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  • - Supernatural Horror with Scary Ghosts & Haunted Houses
    af Scare Street
    453,95 kr.

    The dead know what scares you...Scare Street is proud to present a collection of best-selling horror author Ron Ripley's most blood-curdling ghost stories. Four delightfully diabolical tales have been summoned from beyond the grave, and are certain to make your skin crawl. This collection includes: Boylan House - A small New England town is horrified when it discovers an old house has developed an appetite for the blood of children. Blood Contract - The residents of the town of Thorne suffer a terrible price, when they break a supernatural contract with their ancient protectors. Hungry Ghosts - A troubled psychiatric patient discovers that a secluded cemetery holds the key to stopping a murderous legion of the dead. Sherman's Collection - The sudden death of a wealthy and mysterious occultist leaves a library of haunted books in the care of his surprised heir. Haunted houses, vengeful spirits, ancient curses-everything you crave in a classic ghost story lurks within this ghastly collection. And as you devour one terrifying story after another, pay no attention to the chill in the air. It just may be the icy presence of the dead, standing over your shoulder...

  • - Übernatürliche Spannung mit furchterregenden, schrecklichen Monstern
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Seelenlose Kinderaugen starren in dich an und öffnen das Tor zur Hölle ...Seit dem Malpas-Massaker sind mehrere Monate vergangen und die Medien befinden sich in einem Rausch. Die Reporter und Strafverfolger sind sich sicher, dass die Morde auf einen kaltblütigen Massenmörder zurückgeführt werden können. Doch diejenigen, die das Massaker überlebt haben, kennen die Wahrheit nur allzu gut. Während die Opfer zu Verdächtigen werden, befinden sie sich in einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, um ihre Namen reinzuwaschen.Unterdessen verbirgt das friedliche Örtchen Machen Geheimnisse, die dunkler sind als der unheimliche Wald, der es umgibt. Verletzliche und verängstigte Kinder streifen umher und bitten um Hilfe. Doch hinter ihrer unschuldigen Fassade verbirgt sich ein wiederauferstandenes Übel mit einem unersättlichen Blutdurst.Die Romola Foundation unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Dr. Zoffany und Ted Gould kann das nicht zulassen. Sie sind sich sicher, dass ihre umfangreichen Tests an den übernatürlichen Kräften in Machen sie zu dringend benötigten Antworten führen werden. Im Zentrum des Ganzen steht Denny Purcell, die langsam entdeckt, dass ihre Intuition mächtiger ist, als sie es sich je hätte vorstellen können.Während sich die Nacht mit den jagenden Wesen füllt, lüften sich die Nebel von Machen, um schreckliche Wahrheiten über seine Vergangenheit zu enthüllen. Das ganze Dorf steht am Abgrund und die Bewohner müssen sich den gewalttätigen Seelen stellen, die sich nach Tod und Zerstörung sehnen.Das ruhige Dorf wird schnell lernen, dass einige Geheimnisse besser unerzählt bleiben ...

  • af Scare Street
    218,95 kr.

    Sanford Hospital. A Victorianesque monstrosity with creeping ivy and the infamous Ward E, home of the soon-to-be-dead. This is where ghost hunter, Shane Ryan, ends up for his burn treatments. Courtesy of the Veterans Administration system, the retired Marine is cut off from his private doctors and thrust into the arms of a hospital with one special nurse from hell; Nurse Ruth Williamson, who is as dead as they come. The Nurse is a whole new breed of undead. She has a cadre of helpers who are loyal to the grave. Her twisted sense of mercy is death to the dying ... and the living if they get in her way. And Shane Ryan is in her way. Gathering his new friends and a few ghostly comrades, Shane takes up arms against the unholy regiment to fight the good fight. He can't allow the Nurse to continue her killing spree. She is not God and her legacy of death must be stopped. Although she has a few more tricks up her sleeve, Shane's mission is clear. The Nurse must die. And stay dead. Once and for all.

  • - Short Horror Stories Anthology
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Tonight's forecast calls for terror...Survivors trapped in a sunken vessel find themselves hunted through the depths by a deadly adversary. A skeptical journalist discovers the sinister inhabitants of a fake haunted house are all too real. And a husband commits murder to protect his wife, only to learn he has created something even more dangerous...A dark and stormy night of terror awaits in Scare Street's latest bone-chilling collection. This sinister volume contains fourteen tales of terror and supernatural horror. And each story brings you deeper into the dark realm of nightmares.As you devour each tale with morbid delight, black clouds roll across the sky. Thunder rumbles in the distance, and jagged lightning screams above.Be sure to close the window. You wouldn't want to let the storm inside. After all, this is perfect weather for ghosts and ghouls to roam the night...This volume features the following stories: 1. A Sinking Feeling by Warren Benedetto 2. The Winter Cabin by Nate Lock 3. How to Make a Troll by Andrew Jensen 4. Mistress Edge's House of Horrors by P. L. McMillan 5. Groundhog Day by John Wayne Comunale 6. Into the Shadows by B. D. Prince 7. The Rancher by Al Hagan 8. Trial by Water by Renee Miller 9. Sugar Day by Peter Cronsberry10. A Cold Day in Helheim by Kohl Neal11. Testing Times by Kris Ashton12. Coming Home to Mansion Hill by C. B. Channell13. The Backward Man by Caleb Stephens14. Dead Dogs and Murdered Men by Ron Ripley

  • - Supernatural Horror with Killer Ghosts in Haunted Towns
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    They thought they had escaped. But the terror of the Plague Doctors has only just begun.Med student Annabel and her older sister Jezebel are trapped in a waking nightmare. After escaping from the deadly island haunted by the Plague Doctors, the two sisters and fellow survivor, Henry, manage to find salvation on a rickety old boat that promises to take them home. But once again, they encounter the spectral ship that sails the island's waters, forcing them back to the rocky coast.As they flee the minions of the haunted Spanish Galleon, the old ship's original manifest provides a clue to the Plague Doctor's hideous origins. But before they can decipher its meaning, the evil Doctors return with a vengeance.Fighting to stay alive, the three survivors must solve the riddle of the Plague Doctors, and expose the lies and corruption that doomed the island to its supernatural curse. But as they follow the trail of death and horror, they uncover a terrifying new secret.The Plague Doctors are not the only spirits that haunt the island...

  • af Scare Street
    218,95 kr.

    Taking a much-needed break, ghost hunter, Shane Ryan, spends a day exploring an old New England town. What starts as a hike, becomes a deadly game of cat and mouse with a malevolent ghost who preys upon unsuspecting visitors. Shane has seen his share of bad spirits, but nothing could have prepared him for the evil predator dogging his trail.Abel Latham is the scourge of Griswold, a deathly quiet town populated by the undead. Abel stalks the hapless victims who stumble onto his unholy ground before torturing them to death. The police rarely notice who's missing until two brothers disappear and the only clues are the boys' abandoned trucks and blood. Lots of blood.Though shaken by the gruesome details of Abel's depraved life and dreadful crimes, Shane knows his new job is to end Latham's reign of terror and his vengeance for blood. As Shane hunts his ghostly mark, he prays he won't be the next grisly artifact found in Griswold Forest!

  • - Übernatürlicher Horror mit Furchteinflößenden Geistern & Spukhäusern
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Brian Roys Herz kann keinen weiteren Geist ertragen - seine Frau würde ihn umbringen, ehe sein schlechtes Herz es tat! Aber er kann seinen Cousin Mitchell nicht hängen lassen. Mitch ist Direktor der Akademie. Nach einem katastrophalen Streich der Abschlussklasse liegt die Schule in Trümmern und dunkle Geheimnisse konnten aus dem Keller der Schule entkommen. Leichen stapeln sich, und Brian hat keine andere Wahl, als einzugreifen und hoffentlich Mitchell und seine Schule zu retten.Der alte Nathaniel Weiss, ein gewiefter Redner, hat die Akademie gegründet. Greg Weston, ein schlagkräftiger Faustkämpfer, hat vor langer Zeit seinen Abschluss gemacht. Die beiden unheimlichen Geister richten Verwüstungen an, während sich Mitch und Brian in einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit befinden, um zu verhindern, dass sie andere zu ihren tödlichen Taten überreden oder zu Tode prügeln! Es ist Krieg, und Brian muss sich auf einen tödlichen Kampf vorbereiten.Als die Untoten wieder auferstehen, steht Brian einem Geist gegenüber, der tödlicher ist als alles, was er sich jemals vorstellen konnte. Ihm wird klar, dass er sich seinen eigenen persönlichen Dämonen stellen muss ... und nur die Zeit wird zeigen, ob er Sieger oder Besiegter sein wird.

  • - Short Horror Stories Anthology
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Prepare for a crash course in terror... Maternal love takes a sinister turn, when a young man discovers that his mother is not quite what she seems. An ancient legend looms over a local street, as the neighborhood children search for their missing friends. And a woman awakens to the ultimate nightmare, after her bad taste in men leads to a horrifying predicament... Scare Street is proud to present this monstrous new collection of macabre tales. Eighteen stories torn from the shadows, filled with bone-chilling fiends, skin-crawling monsters, and malevolent spirits. As you lose yourself in the dark depths of another diabolical tale, a school bell rings in the darkness... You look around, shocked to find yourself chained to a school desk. As the teacher's eyes glow red, she rakes her nails across the chalkboard. The other students glare at you with hungry eyes and dripping fangs. Their claws scrape the floor as they surround you. Class is in session. And today's lesson is human anatomy. Let the dissection begin... Night Terrors Vol. 26 features the following stories: 1. Mother Thing by Mathew L. Reyes2. The Bar Visitor by Travis Lee3. The Suicide Dead by Mason Gallaway4. Eternally Yours by Jesse Rosenbaum5. All the Children of Lesnaya Street by Sabrina Howard6. The Wrong Kind of Attention by Angela Sylvaine7. Neighborhood Watch by John Gallant8. Snow by Edmund Stone9. The Creek by Joshua Orr10. Spooks by Christopher J. Nardone11. B2 by David Barclay12. My Wife Is Having an Affair by J. M. White13. High Tension by Justin Boote14. The Ghosts of Paris by C. A. Verstraete15. Mark Breaks Up the Band by Ethan Robles16. The Pitch Pine Witch by E. J. Werrlein17. An Ocean Black by Stacey Dighton18. Just Passing Through by Ron Ripley and Kevin Saito

  • af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    They were searching for ghosts. But what they found was much worse...TV Producers Matt McKay and Ted Gould are looking for one thing... ghosts. As the creators of a popular paranormal investigation show, they've staked their reputation on the existence of the super-natural. But when they lead their camera crew deep into the cavernous interior of Malpas Abbey, they discover far more than they bargained for...The Abbey's infamous history is marred with bloodshed. With its corrupt walls resting upon a foundation of death and torment, the bleak, decrepit manor house has been avoided by locals for centuries.As the unsuspecting crew ventures into the hell house, they are beset by one problem after another. Strange noises echo through the halls. Their equipment fails, and ominous shadows surround them. And they soon realize they are not alone in this sinister building.Something else stalks the dark halls of the abbey. Something that feeds upon their worst nightmares. A force of evil, stronger and older than the devil himself. And it hungers for fresh blood...

  • - Übernatürlicher Horror mit furchteinflößenden Geistern & Spukhäusern
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Beim Anzünden eines Streichholzes lodern grellrote Flammen auf, die alles verschlingen ...Stefan Korzhs Wunsch, das Leben aller Menschen um ihn herum zu zerstören, kennt keine Grenzen. Selbst während seine Feinde Jagd auf ihn machen, lässt er sich nicht bremsen. Seine tödliche Antiquitätensammlung verbreitet sich immer weiter und hilft ihm, seine bösen Träume Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen.Victor Daniels und Tom Crane ist es währenddessen gelungen, sich ein annähernd normales Leben aufzubauen. Sie sind jedoch entschlossener als je zuvor, Stefan zu bekämpfen, und lassen sich durch nichts davon abhalten, den Schrecken der Korzh-Sammlung ein Ende zu setzen. Doch wenn Geister im Spiel sind, nimmt das Leben oft schreckliche Wendungen.Stefans neuste Bedrohung ist Feuerteufel Molly, ein tödliches Geistermädchen, das aus den Seiten eines Romans auftaucht. Mit dem einfachen Anzünden eines Streichholzes befriedigt sie ihre Sucht nach in Flammen stehenden Gebäuden und brennendem Fleisch.Schnell finden sich Victor und Tom auf einer Spur der Verwüstung wieder und jagen einem Feind nach, der sie an die Grenzen ihrer Kräfte bringt.Und sie müssen sich beeilen.Denn es dauert nicht lange, bis Molly sich nach ihrem nächsten feurigen Schuss sehnt...***Überarbeitet im März 2021.***

  • - Scary Supernatural Horror with Monsters
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    They thought the harvest was over. But a darker evil is about to be revealed... It has been more than a year since the offspring of Black River's oldest families made their final stand against the evil Bell Witch. Their victory took a heavy toll, and left the survivors scarred and estranged from their blood lines. But now, as they return home to their small, quiet town, they are shocked to discover a new evil, festering among the shadowy trees... Without the threat of the Witch's bloody harvest, the family elders have fallen into chaos. Internal squabbling has left them blind to this new enemy in their midst. Local legends have barely begun to fade, when a group of tourists go missing. Some say the Witch has returned. But Basheba, Mina, and the others believe it could be something even worse. As the survivors dig deeper, they discover that one of their own may have been corrupted by an ancient evil-a power greater than anything they have faced before. But is the Bell Witch behind all this? Has she returned once again, to wreck vengeance on the families she cursed centuries ago? Or does someone else lurk in the shadows, plotting to seize power for themselves?

  • - Übernatürlicher Horror mit gruseligen Geistern und Spukhäusern
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Während einer dringend nötigen Pause verbringt Geisterjäger Shane Ryan einen Tag damit, eine alte Stadt in New England zu erforschen. Was als Wanderung beginnt, verwandelt sich schon bald in ein tödliches Katz-und-Maus-Spiel mit einem böswilligen Geist, der Jagd auf nichtsahnende Besucher macht. Shane musste schon mit einigen bösen Geistern Bekanntschaft machen, aber nichts hätte ihn auf den schrecklichen Jäger vorbereiten können, der ihn hier verfolgt.Abel Latham ist die Plage Griswolds, einer totenstillen, von Untoten bewohnten Stadt. Abel belauert die unglückseligen Opfer, die auf seinen unheiligen Boden geraten, bevor er sie zu Tode foltert. Die Polizei bemerkt nur selten, dass jemand vermisst wird, bis zwei Brüder verschwinden, von denen nichts als verlassene Trucks und Blut zurückbleiben. Eine Menge Blut.Obwohl die entsetzlichen Details von Abels verkommenem Leben und seinen schrecklichen Verbrechen ihn erschüttern, weiß Shane, dass seine neue Aufgabe darin besteht, Lathams Herrschaft des Terrors und seinem Blutdurst ein Ende zu setzen. Während Shane Jagd auf sein geisterhaftes Ziel macht, betet er, nicht das nächste grausige Artefakt zu werden, das im Wald von Griswold gefunden wird!***Überarbeitet im Januar 2021.***

  • - Supernatural Suspense Thriller with Ghosts
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Murder is on the rise along hell's highway... When Detective Jacinta Perez calls on retired Marine, Shane Ryan, to look into a bizarre series of deaths, the ghost hunter quickly confirms a supernatural connection to the crimes. Lost souls call out to him, all clamoring for justice to be served. But when Shane's investigation leads him to a body hidden in the woods, he suddenly finds himself a suspect in the crimes. Framed for murder and with Jacinta getting kidnapped, Shane must use all the help he could get to destroy supernatural evil, once and for all. Will he succeed in stopping the murders? Or is it only the beginning of his terrifying journey to hell?

  • af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Only the gatekeeper can save his soul...It's been four years since Dylan first encountered Derek, a demonic spirit, while under hypnosis. Now eighteen, Dylan is beginning to feel like he can lead a normal life again. His heart is set on college, and a charming classmate at school. But his plans come to a screeching halt when Derek makes a sudden reappearance, looking more sinister than ever.Father O'Brien has since passed away, leaving Dylan feeling scared and alone. Desperate for help, he turns to Evelyn Nardini, a skilled tarot reader and paranormal expert. After reading Dylan's cards, Evelyn becomes convinced that the elusive hypnotist, Dr. Dark, holds the key as to why Derek has been able to reappear in Dylan's life.As Dylan begins the search, Evelyn tries to come to terms with Derek's motivations, as well as where the demon lives when he isn't tormenting Dylan. She begins to suspect that Derek is utilizing some kind of gateway from Hell- one that must be destroyed at any cost.Things come to a twisted turn when Dylan finds Dr. Dark and realizes that the hypnotist is far more involved than he thought, and that without his help, Dylan has no chance of surviving the evil lurking in the shadows...

  • - Short Horror Stories Anthology
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Your worst nightmares stalk you from the shadows...Polluted waters unleash a bloodthirsty terror in a small Ontario town. A father and daughter seek sanctuary in an old village church, only to discover that evil knows no bounds. And insanity plagues a young girl, as she struggles to prove the monster in her basement is not a figment of her imagination...Evil is unleashed in Scare Street's latest bone-chilling collection of supernatural horror. Fourteen tales of terror lurk within this new volume-more than enough to give even the bravest soul a reason to fear the night.As your eyes flutter open, you can still see dark images in your mind... Horrifying monsters, demons, and ghouls with a hunger for human flesh. You could hear their cries, feel their razor-sharp claws against your skin. But was it real? Or was it just another bad dream?Then you hear footsteps in the shadows beyond your bed. And a hungry howl echoes through the night once more. A chill runs down your spine.Because this time, the nightmare is real. And it's getting closer...This bone-chilling supernatural collection contains: 1. The Metamorphosis by Angelique Fawns 2. The Churchyard Grim by Warren Benedetto 3. In the Pale Blue Light by J. Z. Pitts 4. Josephine's Darlings by K. D. Bowers 5. Last Dance by Sean Goulding 6. Elias Loch by D. M. Woolston 7. Eddie by Sinéad McCabe 8. The Rustle of Autumn Leaves by Bryson Tuckerman 9. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall by Carl Hughes10. Black Mold by Stuart Hardy11. Awash by Dominick Cancilla12. Cicada's Song by Holley Cornetto13. The Cats in the Walls by Thomas C. Mavroudis14. In Rose Hall by Ron Ripley

  • - Übernatürlicher Horror mit Furchteinflößenden Geistern & Spukhäusern
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Irres Gelächter hallt durch die Nacht, während die Opfer um ihren letzten Atemzug ringen...Mit jedem Spukartikel, den Stefan Korzh auf die Welt loslässt, kommt es zu weiteren mysteriösen Todesfällen. Grauen und Chaos sind allgegenwärtig, von Wohnwagenparks bis zu den geweihten Bayous von New Orleans. Doch als er von denen, die ihn tot sehen wollen, in die Enge getrieben wird, unternimmt Korzh große Anstrengungen, um ein überraschendes Bündnis einzugehen.Das Einzige, was noch bedrohlicher ist als sein Verlangen nach Rache, ist der neue Geist, den er freigelassen hat. Marthas einladendes Lächeln, das sie wie eine gebrechliche ältere Frau wirken lässt, ist ebenso trügerisch wie der Rest ihrer Erscheinung. Denn hinter der Fassade verbirgt sich eine schreckliche Grausamkeit; während ihre Opfer ihre letzten Atemzüge tun, erfreut sie sich an ihrem Flehen um Gnade.In der Zwischenzeit gibt es keine Pause für das Trio, das sich in Korzh' Netz verfangen hat. Victor und Ariana stehen kurz davor, den Mysterien, von denen sie heimgesucht werden, auf die Spur zu kommen und werden mit Geheimnissen konfrontiert, die ihr Leben für immer verändern werden. Sogar Toms Versuche, ein normales Leben zu führen, werden vereitelt, als ihn eine schreckliche Begebenheit daran erinnert, dass nichts an ihm jemals wieder normal sein wird.Überall lauern Schrecken, und jeder Einzelne muss achtsam sein und sich anstrengen, um zu überleben. Es gibt kein Entkommen, weder vor dem Grauen, dem sie sich stellen müssen, noch vor den Schmerzen, die sie zu erleiden haben.Noch nie stand so viel auf dem Spiel; jeder Fehler könnte der letzte sein...***Überarbeitet im März 2021.***

  • - Short Horror Stories Anthology
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    The dark side is waiting...Fish N' Chips lead a curious traveler to a sinister island, where the residents are more than they seem. Forbidden occult knowledge strands a pair of friends in a terrifying nexus of evil. And an ancient ice storm forces a wandering tribe to choose between following a bloodthirsty shaman, or the glowing lights in the sky...Venture into new realms of terror with Scare Street's latest bone-chilling collection. This spine-tingling volume contains fifteen ghastly tales of horror and the paranormal. More than enough to while away the hours, as you lose yourself in the shadows of the night.The deeper you plunge into this realm of terror, the farther away the real world seems. But don't worry... just turn the page and stay a bit longer. We're sure you'll be able to find your way back. Just listen for the screams in the darkness. And pray they aren't your own...This volume contains the following: 1. The Fish'r Men by David Turton 2. The Faces at the Window by Bob Johnston 3. From the Ashes by Bryan Wolford 4. The Neighbors by Peter Cronsberry 5. The Ferryman by Nicholas Paschall 6. Slug by Matias Travieso-Diaz 7. Folsom Lake by Karl Melton 8. Obsidian by Richard Beauchamp 9. Edward's Couch by Robert Douglas10. What Lovely Petunias by Mark Towse11. The Delirium of Negation by Justin Boote12. I Just Write the Damned Thing by Samuel Thomas Fraser13. A Clearing by Sam Lesek14. Northern Lights by Drew Starling15. Wind Chimes by Ron Ripley

  • - Supernatural Horror with Scary Ghosts & Haunted Houses
    af Scare Street
    318,95 kr.

    Welcome to the ultimate experiment in terror... Professor Abel Worthe is brilliant, wealthy, and utterly immoral. He is an expert in a very particular field: the study of fear and death. Using his vast resources, Worthe has transported a collection of haunted houses and paranormal sites to his hidden village. And kidnapped civilians are forced to confront unknown horrors in the chilling name of research. Marcus Holt thought his worst memories were behind him. A veteran of the Vietnam War, this old soldier is haunted by nightmares of brutal conflict. But he's about to discover that his battle for survival has only just begun... Book 1 - Worthe's Village: Marcus Holt finds himself kidnapped and thrust into Worthe's village of horrors. Now known as 'Subject B', this tough as nails combat veteran is determined to survive long enough to find and kill his malicious captor. Book 2 - Hell's Hammer: Trapped in the shadowy streets of a haunted village, Marcus and his young friend Alex must deal with a new threat: the ghost of a vicious murderer, who kills with a bloody mason's hammer. And the sadistic Professor Worthe is about to learn that a caged animal is the most dangerous subject of all... Book 3 - Butcher's Hands: There is a new test subject in Worthe's haunted village: a Roman Catholic priest. This new victim's faith and devotion are put to the test when the group is hunted by a vicious ghost welding a bloody meat cleaver. Marcus must put his courage, experience, and iron will to the test, as he clashes with the diabolical professor Worthe and his grisly collection of supernatural killers. Can he survive this ordeal and win his freedom? Or will the final result of Worthe's experiment be too much fear for one man to take...

  • af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Marigold La Roux had a perfectly average existence... until the night her parents tried to murder her.Barely escaping with her life should have been the end of Marigold's living nightmare. Unfortunately, it was just the beginning. Her entire world starts shattering. She moves to New Orleans to stay with her only living relative, her aunt Delilah. She believes the bustle of Bourbon Street will help her get a fresh start, but strange things start happening to Marigold at the La Roux estate. Ghostly voices whisper in her ear, sharp knives scrape against her door, and something in the darkness lashes out, leaving deep claw marks on her back.Hoping to understand her torment, she starts delving into her family's past and is shocked and appalled by what she discovers. She begins to understand why locals shudder at the mere mention of La Roux house. The attacks against her grow more vicious, ravaging not only her body, but also her mind.Desperate to end her suffering, Marigold teams up with Louis, an occult enthusiast, who hopes his knowledge of the paranormal can help end her family curse once and for all. But, the dark forces of evil are relentless and their twisted hold runs deep in her blood. They will stop at nothing to get what they want: her life.Revised and re-edited April 2017

  • - Supernatural Horror with Scary Ghosts & Haunted Houses
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Every experiment must come to an end...Marcus Holt is Subject B, a Vietnam veteran forced to run the gauntlet of Professor Abel Worthe's sadistic study of terror. But the professor's brutal experiment is finally coming to an end. And Worthe has saved his deadliest surprise for last.Still injured from his battles against the supernatural, Marcus struggles to keep his team together. As they desperately try to escape from Worthe's horrifying village, a new structure appears in the twisted landscape. A simple little house that Marcus knows all too well...As the wounded soldier confronts a ghost from his past, another subject finds himself consumed by his growing paranormal abilities. Now able to force the dead to do his bidding, his terrifying power may be the key to escaping the haunted village once and for all. But it just might shatter his soul in the process.The final battle draws near, as enemies and allies both converge on the village's walls. Marcus must overcome crippling pain and fear, to fight harder than he ever thought possible. But will courage be enough to beat the professor at his own sinister game?Or will the subjects finally join the tortured souls that haunt Worthe's village?

  • - Short Horror Stories Anthology
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Nightmares can't really hurt you... can they?An evil from beyond the stars haunts a young boy and his father at Roswell Airbase. The survivors of a sunken warship take refuge on a deserted island, and discover they are not alone. And terror checks in at an old motel, when a vacationing family finds themselves trapped in an ancient curse...Scare Street journeys into the night to bring you a new volume of skin-crawling terror. This macabre collection contains thirteen chilling tales of supernatural horror. And each story will sweep you away to a world of dark dreams and fantastical nightmares...Some believe that if you see yourself die in your dreams, then your heart will stop. But that's just an old wives' tale, isn't it? After all, the icy chill of death lurks within every story in this ghastly tome. And your heart hasn't stopped yet.In fact, with each turn of the page, you can hear it beating faster and faster...This bone-chilling supernatural collection contains: 1. Live Bait by Jude Reid 2. The Hungry Worm by Michael D. Nye 3. The Magician Needs a Volunteer by Matt Brandenburg 4. Lab Incident, 1947 by Martin Zeigler 5. A House Divided by M. B. Vujacic 6. Sundown and Shadows by Michelle Tang 7. The Old Coach Inn by Kris Ashton 8. Ashes to Ashes by Robert Douglas 9. Folie-a-Deux by Gina Easton10. Do Something Funny by Clark Boyd11. Fertile Soil by Brian Sperl12. Night Dive by Drew Starling13. Home Sick by Ron Ripley

  • - Supernatural Horror with Scary Ghosts & Haunted Houses
    af Scare Street
    168,95 kr.

    Subject B's terrifying ordeal continues. And this time, he may have met his match... When Marcus Holt is kidnapped by the brilliant and sadistic Professor Worthe, the battle-hardened Vietnam vet is forced to endure a never-ending gauntlet of terror. He thought his days of death and horror were over, but Worthe's Village promises only more of the same. And his next horrific encounter is about to begin. There is a new test subject in Worthe's haunted village: Subject G. A Roman Catholic priest in the outside world, this new victim's faith and devotion are put to the test when the group is hunted by a vicious ghost called 'The Butcher'. Seething with anger and rage, the Butcher haunts the crumbling remains of an abandoned taxi station. And she is capable of tearing flesh and shattering bones with the unnatural strength in her ghostly hands. As Professor Worthe watches his latest experiment unfold, the vindictive wraith is set loose against the terrified subjects. Marcus possesses an iron will, and years of combat experience... But will it be enough to lead his team to survival, and defeat the unholy killer stalking them from the shadows?

  • - Supernatural Suspense with Scary & Horrifying Monsters
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    True love never dies...The island of Sainte Isabel seems like a tropical paradise. But Sara Hansen sees a different side to her beautiful home. A sinister legacy of bloodshed and death haunts the crystal blue shores. And her husband is still missing... swept away by the spectral vessel known as the Devil Ship.Struggling to keep her dive resort in business, Sara has no time to mourn her loss. But as she tries to put the past behind her, she finds herself plagued by terrible nightmares. Visions of drowned sailors and rotting corpses haunt her waking hours. And a sinister voice calls to her from the sea... Lemaitre, the spirit of a brutal pirate, and captain of the Devil Ship, draws her to him.As more guests vanish from the island, Sara unearths a dark ritual, cast hundreds of years in the past. The soul of Lemaitre's lover, Catherine, seeks a new body to occupy. Enlisting the help of a local priestess, Sara must wage a spiritual battle against the undead forces that seek to control her. But as the Devil Ship prepares to sail once more, its captain vows to reclaim his lost love. And he will possess her.Mind, body and soul...

  • - Scary Supernatural Horror with Demons
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    A demonic shadow hangs over a secluded town... High up in the fog-shrouded mountains, a secluded resort has been infested by the ultimate evil. A powerful demonic entity has claimed a teenage girl as its lover. And its tendrils of corruption stretch through the town, infecting the icy ground with its foul taint. Wren, Lark, and Shrike Rose make their way to this luxurious resort, intent on stopping the demon's reign of terror. But what they find is far worse than anything they have faced before. For this dark power has no interest in possessing human bodies. It wants to breed. And the local teenagers have become unwitting hosts for a legion of demonic embryos... As the trio struggles to expose the deadly forces lurking in the town, they are joined by a coven of modern witches, a retired police officer, and a sympathetic FBI agent. But will their combined forces be enough to hold off the supernatural onslaught looming on the horizon? Or will a terrible sacrifice be required to claim victory in the final battle?

  • - Short Horror Stories Anthology
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Nightfall is the prime time for terror...In the jungles of Vietnam, Hell on earth awaits a troop of unsuspecting GIs. A greedy gravedigger faces deadly repercussions for stealing from the dead. And love comes with a terrible price when a lonely woman turns to a witch to fulfill her heart's desires...Plunge into darkness with Scare Street's new collection of bone-chilling terror. This demonic volume contains thirteen sinister tales of supernatural horror. Enough to keep you reading into the darkest hours of the night.Things look different in the moonlight. The branches of a tree become a monster's claws. The shadows around your window seem like wraiths, rising from the underworld. And the space beneath your bed becomes the perfect spot for a snarling beast to hide...But don't worry. Soon the sun will rise, and everything will go back to normal. Assuming you make it through the night...This collection contains: 1. Search and Destroy by Richard Beauchamp 2. As Seen from Above by Dustin Walker 3. The Gravedigger by Daniel J. Bickley 4. Cuckoo, Cherry Tree by R.G. Evans 5. The Sanction by Damir Salkovic 6. The Old Man's Neighbor by Gordon Dunleavy 7. The Witch of the Woods by Jamie Zaccaria 8. Ōsuzumebachi by Matthew McKiernan 9. With Lying Tongues, With Words of Hatred by Spencer Koelle10. Silver Maples by Tim Jeffreys11. The Strange Journey of James Booth by Justin Boote12. The Summer with No Tourists by Alethea Avery13. Children's Home by Ron Ripley

  • - Short Horror Stories Anthology
    af Scare Street
    343,95 kr.

    Nights of terror that never end...The hands of the clock freeze at midnight, and the witching hour is upon you. Demons shriek in the shadows, and the wind groans through the halls of a haunted mansion. The shadow of death looms over you, and you feel a chill creeping down your spine...Scare Street is proud to present Night Terrors volumes 4 - 6 in a single collection. A ghoulish gathering of diabolical delights, featuring forty-three tales of supernatural horror for your reading pleasure.Evil children, cursed machines, sinister motels... Each nightmare is more terrifying than the last. You look out the window, praying to see a ray of sunshine, or a distant light on the horizon.But instead there is only the endless darkness of night. And this time, the dawn won't be coming to save you...Volume 4: 1. Down the Stairs by Lewis Brett Smiler 2. Polaroid by Tim Sturk 3. Feline Instinct by Justin Boote 4. Mother Spook by Elin Olausson 5. Review: The Let of Dark by Benjamin Gardner 6. Satan's Harley by Brian Malachy Quinn 7. Shadows of Time by Bradley Walker 8. The White Suits by Richard Beauchamp 9. The Moaning Caverns by Karl Melton10. The Thing in the Dark by Faith Pierce11. This Time of Night by Bill Davidson12. The Black Pumpkin by Mike Weitz13. The Lightning Dwellers by Michael Maguire14. The Detective by J. M. White15. Reading a New Book by Ron RipleyVolume 5: 1. The Fish'r Men by David Turton 2. The Faces at the Window by Bob Johnston 3. From the Ashes by Bryan Wolford 4. The Neighbors by Peter Cronsberry 5. The Ferryman by Nicholas Paschall 6. Slug by Matias Travieso-Diaz 7. Folsom Lake by Karl Melton 8. Obsidian by Richard Beauchamp 9. Edward's Couch by Robert Douglas10. What Lovely Petunias by Mark Towse11. The Delirium of Negation by Justin Boote12. I Just Write the Damned Thing by Samuel Thomas Fraser13. A Clearing by Sam Lesek14. Northern Lights by Drew Starling15. Wind Chimes by Ron RipleyVolume 6: 1. Leftovers by Warren Benedetto 2. The Refrigerator by Peter Cronsberry 3. Shadow by Jason E. Maddux 4. Painless by Dominick Cancilla 5. Issue 32 by Daniel Comnenus 6. My Daughter's Ghosts by Bradley Walker 7. Waters Take Me by Jim Horlock 8. Walled In by Carl Hughes 9. Collection Day by John Wayne Comunale10. Sleep Paralysis by Shannon Brady11. The Road to Hell by Brian Sperl12. Mother Love by Jon McGoran13. Beyond the Wall by Ron Ripley

  • - Short Horror Stories Anthology
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Something deadly hides in the dark of night...A health-conscious tenant must battle his apartment's demonic refrigerator. The shadow of death clings to a woman, as she strives to find a way to escape her fate. And a mysterious runaway wreaks havoc at a secluded motel, when the guests discover the deadly secret that follows in her wake...A new night of terror begins with Scare Street's latest bone-chilling collection. This pulse-pounding volume contains thirteen new supernatural tales of terror. And each story brings you deeper into the dark realm of nightmares.As the inky black shadows close in, you realize you are not alone. Something stalks you through this strange netherworld. You hear snarls in the distance. The howling grows louder and louder.Death itself has been unleashed from this book of darkness. And it's too late to return to the light...This volume features the following stories: 1. Leftovers by Warren Benedetto 2. The Refrigerator by Peter Cronsberry 3. Shadow by Jason E. Maddux 4. Painless by Dominick Cancilla 5. Issue 32 by Daniel Comnenus 6. My Daughter's Ghosts by Bradley Walker 7. Waters Take Me by Jim Horlock 8. Walled In by Carl Hughes 9. Collection Day by John Wayne Comunale10. Sleep Paralysis by Shannon Brady11. The Road to Hell by Brian Sperl12. Mother Love by Jon McGoran13. Beyond the Wall by Ron Ripley

  • - Short Horror Stories Anthology
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Terror comes in many forms and faces... A poverty-stricken girl develops a strange ability that makes her family rich, but at a terrible price. A grieving attorney teams up with a terrifying mythological force to prove that justice reaches beyond the grave. And a police officer discovers that a quiet little antique store is ground zero for an invasion of horrific creatures, hiding in plain sight... Scare Street is proud to present thirteen terrifying new tales in this sinister collection, featuring strange creatures, terrifying forces, new realms of horror, and more. So many chilling nightmares inside, just waiting to be unleashed. Fear wears many faces, and each grimacing mask of death is more unsettling than the last. Go ahead, devour just one more tale before the sun goes down... Don't be shy. Which grinning apparition will be the one to make you scream out loud? Let's turn the page and find out... This volume features the following short stories: 1. Lymphatic Pearls by Justin Moritz2. Best Interest of the Clients by Dennis K. Crosby3. Sleep No More by Jim Nemeth4. Miles from Stokes by Peter J. Larrivee5. Stone Of Golgotha by Gina Easton6. Not All Gone by Rachael Boucker7. The Golden Coqui by E. E. King and Richard Lau8. The Blaker Street Chimera by Adam Newnham9. The Bobby Sheldon Guarantee by Mark Towse10. Like Their Owners by Thomas Nicholson11. He & I by MJ Gardner12. The Brine Song by Morgan Quaid13. Brought Home by Ron Ripley and Nick Efstathiou

  • - Übernatürliche Spannung mit furchterregenden, schrecklichen Monstern
    af Scare Street
    173,95 kr.

    Sie dachten, der Albtraum sei vorbei. Aber ein neuer Schrecken ist entfesselt worden ...Die Reporterin Denny Purcell kennt die Wahrheit. Außerirdische sind real. Die Eindringlinge, finstere Kreaturen aus einer anderen Dimension, leben unter uns. Sie ist entschlossen, diese Wesen und ihre schrecklichen Pläne zu entlarven. Aber für den Rest der Welt sind Denny und ihr Team nur eine weitere Gruppe von Verrückten und Wahnsinnigen.Als der zurückgezogen lebende Medienmogul Sir Charles Lanier ihnen einen Job anbietet, ergreifen Denny und ihre Partnerin Frankie die Chance, ihre Theorien zu beweisen. Doch bald entdecken sie, dass sie in einer tödlichen Verschwörung gefangen sind, deren Ursprünge weit über diese Welt hinausreichen. Die Eindringlinge haben eine neue Königin, eine mächtige Hybrid-Gestalt namens Cassandra. Und Cassandra ist entschlossen, die beiden Reporter ein für alle Mal zum Schweigen zu bringen.Auf Laniers Privatinsel vor der Küste von Wales werden Denny und ihre Freundin einer schrecklichen Tortur unterzogen. Denny muss um die Kontrolle über ihren Geist und Körper kämpfen, nachdem sie von einem außerirdischen Symbionten infiziert wurde. Sie und Frankie finden sich bald auf der Flucht wieder. Sie werden von Cassandras Untergebenen über die Insel gejagt.Während sie darum kämpfen, der Königin zu entkommen und sich mit dem Rest ihres Teams wieder zu vereinen, beginnt Denny das Schlimmste zu befürchten. Die Entfernung des verschmolzenen Symbionten könnte sie töten. Aber ihn an ihr befestigt zu lassen, könnte zu einem schlimmeren Schicksal als dem Tod führen. Eine langsame, schmerzhafte Verwandlung in eine außerirdische Kreatur ...

  • af Scare Street
    218,95 kr.

    Running from his own demons, Shane Ryan ends up in a cozy little cabin in New Hampshire waiting out a snowstorm. Despite the idyllic setting of ice frosted trees and snow covered lawns, Shane's peaceful hideout is suddenly plunged into chaos. A Micmac ghost army, led by Broken Nose, goes on a rampage of torture and murder. Shane may be a ghostbusting expert, but without his fighting gear, his chances are slim in winning the battle against a supernatural horde.With Shane missing, Frank knows deep in his gut that his friend is in trouble. He pulls out all the stops and enlists the help of The Englishman, a lunatic who has a passion for killing. They both head to the one place Shane might be - Lake Nutaq.As the trio prepares for battle, Shane realizes it's time to fight fire with fire, rage with rage and death with death! When they face Broken Nose, Shane sees the medicine man has commandeered an army of the dead to carry out his brutal blood killings. Frank and Shane live on the edge of danger but nothing could have prepared them for the malevolent evil unleashed to destroy them...

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