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  • af Sherry Robinson
    122,95 kr.

    W.W.J.S What Would Jesus Say Michael Calvin was a pastor at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church. Not only was he a pastor he was a husband, and a pillar of the community. Pastor Calvin new the Bible inside and out. He could quote you any scripture in the Bible, and tell you where to find it. Nothing swayed him from his faith until Tara Kyle came to town. Then the 10 commandments that he swore by flew out the window. He was willing to break each and everyone of them just to continue his relationship with her. As his relationship with Tara escalated he began to break them one by one.

  • - A Government Experiment Gone Wrong
    af Sherry Robinson
    122,95 kr.

    Kate was alarmed when her two twin daughters didn't wake her up. She walked into the girls room to find Raquel lying in a pool of her own sweat. Kate took Raquel to the hospital where there was wall to wall people waiting to be seen by the doctor. Kate overheard a conversation while in the hospital that caused her to investigate what was going on for herself. The IDC stepped in an quarantined the town making Kate even more suspicious. Kate discovered that theirs wasn't the first town that the government had released a virus in. Kate knew she needed to get her findings into the right hands, but she had to wait until the quarantine was lifted just in case the government had tapped her phone, or tried to intercept her emails and faxes. Kate enlisted the help of a reporter{Daniel Strong} to tell her story. Daniel was reluctant to take the story at first, but after further digging he uncovered something that even Kate didn't know about. Once the story broke Daniel was visited by several government guys that tried to strong arm him into recanting his story. They informed him that this story was even bigger than his meager paycheck, so to back off or else.

  • af Sherry Robinson
    122,95 kr.

    April Conners was a criminal attorney who's first case would be a memorable one. Her first solo case was the rape and murder of the Mayor's daughter. This was a high profile case that could make or break her career, and the judges were treating her, as if she shouldn't have chosen law as her profession. She had just purchased her dream house. it was a two bedroom beachfront house, but it had something special within it. Not only was she trying to get her client off she also had to keep herself from being the next victim of a serial killer

  • af Sherry Robinson
    122,95 kr.

    Synopsis: Marion got wind that Mya was pregnant even though she tried to hide it from him hoping he would leave town until the baby was born, but now that Latrice opened her mouth Marion is going to stick around until he is certain that the baby Mya is carrying isn't his. Mya tried to keep Treshawn from finding out that he may or may not be the father of her baby, although he had shared the good news with his mother...Now the real question is will Treshawn be the baby father, so him and Mya could live the fairytale life they have planned, or will Marion be the baby father, and ruin Mya's plans for happiness....

  • af Sherry Robinson
    122,95 kr.

    Mya had a man at home that loved her, and supported her fully. Treshawn was a faithful man that gave her sex anytime she wanted it, but she met Marion in the club, and one blissful steamy sex scene in the bathroom had her wanting more of him. Mya knew that she wouldn't be able to stop seeing Marion even if she wanted to. He had her nose wide open, and her legs to. Mya knew she had to hide this romance from Treshawn, so the lies started getting bigger and bigger. She knew she couldn't tell her girls Latrice, and Ania, because they were trying to keep her from falling into the arms of what would be a terrible mistake....When the time came to choose how would she be able to choose between Treshawn, and Marion, because she has feelings for both of them..

  • af Sherry Robinson
    122,95 kr.

    Mya was distraught when Treshawn left her in the store after the fight with Marion. She knew that she had to get Treshawn back, and what she needed to do to get him back. If she could just have sex with him one time she would fuck him into committing his love for her. Her body was her tool to make men do what she wanted them to do, and she knew how to get what she wanted. She knew that she had fucked up with Treshawn by dating Marion, and once the shit hit the fan she was left without either one of them. Since Treshawn had thrown her out she was now living in the hotel with Marion, but she still wanted Treshawn back, and she was not going to stop until she got him back.

  • af Sherry Robinson
    122,95 kr.

    Danielle was looking to get a fresh start in life, so she decided to befriend John. Little did Danielle know that John had an ulterior motive. John had been watching Danielle for some time, and now Danielle have to find a way to rid herself of the man that has been making her life a living hell....

  • af Sherry Robinson
    182,95 kr.

    Take a walk through the real life biography of Sherry Robinson as she tells her story like it could never be told. Live her life through her eyes as she deals with such issues as child molestation, failed marriages, domestic abuse, and sleepless nights. See how she had to deal with life situations first hand, and without the help of those that was near and dear to her..

  • af Sherry Robinson
    122,95 kr.

    Just when Danielle thought she was about to get her life back after all she went through with John he reappears from the dead and the stalking continues. Danielle is now more confused then ever. Who did she kill, and who's body is lying in the morgue, and how did John keep getting in her apartment.. Only John could answer these questions, and put all the pieces to this puzzle together. Danielle thought the only way to get rid of John was to kill him, but before she do she needed the answer to all her questions, but the most important one of all is why did he Target her.....

  • - A Twisted Tale of Horror
    af Sherry Robinson
    92,95 kr.

    Carmen and Carla were identical twin sisters that even their parents had a hard time telling them a part. Their father took a job in Colorado, so they had to leave all their friends behind in California. Rocky Mountain high school was going to be their new playground, and since they were the new students wreaking havoc on the students was going to be easy. Most seniors are thinking about prom, being crown prom king and queen, graduation, and the colleges they hoped to be getting into, but Carmen and Carla intentions were to rid the school of all the kids that were evil, but they turned out to be the evil ones. They started killing off kids one by one while they sung nursery rhymes. As the bodies started to pile up the police had no clue who the killer or killers were. The principle (Mr. Culver) had no choice but to close the school down for the rest of the school year to try and make sure no one else died at the hands of the Rocky Mountain High School Killer.

  • af Sherry Robinson
    92,95 kr.

    Tommy thought after dad died it would bring him and his mother closer, but little did he know he didn't want to be as close as she was going to make him. When mommy goes off the deep end, and now has an appetite for killing would Tommy be able to survive her wrath after he learns her dirty little secret..

  • af Sherry Robinson
    92,95 kr.

    WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOUR GPS LED YOU ASTRAY!!!! Tony, Emily, Patricia, and James rented a cabin for spring break..They were using their GPS like most people do to get where they were going, and to help them get to the cabin. The GPS took them on a lot of twists and turns taking them out of their way to end up back on some of the streets they were originally on. The GPS told them to detour onto other streets, but they finally ended up at the cabin. Once they got to the cabin they didn't have any of the amenities that they saw on the internet, and the key to the cabin wasn't where the rental agent said it was going to be. Not only had the GPS led them to the wrong cabin, but the horror they encountered at the hands of a deranged maniac was even worse then they could have ever imagined....

  • af Sherry Robinson
    122,95 kr.

    MONEY, SEX, and DRUGS can be a lethal combination: Carlos was the number one drug runner for Marco Devane. Marco had taken Carlos under his wings, and taught him the ins and outs of the drug business, but when Carlos decides to branch out on his own leaving Marco high and dry he decides that Carlos owed him something for showing him the ropes, so he invites Carlos over for a man to man chat letting him know that he wanted a percentage of his business. When Carlos refuses to comply with Marco's demands things get out of hands. Danny had borrowed money from Marco to help him out of a jam, but when he was unable to pay it back Marco sent his men to find Danny and turn him into shark meat. Right about the time they was about to lower him into the river Carlos pays off his marker, and that's when Danny pledges his loyalty to Carlos, and joined forces with him to bring Marco down. Carlos girlfriend Tisha couldn't get away from her former boyfriend Tommy, and Tommy refuse to let Tisha go although she had moved on. Tommy continue to show up at Tisha house demanding sex from her, and calling her by her government name that only he knew her by. Tisha decides to tell Carlos about Tommy coming to her house only to make him mad enough to go hunt him down like a dog.

  • af Sherry Robinson
    242,95 kr.

    Much like the sturdy bones of the centuries-old house in Echo Her Lovely Bones, the women who inhabited its rooms are bound together through the letters they leave in the attic. In these letters, which form the novel, the women reveal their dreams, their disappointments, their griefs, and their hopes. Each letter moves us through the female experience that is shaped as much by historical context as it is by each woman's own life.The women of Echo Her Lovely Bones include: a daughter reluctantly leaving the comfort of her family in northern Virginia to settle in the harsh Kentucky frontier as a new bride; a newly emancipated slave learning what it means to be free; a young law student in the Roaring Twenties testing her family's (and cultural) expectations for women; a woman wrestling with a dark family secret and debilitating depression; a traditional wife and mother beginning to question those traditional values; her now-grown daughter living out the repercussions of her mother's abandonment; a woman being forced to strike out on her after divorcing her husband of two decades; and her daughter, twenty years later, struggling with family issues in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.These women echo the resilience of generations of women and affirm the importance of women finding their own voice.Echo Her Lovely Bones is a special rerelease in a new second edition of Robinson's first novel, originally titled My Secrets Cry Aloud). Echo Her Lovely Bones includes a beautiful new cover by Annelisa Hermosilla, Foreword by Silas House (author of Lark Ascending, September 2022), a new chapter titled "Misty Newsom Albright November 1, 2020," Reading Group Guide, and Author's Note.

  • af Sherry Robinson
    297,95 kr.

  • af Sherry Robinson
    177,95 kr.

    A 2019 Foreword Indies Book of the Year Winner, Bronze, Religious (Adult Fiction) A 2019 Foreword Indies Book of the Year Finalist (Fiction: General Adult and Religious) Finalist in the Fiction: Religious category of the 2020 International Book AwardsGrayson Armstrong's vision for a dying church has everyone in small-town Mercy, Kentucky, talking. The truth is everyone has been talking about Grayson ever since this dark-haired twenty-eight-year-old preacher with shoulder-length hair and an ill-fitting suit drove into town twelve years before in his silver convertible with his pretty wife and two rambunctious boys. It's his untimely death, though, that has everyone trying to understand who they thought he was.This vivid, poignant, and heart-breaking story is told by multiple characters whose paths intersect with Grayson: a homeless Vietnam veteran haunted by demons of war; the local diner's young waitress grappling with her family's dark history; aggrieved and supportive congregants and townspeople confronting change and the power of love and hate; and Grayson's wife and his coming-of-age gay son, struggling to understand their own feelings about Grayson. During a time when communities and countries are split apart, Robinson's calming prose and timely story encourages us to put aside our fears, hate, and biases and to open our hearts and challenge our perceptions. Blessed is ultimately a story of hope and of the power of forgiveness.

  • af Sherry Robinson
    262,95 kr.

  • af Sherry Robinson
    367,95 kr.

    Veteran journalist and author Sherry Robinson presents readers with the first full biography of New Mexico's first territorial governor, James Silas Calhoun. Robinson explores Calhoun's early life in Georgia and his military service in the Mexican War and how they led him west. Through exhaustive research Robinson shares Calhoun's story of arriving in New Mexico in 1849-a turbulent time in the region-to serve as its first Indian agent. Inhabitants were struggling to determine where their allegiances lay; they had historic and cultural ties with Mexico, but the United States offered an abundance of possibilities.An accomplished attorney, judge, legislator, and businessman and an experienced speaker and negotiator who spoke Spanish, Calhoun was uniquely qualified to serve as the first territorial governor only eighteen months into his service. While his time on the New Mexico political scene was brief, he served with passion, intelligence, and goodwill, making him one of the most intriguing political figures in the history of New Mexico.

  • - Their Stories of Survival as Told to Eve Ball
    af Sherry Robinson
    267,95 kr.

    In the 1940s and 1950s, long before historians fully accepted oral tradition as a source, Eve Ball (1890-1984) was taking down verbatim the accounts of Apache elders who had survived the army's campaigns against them in the last century. These oral histories offer new versions of events previously known only through descriptions left by non-Indians.

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