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  • af Sepideh Ahmadi
    652,95 kr.

    Numa série de mudanças rápidas que incluem a sociedade iraniana, assistiremos a alterações nas estruturas sociais e culturais. A transição da tradição para a modernidade e a mudança da sociedade tradicional para a sociedade industrial criaram sistemas intelectuais e de valores diferentes. De acordo com os especialistas, o fosso entre gerações no Irão ocorre quando uma geração acredita no paradigma moderno e outra geração acredita no paradigma tradicional. Neste caso, formam-se duas formas de pensar, sociais, económicas e religiosas, com base no paradigma da tradição e da modernidade, e as diferentes gerações agem com base em formas diferentes. Além disso, a ocorrência de diferentes eventos em diferentes momentos históricos traz à tona distinções entre as gerações envolvidas em diferentes dimensões. O conceito mais central no campo da mobilidade e da transformação geracional é a entrada numa nova era, que tem dois aspectos. Por um lado, a experiência da geração anterior existe na nova geração e, por outro lado, esta geração está à procura de novas experiências.

  • af Sepideh Ahmadi
    652,95 kr.

    In einer Reihe von raschen Veränderungen, die auch die iranische Gesellschaft betreffen, werden wir Zeugen von Veränderungen in den sozialen und kulturellen Strukturen. Der Übergang von der Tradition zur Moderne und der Wandel der traditionellen Gesellschaft zur Industriegesellschaft hat unterschiedliche Denk- und Wertesysteme hervorgebracht. Experten zufolge kommt es im Iran zu einem Generationskonflikt, wenn eine Generation an das moderne Paradigma und eine andere Generation an das traditionelle Paradigma glaubt. In diesem Fall bilden sich auf der Grundlage des Paradigmas der Tradition und der Moderne zwei Denkweisen, eine soziale, eine wirtschaftliche und eine religiöse, heraus, und die verschiedenen Generationen handeln auf der Grundlage unterschiedlicher Denkweisen. Auch das Auftreten verschiedener Ereignisse in verschiedenen historischen Momenten bringt Unterschiede zwischen den beteiligten Generationen in verschiedenen Dimensionen zum Vorschein. Der zentralste Begriff im Bereich der Mobilität und des Generationswechsels ist der Eintritt in eine neue Ära, der zwei Aspekte hat. Einerseits sind die Erfahrungen der vorherigen Generation in der neuen Generation vorhanden, andererseits sucht diese Generation nach neuen Erfahrungen.

  • af Sepideh Ahmadi
    652,95 kr.

    Dans une série de changements rapides qui touchent la société iranienne, nous assisterons à des changements dans les structures sociales et culturelles. Le passage de la tradition à la modernité et le passage de la société traditionnelle à la société industrielle ont créé des systèmes intellectuels et de valeurs différents. Selon les experts, un fossé générationnel en Iran se produit lorsqu'une génération croit au paradigme moderne et qu'une autre croit au paradigme traditionnel. Dans ce cas, deux modes de pensée, sociaux, économiques et religieux sont formés sur la base du paradigme de la tradition et de la modernité, et les différentes générations agissent selon des modes différents. En outre, la survenue d'événements différents à des moments historiques différents met en évidence des distinctions entre les générations concernées dans différentes dimensions. Le concept le plus central dans le domaine de la mobilité et de la transformation générationnelle est l'entrée dans une nouvelle ère, qui présente deux aspects. D'une part, l'expérience de la génération précédente existe au sein de la nouvelle génération, et d'autre part, cette génération est à la recherche d'une nouvelle expérience.

  • af Sepideh Ahmadi
    257,95 kr.

    V rqdu stremitel'nyh peremen, ohwatiwshih iranskoe obschestwo, my stanem swidetelqmi izmenenij w social'nyh i kul'turnyh strukturah. Perehod ot tradicii k sowremennosti i smena tradicionnogo obschestwa industrial'nym priweli k wozniknoweniü razlichnyh intellektual'nyh i cennostnyh sistem. Po mneniü äxpertow, razryw pokolenij w Irane proishodit togda, kogda odno pokolenie werit w sowremennuü paradigmu, a drugoe - w tradicionnuü. V ätom sluchae na osnowe paradigmy tradicii i sowremennosti formiruütsq dwa obraza myshleniq, social'noe, äkonomicheskoe i religioznoe, i raznye pokoleniq dejstwuüt na osnowe raznyh obrazow. Krome togo, nastuplenie razlichnyh sobytij w raznye istoricheskie momenty wydwigaet na perwyj plan razlichiq mezhdu wowlechennymi pokoleniqmi w razlichnyh izmereniqh. Naibolee central'nym ponqtiem w oblasti mobil'nosti i transformacii pokolenij qwlqetsq wstuplenie w nowuü äpohu, kotoroe imeet dwa aspekta. S odnoj storony, opyt predyduschego pokoleniq suschestwuet w ramkah nowogo pokoleniq, a s drugoj - äto pokolenie ischet nowyj opyt.

  • af Sepideh Ahmadi
    517,95 kr.

    Life is a mold that is placed in the furnace of living every day and a new image emerges. No matter how much you are immersed in the monotony and daily routine of life and you consider the wholeness of uniformity to dominate the scope of your life, you will still embrace a new surprise from this non-stop freshness. An expansive spirit to live without a moment's hesitation, sometimes in conflict with man and sometimes even ahead of him in seeking his desires. Whatever we think of him as right or wrong, what is inseparable from life is his unpredictability, and this constantly renewed surprise brings the promise of bright days that blow the breeze of life on souls.The two key words of gender and poverty are among the most important issues facing the modern human society in the study of the situation of women heads of the family. The head of the family is a member of the family known by other members as such. According to sociologists, the head of the family refers to a person who has considerable power compared to other family members, usually he is the oldest member of the family, and he is responsible for the economic responsibilities of the family.

  • af Sepideh Ahmadi
    527,95 kr.

    In a range of rapid changes that include Iranian society, we will witness changes in social and cultural structures. The transition from tradition to modernity and the change of traditional society to industrial society has created different intellectual and value systems. According to experts, a generation gap in Iran happens when a generation believes in the modern paradigm and another generation believes in the traditional paradigm. In this case, two ways of thinking, social, economic and religious are formed based on the paradigm of tradition and modernity, and different generations act based on different ways. Also, the occurrence of different events in different historical moments brings to the fore distinctions among the involved generations in different dimensions. The most central concept in the field of mobility and generational transformation is entering a new era, which has two aspects. On the one hand, the experience of the previous generation exists within the new generation, and on the other hand, this generation is seeking new experience.

  • af Navid Rabiee, Mohammad Rabiee, Mojtaba Bagherzadeh, mfl.
    432,95 - 667,95 kr.

    Gene therapy as a potential method for treatment of genetic disorders and other malignancies as well as treatment of many cancers has attracted a great amount of attention in recent years.Current research focuses on stable and smart drug/gene delivery systems, including controlled release. Smart nanostructures have been considered as a promising approach when applied to drug and gene delivery systems, and could solve the problems related to the inefficient transfer of medication to the affected cells.

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