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Forlænget returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Bøger af Santa Montefiore

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  • af Santa Montefiore
    188,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    203,95 - 258,95 kr.

    Da den velhavende mrs. Clayton sover stille ind i sit store hus på Nantucket, forventer alle, at hendes sidste hvilested skal være på den amerikanske østkyst.Men testamentet afslører en ukendt arving og et overraskende ønske: Hendes aske skal spredes på bakkerne oven for Castle Deverill med udsigt til det storslåede slot og havet.Den gamle dames sidste vilje fører hendes datter, Faye, på en følelsesladet rejse til det ukendte slot i Irland. Det bliver en rejse ind i fortidens gådefulde hemmeligheder med spor af svunden kærlighed. Men Faye finder også stykker af sig selv, som hun ikke vidste manglede.Timer i skjul er perfekt for fans af Downton Abbey.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    218,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Det er 1939, og verden står på tærsklen til en ny storkrig. I kulissen venter en ny generation af familien Deverill på at tage over.Kitty har for længst fundet sig til rette med sin ægtemand, Robert, og parrets to børn. Men da hendes livs store kærlighed pludselig dukker op igen, vender det op og ned på hendes ellers så lykkelige tilværelse. Skæbnen tvinger Kitty, Celia og Bridie fra hinanden, men de vil altid være forbundet af Castle Deverill og slottets mange hemmeligheder.Slottets sidste hemmelighed er tredje og sidste bind i trilogien om kvinderne fra Castle Deverill, og flere har sammenlignet serien med Downton Abbey.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    188,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Den engelske bestsellerforfatter Santa Montefiore udkommer nu med første bind i en stærk trilogi om krig og kærlighed under umulige betingelser. I begyndelsen af 1900-tallet vokser Kitty Deverill, Bridie Doyle og Celia Deverill op i det stilfærdige og naturskønne landskab ved familien Deverills slot i det vestlige Irland. Her lever pigerne en ubekymret og sorgfri tilværelse langt fra alverdens problemer og bekymringer. Men den irske uafhængighedskrig vender op og ned på deres liv, og slottet er pludselig i fare. Kitty må vælge mellem loyaliteten til sit engelske ophav og sin dybfølte kærlighed til Irland og ikke mindst irlænderen Jack O’Leary. Hvis man savner lidt Downtown Abbey-stemning denne sommer, er det bare om at kaste sig over Sange om krig og kærlighed!

  • af Santa Montefiore
    218,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Sofia er en forkælet, stolt og ressourcestærk pige, som er elsket af alle – bare ikke af sin egen mor. Da Sofia bliver hovedkulds forelsket, bliver hendes mor dybt chokeret og sender Sofia til Europa, så hun er langt væk fra sin familie og sit livs store kærlighed.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    108,95 kr.

    The reissue of the stunning romantic adventure, with a beautiful new package, from Sunday Times bestselling author, Santa Montefiore.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    218,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Luca Chancellor har masser af penge, men ikke meget at leve for efter en hård skilsmisse og en travl karriere, der har gjort, at han dårligt nok kender sine egne børn. Han flygter fra det hele og ender i sine forældres palazzo på den italienske Amalfikyst.Her går det dog ikke helt så fredeligt som planlagt, for det solbeskinnede palazzo er overrendt af morens excentriske venner og hjemsøgt af fortidens mord og mystik. En dag møder han en kvinde med sørgmodige mørke øjne og en lille dreng, der gemmer på en dyb hemmelighed.Luca må nu forsøge at løse et mysterium, der rækker langt tilbage i en blodig historie. Undervejs må han se sin egen frygt i øjnene, men måske er sandheden det hele værd.Den engelske forfatter Santa Montefiore (f. 1970) er den ukronede dronning af kærlighedsromaner. Hendes første bog på dansk, Fyrtårnets hemmeligheder, udkom i 2018. Den er solgt i over 200.000 eksemplarer i England, og hendes bøger er også bestsellere i Norge, Holland og Portugal. ”Ingen skriver kærlighedsromaner som Santa Montefiore. Hun skriver altid fra hjertet.” Jojo Moyes”En vidunderlig romantisk fortælling om familiehemmeligheder og kærlighed.” ***** Søndag om Fyrtårnets hemmeligheder”Virkelig, virkelig god og meget rørende. I skrivestil minder forfatteren mig om Lucinda Riley.” Goodreads-læser om Mød mig under ombutræet

  • af Santa Montefiore
    213,95 kr.

    International bestselling author Santa Montefiore continues the story of the Deverill family in the third book in her beautiful and moving Deverill Chronicles trilogy--perfect for fans of Kate Morton and Beatriz Williams."Nobody does epic romance like Santa Montefiore. Everything she writes, she writes from the heart." --Jojo Moyes, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Me Before You1939: Peace has flourished since the Great War ended, but much has changed for the Deverill family as now a new generation is waiting in the wings to make their mark.When Martha Wallace leaves her home in America to search for her birth mother in Dublin, she never imagines that she will completely lose her heart to the impossibly charming JP Deverill. But more surprises are in store for her after she discovers that her mother comes from the same place as JP, sealing her fate.Bridie Doyle, now Countess di Marcantonio and mistress of Castle Deverill, is determined to make the castle she used to work in her home. But just as she begins to feel things are finally going her way, her flamboyant husband Cesare has other ideas. As his eye strays away from his wife, those close to the couple wonder if he really is who he says he is.Kitty Deverill has come to accept her life with her husband Robert, and their two children. But then Jack O'Leary, the love of her life, returns to Ballinakelly. And this time his heart belongs elsewhere.As long-held secrets come to light, the Deverills will have to heal old wounds and come to terms with the past if they hope to ensure their legacy for the future.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    188,95 - 278,95 kr.

    Handling: Det er 1925, og den irske uafhængighedskrig er for længst slut. Men meget synes tabt, og Kitty, Celia og Bridie er adskilt af både fysisk afstand og følelser. I det vestlige Irland er Castle Deverill, som har været i familien Deverills eje i generationer, brændt ned til grunden. Den unge Celia er dog fast besluttet på at genopbygge sin families slot i alt dets pragt. Hun har giftet sig godt og har pengene til det. Men i horisonten samler der sig mørke skyer, og verdensøkonomien kastes snart ud i et voldsomt uvejr. Alt, hvad der før virkede så sikkert, synes pludselig så flygtigt.Santa Montefiores generationsfortælling om kvinderne fra Castle Deverill fortsætter i dette andet bind af Slotskrøniken. Bogserien er perfekt for læsere, der hungrer efter mere som Downtown Abbey.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    188,95 - 218,95 kr.

    Dronningen af kærlighedsromaner med ny bog. Bestsellerforfatter Santa Montefiore tager sine læsere med på en rejse gennem livets svære valg og udfordringer i Sommerfugleæsken. I Sommerfugleæsken møder vi Federica Campione, som ikke har øje for andre end sin far, når han en sjælden gang imellem endelig er hjemme hos sin familie i Chile. Nyligt hjemvendt fra Peru forærer han hende en sommerfugleæske, og med denne gestus overbevises hun om, at han altid vil være der for hende. Men forældrenes ægteskab forliser, og Federica må flytte med sin mor og lillebror til Cornwall i England. Gennem alle livets storme bliver sommerfugleæsken hendes trøst, men da hun skal træffe sit livs vigtigste beslutning, har lykken tilsyneladende forladt hende. Først efter adskillige stormfulde år lærer Federica at forstå sommerfugleæskens budskab og at tage skæbnen i egne hænder.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    118,95 kr.

    New to Simon & Schuster with a stunning new package

  • af Santa Montefiore
    258,95 kr.

    Ellen Trawton er på flugt fra det hele. Hun skal giftes med en aristokratisk mand, hun ikke elsker, hun er træt af sit job, og hendes mor blander sig konstant og går hende på nerverne. Så hun flygter til det ene sted, hvor hun ved, hendes mor ikke vil følge efter hende – til sin tantes hus på landet i Irland. Her gør lokalsamfundets venlighed og charme stort indtryk på hende, og hun begynder at tro på en fremtid, hun aldrig havde turdet håbe på. Samtidig opdager hun en mørk familiehemmelighed, der er tæt forbundet til det fyrtårn, hvor en ung mor døde fem år tidligere.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    118,95 kr.

    New to Simon & Schuster with a stunning new package

  • af Santa Montefiore
    108,95 kr.

    Summer is not complete without a new novel from number one bestselling author Santa Montefiore

  • af Santa Montefiore
    108,95 kr.

    New to Simon & Schuster with a stunning new package

  • af Santa Montefiore
    108,95 kr.

    A spellbinding novel about marriage, passion, loss, renewal, and the healing power of love

  • af Santa Montefiore
    94,95 kr.

    Lose yourself in the south of France with number one bestseller Santa Montefiore...

  • af Santa Montefiore
    101,95 kr.

    The summer is not complete without a new novel from top ten bestelling author Santa Montefiore

  • af Santa Montefiore
    78,95 kr.

    Fortidens fejltrin kan vise sig at være fremtidens glæder.Da Madison fylder 18, finder hun ud af, hvem hendes biologiske far er. Og hun sætter sig for at møde den mand, der har samme lyse hår og blå øjne som hende.Robert er godt tilfreds med sit liv. Han har et stort hus, en smuk kone og tre vidunderlige sønner. Men for 18 år siden trådte han ved siden af, og derfor har han nu en datter, som ingen ved noget om.Forpligtet af sandheden må Robert konfrontere sin fortid og fortælle sin familie om Madison. Men kan de tilgive ham og byde hans datter velkommen med åbne arme?

  • af Santa Montefiore
    258,95 kr.

    "Cornwall, 1944. Cuando Rupert Dash desaparece en combate y le dan por fallecido en la Batalla de Arnhem, su mujer, Florence, se queda desolada, incapaz de aceptar que se ha ido para siempre. Por eso, cuando encuentra un poema titulado "Espâerame" escondido entre las pâaginas de un viejo libro, cree que es una seänal de su marido. Una promesa de que volverâa a ella. Londres, 1988. Desde su infancia, Max ha tenido una pesadilla recurrente: rodeado por el terrible caos de la guerra, tiene una misiâon urgente que debe completar. Pero el sueäno siempre acaba despertâandolo de terror, con el corazâon acelerado por los horrores del campo de batalla. Desesperado por comprender por quâe le persiguen tales visiones, Max se embarca en un viaje que lo lleva hasta Cornwall y a un hombre llamado Rupert Dash. Melbourne, 1995. Florence recibe una carta de un desconocido que vive en el otro extremo del mundo y que asegura recordar una vida que perteneciâo a otra persona antes que a âel. ÅPodrâia ser el hombre a quien Florence lleva cincuenta y un aänos esperando volver a encontrar?"--Publisher's description.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    168,95 kr.

    Don't miss the first book in the sensational new series from the number one bestselling author Santa Montefiore - coming soon!'Nobody does epic romance like Santa Montefiore' JOJO MOYESShadows in the Moonlight follows beguiling Pixie Tate to the wild Cornish coast as she attempts to unravel a curious mystery at the stately St Sidwell Manor. Over two hundred years ago, in the dark of night, a child vanished from his bed never to be seen again - and Pixie must discover the truth of those final moonlit hours. As the story undulates between the past and the present, secrets are revealed, love affairs exposed and, ultimately, Pixie will be forced to make a devastating choice that will change everything...

  • af Santa Montefiore
    101,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    268,95 kr.

    Margot Hart travels to Ireland to write a biography of the famous Deverill family. She knows she must speak to the current Lord Deverill - JP - if she is to uncover the secrets of the past. A notorious recluse, JP won't be an easy man to crack. But Margot is determined - and she is not a woman who is easily put off. What she never expected was to form a close bond with JP and be drawn into his family disputes. Shouldering the blame for running up debts that forced him to sell the family castle, JP is isolated and vulnerable. With help from his handsome son Colm, it seems as though Margot might be the only one who can restore JP's fortunes.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    308,95 kr.

    Spoilt, resourceful and proud, Sofia is loved by all around her. All, that is, except her Irish mother Anna. When Sofia embarks on a passionate love affair, Anna is horrified and sends Sofia away to Europe, exiling her from her family and her lover.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    166,95 kr.

    "Description: England, 1932: Grace Hamblin is growing up on the beautiful estate of the Marquiss and Marchioness of Penselwood. The beekeeper's daughter, she knows her place and her future - that is until her father dies and leaves her alone. Her childhood friend Freddie has recently become her lover, and she is thankful when they are able to marry and take over her father's duties. But there is another man who she just can't shake from her thoughts . . . Massachusetts, 1973: Grace's daughter Trixie Valentine is in love with an unsuitable boy. Jasper Duncliffe is wild and romantic, and in a band that might be going somewhere. But when his brother dies and he is called home to England, Jasper promises to come back for Trixie one day, if only she will wait for him. Thinking Trixie is surely abandoned, Grace tries to reach out to her daughter, but Trixie brushes off her mother's advice and comfort, sure Jasper's love for her was real. There must be something Jasper isn't telling her . . . Both mother and daughter are searching for love and happiness, unaware of the secrets that bind them. To find what they are longing for they must confront the secrets of the past, and unravel the lies told long ago"--

  • af Santa Montefiore
    166,95 kr.

    "Ellen Trawton is running away from it all - quite literally. She is engaged to marry an aristocratic man she doesn't love, she hates her job, and her mother...well, her mother is not a woman to be crossed. So Ellen escapes to the one place she knows her mother won't follow her - to her aunt's cottage on Ireland's dramatic Connemara coast. Once there, she is embraced by a family of aunts, uncles and cousins her mother never mentioned. Her imagination is captured by the picturesque ruins of a lighthouse where, five years earlier, a young mother died in a fire. Locals say she may have been murdered by her husband, Conor Macausland, who abandoned the his castle after his wife's death. Cutting all her ties chic London society, and therefore not knowing about the search for her that has begun, Ellen gives in to Ireland's charm, warmth, and romance, thinking her future may lie where so much of her past has been hidden. Meanwhile, Caitlin Macausland is mourning the future she can never have. After dying in the lighhouse fire, she is unable to move on. She watches her children and her husband, hoping they might see her, that she might feel their love once more. When Caitlin notices Ellen's arrival, she senses her world is about to change. Can she prevent it? Or can she find a way to freedom and happiness, the happiness she sees in the spirit of a little girl who, for some reason, also can't move on? The rugged coastline, tightknit communities, and ancient landmarks of western Ireland provide the backdrop for this story of two women seeking peace and the love they desparately need. For each of them, the key can be found in the secrets of the past, illuminated by the lighthouse"--

  • af Santa Montefiore
    166,95 kr.

    Includes a reading group guide with questions for discussion and a conversation with the author.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    156,95 kr.

    Previously published in the United Kingdom as DAUGHTERS OF CASTLE DEVERILLIreland. 1925. The war is over. But life will never be the same..."Everything Santa Montefiore writes, she writes from the heart," says JOJO MOYES. See why in this unforgettable story of love, loss, and life, perfect for fans of DOWNTON ABBEY and KATE MORTON.In the green hills of West Cork, Ireland, Castle Deverill has burned to the ground. But young Celia Deverill is determined to see her ruined ancestral home restored to its former glory -- to the years when Celia ran through its vast halls with her cousin Kitty and their childhood friend Bridie Doyle.Kitty herself is raising a young family, but she longs for Jack O'Leary -- the long-ago sweetheart she cannot have. And soon Kitty must make a heartbreaking decision, one that could destroy everything she holds dear.Bridie, once a cook's daugher in Castle Deverill, is now a well-heeled New York City socialite. Yet her celebrity can't erase a past act that haunts her still. Nor can it keep her from seeking revenge upon the woman who wronged her all those years ago.As these three daughters of Ireland seek to make their way in a world once again beset by dark forces, Santa Montefiore shows us once more why she is one of the best-loved storytellers at work today.

  • af Santa Montefiore
    173,95 kr.

    The Irish Girl was previously published as The Girl in the Castle.Ireland. The early twentieth century.Two girls on the cusp of womanhood. A nation on the brink of war.Read their story ? and see why JOJO MOYES says that "Nobody does epic romance like Santa Montefiore." Born on the ninth day of the ninth month in the year 1900, Kitty Deverill grows up in Castle Deverill, on the sunning green ghills of West Cork, Ireland ? the same place her ancestors have always dwelled. She isn't fully Irish, as the son of the local veterinarian likes to tease her; but this doesn't stop Kitty and Jack O'Leary from falling in love...Bridie Doyle, daughter to Castle Deverill's cook, cherishes her friendship with Kitty. Yet she can't help dreaming of someday having wealth, having glamour, having... more. And when she discovers Kitty's darkest secret, Bridie finds herself growing to resent the girl in the castle who seems to have it all.As Irish and British forces collide in Southern Ireland, Jack enlists to fight ? and Kitty throws herself into the cause for Irish liberty, running messages and ammunition between the rebels. But , her allegiance to her family and her friends will soon be tested... and when Castle Deverill comes under attack, the only home and life she's ever known are threatened.A powerful story of love, loyalty, and friendship, The Irish Girl is an exquisitely written novel set against the magical, captivating landscape of Ireland ? perfect for fans of DOWNTON ABBEY and KATE MORTON.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore & Santa Montefiore
    88,95 kr.

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