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Bøger af Rusty Russell

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  • - through Prayer, Fasting, and the Word
    af Rusty Russell
    97,95 kr.

    "The following is God's revelation, as a soldier in Christ, why we need to Pray, Fast, and stand upon the Word of God in binding the earthly and heavenly authorities. Over the last fives years of liberation ministry, my theology has had to explain the spiritual promises inherited in Christ. I have come face-to-face with demons, witches, cocaine filled demoniacs, attempts upon my life, and spiritual attacks by territorial forces. I found that I needed to learn to Pray, Fast, and seek the Word for His will. I wanted to learn more about God's spiritual warfare and how I could better fight in His army. The battle we wage is not just a horizontal three dimensional fight, but we must pray the heavenlies in order to enlist the fourth dimension. The upward spiritual prayers enable us to seek God's will, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the authority of Jesus Christ. This is when God enlists the angels on our behalf to bind up the evil.Prayer is our weapon to battle the dark forces. As I share the stories of God's great protection and deliverance from evil, I hope to convey some practical principles that will assist you in wrestling the world rulers. These experiences have taught me this one thing, the heavenly battles belong to the Lord. It is my desire that you will take a step in learning the Why's? and the How's? of pursuing God through Prayer, Fasting, and the Word. It is only through unified prayers, fasting, and standing together that we are able to raise the shield of faith in defeating the enemies flaming arrows."

  • - The Promise Fulfilled
    af Rusty Russell
    117,95 kr.

    The Holy Spirit is God's Promise Fulfilled. Beginning in Jerusalem when the disciples waited for the power of the Holy Spirit. "He (Jesus) ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father..." But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you..." (Act. 1:4-8 ESV) The Holy Spirit of Promise is the power to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are now in the age of Christ's Church and the Promise of the Holy Spirit. Luke, "And suddenly there came from Heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house..." (Act. 2:1-6 ESV) The Promises of the Holy Spirit are available to all God's children. The Divine Holy Spirit poured out at Pentecost is now available to all Christians. The Holy Spirit will do for believers what Jesus did for the disciples. The Holy Spirit dwelled in Jesus, and the faithful experienced the Holy Spirit in Him. The Holy Spirit lives in Christians, and the Spirit knows you and me in a very personal way. We cannot separate the work of the Holy Spirit from Jesus. We cannot separate Jesus the Son from God, the Father! They are one God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, who has come to live in us. As we yield to Him, expect, and believe His supernatural power to manifest through us. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me and the life, which I now live, I live by my faith in the Son of God, who gave his life up for me that I might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. This is a compilation from pastors, missionaries, and lay ministers living in the Promises of the Holy Spirit. The authors invite you to come and experience the wonder of His Promise. This is for all those who accept Jesus' sacrifice, resurrection, and repentance unto salvation. This wonderful Promise is yours to receive! This is The Holy Spirit God's Way The Promise Fulfilled.

  • - A Ministry's Guide to Building and Leaving a Legacy
    af Rusty Russell
    142,95 kr.

    A successful legacy is best achieved by the skillful blending of the work of the ministry with the wealth of the giver around a common vision. Too often, ministries and givers never work together to develop their legacy plans, resulting in many ministries lacking the financial resources to effectively fulfill their calling. Why? Because the gift of giving has been tied up; held back; leashed. It is time for ministries to stop looking for donors to write them a check and begin to minister to those who have the gift of giving, helping them fulfill their calling to give. It is time to unleash the gift of giving. In Unleashing the Gift of Giving, through scriptural truths, practical insights, and engaging examples, Rusty Russell explains how a ministry can both minister in their calling and minister to the ones with the gift of giving. By doing this, ministries can unleash the gift of giving to provide the financial resources to accomplish their calling as well as build a sustainable ministry legacy that will survive the founder.

  • af Rusty Russell & Bob Russell
    182,95 kr.

    The simple message of this book is that prayer worksSome people are "e;prayer plodders"e;: They pray not because prayer comes easy but because they believe in its power. Others are "e;prayer professionals"e;: they are gifted in the practice of prayer; prayer seems to flow authentically and effectively from their hearts. Whether you are a plodder or a professional, you can be a prayer warriorone whose prayers are powerful and effectualeven efficient. Even if prayer doesn't always come easily or your prayers aren't always answered as you'd hoped, you will come away from this book convinced that God rewards genuine prayer. Open the pages of this book and see for yourself what happens when God answers prayer!

  • - Four Powerful Principles for Change
    af Rusty Russell & Bob Russell
    142,95 kr.

    Bob Russell presents four powerful principles that will shape and sculpt your personality to be more like Christ's.In this profound book, Russell and his son, Rusty, deliver answers to four problem areas of our personalities that keep us from becoming what God wants us to be. Using biblical studies, contemporary illustrations, and practical teaching, this book allows us to feel grateful, from being filled with worry to being filled with peace, from bitterness to forgiveness and from depression to joy. The material in this book is perfect for small groups, Sunday school classes, or a motivational sermon series. Whether you are a student, teacher, professional, or parent, you will find this book life changing and richly rewarding.

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