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  • af Sun Tzu
    445,95 - 664,95 kr.

  • af Sun Tzu
    99,95 kr.

  • af Sun Tzu
    146,95 kr.

    More than 2,000 years old, this classic of Chinese philosophy lays out a systematic, rational approach to tactics and strategy that leaders worldwide have applied not only to the military, but also to business, law, martial arts, and sports. This elegant edition uses Lionel Giles's classic translation and stands apart for its gorgeous design, and Giles's extensive annotations and commentary on Sun Tzu's aphorisms and proverbs are also included.

  • af Sun Tzu
    216,95 kr.

    "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu is an ancient and enduring masterpiece of military strategy and philosophy. Written over two thousand years ago, it remains one of the most influential texts on warfare, leadership, and conflict resolution ever written.This timeless treatise is attributed to the legendary Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, who expounds on the art of victory in battle, diplomacy, and life itself. His teachings have found application in diverse fields beyond warfare, from business and politics to personal development and sports.Structured in 13 chapters, "The Art of War" offers profound insights into the nature of conflict, strategy, and tactics. It delves into the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and cunning, emphasizing the need to understand and outmaneuver one's adversaries. Sun Tzu's emphasis on the power of knowledge, preparation, and deception provides valuable lessons for individuals and organizations seeking to overcome challenges and rivals.The book's central theme revolves around the idea that the most significant victories are won before the actual battle takes place, through meticulous planning and an understanding of one's own strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of the opponent. Sun Tzu's teachings encourage readers to think strategically and to find ways to prevail through intellect rather than brute force."The Art of War" is not just a manual for the battlefield; it is a guide to achieving success in any competitive environment. Sun Tzu's principles, such as "All warfare is based on deception" and "Opportunities multiply as they are seized," offer invaluable insights into the psychology of competition and the dynamics of power.Despite its ancient origins, "The Art of War" remains relevant in contemporary contexts, making it a must-read for leaders, strategists, and anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of human interaction and conflict. Whether applied to the battlefield or the boardroom, Sun Tzu's wisdom continues to shape the strategies and tactics of those who seek to achieve their objectives with skill and precision.

  • - Citations et Enseignements de L'Art de La Guerre
    af Sun Tzu
    123,95 kr.

    Plongez-vous dans les enseignements lumineux de la stratégie de guerre de Sun Tzu, magistralement exposés dans ce guide captivant. Ses maximes percutantes vous guideront sur la voie d'une vie plus stratégique, imprégnée de sagacité et de résilience.Découvrez comment mettre en pratique ces leçons dans notre époque actuelle, où la stratégie militaire trouve une résonance étonnante. Des conseils pratiques pour faire face aux défis contemporains, maîtriser les situations complexes sur le champ de bataille de la vie quotidienne, et développer une véritable confiance en soi vous attendent.Laissez-vous inspirer par la sagesse tactique intemporelle de Sun Tzu et transformez votre approche dès aujourd'hui. Rejoignez-nous dans cette exploration enrichissante de la stratégie de guerre et apprenez à naviguer avec force et clairvoyance dans le monde moderne.

  • af Sun Tzu
    103,95 kr.

    The Art of War is an enduring classic that holds a special place in the culture and history of East Asia. An ancient Chinese text on the philosophy and politics of warfare and military strategy, the treatise was written in 6th century B.C. By a warrior-philosopher now famous all over the world as sun Tzu.sun Tzu's teachings remain as relevant to leaders and strategists today as they were to rulers and military generals in ancient times. Divided into thirteen chapters and written succinctly, the art of War is a must-read for anybody who works in a competitive environment.

  • af Sun Tzu
    122,95 kr.

    The Art of War by Sun Tzu is a timeless masterpiece on military strategy and tactics. Packed with wisdom, it offers profound insights into warfare, leadership, and conflict resolution. A must-read for anyone seeking to understand the dynamics of power and to achieve success in any competitive arena.

  • af Sun Tzu
    142,95 kr.

    This keepsake edition of the world’s oldest military treatise includes a creatively embroidered cover.

  • af Sun Tzu
    157,95 kr.

  • af Sun Tzu
    97,95 kr.

    The Art of War is the undisputed masterpiece on the philosophy and strategy of combat. It holds as true in the business world as it does on the battlefield. It has influenced generals and theorists since it was first translated and distributed internationally. No library is complete without it. This Large Print Edition is presented in easy-to-read 16 point type.

  • af Sun Tzu
    97,95 kr.

    A Chinese military treatise that was written by Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC, during the Spring and Autumn period. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it is said to be the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time, and still one of the basic texts. The Art of War is one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy. It has had an influence on Eastern military thinking, business tactics, and beyond. Sun Tzu suggested the importance of positioning in strategy and that position is affected both by objective conditions in the physical environment and the subjective opinions of competitive actors in that environment. He thought that strategy was not planning in the sense of working through an established list, but rather that it requires quick and appropriate responses to changing conditions. Planning works in a controlled environment, but in a changing environment, competing plans collide, creating unexpected situations. (Wikipedia)

  • af Sun Tzu
    205,95 kr.

  • af Sun Tzu
    112,95 kr.


  • af Sun Tzu
    197,95 kr.

    Title: The Art of WarAuthor: Sun TzuDescription: "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu is an ancient and enduring masterpiece of military strategy and philosophy. Written over two thousand years ago, it remains one of the most influential texts on warfare, leadership, and conflict resolution ever written.This timeless treatise is attributed to the legendary Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, who expounds on the art of victory in battle, diplomacy, and life itself. His teachings have found application in diverse fields beyond warfare, from business and politics to personal development and sports.Structured in 13 chapters, "The Art of War" offers profound insights into the nature of conflict, strategy, and tactics. It delves into the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and cunning, emphasizing the need to understand and outmaneuver one's adversaries. Sun Tzu's emphasis on the power of knowledge, preparation, and deception provides valuable lessons for individuals and organizations seeking to overcome challenges and rivals.The book's central theme revolves around the idea that the most significant victories are won before the actual battle takes place, through meticulous planning and an understanding of one's own strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of the opponent. Sun Tzu's teachings encourage readers to think strategically and to find ways to prevail through intellect rather than brute force."The Art of War" is not just a manual for the battlefield; it is a guide to achieving success in any competitive environment. Sun Tzu's principles, such as "All warfare is based on deception" and "Opportunities multiply as they are seized," offer invaluable insights into the psychology of competition and the dynamics of power.Despite its ancient origins, "The Art of War" remains relevant in contemporary contexts, making it a must-read for leaders, strategists, and anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of human interaction and conflict. Whether applied to the battlefield or the boardroom, Sun Tzu's wisdom continues to shape the strategies and tactics of those who seek to achieve their objectives with skill and precision.

  • af Sun Tzu
    597,95 kr.

    O maior tratado de guerra de todos os tempos em sua versão completa em português traduzida diretamente do chinês por André Bueno, sinólogo com mestrado em história e doutorado em filosofia.

  • af Sun Tzu
    77,95 kr.

    Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field. These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.

  • af Sun Tzu
    82,95 kr.

    The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is commonly known to be the definitive work on military strategy and tactics of its time. It has been the most famous and influential of China's Seven Military Classics. It has had an influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond.

  • af Sun Tzu
    97,95 kr.

    Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field. These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline. The most influential book on warfare ever written. Still as valuable and pertinent today as the day it was written.

  • af Sun Tzu
    77,95 kr.

    Sun Tzu dit: La guerre est d'une importance vitale pour l'État. C'est le domaine de la vie et de la mort: la conservation ou la perte de l'empire en dépendent; il est impérieux de bien le régler. Ne pas faire de sérieuses réflexions sur ce qui le concerne, c'est faire preuve d'une coupable indifférence pour la conservation ou pour la perte de ce qu'on a de plus cher, et c'est ce qu'on ne doit pas trouver parmi nous.

  • af Sun Tzu
    152,95 kr.

    Sun Tzu fue un militar, estratega y filósofo de la antigua China a quien sus victorias en el campo de batalla inspiraron a escribir El arte de la guerra.Se calcula que vivió alrededor del siglo V a.C. Pese a que su nombre de nacimiento era Sun Wu, hoy en día lo conocemos por lo que en realidad es su título honorífico, Sun Tzu, que en español traduciría 'Maestro Sun'. Su filosofía sobre la guerra ha tenido una enorme influencia a lo largo de la historia.Resumen del libroEl arte de la guerra es un tratado sobre estrategia militar dividido en trece partes, cada una de las cuales da cuenta de los diversos aspectos y escenarios que pueden darse en un conflicto.Análisis de frasesEl libro de Sun Tzu esconde una profunda filosofía que sienta sus bases en el engaño como arma más poderosa para vencer en la guerra.Sin embargo, hoy en día sus indicaciones son aplicadas en los más diversos campos de la actividad humana, no solo para la estrategia militar, sino también para la política, la diplomacia, los negocios, la gestión de conflictos, los deportes y la vida cotidiana.Descubramos, mediante el análisis de sus frases, por qué la obra sigue siendo un manual clave para muchas disciplinas y algunos de sus mensajes más representativos.

  • - (Large Print Edition of Sun Tzu the Art of War Military Strategy)
    af Sun Tzu
    152,95 kr.

    "Tzu Art of War" is a unique and special LARGE PRINT version of the Chinese war strategy classic by Sun-Tzu. IMPORTANT! This is a perfect reproduction of Sun-Tzu's original work translated into English, except that it's been converted into LARGE PRINT for simple and easy reading. This special edition of the Art of War retains all of the original content of the classic but you get additional reading comfort as a free bonus. Tzu Art of War makes an ideal gift and it should be a part of your own personal library.

  • af Sun Tzu
    997,95 kr.

    SUN Zi (siglo V a.C.), conocido también como Sun Tzu o Sun Wu, fue un notable general y teórico de la guerra, nativo del Estado de Qi. El arte de la guerra de Sunzi es, junto con el Laozi (Lao Tsé, Lao Tzu o Lao Tsi), el texto filosófico chino más conocido en Occidente. Desde que el jesuita francés Jean-Jacques Amiot lo tradujera por primera vez en 1772, el escrito, atribuido tradicionalmente a Sunzi, legendario estratega del período de los Reinos Combatientes (476-221 a.e.), ha alcanzado una insólita popularidad si tenemos en cuenta que se trata de un texto redactado hace más de 2300 años por una cultura y una lengua totalmente ajenas a las nuestras. Concebido con una lucidez y una racionalidad implacables, el contenido de esta breve obra desborda por completo los estrechos márgenes definidos por la estrategia militar, al desentrañar con meticulosa precisión los mecanismos fundamentales de la dominación absoluta. Mucho más que un mero tratado de táctica militar, este texto proporciona un fértil e inagotable horizonte de interpretaciones y aplicaciones posibles en ámbitos tan dispares como la teoría política, la filosofía, la economía o la psicología. Por todo ello, El arte de la guerra de Sunzi merece ser considerado un clásico del pensamiento universal. La versión que aquí presentamos posee la virtud de ser la primera traducción realizada directamente del chino antiguo. Además de cotejar las diferentes ediciones del texto y los manuscritos recientemente descubiertos por la arqueología, se ha pretendido ofrecer una lectura alejada del habitual orientalismo fácil y recurrente, integrando la obra de Sunzi en su contexto original y confrontándola permanentemente con el resto de la literatura militar, política y filosófica de la época.

  • - The Keys to Strategy
    af Sun Tzu
    287,95 kr.

    This award-winning book is two books in one: the complete text of Sun Tzu's The Art of War plus an explanation of the concepts hidden in the text. The only book that explains in detail the Chinese cultural concepts and writing techniques used in Sun Tzu's original text. Won Independent Publishers Book Award Multicultural Nonfiction book award recognition.Its introduction explains how the diagrams used in traditional Chinese science and philosophy can be sued to simplify the complex ideas in Sun Tzu's competitive system. These diagrams start with the Bagua, the traditional Chinese eight-sided diagram that describes. After this introduction, the left-hand pages show the complete text of The Art of War while the facing right-hand pages explain that text in terms of Sun Tzu's original Chinese concepts, symbols, metaphors, and dozens of additional diagrams. These diagrams show the relationships among the components of competitive strategic positions including both the Creation Cycle (the Elemental Pentagon) and the Destruction/Domination Cycle (the Flying Star). Sun Tzu uses these diagrams or maps in new ways. The Creation Cycle map is used to show to flow of resources and costs from one element to another and it reverse to show the flow of rewards. The Destruction Cycle map is used to show the flow of information (and the types of "spies") and its reverse to show the most common mistakes in using the elements.This book is a must-read for those who really want to understand Sun Tzu's text. It is the only book that shows the secret diagrams from traditional Chinese science used by Sun Tzu to construct his system and to explain the metaphors and Chinese concepts invisible in English translations of the 2,500-year-old classic. It includes an in-depth discussion and a glossary of key Chinese concepts.The ancient science of bing-fa is based on a unique concept of how competition works. This is the first book that explains that system in detail.ChaptersForeword-Rediscovering Sun TzuIntroduction-Elemental SecretsAnalysis Secret KnowledgeCompetitive EconomicsUnity Focus & SpeedOpportunity ShapeInnovation ForceCompetitive RelativityCostly OppositionSituation ResponseExplorationEvaluating OpportunitiesNine SituationsEnvironmental VulnerabilityAcquiring InformationGlossary

  • - Ancient Wisdom for Today's War
    af Sun Tzu
    287,95 kr.

    Two books in one, the only award winning translation of Sun Tzu's The Art of War plus our award-winning stanza-by-stanza adaptation applying his principles to the war on terror. This second edition updates the book a decade after its first release to address recent changes in the Middle East including the recent invasion of Iraq by ISIS fundamentalists. This award-winning book adapts Sun Tzu's timeless principles to address today's military challenge of terrorism. Foreword Magazine's 2006 Book of the Year Finalist in Philosophy, Like all our adaptations, Sun Tzu's Art of War is on the left-hand pages with our application to terror on the facing right-hand pages. Unlike partisan views of the war on terror, this book follows Sun Tzu's principles stanza by stanza, examining the relevant issues as he would. What emerges in a unique picture of the war on terror that you cannot get anywhere else. For example, Sun Tzu tells us that all war are based on economics and forces us to examine the economic underpinnings of terrorist attacks. What is the real battle underlying terrorism? How does attacking civilians generate money for the terrorists? What will happen if the West refuses to engage terrorism. Table of Contents Author's Forward to Second Edition Key Dates in Modern Islamic Terror Introduction: Strategy and Terror 1 Analysis Freedom versus Terror 2Going to War The Economics of Terror 3Planning an Attack Uniting against Terror51 4Positioning In Position to Attack Terror 5Momentum Innovation against Terror 6Weakness and Strength The Terrorists' Weak Points 7 Armed Conflict Minimizing Destruction 8 Adaptability Shifting Our Priorities 9Armed March Campaigning against Terror 10Field Position Evaluating Our Options 11Types of Terrain Responding to Terror 12 Attacking with Fire Fighting the Message War 13 Using Spies Acquiring Intelligence The Future: The Ten Keys to Winning Index of Topics in The Art of War Glossary of Key Concepts About the Translator and Author Other Art of War Books by Gary Gagliardi

  • - A Student's Guide to Winning at Anything
    af Sun Tzu
    287,95 kr.

    If you are young person growing up today, you are entering a world that is growing more and more competitive. If you want more control over your life, this book makes is designed to give you every advantage in every challenge you face. In it, you will learn that winning isn't a matter of how big you are or who your family is, but in learning how to control your own decisions and influence the decisions of others. In this book, you learn 2,500 year-old secrets of the warrior's philosophy. This philosophy enables you to win any challenge. For over 2,500 years, Sun Tzu's The Art of War has been used to train warriors in the magic of strategic thinking. This book contains the only award-winning English translation of Sun Tzu's work. It also contains the "Warrior's Apprentice", which applies these lessons line-by-line to the real life challenges that you face everyday as a young person. This proven philosophy is the basis of all martial arts, but the art here isn't physical. It is a mental discipline, a way of seeing the world and making better decisions about what to do and how to do it. As a guide to the power of strategy, this book can transform your life. It gives you a new way understanding your possibilities and the opportunities that are waiting for you. Buy it today and benefit from it forever! This book was written by Gary Gagliardi, America's leading authority on Sun Tzu's The Art of War and on the application of its competitive principles. Mr. Gagliardi isn't just a very writer, but he built an Inc. 500 software company before deciding to leave the business world to focus on education, training people in competitive thinking. His books on Sun Tzu and competition, including this one, have won award-recognition over and over again. Contents Forward: Choosing to Win9 Introduction: 5 Elements & 9 Skills20 1 Analysis27 The Skill of Prophecy29 2 Going to War41 The Choice of Paths43 3Planning an Attack53 The Power of Fellowship55 4Positioning65 The Place of Judgment67 5Momentum 77 The Element of Surprise79 6Weakness and Strength91 The Alchemy of Opposites93 7 Armed Conflict107 The Suppression of Hostility109 8 Adaptability 121 The Mastery of Change123 9Armed March131 The Path of Progress133 10Field Position 151 The Vision of Opportunity153 11Types of Terrain 169 The Miracle of Training171 12 Attacking with Fire195 The Discipline of Danger197 13 Using Spies 207 A Network of Sources209 Glossary of Key Concepts220 Art of War Index224

  • - (Edición revisada y completa)
    af Sun Tzu
    107,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Edición completa y revisada sin ningún prólogo ni extra molesto. El arte de la guerra tal cual, bien maquetado, con índice, en la mejor traducción y con el texto completamente "puro".El arte de la guerra (en chino simplificado, 孙子兵法; en chino tradicional, 孫子兵法; pinyin, Sūn Zǐ Bīngfǎ; literalmente, El arte de la guerra de Sun Tzu) es un libro sobre tácticas y estrategias militares, escrito por Sun Tzu (Maestro Sun, también llamado Sūnzǐ), un famoso estratega militar chino. Se trata de un antiguo tratado militar chino que data del final del periodo de las primaveras y otoños (aproximadamente del siglo v a. C.). La obra consta de 13 capítulos, cada uno dedicado a un aspecto de la guerra y cómo se aplica a la estrategia y tácticas militares. Durante casi 1500 años fue el texto principal de una antología que se formalizaría como los siete clásicos militares del emperador Song Shenzong en 1080. El arte de la guerra sigue siendo el texto de estrategia más influyente en la guerra de Asia Oriental y ha influido en el pensamiento militar oriental y occidental, así como en las tácticas de negocios y en la estrategia legal, entre otros campos.Este libro contiene una explicación detallada y un análisis del ejército chino, desde las armas y la estrategia hasta el rango y la disciplina. Sun Tzu también subrayó la importancia de los agentes de inteligencia y el espionaje para el esfuerzo bélico. Debido a que Sun Tzu ha sido considerado durante mucho tiempo como uno de los mejores tácticos y analistas militares de la historia, sus enseñanzas y estrategias formaron la base del entrenamiento militar avanzado durante los siguientes siglos.El libro fue traducido al francés y publicado en 1772 (reeditado en 1782) por el jesuita francés Joseph-Marie Amiot con el título de Art Militaire des Chinois. En 1905, el oficial británico Everard Ferguson Calthrop intentó realizar una traducción parcial al inglés bajo el título The Book of War. La primera traducción anotada al inglés fue completada y publicada por Lionel Giles en 1910.1 Líderes militares y políticos como el revolucionario comunista chino Mao Zedong, el daimyo japonés Takeda Shingen, Nicolás Maquiavelo, Napoleón y el general militar estadounidense Norman Schwarzkopf se han inspirado en el libro.No es, por tanto, un libro sobre la guerra; es una obra para comprender las raíces de un conflicto y buscar una solución. La mejor victoria es vencer sin combatir, nos dice Sun Tzu, y ésa es la distinción entre el hombre prudente y el ignorante.

  • af Sun Tzu
    97,95 kr.

    L'art de la guerre est le premier traité de stratégie au monde. Rédigé vers le Ve siècle avant J.-C., il développe des thèses originales, qui s'inspirent de la philosophie chinoise ancienne. Considérant la guerre comme une réalité inévitable, il montre comment la réflexion peut mener à la victoire, comment l'analyse des faiblesses de l'ennemi peut fonder une tactique, si l'on sait les exploiter, et même les aggraver; il met l'accent sur la dimension psy-cho-logique du combat, sur le rôle de la ruse et de la fuite. Ses idées, ignorées dans les époques de guerre totale et de conflits frontaux, ont retrouvé une actualité en inspirant les grandes guérillas anti-coloniales chinoises et vietnamiennes, notamment, et sont aujourd'hui reprises par les stratèges asiatiques et américains de la guerre économique.

  • af Sun Tzu
    317,95 kr.

    Joseph-Marie Amiot (1718,1793), est un prêtre jésuite, astronome et historien français, missionnaire en Chine. Il fut le dernier survivant de la Mission jésuite en Chine. Il a contribué à faire connaître la culture chinoise en Europe. Il a traduit les principaux ouvrages chinois consacrés à l'art militaire. Yong Tcheng ou Yongzheng (1678 1735) est le troisième empereur de Chine de la dynastie Qing. Grâce à des réformes qui centralisent le gouvernement et rationalisent la fiscalité, il rend l'administration efficace. Il crée le département des affaires militaires afin de centraliser et renforcer son pouvoir sur l'armée. C'est à cette occasion qu'il fait mettre par écrit ses dix préceptes destinés aux gens de guerre. Sun Tse ou Sun Tzu est un général chinois du VIe siècle avant notre ère (544-496 av. JC). Les treize articles de Sun Tzu sont le manuel le plus réputé de la stratégie asiatique. Cette oeuvre échappa à la grande destruction des livres ordonnée par l'empereur Chehouangti des T'sin en 293 ap. JC et resta longtemps la grande référence des généraux chinois. Elle fut en particulier la doctrine de l'ensemble des généraux des royaumes combattants à l'époque des guerres des Trois Royaumes. Se Ma Yang King a vécu au IVe siècle avant notre ère et nous a laissé ses principes sur l'art militaire, le Se Ma Fa Ou Tse a vécu au IVe siècle avant notre ère. Il dirigea victorieusement les armées du royaume d'Oe et ses exploits militaires ont laissé de nombreuses traces dans les chroniques chinoise. S'appuyant sur les travaux de Sun Tse, Ou Tse rédigea son traité d'art militaire. Seuls six articles nous sont parvenus. Ces articles étaient très réputés auprès des lettrés chinois et mandchous et ils furent l'objet de nombreux commentaires. Ces cinq oeuvres peuvent être considérées comme la base de toute stratégie moderne. Didier HALLÉPÉE, érudit passionné de stratégie et officier en retraite a sélectionné ces textes pour vous.

  • - Tthe Oldest Military Treatise in the World
    af Sun Tzu
    187,95 kr.

    Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of titles available, and we invite you to search for us by name, contact us via our website, or download our most recent catalogues. The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise that is attributed to Sun Tzu, a military strategist of the State of Wu who was active in the late-sixth century BC, during the late Spring and Autumn period. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it is said to be the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time, and is still read for its military insights. The Art of War is one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy in the world. It has been the most famous and influential of China's Seven Military Classics: "for the last two thousand years it remained the most important military treatise in Asia, where even the common people knew it by name." It has had an influence on Eastern military thinking, business tactics, and beyond. Sun Tzu emphasized the importance of positioning in military strategy, and that the decision to position an army must be based on both objective conditions in the physical environment and the subjective beliefs of other, competitive actors in that environment. He thought that strategy was not planning in the sense of working through an established list, but rather that it requires quick and appropriate responses to changing conditions. Planning works in a controlled environment, but in a changing environment, competing plans collide, creating unexpected situations.

  • - The Art of War, Methods of War, 36 Stratagems & Selected Teachings
    af Sun Tzu
    232,95 kr.

    Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China presents modern translations of eight of the most important and relevant military texts from antiquity, which have gained new prominence among Western students of Eastern military strategy and philosophy. These texts provide background for a wide range of disciplines, including: history, linguistics, wuxia, martial arts, business and trial strategy. Contents include: The Six Secret Teachings - Jiang ZiyaThe Art of War - Sun TzuMethods of War - Sima RangjuThe Book of Wuzi - Wu QiThe Book of Wei Liaozi - Wei LiaoThe Three Strategies of Huang ShigongThe Thirty Six StratagemsQuestions and Replies: Tang Taizong and Li Jing

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