far-reaching implications in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, and sociology. His theory proposes that all self-organizing systems, from crystals to human society, inherit a collective memory that influences their form and behavior. This collective memory works through morphic fields, which organize the bodies of plants and animals, coordinate the activities of brains, and underlie conscious mental activity. Sheldrake shows how all human beings draw upon and contribute to a collective human memory and that even our individual recollections depend on morphic resonance rather than physical storage in the brain. He explores the major role that morphic resonance plays not just in animal instincts and cultural inheritance, such as religion and ritual, but also in the larger process of evolution, which Sheldrake shows to be more an interplay of habit and creativity than a mere "survival of the fittest." Offering a replacement for the outdated, mechanistic worldview that has dominated biology since the nineteenth century, Sheldrake's new understanding of life, matter, and mind shows that rather than being ruled by fixed laws, nature is essentially habitual. And because memory is inherent in nature, he explains, in order to survive successfully for generations to come, we will have to give up our old habits of thought and adopt new ones: habits that are better adapted to life in a world living in the presence of the past--as well as the presence of the future. RUPERT SHELDRAKE, Ph.D., is a former research fellow of the Royal Society and former director of studies in biochemistry and cell biology at Clare College, Cambridge University. He is the author of more than 80 technical papers and articles appearing in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 10 books, including Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, Morphic Resonance, and The Rebirth of Nature. He lives in London.

  • af Rupert Sheldrake
    158,95 kr.

    With a scientist's mind and an animal lover's compassion, world-renowned biologist Rupert Sheldrake presents a groundbreaking exploration of animal behavior that will profoundly change the way we think about animals--and ourselves.

  • - Seven Spiritual Practices in a Scientific Age
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    106,95 kr.

    By the author of The Science Delusion a detailed account of how science can authenticate spirituality

  • - The Nature of Formative Causation
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    183,95 kr.

    NEW SCIENCE / BIOLOGY "Books of this importance and elegance come along rarely. Those who read this new edition of A New Science of Life may do so with the satisfaction of seeing science history in the making." --Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Recovering the Soul and Reinventing Medicine "For decades, Rupert Sheldrake has been at the leading edge of highly innovative and controversial ideas about the organization of biological systems. Morphic Resonance poses a serious challenge to traditionalists and is a most welcome book about how we see the world and how we should head off into the future." --Marc Bekoff, author of The Emotional Lives of Animals and Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals "Morphic Resonance is destined to become one of the landmarks in the history of biology. It is rare to find so profound a book so lucidly written." --Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles When A New Science of Life was first published the British journal Nature called it "the best candidate for burning there has been for many years." The book called into question the prevailing mechanistic theory of life when its author, Rupert Sheldrake, a former research fellow of the Royal Society, proposed that morphogenetic fields are responsible for the characteristic form and organization of systems in biology, chemistry, and physics--and that they have measurable physical effects. Using his theory of morphic resonance, Sheldrake was able to reinterpret the regularities of nature as being more like habits than immutable laws, offering a new understanding of life and consciousness. In the years since its first publication, Sheldrake has continued his research to demonstrate that the past forms and behavior of organisms influence present organisms through direct immaterial connections across time and space. This can explain why new chemicals become easier to crystallize all over the world the more often their crystals have already formed, and why when laboratory rats have learned how to navigate a maze in one place, rats elsewhere appear to learn it more easily. With more than two decades of new research and data, Rupert Sheldrake makes an even stronger case for the validity of the theory of formative causation that can radically transform how we see our world and our future. RUPERT SHELDRAKE, Ph.D., is a former research fellow of the Royal Society and former director of studies in biochemistry and cell biology at Clare College, Cambridge University. He is the author of more than 80 technical papers and articles appearing in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 10 books, including The Presence of the Past, The Rebirth of Nature, and Seven Experiments That Could Change the World.

  • - Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    136,95 kr.

    Fox, an Episcopal priest, and Sheldrake, a biologist, create a profound and intelligent vision of angels for the next millennium.

  • - Conversations on Science, Imagination & Spirit
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    193,95 kr.

    Three acclaimed authors engage in conversation blending scientific observation, mythical imagination, and visionary speculation.

  • - The Sense of Being Glared at
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    253,95 kr.

    Rupert Sheldrake outraged the scientific establishment in the early 1980s with his hypothesis of morphic resonance. In this book Sheldrake summarizes his case for the 'non-visual detection of staring'. His claims are scrutinised by fourteen critics, to whose commentaries he then responds.

  • - A Do it Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    192,95 kr.

    NEW SCIENCE "In any generation, there are only a handful of people whose ideas contain the possibility of significantly altering the course of human history. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is such a person. His ideas offer a real chance for humanity to regain its spiritual bearings. We have been blessed with a rare genius." --Larry Dossey, M.D., bestselling author of Healing Words How does your pet know when you are coming home? How do pigeons home? Can people really feel another pair of eyes looking at them? These questions and other unexplained natural phenomena form the basis of Sheldrake's look at the world of established science as he puts some of its most cherished assumptions to the test. He shows how fundamental scientific theories have hardened into unquestioned dogmas and are now taken for granted as scientific common sense. In the true spirit of scientific skepticism, Sheldrake examines seven of these beliefs. His approach is radical in two senses: not only does he question the content of current scientific doctrines, but he also questions the way that science is done. He suggests that scientific inquiry need no longer be the monopoly of a professional scientific priesthood but can be open to widespread participation by students and by nonprofessionals. Sheldrake presents experiments that allow anyone to participate in this journey of discovery and, in this new edition, gives an update on the exciting results obtained thus far. His experiments look at how scientific research is often biased by experimenters' expectations, such as the belief that physical constants cannot change. He also examines the taboo against taking pets seriously and explores the question of human extrasensory perception. Perhaps most important, he shows how simple yet radical research is already shaking the very foundations of science as we know it. In this compelling and intelligent book, Sheldrake offers no preconceived wisdom or easy answers--just an open invitation to explore the unknown, create new science, and perhaps even change the world. RUPERT SHELDRAKE, PH.D., is a former research fellow of the Royal Society and former director of studies in biochemistry and cell biology at Clare College, Cambridge University. He is the author of more than 60 technical papers in scientific journals and several books, including The Rebirth of Nature, The Presence of the Past, A New Science of Life, and Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home. He lives in London.

  • - And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    106,95 kr.

    Many people who have ever owned a pet will swear that their dog or cat or other animal has exhibited some kind of behaviour they just can't explain.

  • - And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind
    af Rupert Sheldrake
    106,95 kr.

    Have you ever had a premonition, the feeling of being watched, or a telepathic experience? Renowned biologist Rupert Sheldrake explores the intricacies of the mind and discovers that our perceptive abilities are stronger than many of us could have imagined.

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