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The sole cause of human suffering is man's ignorance of his self and the reality. He remains bereft of his Energy of the Self, which would have allowed him to connect with the universal consciousness and achieve true bliss and happiness. Despite being surrounded with this energy, man is still unaware of his surroundings, just like a fish in the ocean, which is desperately seeking water while being surrounded by it. This book explains how man can absorb and make use of this energy to leave his suffering and ignorance behind and find everlasting peace and happiness.
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When the San Jose Earthquakes first started playing soccer in 1974, no one imagined how their efforts would reverberate fifty years later. The Quakes and their fans have overcome a multitude of issues in the last five decades, including leagues collapsing, attempted rebrandings, local apathy, political indifference and even a franchise relocation, yet they never gave up. While players like Johnny Moore, Chris Wondolowski and Landon Donovan have come and gone--along with coaches, general managers and owners--the multigenerational family this San Jose team created over the last half century stands as strong as ever. Join author Gary Singh, a native and lifelong fan, as he celebrates the legendary history of the Quakes.
FACTORIES OF THE FUTUREThe book provides insight into various technologies adopted and to be adopted in the future by industries and measures the impact of these technologies on manufacturing performance and their sustainability.Businesses and manufacturers face a slew of demands beyond the usual issues of staying agile and surviving in a competitive landscape within a rapidly changing world. Factories of the Future deftly takes the reader through the continuous technology changes and looks ten years down the road at what manufacturing will mostly look like.The book is divided into two parts: Emerging technologies and advancements in existing technologies. Emerging technologies consist of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 themes, machine learning, intelligent machining, advanced maintenance, reliability, and green manufacturing. The advances of existing technologies consist of digital manufacturing, artificial intelligence in machine learning, Internet of Things, product life cycle, and the impact of factories on the future of manufacturing performance of the manufacturing industries.Readers will find in this illuminating book:* A comprehensive discussion of almost all emerging technologies, including "green" manufacturing;* An overview of the social, economic, and technical aspects of these technologies;* An explanation of these technological advancements on manufacturing performance, through case studies and other analytical tools.
This is the first edition of the book which is written for the students studying in the field of ecology, forestry courses as under graduate, Post-graduate and research level. The content provides the method to analyze the threat and conservation status of various vegetation types by analyzing the IVI, richness in number of kinds of species, their average IVI in terms of significant or non-significant diversity. The present status of diversity, optimal number and average IVI for significant diversity has been evaluated. The content of this work had been published in the "Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2017; 5(4): 07-12, Eco. Env. & Cons. 23 (September Suppl.), 2017; pp. (S363-S371) EM International, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2017; 6(4): 544-549 International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies 2017; 4(4): 120-125, Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International 16(1): 1-16, 2018 and Vindhya Bharti research journal no 14 Vol. 1, July 2017".
Advances in Biofeedstocks and Biofuels PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES FOR SOLIDS AND GASEOUS BIOFUELSThis latest volume in the series, "Advances in Biofeedstocks and Biofuels," offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage available for the production technologies for solid and gaseous biofuels.Biofuel production is one of the most extensively studied recent fields of innovation that can provide the world an alternative energy source. Biomass-based fuel production, or renewable fuels, are becoming increasingly important as a remedy for the increasing greenhouse effect, depleting oil reserves, and rising oil prices. Therefore, research on the production of various biofuels is gaining very much importance among scientists and researchers all over the globe.The book, Production Technologies for Solid and Gaseous Biofuels, is the fourth volume of the book series entitled "Advances in Biofeedstocks and Biofuels." The first volume, Biofeedstocks and Their Processing, covered the aspects of biofeedstocks and their suitability as an alternative energy source. The second volume, Production Technologies for Biofuels, covered all the latest technologies in biofuels production. The third volume, Liquid Biofuel Production, focused on the latest technologies involved in the production of liquid biofuels, such as bioethanol, biodiesel, biobutanol, and others.This fourth volume, Production Technologies for Solid and Gaseous Biofuels, covers all of the latest technologies in the field of solid biofuels, like biochar, briquettes from biomass, as well as gaseous biofuels like biogas, biohydrogen, and more. Various aspects of utilization of waste biomass for the production of solid and gaseous biofuels are also discussed. This book presents the state of the art in solid and gaseous biofuel production, a must have for any engineer or scientist working in this field.
This issue of Clinics in Chest Medicine, guest-edited by Dr. Aaron B Waxman and Dr. Inderjit Singh, is focused on Pulmonary Hypertension. Topics discussed in this issue include but are not limited to: Integrative omics to characterize and classify pulmonary vascular disease, Contemporary Pharmacotherapeutic Approach in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Personalized Medicine: The Future Management of Pulmonary Hypertension Requires A New Taxonomy, Sex differences in Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Hypertension in Pregnancy
This book addresses the FinFET-based analog IC designing for 5G communication networks. In addition to this, it also incorporates some of the contemporary developments over different fields. It highlights the latest advances, problems and challenges and presents the latest research results in the field of mm-wave integrated circuits designing based on scientific literature and its practical realization. This book presents the recent research trends and future road maps for the 5G communication circuits.Various design guidelines are included to be considered when designing these circuits and detrimental scaling effects of the same. In addition, to enhance the usability of this book, we have also included real-time problems in RFIC designing, case studies from experimental results, clearly demarking design guidelines for the 5G communication ICs designing. This book also incorporates the most recent FinFET architecture for the RF designing and the scaling effects
This issue of Interventional Cardiology Clinics, guest edited by Dr. Hitinder Gurm, will discuss Renal Disease and coronary, peripheral and structural interventions. This issue is one of four selected each year by the series Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Matthew Price. Topics discussed in this issue will include: Contrast induced nephropathy, Pathophysiology of CIN, Implications of Renal disease in patients undergoing peripheral arterial interventions, Implications of renal disease in patients undergoing Structural interventions, Different types of contrast media, Biomarkers of CIN, Pharmacological prophylaxis of CIN, A practical approach to preventing renal complications in the catheterization laboratory, and several other topics.
"Co-sponsored by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture."
Advances in Cyanobacterial Biology presents the novel, practical, and theoretical aspects of cyanobacteria, providing a better understanding of basic and advanced biotechnological application in the field of sustainable agriculture. Chapters have been designed to deal with the different aspects of cyanobacteria including their role in the evolution of life, cyanobacterial diversity and classification, isolation, and characterization of cyanobacteria through biochemical and molecular approaches, phylogeny and biogeography of cyanobacteria, symbiosis, Cyanobacterial photosynthesis, morphological and physiological adaptation to abiotic stresses, stress-tolerant cyanobacterium, biological nitrogen fixation. Other topics include circadian rhythms, genetics and molecular biology of abiotic stress responses, application of cyanobacteria and cyanobacterial mats in wastewater treatments, use as a source of novel stress-responsive genes for development of stress tolerance and as a source of biofuels, industrial application, as biofertilizer, cyanobacterial blooms, use in Nano-technology and nanomedicines as well as potential applications. This book will be important for academics and researchers working in cyanobacteria, cyanobacterial environmental biology, cyanobacterial agriculture and cyanobacterial molecular biologists. Summarizes the various aspects of cyanobacterial research, from primary nitrogen fixation, to advanced nano-technology applicationsAddresses both practical and theoretical aspects of the cyanobacterial applicationIncludes coverage of biochemical and molecular approaches for the identification, use and management of cyanobacteria
PGPR Amelioration in Sustainable Agriculture: Food Security and Environmental Management explores the growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that are indigenous to soil and plant rhizosphere. These microorganisms have significant potential as important tools for sustainable agriculture. PGPR enhance the growth of root systems and often control certain plant pathogens. As PGPR amelioration is a fascinating subject, is multidisciplinary in nature, and concerns scientists involved in plant heath and plant protection, this book is an ideal resource that emphasizes the current trends of, and probable future of, PGPR developments. Chapters incorporate both theoretical and practical aspects and may serve as baseline information for future research. This book will be useful to students, teachers and researchers, both in universities and research institutes, especially working in areas of agricultural microbiology, plant pathology and agronomy. Presents new concepts and current development in PGPR research and evaluates the implications for sustainable productivityDescribes the role of multi-omics approaches in establishing an understanding of plant-microbe interactions that help plants optimize abiotic stressesIncorporates both theoretical and practical aspects, and will serve as a baseline for future research
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