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  • af Shahida Arabi
    177,95 kr.

    The Smart Girl's Guide to Self-Care tackles the common problems of effective self-care with practical suggestions for practices that will create a sustainable, lifelong self-care routine. For those who are beginners to concepts like mindfulness, meditation, opposite action, positive rebellion, positive affirmations and radical acceptance, this book will provide a useful and comprehensive introduction. For those struggling from the trauma of emotionally abusive relationships, this book will guide you in recognizing the signs of abuse, creating a reverse discourse that challenges ruminations over the abuse, moving forward successfully after a break-up using no contact, and techniques on coping with trauma in constructive and meaningful ways. Each chapter of this book also provides a list of supplemental resources as well as a recommended reading list to guide you on this journey to greater self-love and self-care. Although this book is intended for everyone, its target audience is young women who are socialized to believe that their needs and wants don't matter and that their relationships with others are much more important than the relationship they have with themselves. In order to have healthy, happy relationships with others, we must first cultivate healthy, happy relationships with ourselves and eradicate the toxic habits that deplete us of the self-love and self-acceptance necessary for a fulfilling life. You may be wondering: How is it possible to banish the browbeating bully inside your own head, influenced by all the bullies you've encountered in real life? How do you learn how to be more present in the moment rather than ruminating over the pitfalls of your past? How do you learn to love yourself, despite all of the experiences that tell you you aren't even worthy of your own respect and appreciation? Using a patchwork of diverse techniques and practices, The Smart Girl's Guide to Self-Care answers these questions through a holistic program of tending to the mind, body and spirit in healthier and more productive ways, serving as the portal to immense healing and enabling you to stage your own recovery and victory in ways you never thought possible.

  • - How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself
    af Shahida Arabi
    217,95 kr.

    Although clinical research has been conducted on narcissism as a disorder, less is known about its effects on victims who are in toxic relationships with partners with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Individuals with this disorder engage in chronic devaluation and manipulation of their partners, a psychological and emotional phenomenon known as "narcissistic abuse." Unfortunately, the full extent of what narcissistic abuse entails is not taught in any psychology class or diagnostic manual. Since pathological narcissists are unlikely to seek treatment for their disorder, it is difficult to pinpoint what exactly makes a narcissistic abuser tick and the manipulative tactics they use, which are likely to differ from those of other types of abusers as they are more covert and underhanded. What is even more baffling is the addiction we form with our narcissistic abusers, created by biochemical bonds and trauma bonds that are also unlike any other relationship we experience. In this book, survivors will learn: -The red flags of narcissistic behavior and covert manipulation tactics, including subtle signs many survivors don't catch in the early stages of dating a narcissist. -The motives behind narcissistic abuse and techniques to resist a narcissist's manipulation. -Why abuse survivors usually stay with a narcissist long after incidents of abuse occur. -How our own brain chemistry locks us into an addiction with a narcissistic or toxic partner, creating cravings for the constant chaos of the abuse cycle. -Traditional and alternative methods to begin to detach and heal from the addiction to the narcissist, including eleven important steps all survivors must take on the road to healing. -Methods to rewrite the narratives that abusers have written for us so we can begin to reconnect with our authentic selves and purpose. -How to rebuild an even more victorious and empowering life after abuse. Narcissistic partners employ numerous stealthy tactics to devalue and manipulate their victims behind closed doors. These partners lack empathy and demonstrate an incredible sense of entitlement and sense of superiority which drives their exploitative behavior in interpersonal relationships. Their tactics can include verbal abuse and emotional invalidation, stonewalling, projection, taking control of every aspect of the victim's life, gaslighting and triangulation. Due to the narcissistic partner's "false self," the charismatic mask he or she projects to society, the victim often feels isolated in this type of abuse and is unlikely to have his or her experiences validated by friends, family and society. Using the latest scientific research as well as thousands of survivor accounts, this book will explore how the emotional manipulation tactics of narcissistic and antisocial partners affect those around them, particularly with regards to its cumulative socioemotional and psychological effects on the victim. It will also address questions such as: What successful techniques, tools and healing modalities (both traditional and alternative) are available to survivors who have been ridiculed, manipulated, verbally abused and subject to psychological warfare? What can survivors do to better engage in self-love and self-care? How can they forge the path to healthier relationships, especially if they've been a victim of narcissistic abuse by multiple people or raised by a narcissist? Most importantly, how can they use their experiences of narcissistic abuse to empower themselves towards personal development? What can their interactions with a narcissistic abuser teach them about themselves, their relationship patterns and the wounds that still need to be healed in order to move forward into the happy relationships and victorious lives they do deserve?

  • af Shahida Arabi
    197,95 kr.

    "Si eres una persona altamente sensible (PAS), conviene que sepas que tu sensibilidad y tu compasiâon son dones que deben ser respetados y apreciados. Pero como PAS, quizâas te sientas abrumado con facilidad por el mundo que te rodea, tal vez seas demasiado complaciente con los demâas, sufras una intensa ansiedad ante los conflictos o incluso te quedes con las emociones de otras personas. Tu naturaleza generosa puede convertirte en blanco de personas narcisistas, manipuladoras y centradas en sâi mismas que intentan explotar a los demâas en beneficio propio. Asâi pues, Åquâe puedes hacer para protegerte? Esta guâia esencial te ofrece ejercicios, reflexiones y habilidades que te permitirâan identificar las personalidades tâoxicas y lidiar con ellas de un modo eficaz. Encontrarâas consejos prâacticos para reconocer las seänales de peligro y para desmontar tâacticas de manipulaciâon habituales, como la luz de gas (gas lighting), el cerrojo (stone walling), la proyecciâon y el bombardeo amoroso (love bombing). Por âultimo, aprenderâas a superar los abusos narcisistas, a establecer lâimites saludables y a cultivar un inquebrantable sentido del yo. Si eres una PAS que estâa dispuesta a tomar posiciones frente a las personas tâoxicas de tu vida, este libro tiene todo cuanto necesitas para sobrevivir y resurgir" --

  • af Shahida Arabi
    182,95 kr.

    "Pathological mind games. Covert and overt put-downs. Triangulation. Gaslighting. Projection. These are the manipulative tactics survivors of malignant narcissists are unfortunately all too familiar with. As victims of silent crimes where the perpetrators are rarely held accountable, survivors of narcissistic abuse have lived in a war zone of epic proportions, enduring an abuse cycle of love-bombing and devaluation--psychological violence on steroids. From how to heal our addiction to the narcissist to how to recognize a covert narcissist, Shahida Arabi's articles on narcissistic abuse have gained renown as some of the most accurate and in-depth depictions of this terrifying trauma, resonating with millions of survivors all over the world and receiving endorsements from numerous mental health professionals. In this essay compilation, readers can enjoy some of her most popular articles as well as new thought pieces on narcissistic abuse: what therapists have to say about malignant narcissists and how children of narcissistic parents can become trapped in the trauma repetition cycle. Survivors are offered new insights on what it means to be both a survivor and a thriver of covert manipulation and trauma. POWER teaches us that it is important to not only understand the tactics of toxic personalities but also to recognize and combat the effects of narcissistic abuse; it guides the survivor to learning, growing, healing and most importantly of all--owning their agency to rebuild their lives and transform their powerlessness into victory."--Back cover.

  • - How to Reclaim Your Power from Narcissists and Other Manipulators [Standard Large Print 16 Pt Edition]
    af Shahida Arabi
    309,95 kr.

  • - How to Reclaim Your Power from Narcissists and Other Manipulators
    af Shahida Arabi
    170,95 kr.

    Highly sensitive people (HSPs) and those who identify as empaths are natural targets for narcissists, emotional vampires, and other controlling people due to their giving nature. The Highly Sensitive Person's Guide to Dealing with Toxic People is a practical road map to help HSPs identify and deal effectively with toxic people--at work, in the family, in friendships, or in romantic relationships.

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