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  • af Shalom Bright
    477,95 kr.

    In our rapidly changing world, climate change disputes are escalating at an alarming rate, presenting complex challenges that demand innovative solutions. Traditional dispute resolution methods have struggled to keep up with the scientific intricacies, diverse interests, and political complexities inherent in climate change disputes. This book examines the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionize dispute resolution in this critical arena. By leveraging AI's capabilities, we can pave the way for more effective and sustainable resolutions to one of the most pressing global challenges of our time. However, AI's involvement in creative fields brings its own set of profound questions. AI-generated artworks lack have ignited a pivotal debate surrounding human authorship in copyright law. Whether AI can produce 'original' works The Sara Silverman Lawsuit Against OpenAI further underlines the inconsistencies within this decision. This book delves into the intricate intersection of AI and intellectual property law, with a particular focus on AI's inability to secure copyright protection for works featuring "original" characters. As AI technology advances, it blurs the lines between human and machine-generated creative content. The current copyright framework predominantly recognizes human authors as the sole creators of original works, raising fundamental questions about the legal status and personhood of AI-generated characters and their creators. Drawing from legal precedents, ethical considerations, and AI's evolving capabilities, this book explores the challenges posed by AI-generated content to copyright law. It advocates for a re-evaluation of copyright principles to adapt to the changing landscape of creative expression in the digital age. Moreover, it addresses the wider implications of AI's inability to hold copyrights, including the potential impact on AI innovation and the need for alternative mechanisms to protect AI-generated works and their creators fairly and ethically. Readers are offered a comprehensive perspective on the transformative potential of AI in both climate change dispute resolution and copyright law.

  • af Shalom Bright
    567,95 kr.

    Die Bauindustrie in Kenia hat in den letzten Jahren ein schnelles Wachstum erlebt, das durch die steigende Nachfrage nach Infrastrukturentwicklung und Urbanisierung angetrieben wurde. Dieses Wachstum hat jedoch seinen Preis, denn viele Bautätigkeiten führen zu Umweltschäden, wie Abholzung, Bodenerosion und Wasserverschmutzung. Die durch Bautätigkeiten verursachten Umweltschäden haben zu einer Zunahme von Streitigkeiten zwischen Bauunternehmen und den betroffenen Parteien geführt, darunter lokale Gemeinden, Umweltgruppen und Regierungsbehörden. Obwohl es in Kenia Umweltgesetze und -vorschriften gibt, ist die Durchsetzung eine Herausforderung, da viele Unternehmen die Umweltvorschriften nicht einhalten. Dies hat zu einer hohen Anzahl von Streitigkeiten und rechtlichen Anfechtungen geführt, die für alle Beteiligten kostspielig und zeitraubend sein können. Um das Problem der baubedingten Streitigkeiten in Kenia anzugehen, müssen die Umweltgesetze und -vorschriften stärker ins Bewusstsein gerückt und durchgesetzt sowie die Kommunikation und Konsultation zwischen Bauunternehmen, betroffenen Parteien und Regierungsbehörden verbessert werden.

  • af Shalom Bright
    346,95 kr.

    The construction industry in Kenya has experienced rapid growth in recent years, driven by increasing demand for infrastructure development and urbanization. However, this growth has come at a cost, with many construction activities leading to environmental harm, including deforestation, soil erosion, and water pollution. The environmental harm caused by construction activities has led to a rise in disputes between construction companies and affected parties, including local communities, environmental groups, and government agencies. Despite the existence of environmental laws and regulations in Kenya, enforcement has been a challenge, with many corporations failing to comply with environmental regulations. This has resulted in a high number of disputes and legal challenges, which can be costly and time-consuming for all parties involved. To address the issue of construction-related disputes in Kenya, there is a need for greater awareness and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations, as well as improved communication and consultation between construction companies, affected parties, and government agencies.

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