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Bøger af Stefan Marx

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  • af Stefan Marx
    542,95 kr.

    2019 begann Stefan Marx mit seiner Serie von Monotypien. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Berliner Siebdrucker Björn Wiede entwickelte er seine eigene Arbeitsweise: In drei Arbeitsgängen entstehen drei Einzelbilder - ein positives, ein negatives und ein »Geisterbild«, der ghost. An diesem neuen Ansatz faszinierten ihn zunächst der fette Farbauftrag und die Intensität der Pigmente. Beim Farbauftrag wird die Bildoberfläche selbst nicht berührt - die Bildfindungen ergeben sich über die Bearbeitung des Drucksiebs. Ein großer Teil dieser Monotypien sind Schriftbilder, doch es gibt ebenso figürliche Bildmotive, darunter Tierzeichnungen und andere Zeichen aus dem Motivinventar von Stefan Marx.Dieses Buch schließt an den Band Schriftbilder an: Auch Monotypien hat Stefan Marx als Künstlerbuch entwickelt und arbeitet mit einer faszinierenden Verschränkung zwischen den Abbildungen der Werke und den Entwurfskizzen aus seinen Notizbüchern.STEFAN MARX (*1979 Schwalmstadt, Hessen) ist Zeichner, Skateboarder und Kulturphilosoph. Seine unverwechselbare Handschrift findet sich auf Papier, Leinwand, Porzellan und Textilien. Er entwirft für verschiedene Labels, veröffentlicht im Eigenverlag Zines, zeigt seine Arbeiten bei zahlreichen internationalen Ausstellungen, Art Book Fairs und in Galerien. Marx lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.

  • af Stefan Marx
    195,95 kr.

    In 2019, Berlin-based contemporary artist Stefan Marx created a series of drawings for a daily column in The New York Times. Now, he has turned his Reading the News series into quite a unique board book. Whether you think of it as an artist's book, a coloring book, or an inspiring children's book, it opens up unusual spaces for our imaginations. With just a few concise lines, Stefan Marx cheerful fruit and veg will change your frame of mind about reading the news.Over the past 20 years, contemporary artist, skateboarder and illustrator STEFAN MARX (*1979 Schwalmstadt, Germany) has lent his unique handwriting to a variety of media: paper, canvas, porcelain and textiles. He publishes artists' books and zines, designs record covers for various labels, and shows his work in international exhibitions, at art book fairs and galleries. Marx lives and works in Berlin.

  • af Stefan Marx
    252,95 kr.

    In "Das Kapitel" (¿), Stefan Marx wanders around highly commercialized New York, deals with human feelings and forms of life on both sides of the Atlantic, documents superficial materialism and contrasts it with typefaces made up of quotes and lines. In 52 drawings, Stefansan shows a chapter of our present. From right to left.

  • af Stefan Marx
    274,95 kr.

  • af Stefan Marx
    212,95 kr.

  • - Schriftbilder / Type Works
    af Stefan Marx
    344,95 kr.

    The Medium and the Message Words become images-writing, drawings, designs. For around twenty years Stefan Marx has been studying script. Lines of songs, sayings, sentences, and quotations, which he then translates in his own script, his graphic writing, into paintings or drawings-two-dimensional surfaces. The poetry of the statements and the painterly quality of the execution combine to form strong works of art. Marx develops each of his pieces with great precision for the specific situation, for the individual work of art, regardless of whether it is an edition, a unique work, a house, or a small invitation card. This is the first book about his Word Paintings in their many varieties and in all media. Essays explain Marx's drawing, printmaking, and painting, as well as his unique interplay of art and pop culture, sign and life.STEFAN MARX (*1979, Schwalmstadt) is an artist, a skateboarder, and a cultural philosopher. He published artist's books through his own publishing company, designs record covers for various labels, and exhibits his works at art book fairs and galleries. His work has been seen in many international exhibitions, as well as in his graphic designs for programs and labels. In August 2019 his drawing column appeared daily in the New York Times.

  • - Notes
    af Stefan Marx
    112,95 kr.

    Stefan Marx draws a great deal on a variety of grounds: large- and small-sized, colored or white paper; on cardboard, porcelain, skateboards, or textiles. He also always likes to draw in small notebooks. He takes them everywhere, because they are convenient, lightweight, and are the right size for any idea. Marx has developed an edition out of these notebooks, with four different covers and surprising drawings here and there on the inside pages-four sketch books one ISBN. The luck of the draw, or coincidence, determines which cover goes to whom, or preferably, you can acquire the whole set, if you like. This is a unique notebook for all big and small ideas, thoughts, or texts.STEFAN MARX (*1979 Schwalmstadt, Hesse) is a draftsman, skateboarder, illustrator, and cultural philosopher. He publishes artist books through his own publishing company, makes record covers for various labels, and shows his work at art book fairs and galleries. His work has been seen in numerous international exhibitions, and he does illustrations for programs and labels. In August 2019 his columns on vegetables appeared daily in The New York Times.

  • af Stefan Marx
    274,95 kr.

  • - Kritische Theorie Und Oeffentliche Kritik
    af Stefan Marx
    961,95 kr.

  • af Stefan Marx
    157,95 kr.

  • - Regierungskommunikation Unter Schroeder Und Blair
    af Stefan Marx
    457,95 kr.

    Als Ende der 90er-Jahre Tony Blair und Gerhard Schröder an die Macht kamen, war viel die Rede von Neuer Mitte und Spin Doctoring - linke Politik in neuer Verpackung. Stefan Marx, selbst aktiver Beobachter des politischen Geschehens in Berlin und London, beleuchtet die Hinterbühnen der Regierungszentralen unter Tony Blair und Gerhard Schröder. Er vergleicht den Stil der Informationspolitik der beiden Regierungschefs. Der Autor sprach dafür mit 50 Spitzenakteuren aus Polit-PR und Journalismus. Seine Untersuchung zeigt: Der Hype um den angeblich allmächtigen Spin Doctor verdeckt das eigentliche Phänomen - die verzweifelte Suche der Regierenden nach Antworten auf das rasante Tempo der neuen 24-Stunden-Newsmedien.

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