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Bøger af Stephen Garner

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  • af Stephen Garner
    157,95 kr.

    The establishment of the human race was inaugurated with a blessing pronounced by God, our Creator. The blessing is necessary for God's created works to live in accordance to His design and desire for us. I'm convinced that a part from the blessing, humanity will be met with challenges and indifference not written in the Eternal's narrative for us. To try and capture all that the blessing entails is a task too great for one author. There would be volumes of books necessary to fulfill such a task. Therefore the goal of this book is to impart passion for the blessing. Also to lay biblical foundation on why the blessing is needed. Lastly, you will be enlightened with biblical insight on protocols to receive and partake of the blessing.

  • af Stephen Garner
    169,95 kr.

    The human body is the primary lens through which we view, encounter and engage the world around us. It is no surprise then to find a wide range of theological reflection upon the human body, from those that affirm the human body as something very good, through to other more negative views where the body is something to be marginalised or escaped from. The body and theology also meet in conversations over body, mind and soul; gender; disability; eschatology; race and culture; sexuality; Christology; and medicine and technology to name but a few. Each of the authors in this volume pick up the theme of embodiment as the lens through which they look at an aspect of theology and body, providing an engaging window onto some of these discussions.

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