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  • af Saba Dewanou
    443,95 kr.

    A agricultura é o pilar da economia africana, contribuindo com 20% do PIB do continente, 60% da sua força de trabalho e 20% das exportações. A agricultura continua a ser o sector mais importante da economia do Benim, contribuindo com cerca de 33% do PIB, 75% das receitas de exportação, 15% das receitas públicas e empregando 70% da população ativa. Os agricultores continuam a utilizar produtos químicos e estão a aumentar as quantidades de pesticidas. Os herbicidas contam-se entre os pesticidas mais utilizados, existindo quase 200.A ciência das ervas daninhas é uma disciplina científica que se centra no estudo das ervas daninhas. Estas plantas podem ser prejudiciais para as culturas, os jardins, os relvados e até para os ecossistemas naturais. A ciência das infestantes tem como objetivo compreender a biologia, a ecologia e o controlo das infestantes e desenvolver métodos sustentáveis para a sua gestão.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    443,95 kr.

    L'agricoltura è il pilastro dell'economia africana e contribuisce al 20% del PIL del continente, al 60% della forza lavoro e al 20% delle esportazioni. L'agricoltura rimane il settore più importante dell'economia del Benin, contribuendo a circa il 33% del PIL, al 75% dei proventi delle esportazioni, al 15% delle entrate statali e impiegando il 70% della popolazione attiva. Gli agricoltori continuano a utilizzare prodotti chimici e stanno aumentando le quantità di pesticidi. Gli erbicidi sono tra i pesticidi più utilizzati, e ne esistono quasi 200.La scienza delle erbe infestanti è una disciplina scientifica che si concentra sullo studio delle piante infestanti. Queste piante possono essere dannose per le colture, i giardini, i prati e persino per gli ecosistemi naturali. La scienza delle erbe infestanti mira a comprendere la biologia, l'ecologia e il controllo delle erbe infestanti e a sviluppare metodi sostenibili per la loro gestione.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    443,95 kr.

    La agricultura es el pilar de la economía africana, ya que aporta el 20% del PIB del continente, el 60% de su mano de obra y el 20% de las exportaciones. La agricultura sigue siendo el sector más importante de la economía de Benín, ya que aporta alrededor del 33% del PIB, el 75% de los ingresos de exportación, el 15% de los ingresos públicos y da empleo al 70% de la población activa. Los agricultores siguen utilizando productos químicos y están aumentando las cantidades de pesticidas. Los herbicidas figuran entre los pesticidas más utilizados, y existen casi 200.La herbología es una disciplina científica que se centra en el estudio de las malas hierbas. Estas plantas pueden ser perjudiciales para cultivos, jardines, céspedes e incluso ecosistemas naturales. El objetivo de la ciencia de las malas hierbas es comprender su biología, ecología y control, y desarrollar métodos sostenibles para gestionarlas.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    442,95 kr.

    Agriculture is the mainstay of the African economy, contributing 20% of the continent's GDP, 60% of its workforce and 20% of exports. Agriculture remains the most important sector of the Beninese economy, contributing around 33% of GDP, 75% of export earnings, 15% of government revenue and employing 70% of the working population. Farmers continue to use chemical products and are increasing the quantities of pesticides. Herbicides are among the most widely used pesticides, with almost 200 in use.Weed science is a scientific discipline that focuses on the study of weeds. These plants can be harmful to crops, gardens, lawns and even natural ecosystems. Weed science aims to understand the biology, ecology and control of weeds, and to develop sustainable methods for managing them.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    443,95 kr.

    Die Landwirtschaft ist die tragende Säule der afrikanischen Wirtschaft und trägt 20% zum BIP des Kontinents, 60% zu den Arbeitskräften und 20% zu den Exporten bei. Der wichtigste Sektor der beninischen Wirtschaft ist nach wie vor die Landwirtschaft und trägt etwa 33% zum BIP, 75% zu den Exporteinnahmen, 15% zu den Staatseinnahmen bei und beschäftigt 70% der Arbeitskräfte. Die Landwirte setzen weiterhin Chemikalien ein und erhöhen die Menge an Pestiziden. Herbizide gehören zu den am häufigsten verwendeten Pestiziden, von denen es fast 200 gibt.Die Malherbologie ist eine wissenschaftliche Disziplin, die sich auf die Untersuchung von Unkräutern konzentriert, die auch als Ungräser bekannt sind. Diese Pflanzen können für Nutzpflanzen, Gärten, Rasenflächen und sogar natürliche Ökosysteme schädlich sein. Die Malherbologie zielt darauf ab, die Biologie, Ökologie und Kontrolle von Unkräutern zu verstehen und nachhaltige Methoden zu entwickeln, um mit ihnen umzugehen.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    434,95 kr.

    L'agriculture constitue le pilier de l'économie africaine et contribue à hauteur de 20% du PIB du continent, 60% de sa main d'oeuvre et 20% des exportations. Le secteur de l'économie béninoise reste le secteur de l'agriculture et contribue pour environ 33% au PIB, 75% des recettes d'exportation, 15% des recettes de l'État et occupe 70% de la population active. Les agriculteurs continuent d'utiliser des produits chimiques et augmentent les quantités de pesticides. Les herbicides font partie des pesticides les plus utilisés et on en dénombre près de 200.La malherbologie est une discipline scientifique qui se concentre sur l'étude des mauvaises herbes également connues sous le nom d'adventices. Ces plantes peuvent être nuisibles pour les cultures, les jardins, les pelouses et même des écosystèmes naturels. La malherbologie vise à comprendre la biologie, l'écologie et le contrôle des mauvaises herbes ainsi qu'à développer des méthodes durables pour les gérer.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    443,95 kr.

    Oggi l'agricoltura riveste una grande importanza. Contribuisce alla sicurezza alimentare, stimola le economie nazionali e aiuta a creare posti di lavoro in tutto il mondo. Il compost è un fertilizzante formato dalla fermentazione di detriti organici con sostanze minerali. Il compostaggio consente di riciclare i rifiuti organici e di ottenere compost per le proprie esigenze agricole.La produzione di caffè è una coltura di grande importanza economica in molte parti del mondo. Tuttavia, alcune colture sono spesso afflitte da insetti parassiti che possono causare danni considerevoli alle piante e ridurre le rese. Gli insetti parassiti possono appartenere a diversi ordini, ciascuno con caratteristiche e modalità di attacco specifiche. Conoscere i principali ordini di insetti parassiti degli alberi da frutto è essenziale per mettere in atto misure di protezione e gestione efficaci per ridurre al minimo le perdite e mantenere la salute delle colture.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    443,95 kr.

    Heutzutage ist die Landwirtschaft von großer Bedeutung. Sie trägt zur Ernährungssicherheit bei, kurbelt die Wirtschaft eines Landes an und trägt zur Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen in der ganzen Welt bei. Kompost ist ein Düngemittel, das durch die fermentierte Mischung von organischen Rückständen mit mineralischen Stoffen entsteht. Durch Kompostierung können organische Abfälle wiederverwertet und Kompost für den eigenen Bedarf in der Landwirtschaft gewonnen werden.Die Kaffeeproduktion ist in vielen Teilen der Welt eine Kultur von großer wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. Einige Kulturen haben jedoch häufig mit Insektenschädlingen zu kämpfen, die den Pflanzen erheblichen Schaden zufügen und die Erträge verringern können. Insektenschädlinge können verschiedenen Ordnungen angehören, die jeweils ihre eigenen spezifischen Merkmale und Angriffsmuster haben. Das Verständnis der wichtigsten Ordnungen von Insektenschädlingen an Obstbäumen ist entscheidend für die Einführung wirksamer Schutz- und Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen, um Ernteverluste zu minimieren und die Gesundheit der Kulturen zu erhalten.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    443,95 kr.

    Nowadays, agriculture is of great importance. It contributes to food security, boosts national economies and helps create jobs worldwide. Compost is a fertilizer formed by fermenting organic debris with mineral matter. Composting makes it possible to recycle organic waste and obtain compost for one's own agricultural needs.Coffee production is a crop of major economic importance in many parts of the world. However, some crops are often confronted with insect pests that can cause considerable damage to plants and reduce yields. Insect pests can belong to different orders, each with its own specific characteristics and modes of attack. Understanding the main orders of insect pests of fruit trees is essential for implementing effective protection and management measures, to minimize crop losses and preserve crop health.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    443,95 kr.

    Atualmente, a agricultura reveste-se de grande importância. Contribui para a segurança alimentar, impulsiona as economias nacionais e ajuda a criar empregos em todo o mundo. O composto é um fertilizante formado pela fermentação de resíduos orgânicos com matéria mineral. A compostagem permite reciclar os resíduos orgânicos e obter composto para as próprias necessidades agrícolas.A produção de café é uma cultura de grande importância económica em muitas partes do mundo. No entanto, algumas culturas são frequentemente afectadas por pragas de insectos que podem causar danos consideráveis às plantas e reduzir os rendimentos. As pragas de insectos podem pertencer a diferentes ordens, cada uma com as suas próprias características específicas e modos de ataque. Compreender as principais ordens de insectos pragas das árvores de fruto é essencial para pôr em prática medidas eficazes de proteção e gestão para minimizar as perdas de culturas e manter a saúde das mesmas.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    434,95 kr.

    De nos jours l¿agriculture est une grande importance. Elle contribue à la sécurité alimentaire, permet de booster l¿économie des pays et contribue à la création d¿emploi dans le monde. Le compost est un engrais formé par le mélange fermenté de débris organiques avec des matières minérales. Le compostage permet de recycler des déchets organiques et d¿obtenir du compost pour ses propres besoin en agriculture. La production du café est une culture d'importance économique majeure dans de nombreuses régions du monde. Cependant, certaines cultures sont souvent confrontées à des ravageurs d'insectes qui peuvent causer des dommages considérables aux plantes et réduire les rendements. Les insectes ravageurs peuvent appartenir à différents ordres, chacun ayant ses propres caractéristiques et modes d'attaque spécifiques. Comprendre les principaux ordres d'insectes ravageurs des arbres fruitiers est essentiel pour mettre en place des mesures de protection et de gestion efficaces, afin de minimiser les pertes de récoltes et de préserver la santé des cultures.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    578,95 kr.

    The mango is native to the forests of India, where it has been cultivated for over 4,000 years. The kent mango's flesh is fiberless, juicy and very sweet, with a small to medium-sized stone. It has intense yellow to orange flesh and a greenish-yellow skin partially colored red. The mango tree is a member of the Anacardiaceae family. It is a fruit tree characterized by an upright, more or less spreading habit, from 9 to 30 meters high. Its evergreen foliage gives off a strong turpentine scent. The mango leaf is whole, ovoid, lanceolate to oval, 15 to 40 cm long and 1.5 to 4 cm wide.Conventional kent mango production aims to optimize production in relation to the surface area cultivated, in order to make a high annual profit on the same surface area, and involves the use of chemical products (chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides) and modern tools and equipment.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    568,95 kr.

    Das städtische Imkereiprojekt und die Imkereiindustrie haben uns die Möglichkeit gegeben, ein Unternehmen zu gründen und gleichzeitig unseren Gemeinden etwas zurückzugeben, indem wir zur Wiederherstellung des Naturschutzes und des landwirtschaftlichen Wissens beitragen. Aus sechs verschiedenen Überlegungen heraus hat sich unsere Gruppe zusammengefunden, um als Pioniere bei der Diversifizierung der Honigindustrie zu agieren, und wir hoffen, dass unsere Genossenschaft wachsen wird, um anderen die gleiche Möglichkeit zu bieten, ein zusätzliches Einkommen zu erzielen.Der reine Honig stammt von den Wildblumen der Cape Flats, die einen besonderen Geschmack, eine besondere Farbe und eine besondere Geschichte bieten. Darüber hinaus werden wir die Umsiedlung von Wildschwärmen für diejenigen anbieten, die Wildschwärme zur Bestäubung oder zur persönlichen Honigproduktion einsetzen möchten. Mit der Gründung der Farm soll ein Beitrag zum Wachstum des Cashew-Anbaus in Benin geleistet werden, indem den Cashew-Züchtern in der Region hochwertige Setzlinge zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Wir glauben, dass sich die Verwendung von veredelten Setzlingen positiv auf die Branche auswirken wird, indem sie den Ertrag der Cashewbäume und die Gesamtproduktivität der Bauern in der Region erhöht.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    458,95 kr.

    This micro-project, entitled "Production and marketing of selected oil palm seedlings (Elaeis guineensis) in the commune of Allada", is an agricultural enterprise. Called "La PERSÉVÉRANCE" by the local population.The total cost of the micro-project is 11,157,190 CFA francs, of which 4,749,690 CFA francs (42.57% personal contribution) and 6,407,500 CFA francs (57.43% borrowed) will be committed to the Fond National pour la Promotion de l'Entreprise et de l'Emploi des Jeunes (FNPEEJ) at an interest rate of 5%, repayable over five (05) years in constant annual instalments.The operating results of the said micro-project amount to 4,671,310 FCFA in the first year, 5,619,185 FCFA in the second year, 6,476,167.5 FCFA in the third year, 7,249,648.25 FCFA in the fourth year and 8,455,357.08 FCFA in the fifth year.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    568,95 kr.

    O projeto de apicultura urbana e a indústria da apicultura deram-nos a oportunidade de iniciar um negócio e, ao mesmo tempo, retribuir às nossas comunidades, ajudando a restaurar a conservação da natureza e o conhecimento agrícola. A partir de seis pensamentos diferentes, o nosso grupo reuniu-se para atuar como pioneiro na diversificação da indústria do mel e espera fazer crescer a nossa cooperativa para proporcionar a outros a mesma oportunidade de obter um rendimento suplementar.O mel puro é das flores silvestres de Cape Flats, que proporcionam um sabor, uma cor e uma história particulares. Para além disso, ofereceremos serviços de recolocação de enxames selvagens para aqueles que desejem colmeias de enxames selvagens para polinização ou para uso pessoal na produção de mel. O estabelecimento da quinta procura contribuir para o crescimento da indústria do cajueiro no Benim, fornecendo mudas de alta qualidade aos produtores de caju da região. Acreditamos que a utilização de mudas enxertadas terá um impacto positivo no sector, aumentando o rendimento dos cajueiros e a produtividade geral dos agricultores da região.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    568,95 kr.

    Il progetto di apicoltura urbana e l'industria dell'apicoltura ci hanno offerto l'opportunità di avviare un'attività imprenditoriale e di restituire alle nostre comunità la conservazione della natura e la conoscenza dell'agricoltura. Partendo da sei idee diverse, il nostro gruppo si è riunito per agire da pionieri nella diversificazione dell'industria del miele e spera di far crescere la nostra cooperativa per offrire ad altri la stessa opportunità di guadagnare un reddito supplementare.Il miele puro è quello dei fiori selvatici di Cape Flats, che offrono un gusto, un colore e una storia particolari. Inoltre, offriremo servizi di trasferimento di sciami selvatici per coloro che desiderano alveare sciami selvatici per l'impollinazione o per la produzione personale di miele. L'azienda intende contribuire alla crescita dell'industria dell'anacardio in Benin, fornendo piantine di alta qualità ai coltivatori di anacardi della regione. Riteniamo che l'uso di piantine innestate avrà un impatto positivo sul settore, aumentando la resa degli alberi di anacardio e la produttività complessiva degli agricoltori della regione.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    568,95 kr.

    Le projet d'apiculture urbaine et l'industrie de l'apiculture nous ont donné l'occasion de créer une entreprise tout en rendant service à nos communautés en aidant à restaurer la conservation de la nature et les connaissances agricoles. Issu de six pensées différentes, notre groupe s'est rassemblé pour jouer un rôle de pionnier dans la diversification de l'industrie du miel et espère développer notre coopérative afin d'offrir à d'autres la même possibilité de gagner un revenu supplémentaire.Le miel pur provient des fleurs sauvages de Cape Flats, ce qui lui confère un goût, une couleur et une histoire particuliers. En outre, nous proposerons des services de déplacement d'essaims sauvages à ceux qui souhaitent en héberger à des fins de pollinisation ou de production personnelle de miel. L'établissement de la ferme vise à contribuer à la croissance de l'industrie de la culture du cajou au Bénin en fournissant des plants de haute qualité aux producteurs de cajou de la région. Nous pensons que l'utilisation de plants greffés aura un impact positif sur l'industrie en augmentant le rendement des anacardiers et la productivité globale des agriculteurs de la région.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    458,95 kr.

    Conventional pineapple cultivation is contributing to rapid soil degradation on bar land in southern Benin. To counter this degradation of soil fertility, initiatives combined with international market demands have been developed to introduce organic pineapple. Despite its expansion, Beninese organic pineapple is struggling to find a place on the international market. There is a growing lack of motivation among growers, a reduction in the area sown, a switch by organic growers to conventional pineapple and the closure of certain pineapple processing units.The most decisive factors for the development of this value chain in the face of ever-increasing demand for organic products on the international market, especially in Europe, are: promotion of the organic pineapple value chain, capacity-building for players at different levels, access to strategic information (commercial information, information on materials), the drawing-up of business plans and their financing.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    369,95 kr.

    This project entitled "PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF ORNAMENTAL PALM TREES IN ABOMEY-CALAVI TOWN" is a private agricultural company called "GREEN DYNAMIC GROUP NURSERY". Its main objective is to produce and market ornamental palm trees in the township of Abomey- calavi and its surroundings. The location of the business site is chosen because of the availability of land, the existence of supply and disposal markets and the existence of labour at a reasonable cost.The realization of this project requires an overall cost of Thirteen million nine thousand and five hundred (13,009,500) or 100%, of which the personal contribution amounts to Five million two hundred forty-seven thousand and five hundred (5,247,500) or 40.34% and a loan solicited from Orabank at a rate of 10% which amounts to Seven million seven hundred and sixty-two thousand (7,762,000) or 59.66%. The snail city company located in BENIN, specializes in the production and marketing of snails and their derivatives to meet growing demand, create jobs for young people, fight against food insecurity and contribute to the sustainable development of the sector. We produce snails of species highly appreciated by consumers.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    578,95 kr.

    The general objective of our study is to investigate the conservation activities of the Sitatunga(Tragelaphus spekii) for the sustainable maintenance of this species in the Sitatunga Valley Community Nature Park. To achieve our objectives, we used a methodology based essentially on participatory diagnostic tools, notably interviews, direct and participant observation, the Venn diagram, the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) tool, triangulation and data analysis.At the end of our study, we understood that the Sitatunga(Tragelaphus spekii) is the most aquatic of antelopes, living in wetlands (marshes, swamps, ponds, pools, peat bogs). Sustainable conservation of this species will require the development of the Sitatunga Valley Community Nature Park. In fact, a program will be launched to create a specially protected wetland around this species, with the creation of a green belt around these areas. Ecological monitoring will also be carried out with the involvement of local communities, providing reliable data on the Sitatunga.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    369,95 kr.

    This Business Plan is based on data from a farmer specializing in the production of organic tomatoes above ground and in greenhouses. He has never taken out a loan from a financial institution. It benefits from the technical support of actors from state structures and NGOs operating in the agricultural sector. Considering the standard of satisfaction of need per inhabitant, as identified by world population review , i.e. 25Kg of tomato per year; the overall need of the cities of Cotonou and Abomey Calavi is estimated at 67,500 tons of tomatoes per year. It will allow us to integrate into the development of our locality through the performance of our civic duties and will contribute to creating decent jobs. This enterprise installed on 50 hectares, has a market share of 245 tons of white grain corn, without waste for the first year with an increase of 20% the last two years. Its market segments are wholesalers and semi-wholesalers in large municipalities in Benin (Porto-Novo, Cotonou, etc.) and Nigeria.

  • af Saba Dewanou
    578,95 kr.

    This study was conducted with the aim of counting the populations of primates and inventorying the plants and organs on which they feed in the sacred forest of Kikélé in the commune of Bassila in northern Benin. Diurnal and nocturnal primates were counted by the complete count method. Surveys of 60 resource persons and field observations over 90 days were carried out to inventory the plants and organs consumed by primates. The sacred forest of Kikélé is home to three species of primates including a nocturnal species Galago senegalensis (16 individuals) and two diurnal species including Cercopithecus mona (2 individuals) and Colobus vellerosus (28 individuals). 35 plant species have been inventoried as food resources for C. vellerosus, 39 plant species for C. mona and 12 plant species for G. senegalensis. G. senegalensis feeds exclusively on ripe fruits, while the other two species feed mainly on fruits and leaves. Leguminosae and mesophanerophytes were the most represented in the diet.

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