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  • af Sara Johnson
    148,95 kr.

    Tarotkortenes betydninger og oprindelse siges at ligge tilbage i slutningen af det14. århundrede, og selv om livet naturligvis har ændret sig betydeligt gennem århundrederne, er vores hjerner og kroppe stadig de samme. Det betyder, at vi har en masse til fælles med mennesker fra fortiden.Føles dit liv overvældende og forvirrende? Har du en oplevelse af at være kørt fast? Få fat i et sæt tarotkort – det er en af de mest givende og kreative måder at finde svar på.Hvad nu, hvis jeg fortalte dig, at vores liv består af et bestemt antal mønstre eller fortællinger? Tarot afbilder dybest set 78 af disse fortællinger. I hver fortælling er der et hemmeligt budskab, og tarotlæsning handler om at tyde disse hemmeligheder.Den lille bog om tarot viser på en tilgængelig og underholdende måde, hvordan du kan bruge kortspillet til at udforske livets rejse og hjælpe dig med at forstå dine styrker og talenter, og hvad der motiverer dig. Du skal blot være nysgerrig og indstillet på at fortælle sandheden. SARA JOHNSON er forfatter og underviser inden for åndelige emner. Hun bor i Ledbury, Herefordshire i England. Sara har en særlig stærk tilknytning til tarotkort og krystaller, og de fleste dage tilbringer hun med at skrive eller arbejde med healing. Hun elsker at læse, spille cello og opholde sig i naturen.

  • af Sara Johnson
    188,95 kr.

    Calming down Trauma is about the traumas I have overcame and gone through. This collection of poetry is written in a positive perspective of everything I've learned, and the lessons I have gained from the hard times. Writing poetry is my way to let go and heal. This book is targeted towards Adolescents, Young Adults, and Adults who have ever felt misunderstood. As a Mental Health Clinician, it was important for me to combine my passion with my work. Trauma is something that just doesn't disappear overnight. Trauma can be taught to be coped with appropriately to calm down the chaos that goes through ones mind, that can be escalated by silent triggers. Mental health is something society doesn't talk much about. I believe that the way words can be aligned, can really reach people. I hope that I can have the chance to do so with my words.

  • af Sara Johnson
    115,95 kr.

    Learn how to harness the ancient mysteries of Tarot. Spark your imagination, seek your inner wisdom and discover your true spiritual power. For hundreds of years, tarot cards have been used for predicting the future, and a way to cast light on life's big questions and inevitable challenges. However, tarot cards are a powerful tool for self-care and for guidance on what's going on in various aspects of your life, from love interests and personal finances, to career paths and other goals. It is also a practical way to become more mindful.The Little Book of Tarot will show you how you can use the deck for personal guidance and self-development to help you understand your motivations, strengths, and talents. Use this book for a little self-reflection or space to get validation and clarity on your journey through life.

  • af Sara Johnson
    208,95 kr.

    This romantic collection of poetry explores the feelings of love, heartbreak, and the healing. Behind all these emotions are letters written to the past, the present, and the future. This love story line is neutrally written in a way that the words in the lines presented do not necessarily target a significant other but can be any loved one you know that's in your life. There are three phases of feelings an individual goes through in any kind of relationship. The author's vulnerability of her past is striving to connect, reassure, and pass on hope to the broken hearts of humanity.

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