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  • af Ruyenzi Schadrack
    848,95 kr.

    Völkermord ist die absichtliche und methodische Vernichtung einer Gruppe von Menschen aufgrund ihrer Rasse, ethnischen Zugehörigkeit, Nationalität oder Religion mit dem Ziel, sie im Namen eines rassistischen Prinzips oder einer ideologischen Vorstellung von dieser Gruppe vollständig auszulöschen. Der Begriff Völkermord wurde 1944 von dem Juristen Raphael Lemkin geprägt, um die systematische Vernichtung der Juden durch die Nazis zu bezeichnen. Im Gegensatz zu ideologischen Kriegen, in denen die Opfer als vermeintliche Träger ihrer Ideen angesehen werden, beruht Völkermord auf der Diskriminierung einer als unerwünscht angesehenen Bevölkerung sowie auf der Tatsache, dass die Zugehörigkeit zu dieser Bevölkerung an die Geburt geknüpft wird. Die Liste der von Historikern, Staaten oder internationalen Gerichten anerkannten Völkermorde ist lang, doch nur drei von ihnen wurden von internationalen Gremien, die den Vereinten Nationen unterstehen, rechtlich anerkannt: Der Völkermord an den Armeniern durch das Osmanische Reich 1915-1916, der Völkermord an den Juden und Sinti und Roma durch die Nazis und der Völkermord an den Tutsi in Ruanda, der 1994 von extremistischen Hutu-Milizen begangen wurde.Völkermord ist ein Verbrechen, das nicht verjährt.

  • af Ruyenzi Schadrack
    533,95 kr.

    Die Verteidigung der "Gemeingüter" ist heutzutage eine starke Forderung vieler sozialer Bewegungen. Sie umfasst sowohl lebensnotwendige Elemente -wie Wasser und Saatgut- als auch "öffentliche Dienstleistungen", die heute durch die neoliberale Politik im Süden wie im Norden abgebaut werden. Dieser Kampf besteht in der Opposition gegen die Privatisierungswellen, die den größten Teil der öffentlichen Netze betroffen haben, von der Eisenbahn, der Strom-, Wasser-, Verkehrs- und Telefonversorgung bis hin zum Gesundheits- und Bildungswesen, aber auch Wälder, Flüsse und Land. Das, was man in England vor dem Kapitalismus "commons" nannte, wurde immer kleiner und machte Platz für ein Wirtschaftssystem, das Land und dann die gesamte Realität in Waren verwandelte.

  • af Ruyenzi Schadrack
    848,95 kr.

    O genocídio é a aniquilação deliberada e metódica de um grupo de pessoas com base na sua raça, etnia, nacionalidade ou religião, com o objectivo do seu desaparecimento total, em nome de um princípio racista ou de uma concepção ideológica desse grupo. O termo genocídio foi cunhado em 1944 pelo jurista Raphaël Lemkin para designar o extermínio sistemático dos judeus pelos nazis. Ao contrário das guerras ideológicas, em que as vítimas são vistas como supostos vectores das suas ideias, o genocídio baseia-se na discriminação de uma população considerada indesejável e na ligação da pertença a essa população ao nascimento. Embora a lista de genocídios reconhecidos por historiadores, Estados e tribunais internacionais seja longa, apenas três foram legalmente reconhecidos por organismos internacionais sob a égide da ONU: o genocídio arménio cometido pelo Império Otomano em 1915-1916, o genocídio de judeus e ciganos cometido pelos nazis e o genocídio dos tutsis no Ruanda, cometido por milícias extremistas hutus em 1994.

  • af Ruyenzi Schadrack
    533,95 kr.

    According to the International Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, signed in New York on September 28, 1954, the term "stateless person" designates a person whom no State considers as its national by application of its legislation. Today, at least 10 million people throughout the world are deprived of their nationality. As a result, they often have no right to go to school, consult a doctor, hold a job, open a bank account, buy a house or even get married. Stateless people may find it difficult to enjoy basic rights such as education, healthcare, employment and freedom of movement. Those who claim to be stateless must demonstrate that they have no nationality. Case law specifies that he must not prove that he has "no nationality in the world", but rather that he cannot claim the nationality of the states relevant to the applicant. This mainly concerns the country in which he was born, where his family members reside, where he has stayed or where he has had his residence.

  • af Ruyenzi Schadrack
    848,95 kr.

    Genocide is the deliberate and methodical annihilation of a group of people on the basis of their race, ethnicity, nationality or religion, with the aim of their total disappearance, in the name of a racist principle or an ideological conception of that group. The term genocide was coined in 1944 by the jurist Raphaël Lemkin to designate the systematic extermination of the Jews by the Nazis. Unlike ideological wars, where the victims are seen as the supposed vectors of their ideas, genocide is based on the discrimination of a population considered undesirable and the fact that membership of this population is linked to birth. Although the list of genocides recognised by historians, States and international tribunals is long, only three have been legally recognised by international bodies under the auspices of the UN: the Armenian genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1916, the genocide of Jews and Gypsies committed by the Nazis, and the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda, committed by extremist Hutu militias in 1994.genocide is a crime for which there is no statute of limitations.

  • af Ruyenzi Schadrack
    1.518,95 kr.

    Like the law, jurisprudence is a source of law. Indeed, the law is sometimes incomplete, imprecise, and silent, and the judges must decide and decide by means of a rule of law which does not result from any text, or which is derived from an interpretation of this text or which is adapted from it. In common law countries, case law plays a particularly important role because the decisions of the courts of appeal are binding on lower courts hearing other cases, and those same courts of appeal are bound by their own judgments. This rule comes from the Latin phrase stare decisi ("to stand by the decision"). In contrast, countries with a Romano-Germanic tradition are very reluctant to attach importance to case law. This difference stems from the desire of these legal systems not to allow the courts to create law, but to leave this function to the legislature.

  • af Ruyenzi Schadrack
    1.123,95 kr.

    Criminal law is defined as the law of repression of offences or as the set of rules whose purpose is to determine antisocial acts, to designate the persons who can be declared responsible and to fix the penalties applicable to them. Criminal law is therefore one of the prerogatives of public power whose purpose is to punish. It is therefore repressive before being preventive. It applies to an individual, understood as a person who must answer for his or her actions, or to a community through the repression of a certain number of offences committed in an organized gang, for example. This book aims to present, in a synthetic and structured way, all the knowledge that a student or a candidate to the administrative competitions must have on the Criminal Law. Criminal law is intended to be the voice of the wise who whisper and tend to remind us that each of us is responsible for his acts before the law and that no contravention, no misdemeanor and even worse, no crime can go unpunished.

  • af Ruyenzi Schadrack
    533,95 kr.

    The defence of "common goods" is nowadays a strong demand of many social movements. It includes both the elements that are essential to life - such as water and seeds - and the "public services" that are now being dismantled by neoliberal policies, both in the South and in the North. This struggle consists of opposition to the waves of privatisation that have affected most of the public networks, from railways, electricity, water, transport, telephony, to health and education, but also forests, rivers and land. What was called in England, before capitalism, the commons, was progressively reduced, giving way to an economic system that transformed land and then the whole of reality into commodities, steps necessary for the accumulation of capital, and which has been accentuated today by the hegemony of finance capital.

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