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  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    127,95 kr.

    The author explains how to unlease power of your mind to create whatever you seek, including the life and circumstances you want to enjoy. To do so, he presents evidence from the Director of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia that the brain does not create your conscious. Rather, the brain connects your consciousness to your body, which exists elsewhere prior to birth and after death. He also presents evidence from quantum physics experiments that shows consciousness actually creates reality. For more than a hundred years, many great thinkers have believed our thoughts create our personal realities, as in James Allen's, AS A MAN THINKETH, and Napoleon Hill's THINK AND GROW RICH. Knowing clearly how this works, makes it easier to create the reality you want, and that is just one of the Amazing Truths you will learn in this book.

  • - Second Edition
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    137,95 - 152,95 kr.

    "Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, and the physical is the result." These words, repeated often by Edgar Cayce [1877-1945] while in a hypnotic trance, describe the formula behind the existence of the physical world and all its trappings, and that includes you and all life on earth. If you would like to know the meaning of life, how you came to be, and how to find purpose in order to make the most of it, this book is a must-read.Known worldwide during his lifetime as "The Sleeping Prophet," Edgar Cayce twice-daily put himself into a hypnotic trance and was able to answer any question put to him. As the very extensive record shows, the accuracy of information revealed by Cayce that could be checked and verified was nothing less than extraordinary. Author and metaphysician Stephen Hawley Martin interviewed authorities steeped in the information contained in Cayce's more than 14,000 psychic readings and in doing so received answers to questions humans have pondered since they first came down from trees and walked upright on the African savanna. Martin shares the interviews and the answers in this volume, along with a bonus book, "The Magic of Mission: Discover Your Purpose, Find Meaning, Achieve Success, and Above All, Be Happy," which he wrote to pinpoint a way for you to identify your mission and use Cayce's formula to achieve it.Don't miss this incredibly enlightening and empowering read. Scroll up and click "Buy Now."

  • - The True Story of a 21st Century Prodigal Son
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    142,95 kr.

    This is the true story of a young man who was raised a Christian. As a teenager he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father, a successful evangelical Christian pastor, but as a newly minted college graduate, his attitude changed. Some Christian doctrine he had been brought up to believe now struck him as negative, uncharitable, and difficult to believe. So, to the horror of his parents, he left the Church. Three years later, circumstances caused his personal life to fall apart. Stuck in deep depression, he became suicidal. When he hit bottom, he had a epiphany-a spiritual awakening. The experience prompted him to reinterpret statements he recalled Jesus had made about the kingdom of God. He saw these verses in a totally new light and realized that no one he knew-not his father, not his Sunday school teachers, no one-had understood what Jesus had been trying to communicate. His experience and his new understanding of Jesus' message turned his life around. He realized that if the Church were to embrace and begin to communicate the truth he now understood, Christianity would almost certainly undergo a renaissance. It would literally set people free, as learning the truth, and living the truth, had set him free.Read this book and discover what this young man discovered. As with him, it will likely change in an immensely positive way how you view life and your relationship with God.

  • - What Every Thinking Person Must Know
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    152,95 kr.

    If you are a devout Christian with an unshakable faith in God, you probably should not read this book. You may learn some things that may cause you to question certain Christian dogma, and as the saying goes, "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." On the other hand, if you have doubts concerning whether or not there's a creator, and if you'd like to know the true nature of reality, as well as about falsehoods you learned in school and college, this book is a must-read.

  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    117,95 kr.

    A secret formula exists that only a few sages, gurus, and wise men and woman have known down through the ages. Bestselling author and metaphysician, Stephen Hawley Martin, reveals that formula in this book. He will guide you, the reader, step by step to an understanding of how and why the formula works. Once armed with this knowledge, you will be able to harness your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, and thereby be able to work the formula to create whatever you really and truly want from life. This is why the author says the formula puts "The Law of Attraction on Steroids."Most science taught in school today, and for the past 100 years or so, is based upon a materialist view of reality. It does not recognize what has been revealed by quantum mechanics, that all is one, and so the materialist version of science fails to incorporate the emerging worldview held by scientists on the cutting edge that mind is the ground of being of all that is. Some call the ground of being the "Divine Matrix," others "The Field," but regardlesss of the name you may wish to use, your mind is fully integrated with the Infinite Mind that molds this "Field of Infinite Possibilities" into the reality you experience. It may feel as though you are separate and apart from what surrounds you-you may even think you are contained entirely within your skin-but you are not. You are seamlessly connected to the whole, and the whole is an extension of your mind. This is why your thoughts and emotions create your environment and your experiences. If you want something different in life from what you have now, it is time to wake up and to begin creating it consciously. This book will show you how.

  • - A Paranormal Thriller
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    182,95 kr.

    Sometimes one has to wonder if some politicians in Washington, D.C., aren't demon possessed. The things they say. The crazy way they sometimes talk. The ideas they appear to believe. Maybe, just maybe they are possessed by Lucifer himself-or perhaps by one of his minions.A presidential campaign is heating up, the polls say it's much too close to call, when former lovers on opposite sides of the political aisle are thrown together. She is beautiful, compassionate, and Liberal-a strategist for the progressive candidate for President of the United States. He is the campaign manager for the opposition candidate-handsome, conservative, and she would say, hard-nosed and hard-hearted-with a reputation as a womanizer. Sparks fly when they come in contact. Too bad they are on opposing sides-until, that is, she realizes something sinister is going on. Her candidate-the one she has placed all her faith in-is exhibiting bizarre behavior. Is her candidate being blackmailed? Will he help her uncover what's going on?As events unfold, they come to realize they have no choice, they must cooperate-work together-for if they fail, a new dark age will engulf the entire world. And time is running out. As Election Day draws near, they realize their adversary is no mortal human being. He is truly the Son of Perdition. Can they stop him? Will they be able to save the planet? You won't want to put this book down until you find out.

  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    172,95 kr.

    A presidential campaign is heating up, the polls say it's much too close to call, when they are thrown together. She is beautiful, compassionate, and Liberal. He is handsome, Conservative, and has the reputation of a womanizer. They come in contact and sparks fly. Too bad they are on different sides. Then she realizes something sinister is going on that's causing her candidate to exhibit bizarre behavior. Will he help her find out what's happening? As destiny would have it, they quickly realize they have no choice, they must come together and work together-for if they fail, a new dark age will engulf the world. Time is running out. Election Day draws near. Will they be able to save the planet? You won't want to put this book down until you find out.

  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    87,95 kr.

    Ever noticed that some people appear to have all the luck? Practically everything they touch turns to gold. Now you can be one of them. Metaphysician Stephen Hawley Martin explains in this book that there's a winner sleeping within you and he knows how to wake it up. He has written this book to do just that and to bring to the fore the very special, confident part of you that will attract the people and the things you want to be around. This book is a quick read that can be the catalyst that starts you on a path to a life you may have thought possible only in your dreams. So, what are you waiting for? Start reading it now, and you will be on your way to happiness, fulfillment, and peace of mind. That's why he says, Lucky you

  • - How New Evidence Will Change Your View of All Three
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    182,95 kr.

    Many books have been written about the Salem Witch Hysteria, but none in modern times that disclose what actually happened, making this book unique. The author, a direct descendant of Susannah North Martin, one of the women tried, convicted, and hanged, lays out powerful evidence from highly credible scientific studies and sources that God, Satan, heaven and hell are real, and that the theory the afflicted girls faked their symptoms is wrong. Anyone who would be informed and up-to-date about what really happened at Salem in 1692, as well as the true nature of reality, must know about this research and the chilling implications it holds for them personally in the twenty-first century.

  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    152,95 kr.

    This two-book volume reveals the most important secrets of life, which understood, embraced, and put into practice can lead to fulfillment, contentment, and an unsurpassed sense of liberty and personal freedom. In truth, the single most important secret disclosed is not a secret at all. It has been divulged repeatedly by scientific research as explained in plain, everyday English by the author. It is a "secret" only because so view people know about and acknowledge it. The author predicts, however, that in 50 to perhaps 100 years, it will be common knowledge. In the meantime, you can use the secret to create the life that until now you may only have dreamed was possible. The author, who entered adulthood as an agnostic-after spending 40 years researching, studying and reconciling metaphysics and science-has come to the conclusion that the psalmist was telling the truth when he wrote,"You are gods," (see Psalm 82:6 NIV), a verse reiterated by Jesus in the Gospel of John (see John 10:34) and further amplified by Jesus when he said, "Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these . . . " (John 14:12 NIV)Would you like to work miracles? Is it really possible?Read this book and find out.

  • - Seven Steps to Create the Future You Want
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    127,95 kr.

    The time you take reading this short book can be the most important hour or two you will ever spend. The author lays out in plan English seven easy steps that will help you pinpoint where you truly want to go in life and the most direct path that will take you there. If you long for a fulfilling and happy time here on earth, free from worry and care, this book can show you how can achieve that goal, no matter what your background or personal limitations may be. Best of all, it will do so unambiguously and in very short order. Once you finish reading this little book, you will have all the knowledge you need to create a future that you may not have thought possible until now.

  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    142,95 - 152,95 kr.

    What happens when we die? Powerful evidence indicates our consciousness continues. The author spent two years gathering material that demonstrates this, interviewing more than a hundred experts, including medical doctors, psychologists, parapsychologists, psychiatrists, quantum physicists and researchers into the true nature of reality. The author relates specific examples that indicate what happens when we die, citing among other things examples of memories being formed and retained despite a subject's brain having shutdown completely. Moreover, he addresses such questions as whether or not we will be able to communicate with living loved ones, whether it is possible to be reborn, and what may be missing from current biological and reproductive theory to explain the various phenomena indicated in the case histories he presents. Among the notables he interviewed are quantum physicist Henry Stapp, author of "Mind, Matter, and Quantum Theory," F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater, former President of The Monroe Institute and one-time Training Officer for the once highly classified U.S. Army Intelligence remote-viewing surveillance program, Julie Beischel, Ph.D., Co-Founder and Director of Research at the Windbridge Institute, Stephen E. Braude, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Former Chair of the Department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County and current Editor-in-Chief of the "Journal of Scientific Exploration," and Jim B. Tucker, M.D., medical director of the Child and Family Psychiatry Clinic, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. All of us will someday cross the border to what Shakespeare called "The undiscovered country." As long as we have to make the trip, would it not be smart to find out where we are going?

  • - Knowledge that Leads to Enlightenment
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    127,95 kr.

    The goal of this book is to impart knowledge, or gnosis, that will enable the reader to attain enlightenment. This state comes with the realization at a deep level that there is not what we think of as a "self" inside our body, but rather, that the body serves as a vehicle for consciousness, and it is consciousness-not our body or our brain-that gives us a sense of self. That the body/brain is a vehicle for consciousness is no longer theory. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have concluded after fifty years of arduous study that the brain does not create consciousness. Rather, the brain is a receiver of consciousness in the same way cell phones and radios are receivers of signals that originate somewhere else and arrive in the form of electromagnetic waves. Our bodies and brains evolved over time in order to bring Infinite Mind into physical reality. This means Infinite Mind is us, and we are Infinite Mind. Read this book and meditate on that. Once it sinks in, and you have an "ah-ha" moment, you will be well on your way to a permanent state of enlightenment

  • - Good News for Open-Minded Christians & Other Truth-Seekers
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    117,95 kr.

    For more than a thousand years reincarnation has been banned from mainstream Christian doctrine. But recently, a number of apparently credible cases have appeared in books and in the media. Can it actually happen, and if so, how might the reality of it impact followers of Jesus? For two years the author produced and hosted a radio show called The Truth about Life. As a result, he read and interviewed hundreds of authors and researchers engaged in quests for truth, including medical doctors, parapsychologists, quantum physicists, theologians, metaphysicians, near death survivors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and others conducting research into the true nature of reality. What he learned led him to what he believes is an accurate view of the reality we inhabit. It also led him to become a Christian. In this book you will learn what he found out-what life is all about, your life included-and what each of us ought to do about it.

  • - The Law of One, RA, and the End of Suffering
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    127,95 kr.

    Are you ready to move from Third Density to Fourth? Humanity is passing through a time of change, experiencing the birth pains, and some will be left behind. Wouldn't you like to eliminate nagging thoughts that cause suffering, uneasiness, perhaps even sleepless nights? Thoughts like the fear of losing your income, your health, even the fear of death? Wouldn't you prefer to replace all that with a newfound sense of joy, purpose, and never-ending life? If you have the courage to set aside what you think you know, reading this book will be like turning on a light in a dark room. If you have the courage to read it with a truly open mind, you won't ever have to search for the truth again, and you will see reality clearly, perhaps for the very first time.This book imparts information and explains techniques that when put into practice can mitigate, if not totally eliminate all fear and instead create a sense of confidence and well being within you that you may not have thought possible.Where does the information come from?An extraterrestrial entity and ancient astronaut known as RA first visited the Egyptians thousands of years ago to impart information concerning how to build the pyramids and much, much more. Called the Law of One, it led the Egyptians to achieve a great civilization, and it can lead you to a fulfilling life of abundance.Almost 40 years ago, RA transmitted the information again to three humans on Earth, and at that time predicted the societal upheaval and changes occurring today. RA said Earth is moving from a Third Density planet to a Fourth Density planet, and that the vibration level of Earth would reach a majority, 51 percent Fourth Density level in the year 2012. We can actually see the shift into Fourth Density occurring in the dramatic changes now coming about in social justice, equal rights for minorities, awareness of global corruption, and the enormous advances in worldwide communications, all of which have exploded recently. To take full advantage of the change that is happening, you must achieve Fourth Density consciousness.RA said that during this time of transition, each person alive today must make a choice, and two paths forward are possible. According to RA, neither path is wrong. They are, however, complete opposites, and will bring very different futures. You can choose one of these paths to Fourth Density, or choose to stay put, remain in Third Density, and continue to endure psychological suffering for another 25,000 years. What you decide is totally up to you. Read this book and then do what you feel makes sense. To get started, all you have to do is locate the yellow-orange rectangle and click "Buy Now."

  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    107,95 kr.

    All you have to do is turn on the news to see that our world is in transition, a transition that presents every human being alive today with a choice. Your decision concerning the direction you take, coupled with the decisions of others, will determine the outcome. And if the author is right, deciding not to choose between two alternatives this book presents may cause you to spend the next 25,000 years in a place you'd rather not be. The choice is yours, and the author points out, it will likely not be a hard one to make. The book is a quick read, it's written in plain English, and the choice for most of us will be a no-brainer. Best of all, what you learn, and then having made a commitment, will almost certainly bring about in you a confident and peaceful state of mind. So what are you waiting for? See that yellow button that says, "Buy Now?" Simply give it a click.

  • - How to Find and Pursue Your Purpose
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    107,95 kr.

    Do you feel glad to be alive? Do you look forward to Monday mornings? Are you "following your bliss," as the late Joseph Campbell always advised his students at Sarah Lawrence to do? If you answered "No" to one or more of these questions, you are surely on the wrong track, going where you will never, ever be happy. This book lays out six steps that will help you find your purpose and make a course correction onto the right path, a path that leads to happiness, fulfillment, and yes, to bliss. That's what happens when you are doing what you were born to do. So why not take the time to find out what that is? All you have to do is read this book to learn how.Stephen Hawley Martin is the author of several books that have achieved best-selling status in their categories on Amazon, including, "Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die," "Actual Magic: Unleash the Power of Your Mind," and "The Power of You: Nothing Can Stop You from Achieving Your Dreams Once You Realize Who You Actually Are." A former advertising agency President and CEO, he is the only three-time winner of the Writer's Digest Book Award, having won first prize twice for fiction and once for nonfiction. He also has won a first prize for visionary fiction from Independent Publisher and a first prize for nonfiction from USA Book News.

  • - Life After Death Books I & II
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    172,95 kr.

    This two book volume contains the author's bestselling title, "Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die" and the sequel, "Life After Death Book II: Heaven, Hell & You," thereby revealing what everyone living today needs to know about life after death. Book One lays out indisputable evidence the brain does not create your consciousness, and that when your body dies, your consciousness will be released into a mental realm. It explains what you can expect to experience during the first minutes until you come to a border near death survivors agree is a point of no return. Book Two will lead you past that border to explore that Shakespeare called, "The undiscovered country," a mental realm each individual creates for him or herself. It also makes suggestions about actions to take now to insure the best possible outcome after death. Read what reviewers had to say about Book I: "Extraordinary findings in Stephen Martin's newest book, Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die, will keep readers on the edge of their seats as they burn through this well written book's pages. . . ."- Mark Davis, M.D."If you only read one book about the afterlife, I highly recommend this one. It's an extensive research project and is quite understandable for the average reader. . . ." - Alan Halverson"I couldn't put this book down. I'm 34 years old with no major health issues and have been recently dealing with a lot of anxiety over death. . . ."- Nicole Ryan"This is one of the most powerful books on this subject that I have ever read. Very inspiring."- C. Ann Clarkon"Very accessible and well-written overview of recent research supporting evidence of consciousness existing independent of the brain; as well as its implications for survival of awareness after physical death. . . ."- Keith Park, Ph.D.

  • - Discover Your Purpose, Find Meaning, Achieve Success, and Above All, Be Happy
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    117,95 kr.

    Whether or not you realize it, you are a spiritual being having a physical experience, and you came into this reality with a mission. The key to fulfillment, success, and abundance in this lifetime is to re-discover that mission and find the best way to pursue it, and that's precisely what this book was written to help you do. Bestselling author Stephen Hawley Martin lays out a process to cause you to remember, a simple procedure to help you create a plan, and a formula to follow that will help you accomplish it. So why not take advantage of the magic of mission? All you have to do to be on your way to success and abundance is click "Buy Now."

  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    142,95 kr.

    If you are ready to become enlightened, this book can be your teacher. As the saying goes, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."If you answer these questions in the affirmative, you are ready: Do you have the intuitive sense that there is a great deal more to reality that can be seen and experienced with the five bodily senses? Do you have an open, seeking mind? Are you willing, as you read this book, to set aside what you may have been brought up to believe? Are you willing to give the information and ideas it contains serious thought and to act on them if you feel what you have read resonates with truth? If so, enlightenment and peace can be yours. All you have to do to begin is click "Buy Now.

  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    107,95 kr.

    Actual Magic is real magic, not the illusionary "magic" of stage magicians or the fantasy magic of Harry Potter. Actual Magic refers to events that take place due to the thoughts and emotions of one or more individuals. Actual Magic happens around us all the time. For example, you probably know someone who, for no apparent reason, seems to be lucky. Good fortune flows to them, effortlessly. You may also know someone who experiences misfortune after misfortune for no apparent reason. Both are working Actual Magic, but do not realize it. As this book explains, we all work Actual Magic every day but hardly anyone does so consciously. You may be working Actual Magic to your benefit, or just as likely to your detriment, and yet not know it. Read this book and find out. In it, the author explains how Actual Magic works, why it works, and how those who take it seriously and apply the techniques this book reveals can use it to create a life of purpose, fulfillment, and plenty.Why continue to allow your circumstances to control you, when you can learn to control your circumstances? There's no longer any need because that's what this book is meant to teach.

  • - Why You're Here, How It Happened, What to Do About It
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    172,95 kr.

    This book answers the big questions: Why the was universe created; who you are and why you are here on earth. It shows prayer can work, explains why it sometimes doesn't and what you must do to get results. This book goes well beyond the law of attraction. You will learn how to find purpose and to make the most of life. Do not misunderstand, this is not a religious book. It is a book about living in the world today and using hidden knowledge, knowledge only the world's great achievers have understood until now, to create a better life. If you want to find your destiny and unlock the door to the Kingdom that dwells within you, this book tells how.

  • - Opportunity for a Christian Renaissance
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    137,95 kr.

    A new worldview is emerging the author expects to be predominate by 2026. Many today already take aspects of it for granted-that a nonphysical reality exists, known by many as "heaven," and that survival of consciousness after death of the body is the norm. But like many complex subjects, the devil is in the details. The author does not doubt, for example, that neurosurgeon Eben Alexander went to heaven in 2008 while in a meningitis-induced coma, but he does question whether Dr. Alexander would have stayed there had he not recovered and returned to the physical world. Martin also points to a theory being espoused by a physicist about the creation of the physical universe and life on earth that-probably without the theorist realizing it-coincides with and supports Jesus' teachings. In this book, Martin examines the emerging worldview, explores its ramifications, and explains why learning the truth led him to be baptized, to put Jesus in the driver's seat, and to share what he learned so others might decide if it makes sense for them to do the same.

  • - A Whodunit
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    152,95 kr.

    "A thrilling and evocative read," according to Mike Chapman, the Editor-in-Chief of ADWEEK magazine. It's not just the author's insider-view of a creative and bustling ad agency that will keep you turning pages. It's romance, intrigue, and a sinister killer lurking in the shadows. Not only did it win First Place for Fiction from Writer's Digest, consider what these advertising professions have to say: "The author lifts the mystery about what goes on inside an ad agency. His characters are real ad people, talking the talk, while murder is added to their list of anxieties." -David N. Martin, Founder, The Martin Agency " . . . enough twists and turns to keep you guessing to the very end. . . . Martin weaves interesting characters together, keeps the plot moving and gives the reader a fun read." -Richard E Klein, Principal, Fogarty Klein & Partners "Stephen Hawley Martin knows the ad business well, but we already knew that. Now we know that he can also write a taut, compelling thriller that keeps the reader guessing from the opening page." -O. Burtch Drake, President & CEO, American Association of Advertising Agencies "A great murder mystery that keeps the reader on the edge of his or her seat, so to speak, until the very end. Finally, a novel about the advertising business that portrays it as it really is. A great read!" -Ed Eskandarian, Chairman & CEO, Arnold Communications "Well done!" -Joseph J. Cronin, President & CEO, Saatchi & Saatchi

  • - What You Must Know to Harness the Awesome Power of Your Mind
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    102,95 kr.

    The contents of this book can help you transform your life into the one you want. Anyone who is familiar with the great twentieth century "Sleeping" Prophet Edgar Cayce knows that one of the most frequently mentioned concepts in the material generated by Cayce's more than 14,000 recorded psychic readings is that "Spirit is the Life, Mind is the Builder, and the Physical is the Result." In other words, Spirit is the source of all life. The mind focuses that energy into creative (positive) or destructive (negative) avenues of expression like bright light passing through an image on clear celluloid. The result is that our thoughts and resulting choices will eventually find expression in the physical world we inhabit, affecting not only ourselves but our relationships with one another. This concept is the basis of just about every successful self-help book written in the past hundred years. In 1904, Thomas Troward presented a series of lectures at Edinburgh University called, "The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science." A true genius who was a century or two ahead of his time, Troward's lectures explain in detail why and how this law so frequently repeated by Cayce works. Troward also explained how an individual can put the law to work for his or her benefit. Unfortunately, Troward wrote his lectures in the scientific vernacular of his day, making them practically incomprehensible to all but a few academicians of his time. Now prizewinning author and noted metaphysician (Keys to the Kingdom) Stephen Hawley Martin has translated the lectures into plain English and included them in this book along with helpful commentary. What this boils down to is: If you want to create the life you dare to imagine, this book is absolutely a "must read."

  • - Nothing Can Stop You from Achieving Your Dreams Once You Realize Who You Actually Are
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    97,95 kr.

    Once you read this book, any doubts you may now have about your ability to achieve the life you want-a life of fulfillment, prosperity, and genuine companionship-will melt away. In its place will come a deep sense of confidence due to the revelation that you have access to extraordinary power, even though you did not know it before. Amazing as it may seem, you will discover you are not the person locked inside your skin you may have thought you were. You are infinitely greater. So much so, you have the ability to accomplish whatever you set your mind to and believe possible. This book will explain why you can achieve a life without limits, and it will reveal a path you can follow in order to attain the life and circumstances you truly want. Stephen Hawley Martin is the author of a best-selling book in its category, "Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die," and the recently released title, "Actual Magic: Unleash the Power of Your Mind" that has achieved bestseller status in One-Hour Self-Help Short Reads on Amazon. He is the only three-time winner of the Writer's Digest Book Award, having won first prize twice for fiction and once for nonfiction. He also has won a first prize for visionary fiction from Independent Publisher and a first prize for nonfiction from USA Book News.

  • - The Secret You Can Use to Create the Life You Want
    af Stephen Hawley Martin
    117,95 kr.

    What would you give to possess the Holy Grail? King Arthur and his knights believed it would provide its owner with happiness, eternal youth, and wealth in infinite abundance. You can discover and possess the True Holy Grail simply by reading this book. The author presents a convincing case that the True Gail is not an object, not the chalice Jesus drank from at the Last Supper, that in reality it is the secret Jesus knew that enabled him to work miracles. The author reveals that secret in this book.Everyone knows the Bible says Jesus worked many miracles, from walking on water and healing the sick, to turning water into wine and bringing the dead back to life. In this book the author explains what Jesus knew and how he was able to use that knowledge to accomplish the amazing feats the Gospel writers described. The author writes that we have the same power. The first problem for most of us is that we do not realize it. The second problem is that once we come to know we have it, we don't know how to use it. If we could only discover how to put the power to work, we would be in possession of what legends of old have referred to as "The Holy Grail." And that's what this book reveals.

  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    107,95 kr.

    Stephen Hawley Martin's LIFE AFTER DEATH, POWERFUL EVIDENCE YOU WILL NEVER DIE laid out indisputable evidence the brain is not the source of your consciousness. Rather, it is a receiver that connects and integrates it with your body, and when the body dies, consciousness is released. That book described first few minutes after death as recounted by numerous near death survivors, many of whom unanimously agree they reached a border, a point of no return, that if crossed would have prohibited them from returning to life. This book takes readers past that border to explain what William Shakespeare called, "The undiscovered country," a mental realm each individual creates for him or herself. It also provides information about actions you can take now in order to insure the best possible outcome after you cross that mysterious border, as each one of us inevitably will.

  • af Stephen Hawley Martin
    152,95 kr.

    What scientists today call the "Hard Problem" is coming up with a theory that explains how the brain creates consciousness. For the past hundred years or more, ever since Scientific Materialism came to dominate the field of science, scientists have been trying to figure out how matter is able to create consciousness. This is because the undeniable implication of Scientific Materialism from a philosophical standpoint is "physicalism," the metaphysical thesis that "everything is physical," that there is "nothing over and above" the physical, or that everything supervenes on the physical. Therefore, mind or consciousness, the sense each of us has of "I am," must be produced solely by the brain, which according to Materialism is comprised of unthinking matter. This book presents compelling evidence to the contrary, evidence shows "physicalism" to be a bankrupt philosophy and Scientific Materialism to be based on false assumptions.The reader is hereby forewarned that this book is not for everyone. Only those truly open-minded individuals committed to considering the findings of research that may conflict with their beliefs should read this book. If, for example, you are convinced to your core that any of the statements listed below is an irrefutable, established fact, if no amount of evidence to the contrary will convince you otherwise, do not purchase or read this book because evidence will be revealed indicates these statements are untrue:1) There is an anthropomorphic God that created the physical universe and exists outside of it. 2) Mainstream Christian doctrine and everything stated in the Bible is literally true. 3) Nothing in the universe exists except material substance. 3) Life came about by chance. 4) Evolution works solely through random, chance mutations and the mechanism of "survival of the fittest" or "natural selection." 5) Consciousness and intelligence did not exist until evolution produced a brain. 6) Mind cannot produce matter. According to the 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer [1788-1860], "All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident." Empirical evidence indicates that many Christian fundamentalists and Scientific Materialists, though at opposit ends of the belief spectrum, are stuck in the ridicule-violently-opposed stages when it comes to the research findings this book imparts. If you fall into one of those two categories, save yourself a case of indigestion and move on to something else. If, however, you are open-minded and willing to consider facts that may not fit your current worldview, this book is a must-read. It may take a generation or two, but it is only a matter of time before what it reveals about the reality we live in will be "accepted as self-evident."

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