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Forlænget returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Bøger af Susana Torrubiano

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  • af Susana Torrubiano
    188,95 kr.

    "El hada Rosa tenâia miles de ñaos y estaba cansada de cumplir deseos. Rosa tâenia ideas muy anticuadas y las niänas y niänos le pedâian cosas que a ella no le gustaban. ÅVolverâa a hacer felices a niänas y niänos? ÅY ella? ÅConseguirâa ser feliz?"--

  • af Susana Torrubiano
    188,95 kr.

    "The fairy Rose no longer wants to fulfill the wishes of boys and girls. Soon, she discovers that what she really likes is... scaring them! After granting wishes to girls and boys for thousands of years will Rose's wish finally come true?"--

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