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  • - A Year of Daily Affirmations to bring Peace, Joy and Happiness to your Life.
    af Sarah Ripley
    133,95 kr.

    365 Daily Affirmations is a collection of positive affirmations to help you manifest your dreams, improve your self-esteem, and live a more fulfilling life. Each affirmation is written in the present tense and is organized by day, so you can read a new affirmation daily. The book is designed to be used every day, so you can start your day off on the right foot and end your day feeling positive and motivated. The affirmations in this book cover a wide range of topics, including: ConfidenceHappinessLoveSuccessHealthWealthPeace of mindAnd moreHere are some of the benefits of using positive affirmations: They can help you to focus on your goals and dreams.They can help you to improve your self-esteem and confidence.They can help you to overcome negative thoughts and beliefs.They can help you to attract positive experiences into your life.They can help you to live a more fulfilling and happier life.If you are looking for balance and empowerment in your life, then 365 Daily Affirmations is the book for you. This book is a powerful tool that can help you to manifest your dreams and live a more fulfilling life.

  • af Sarah Ripley
    168,95 kr.

    Descifrando los Secretos del Universo: El Poder del Método 369Aprende el código oculto de Nikola Tesla y manifiesta tus deseos con el transformador Método 369.Emprende un viaje de 33 días guiado por el genio visionario Nikola Tesla. Descubre los secretos susurrados en los números, en especial el poderoso trío del 3, 6 y 9. Aprende cómo estos dígitos resuenan con la esencia del universo, actuando como llaves para desbloquear la Ley de Atracción y la Ley de Vibración.En este libro:Sumérgete en las teorías ocultas de Tesla: Explora su fascinación con los números, su conexión con el cosmos y su poder para moldear la realidad.Domina el Método 369: Descubre una técnica simple pero poderosa para manifestar tus deseos. Escribe, visualiza y vibra hacia tus sueños con el poder del 3, 6 y 9.Abraza la Ley de Atracción: Comprende cómo tus pensamientos y emociones atraen experiencias a tu vida. Aprende a aprovechar este poder para un cambio positivo.Desata la Ley de Vibración: Descubre cómo todo en el universo resuena a una frecuencia específica y cómo puedes ajustar tu vibración para alinearte con tus deseos.Empóderate con el Diario de Manifestación 369 de 33 días: Prompts y ejercicios guiados te ayudan a poner en práctica el Método 369, día a día. Rastrea tu progreso, presencia el poder del universo desplegarse y manifiesta tus sueños en realidad.Más que un libro, "El Poder del Método 369" es una experiencia transformadora. Es una ruta para desbloquear tu potencial oculto, sintonizar la frecuencia del universo y crear la vida que realmente deseas.¿Estás listo para aprovechar el poder del código secreto de Tesla y manifestar tus sueños? Comienza tu viaje de 33 días hoy y desvela los secretos del Método 369.

  • af Sarah Ripley
    143,95 kr.

    Whether you're seeking a fresh start, a mid-year boost, or a gentle reminder of your inner strength, 365 Daily Affirmations is your guide to a happier, more fulfilling life.

  • af Sarah Ripley
    168,95 kr.

    Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe: The Power of the 369 MethodHarness the power of Nikola Tesla's hidden code and manifest your desires with the transformative 369 Method.Embark on a 33-day journey guided by the visionary genius of Nikola Tesla. Uncover the secrets he whispered through numbers, specifically the potent trio of 3, 6, and 9. Learn how these digits resonate with the very fabric of the universe, acting as keys to unlock the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration.Within this book:Delve into Tesla's hidden theories: Explore his fascination with numbers, their connection to the cosmos, and their power to shape reality.Master the 369 Method: Discover a simple yet potent technique for manifesting your desires. Write, visualize, and vibrate your way towards your dreams with the power of 3, 6, and 9.Embrace the Law of Attraction: Understand how your thoughts and emotions attract experiences into your life. Learn to harness this power for positive change.Unleash the Law of Vibration: Discover how everything in the universe resonates at a specific frequency, and how you can tune your vibration to align with your desires.Empower yourself with the 33-day 369 Manifestation Journal: Guided prompts and exercises help you put the 369 Method into practice, day by day. Track your progress, witness the power of the universe unfold, and manifest your dreams into reality.More than just a book, "The Power of the 369 Method" is a transformational experience. It's a roadmap to unlock your hidden potential, tune into the universe's frequency, and create the life you truly desire.Are you ready to tap into the power of Tesla's secret code and manifest your dreams? Start your 33-day journey today and unlock the secrets of the 369 Method!

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