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  • af Stephen Mitford Goodson
    259,95 - 293,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Mitford Goodson
    258,95 kr.

    Fifty years ago Prime Minister Ian Douglas Smith and the Rhodesian Front party declared independence from Great Britain unilaterally. A decision which was viewed at that time as being both brave and foolish, it gave Rhodesians of all races seven years of peace and prosperity. Thereafter there followed a banker-financed terrorist war for an equivalent number of years. In 1980 Rhodesia became Zimbabwe and experienced twenty years of modest progress before plunging into an abyss, from which it is unlikely to emerge for a very long time. In the 1970s Rhodesia was the second most industrialised country in Africa, the bread basket of the central African region and possessed of one of the most highly educated and trained indigenous people in the less developed world. And then it all went wrong. This book explains the origins of this tragedy, the treachery of the British government, the behind the scenes treason of persons in high places and the insidious role played by Ian Smith in Rhodesia's demise, which has been to the long term detriment of all her people.

  • af Stephen Mitford Goodson
    113,95 kr.

    The Second Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) remains unique in the annals of modern history. For the first time in the modern era, war was deliberately waged by a supposedly civilized nation on innocent women and children. Not only were Dutch settler (Boer) homes destroyed by the British forces by means of a scorched earth policy, but the Boer women and wee ones were then herded into deplorable concentration camps. Women and children whose menfolk were still in the battlefield were subjected to starvation rations, which resulted in widespread disease and death. At the heart of the conflict was the desire of the Rothschild banking dynasty to control the mineral wealth of regions inhabited by the Dutch pioneers who had tamed the wild lands of southern Africa. To fund the unending British atrocities, the Rothschilds dug deep.

  • af Stephen Mitford Goodson
    208,95 kr.

    General Jan Christian Smuts (1870-1950) was an heroic icon for many. But over the decades, he was regarded in another light. For Afrikaners of a previous generation, he was seen as a traitor, but in the modern age, he seems to have become "far-sighted". This book by Stephen Goodson reveals a consistency in his actions and thinking which shows what purpose this far-sightedness served. Since the time when he studied at Cambridge University, he adopted a philosophy known as "Holism", and a stance grounded on internationalism which served the interests of the international bankers (and in SA, the 'Randlords'), as opposed to a national outlook, serving the people. He involved South Africa in three unnecessary wars. He introduced a central bank in SA (permitting privately owned banks to create the nation's money supply as an interest bearing debt). A "New World Order" under a world government was seen as a logical outcome of his Holistic view. He was infatuated with Zionism. He is credited with doing much of Winston Churchill's thinking for him. Born in the British Cape Colony, he studied law in Britain. The book covers his early years and indoctrination, his involvement with Paul Krüger and the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 and his relationship with people like Strakosch, who paid Winston Churchill's gambling debts, and who left Smuts a bequest in his 1943 Will. Also discussed are his friendship with US President Woodrow Wilson; his presence at Versailles; his part in the League of Nations; and the 1914 Rebellion in SA. He also played a part in Britain's Imperial War Cabinet in 1917, and helped fashion the British Commonwealth. Some little known aspects of Versailles and WWI and WW2, as well as the Ossewa-Brandwag, are revealed. Smuts's role in the Balfour Declaration and his close friendship with Chaim Weizmann resulted in a kibbutz and streets in Israel being named after him. He was Prime Minister of South Africa from 1939 to 1948, when according to some analysts, the votes of the returning SA soldiers from the front had turned against him, resulting in his party's defeat, and the National Party (much to their surprise) became SA's new government.

  • af Stephen Mitford Goodson
    313,95 kr.

    2016 marks the half century that has passed since the brutal assassination of Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd in the House of Assembly, Cape Town, on 6 September 1966. This passage of time not only allows for a new perspective, but provides an opportunity to examine and reassess Dr. Verwoerd's life and achievements. Dr. Verwoerd has been unjustly condemned as the architect of apartheid, when it was in fact the official policy of successive Dutch and British colonial administrations. Dr. Verwoerd gave apartheid a new name, a different meaning and dimension and implemented it in a far more humane manner for the benefit of everyone. Separation at social level, mutual co-operation in the economic sphere and scope for the indigenous Bantu peoples to obtain their freedom and independence at their own pace, unhindered by the depredations of the super capitalists and international bankers. These policies received widespread support throughout all population groups and were a reflection of an economy growing at 6% per annum and a Black unemployment rate of 5%. Amongst Black people Dr. Verwoerd was accorded the highest accolades with the titles of Rapula, the rainmaker who brings the good things in life, and Sebeloke, the protector of the people. Dr. Verwoerd would not tolerate any interference in the internal affairs of South Africa and it was his determination to destroy the subversive activities of the international money power, which contributed to his demise and the eventual downfall of South Africa. To-day the country is an abject colony of the international bankers and, not surprisingly, experiences the greatest disparity in income distribution in the world.

  • - E Dell'asservimento del Genere Umano
    af Stephen Mitford Goodson
    198,95 kr.

    Il ruolo degli usurai è stato definito la "mano nascosta nella storia mondiale." Essi hanno il potere di creare, prestare e accumulare interessi a "credito" e poi riprestare tali interessi, per ottenere perpetuamente altri interessi. Questo ha creato un debito mondiale pervasivo, sia per l'individuo, che per le famiglie e gli Stati. Finanzieri e usurai che prestano a credito - quegli stessi che Gesù aveva buttato fuori a frustate dal Tempio - hanno convinto molti governi che le banche vanno lasciate in mani private.Stephen Mitford Goodson è nato in Sud Africa, dove s'è laureato in Legge, Filosofia ed Economia. Entrò nel mondo della finanza e nel 2003 ricoprì la carica di direttore della South African Reserve Bank, con l'ambizione di voler trasformare il mondo della finanza sudafricana. Ha pubblicato una dozzina di libri, spesso creando fortissime controversie.

  • af Stephen Mitford Goodson
    253,95 kr.

    Una storia delle banche centrali e della schiavitù dell'umanità, che si avvale dell'esperienza di Stephen Goodson come ex direttore della Banca centrale del Sudafrica. Questo libro esplora il ruolo delle banche e del denaro nel corso della storia, dall'antichità ai giorni nostri. Il ruolo dei prestatori è stato spesso definito "mano nascosta". Questo potere di creare, prestare e accumulare interessi sul "credito", e poi di prestare nuovamente quel credito per guadagnare altri interessi, e così via in perpetuo, ha tessuto il giogo pervasivo del debito globale, schiavizzando individui, famiglie e lo Stato. La capacità di gestire un sistema di prestiti e crediti fraudolenti risale all'antichità e questi usurai - quelli che Gesù cacciò dal Tempio - convinsero i governi che il settore bancario doveva essere gestito da operatori privati. Molte guerre, rivoluzioni, depressioni, recessioni economiche e altri sconvolgimenti sociali sono stati direttamente collegati alla determinazione di questi usurai di mantenere ed espandere il loro potere e i loro profitti. Quando uno Stato, un individuo o un'idea hanno minacciato la loro truffa, hanno spesso risposto con guerre e rivoluzioni. Il progresso culturale e materiale di una civiltà era spesso legato alla sua liberazione dall'influenza del debito e dal degrado derivante dalla presa di potere dei banchieri. Così, Goodson dimostra che le due guerre mondiali, le guerre napoleoniche, l'ascesa e la caduta di Giulio Cesare, il rovesciamento di Gheddafi in Libia e la rivoluzione bolscevica, oltre a molti altri eventi, sono direttamente collegati alla volontà di questa "mano nascosta". Questa è la chiave per comprendere il passato, il presente e il futuro.

  • af Stephen Mitford Goodson
    238,95 kr.

    Para que cualquier nación/estado/sociedad/comunidad conserve la plena soberanía de su independencia en el manejo de sus asuntos, el control absoluto sobre los medios que emplea para intercambiar bienes y servicios debe residir en los órganos que representan al pueblo, y nunca debe delegarse en individuos o grupos de interés privados.A lo largo de la historia, los períodos en los que el Estado ha ejercido el control sobre la emisión de dinero siempre han sido sinónimo de una era de prosperidad, paz, enriquecimiento cultural, pleno empleo e inflación cero. Sin embargo, cuando los banqueros privados usurpan el control de la creación de dinero, los resultados inevitables son ciclos recurrentes de pobreza y prosperidad, desempleo, inflación galopante y un gigantesco y creciente proceso de transferencia de riqueza y poder político a las manos de la pequeña camarilla que controla este sistema monetario explotador. En el pasado, cuando estos banqueros centrales se han enfrentado a la oposición de las naciones que buscan la restauración de un sistema monetario honesto, estos banqueros parasitarios han provocado invariablemente una guerra "patriótica" para derrotar a su tan denostado "enemigo". Este ha sido el hilo conductor de todas las guerras desde hace al menos 300 años.

  • - & de L'asservissement De L'humanite
    af Stephen Mitford Goodson
    233,95 kr.

    Pour que toute nation/état/société/communauté conserve la pleine souveraineté de son indépendance dans le traitement de ses affaires, le contrôle absolu des moyens qu'elle emploie pour échanger les biens et les services doit résider au sein des organes qui représentent le peuple, et ne doit jamais être délégué à des individus ou à des groupes d'intérêts privés.Tout au long de l'histoire connue, les périodes où l'état a exercé le contrôle de l'émission monétaire ont toujours été synonymes d'ère de prospérité, de paix, d'enrichissement culturel, de plein emploi et d'inflation zéro. Par contre, lorsque les banquiers privés usurpent le contrôle de la création monétaire, les résultats inévitables sont des cycles récurrents de pauvreté et de prospérité, du chômage, une inflation endémique ainsi qu'un gigantesque processus croissant de transfert des richesses et du pouvoir politique entre les mains de cette petite clique, qui contrôle ce système monétaire d'exploitation.

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