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Bøger af Stacy Miller

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  • - Your Baby Guide Week For Week
    af Stacy Miller
    188,95 kr.

    Congratulations! Be Prepare, Be Aware And Be Happy This book gives you a comprehensive understanding of how your baby is developing week for week as well as what it is you should do to ensure you have a healthy and successful pregnancy. Are you planning to get pregnant, just missed your periods and are suspecting that you could be pregnant or have already confirmed that you are pregnant? If either of these is true, congratulations-you are about to become a mother. But while this is definitely good news, you probably are worried; worried about whether you will carry the baby to full term, worried about the morning sickness, worried about the health of the baby that you are carrying and such. So what is it you can do to minimize your level of worry? Simple; you equip yourself with as much knowledge about pregnancy as possible so that you can approach it with all the confidence you need. This book provides all that i.e. knowledge to take you throughout your pregnancy from the 1st week to the day you get to hold your bundle of joy in your arms. It breaks down your term into weeks so you can learn how your baby is developing, how to take care of it while in the womb, the changes taking place in your body throughout the pregnancy and such. After reading the book, you can bet that you will be better equipped to deal with anything that comes up during the pregnancy from a point of knowledge as opposed to a point of fear. While your doctor/OB may give you much of the information, having lots of knowledge about pregnancy will provide a good enough foundation for your discussions with your OB or doctor even if you are a first time mom. Preview Of What You'll Learn... Let's Get Some Facts Right FirstThe First TrimesterHealthcare and DietingWhat's happening to the baby?Your body changesLet's start with how the baby is changingHealthcare and DietingMuch, much more! Get your copy today! Tags: Baby, Newborn, ChildBirth, Motherhood, Parenting, Baby Guide, New Parent Books, Pregnant, Pregnancy

  • - El Manual para Disciplinar a Tus Pequeños- Ganando y Superando Las Batallas Diarias
    af Stacy Miller
    208,95 kr.

    ¿Te sientes agobiado? ¿Exhausto de las inevitables rabietas, las comidas delicadas, los contratiempos de entrenarse para ir al baño, los problemas del sueño, y todos esos actos parte del desafío que conlleva críar a un niño?La crianza es el trabajo más dificil que alguna vez tendrás y estos primeros días son unos de los más complicados. Mucho antes que sus hijos lleguen a la adolescencia, comenzarán a dar esos primeros pasos hacia la independencia. A medida que crecen, comienzan a probar los límites de maneras nuevas y, con frecuencia a menudo son frustrantes.El Manual de Crianza para Disciplinar a tus Niños te enseña como navegar por este momento dificil con calma y compasión. Con este libro, aprenderás: Por qué establecer límites y reglas es tan importanteCómo establecer esas reglas en cada etapa del desarrollo de tus hijosQué tipos de disciplina están mejor diseñadas para la personalidad de tus hijosPor qué los niños no escuchan y como comunicarse de una manera en la que ellos entiendanCómo promover la indepencia sin desafíosPorque encontrar la calma es la habilidad más importante que debes aprender¡Fortalece tus lazos con tus hijos mientras les brindas límites firmes y de apoyo!Incluso si es padre por primera vez sin experiencia en el manejo de los años más difíciles y más importantes de su hijo, El Manual de Crianza para Disciplinar a tus Niños puede ayudarte a mantenerte calmado y a desarrollar una estrategia disciplinaria para criar niños sanos y felices.Como padres, cada elección que tomamos afecta el desarrollo de nuestros niños y a quiénes son ellos mismos.¿Estás listo para aprender una manera mejor y más tranquila para criarlos? ¡Desliza y presiona el botón de comprar ahora!

  • af Stacy Miller
    188,95 kr.

    Congratulations! Be Prepare, Be Aware And Be Happy When that home pregnancy test kit or blood test returns positive, your world spines off. Immediately, you start thinking of all the things you out to buy, all the ways you ought to prepare, and all the changes you will undergo. Amidst the excitement, it is normal to feel panicky because the thought of carrying a baby to term, taking care of your health as well as the health of the baby and caring for a baby after birth is overwhelming. The best way to prepare yourself for motherhood as well as pregnancy is to become knowledgeable. In this guide, Expecting a Baby for New Moms, we shall look at, and understand the trimesters and the changes you can expect to see as your pregnancy progresses. You will also learn about how to take care of your health and your baby's as well as how to prepare for labor and child birth. You can never be 100% certain that you are pregnant until you take a home pregnancy test or a blood test at your OB's office. To get the correct results, do the test after missing your menstrual period. A missed period does not necessarily mean you are pregnant, but it is one of the major signs indicating that you could be pregnant. To count the duration of a pregnancy, we start from the first day of your last menstrual period up to the 37th-40th week. These 37-40 weeks further divide into three trimesters that last 13 weeks each. The first trimester starts on the first week, which begins on the first day of your last menstrual period all through to the 13th week. During the first trimester, although your pregnancy may not show, your body is going through many internal changes as it seeks to accommodate the growing fetus. To make this guide an easier read and comprehension, we shall divide each trimester into individual weeks. Here is what to expect in every week of the first trimester. Preview Of What You'll Learn... What To Expect In The First TrimesterChanges In Your BodyYour Baby's DevelopmentCravings and unusual hungerDiet And Fitness For The First TrimesterWhat To Expect In The Second TrimesterDiet And Fitness For The Second Trimester Much, much more! Purchase your copy today! Tags: Baby, Newborn, ChildBirth, Motherhood, Parenting, Baby Guide, New Parent Books, Pregnant, Pregnancy

  • - Métodos Comprobados para Entrenar a tu Niño para la Hora de Dormir sin Frustraciones
    af Stacy Miller
    163,95 kr.

    ¿Es la hora de dormir y estás en una constante lucha con tus niños? ¿Tienen problemas para quedarse dormidos o con frecuencia despiertan en medio de la noche? ¿Estás cansado de las noches sin dormir tratando de quedarte con ellos?No estás solo. Al menos 27 por ciento de todos los niños sufren de problemas para dormir. Ya sea que se trate de pesadillas, inquietudes, o que tu niño este probando los límites, estós problemas afectan millones de casas en todo el país. La falta de sueño no solo afecta a tu niño a la hora de dormir; conduce a estrés, cansancio, y frustración durante las horas del día también.Los niños que duermen independiente y felizmente en su propia cama son niños más seguros. Regresa a las bases con esta guía para los problemas a la hora de dormir a tu niño y cómo solventarlos. Utilizando una psicología infantil suave y gentil, técnicas de crianza respaldadas por hechos científicos, este libro te proveerá de todo lo necesario para enseñarle a tu niño como dormir por sí solo. Con los sencillos métodos aprobados en este libro, ¡aprenderás!: Cuándo son útiles las siestas y cómo organizarlas efectivamenteCómo el dormir independiente puede ayudar a facilitar la frustración y la impaciencia de tu niñoCómo manejar los terrores nocturnos y el sonambulismoPor qué establecer horarios y adherirse a ellos es importante para tu niñoCuándo dormir juntos es beneficioso¡Y mucho más!Incluso si tienes que despertar dos o tres veces durante la noche por causa de un niño exigente, puedes aprender los secretos de la hora de dormir.Combinando la experiencia de los padres con la investigación de los expertos, este libro puede ayudar a cualquier padre exhausto de manejar los problemas del sueño de sus niños de manera segura y fácil. ¿Estás listo para unas buenas noches de sueño para tu niño y para ti? ¡Despliega hacia arriba y presiona el botón ahora!

  • af Stacy Miller
    158,95 kr.

    Congratulations! Be Prepare, Be Aware And Be Happy Raising a baby is no child's play. Right from taking care of the baby's food needs, to ensuring you all get a good night's sleep, new parents have their work cut out for them even before the baby arrives in the world. It is vital for new parents to be proactive and prepare themselves for the journey into parenthood. They must plan everything out in such a way that allows them to enjoy every minute of the journey and experience immense joy. Whether you are just days away from giving birth, or have already welcomed your newborn into your lives, this book will serve as your sleep training guide. The book has been designed to teach you how you can take care of your baby's needs and ensure that baby gets enough sleep during the growing years. Sleep remains an important aspect of baby's growth and development and this book will guide you through the process. Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Importance of Sleep and Getting Started Sleep Basics and Setting up the Room Good Sleeping Habits from the Beginning Understanding the Baby's Psychology Myths and Misconceptions Concerning Sleep Training Nightmares and Sleepwalking Dealing with Travel Much, much more! Get your copy today! Tags: Baby, Newborn, ChildBirth, Motherhood, Parenting, Baby Guide, New Parent Books, Pregnant, Pregnancy

  • af Stacy Miller
    158,95 kr.

    Congratulations! Be Prepare, Be Aware And Be Happy Despite their small size, toddlers can be such a huge source of joy and laughter. But if they're deprived of much needed sleep, they can be cranky and difficult, becoming a great source of stress and anxiety. That's why if you have a toddler at home, it's important that you are able to make your toddler sleep well and on time, every time. In this book, you will learn how to put your toddler to sleep. You'll read about general strategies - those that can be applied to all age brackets - and age-specific ones. After reading this book, you'll have a much better understanding of your toddlers and will thus be able to help them go to sleep easily at night. Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Sleep-Deprived Toddler Putting Your Toddler to Sleep Minimize Sleep Disruptors Regular Exercise, Laughter, and the Great Outdoors? Develop New Habits for Sleeping Transferring Beds Putting Twins or Siblings to Sleep Much, much more! Download your copy today! Tags: Baby, Newborn, ChildBirth, Motherhood, Parenting, Baby Guide, New Parent Books, Pregnant, Pregnancy

  • - Your Baby's First Year
    af Stacy Miller
    188,95 kr.

    Congratulations! Be Prepare, Be Aware And Be Happy This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to be prepared for every stage of your infant's life. You don't want to miss a single moment because the time will pass quickly. Here's an inescapable fact: You will need to develop a lot of patience and tolerance for to raise this bundle of joy, but you are off to a good start. If you do not develop a roadmap of your baby's anticipated progress; you might miss an important step. The earlier you begin to chart his/her path; the happier your child can be later on when toddlerhood steps into the picture. It's time for you to become an amazing parent during the hardest year your baby can offer; the first one! The information provided should help you with some of the pitfalls you will surely experience with your infant. Everyone (especially you and your baby) should understand everything involved in raising a baby from infancy throughout the first years. Setting guidelines and providing a roadmap is all your bundle of joy needs to start his/her journey. Reasons To Have This Book As A Guideline For Parenting Better Understand Your Baby's First Year Physical, Social, & Cognitive Development Steps Know What Dad Can Do To Help and Support Understand What Your Child Can Eat and What to Avoid Recognize and Set Sleeping and Feeding Routine Learn How to Breastfeed or Bottle Feed Learn How to Bathe Your Baby Know What to Do With a Sick Baby Know How to Communicate With Your Baby Learn Ways of How to Exercise and Play with Your Baby Much, much more! Pick up your copy today! Tags: Baby, Newborn, ChildBirth, Motherhood, Parenting, Baby Guide, New Parent Books, Pregnant, Pregnancy

  • - 2-in-1 Pregnancy Books
    af Stacy Miller
    243,95 kr.

    Congratulations! Be Prepare, Be Aware And Be Happy Book1: Pregnancy: Expecting A Baby For New Moms When that home pregnancy test kit or blood test returns positive, your world spines off. Immediately, you start thinking of all the things you out to buy, all the ways you ought to prepare, and all the changes you will undergo. Amidst the excitement, it is normal to feel panicky because the thought of carrying a baby to term, taking care of your health as well as the health of the baby and caring for a baby after birth is overwhelming. The best way to prepare yourself for motherhood as well as pregnancy is to become knowledgeable. In this guide, Expecting a Baby for New Moms, we shall look at, and understand the trimesters and the changes you can expect to see as your pregnancy progresses. You will also learn about how to take care of your health and your baby's as well as how to prepare for labor and child birth. You can never be 100% certain that you are pregnant until you take a home pregnancy test or a blood test at your OB's office. To get the correct results, do the test after missing your menstrual period. A missed period does not necessarily mean you are pregnant, but it is one of the major signs indicating that you could be pregnant. To count the duration of a pregnancy, we start from the first day of your last menstrual period up to the 37th-40th week. These 37-40 weeks further divide into three trimesters that last 13 weeks each. The first trimester starts on the first week, which begins on the first day of your last menstrual period all through to the 13th week. During the first trimester, although your pregnancy may not show, your body is going through many internal changes as it seeks to accommodate the growing fetus. To make this guide an easier read and comprehension, we shall divide each trimester into individual weeks. Here is what to expect in every week of the first trimester. Book2: Pregnancy: Your Baby Guide Week For Week This book gives you a comprehensive understanding of how your baby is developing week for week as well as what it is you should do to ensure you have a healthy and successful pregnancy. Are you planning to get pregnant, just missed your periods and are suspecting that you could be pregnant or have already confirmed that you are pregnant? If either of these is true, congratulations-you are about to become a mother. But while this is definitely good news, you probably are worried; worried about whether you will carry the baby to full term, worried about the morning sickness, worried about the health of the baby that you are carrying and such. So what is it you can do to minimize your level of worry? Simple; you equip yourself with as much knowledge about pregnancy as possible so that you can approach it with all the confidence you need. This book provides all that i.e. knowledge to take you throughout your pregnancy from the 1st week to the day you get to hold your bundle of joy in your arms. It breaks down your term into weeks so you can learn how your baby is developing, how to take care of it while in the womb, the changes taking place in your body throughout the pregnancy and such. After reading the book, you can bet that you will be better equipped to deal with anything that comes up during the pregnancy from a point of knowledge as opposed to a point of fear. While your doctor/OB may give you much of the information, having lots of knowledge about pregnancy will provide a good enough foundation for your discussions with your OB or doctor even if you are a first time mom. Pick up your copy today!

  • - 3-in-1 Pregnancy Books
    af Stacy Miller
    273,95 kr.

    Congratulations! Be Prepare, Be Aware And Be Happy Book1: Parenting: Your Baby's First Year The information provided should help you with some of the pitfalls you will surely experience with your infant. Everyone (especially you and your baby) should understand everything involved in raising a baby from infancy throughout the first years. Setting guidelines and providing a roadmap is all your bundle of joy needs to start his/her journey. Reasons to Have This Book as a Guideline for Parenting Better Understand Your Baby's First Year Physical, Social, & Cognitive Development Steps Know What Dad Can Do To Help and Support Understand What Your Child Can Eat and What to Avoid Recognize and Set Sleeping and Feeding Routine Learn How to Breastfeed or Bottle Feed Learn How to Bathe Your Baby Know What to Do With a Sick Baby Know How to Communicate With Your Baby Learn Ways of How to Exercise and Play with Your Baby Learning how to take care of your infant in the first year will help you continue with development for your child for many years to come. Book2: Pregnancy: Expecting A Baby For New Moms When that home pregnancy test kit or blood test returns positive, your world spines off. Immediately, you start thinking of all the things you out to buy, all the ways you ought to prepare, and all the changes you will undergo. Amidst the excitement, it is normal to feel panicky because the thought of carrying a baby to term, taking care of your health as well as the health of the baby and caring for a baby after birth is overwhelming. The best way to prepare yourself for motherhood as well as pregnancy is to become knowledgeable. In this guide, Expecting a Baby for New Moms, we shall look at, and understand the trimesters and the changes you can expect to see as your pregnancy progresses. You will also learn about how to take care of your health and your baby's as well as how to prepare for labor and child birth. Book3: Pregnancy: Your Baby Guide Week For Week This book gives you a comprehensive understanding of how your baby is developing week for week as well as what it is you should do to ensure you have a healthy and successful pregnancy. This book provides all that i.e. knowledge to take you throughout your pregnancy from the 1st week to the day you get to hold your bundle of joy in your arms. It breaks down your term into weeks so you can learn how your baby is developing, how to take care of it while in the womb, the changes taking place in your body throughout the pregnancy and such. After reading the book, you can bet that you will be better equipped to deal with anything that comes up during the pregnancy from a point of knowledge as opposed to a point of fear. While your doctor/OB may give you much of the information, having lots of knowledge about pregnancy will provide a good enough foundation for your discussions with your OB or doctor even if you are a first time mom. Pick up your copy today!

  • af Stacy Miller
    168,95 kr.

    Is bedtime a constant struggle with your toddler? Do they have trouble falling asleep or often wake in the middle of the night? Are you exhausted from sleepless nights of your own trying to keep up with them?You are not alone. At least 27 percent of all children suffer from sleep issues. Whether the issue is nightmares, restlessness, or young children testing boundaries, these problems affect millions of households across the country. Lack of sleep doesn't just affect your child at bedtime; it brings stress, exhaustion, and frustration during the daytime hours as well.The child that sleeps independently and happily in their own bed is a secure child. Get back to basics with this guide to toddler bedtime troubles and how to solve them. Using child psychology and gentle, science-backed parenting techniques, this book will provide you with everything necessary to teach your child how to sleep on their own. With the simple, proven methods in this book, you will learn: When naps are most useful and how to schedule them effectivelyHow independent sleeping can help ease toddler frustration and impatienceHow to handle night terrors and sleepwalkingWhy setting schedules and sticking to them is important for your childWhen co-sleeping is beneficialAnd much more!Even if you find yourself waking two or three times a night with a fussy toddler, you can learn the secrets to bedtime.Combining parental experience and expert research, this book can help any exhausted parent manage their child's sleep issues safely and easily. Are you ready for a good night's sleep for yourself and your child? Scroll up and hit the buy button now!

  • - Finding Your Identity in Being a Child of God
    af Stacy Miller
    136,95 - 301,95 kr.

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