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  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    1.032,95 kr.

    the transforming society needs an inclusive ideology that can bring combined solutions for our combined problems. It is, thus, a dialectical comboism that can develop combination of ideas to solve combined problems facing human beings. Hence, the author believes that balanced state of living together could not be reached simply by using one sided ideology but is possible with more inclusive ideology, i.e. dialectical comboism. The great aim of dialectical ideology is bringing new possibility to work together to reach synergy for the purpose of synergistic transformation. It is all about build better together in its character. The other great aim of dialectical comboism is to transform domination into cooperation. The reason for this is the idea that peace can¿t be possible without cooperation. In order peace deal to succeed, the need for cooperation, which must be cultivated, is required.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    1.032,95 kr.

    ¿Savoir-faire¿ is defined as ¿multitalented Know-how,¿ which is principled working traditions of new policy: from each according to the ability to know intellectually what the dimensions of a problem are to each according to the ability or skill to perform the actions needed to solve the problem or from each according to the ability to know intellectually what the dimensions of a problem are to each according to the savvy principle needed to solve the problem, i.e. savoir-faire is ability/savvy principle of new policy paradigm while Omnicrats deal with the government of all by all for all.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    777,95 kr.

    ¿The universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine,¿ states Fritjof Capra. A shift away from mechanistic and materialistic thinking in physics become great interest this time due to the appearance of quantum science. Furthermore, physicists in quantum mechanics are moving away from looking at forces emanating from particles to focusing on the evolving relationships between these particles and how they continuously affect each other. The whole and the part require equal attention. Transcendental thinking is a new science that applies to the natural, scientific, and social worlds and to business as well and will lead the future.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    708,95 kr.

    Do ¿Great Leaders¿ Born or Made? Don¿t ¿Great Leaders¿ Made?If Great leaders don¿t born but made, then ¿IT IS YOUR CHOICE TO DISCOVER THE GIANT QUANTUM-BRAIN-POWER AND CHARACTER WITHIN YOU¿ All leaders are readers. Jim Rohn Leaders are not born; they are made. And they are made just like anything else - through hard work. and that is the price we'll have to pay to achieve any goal. - Vince LomnbardiThe only thing we have to fear is fear itself¿nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.¿¿ Franklin D. Roosevelt Men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are feared, but only men of character are trusted. - Zig Ziglar Leadership is not a position, title or role ¿ it is making the choice of striving hard to create a better future: creating a better future involves facing tremendous resistance all along the way¿ leadership is often a thankless, lonely and tireless job, with no guarantee of success non-leaders give up in the face of such resistance and low odds of success the only way to overcome resistance and stay the course (and therefore be a leader) is to find a deep reservoir of leadership energy.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    777,95 kr.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    777,95 kr.

    "Wszech¿wiat zaczyna wygl¿dä bardziej jak wielka my¿l ni¿ jak wielka maszyna", stwierdza Fritjof Capra. Odej¿cie od mechanicznego i materialistycznego my¿lenia w fizyce staje si¿ tym razem du¿ym zainteresowaniem z powodu pojawienia si¿ nauki kwantowej. Co wi¿cej, fizycy w mechanice kwantowej odchodz¿ od patrzenia na si¿y emanuj¿ce z cz¿steczek i skupiaj¿ si¿ na ewoluuj¿cych relacjach mi¿dzy tymi cz¿steczkami i na tym, jak nieustannie wp¿ywaj¿ one na siebie nawzajem. Cäo¿¿ i ta cz¿¿¿ wymagaj¿ jednakowej uwagi. My¿lenie transcendentalne jest now¿ nauk¿, która odnosi si¿ do ¿wiata naturalnego, naukowego i spo¿ecznego, a tak¿e do biznesu i b¿dzie prowadzi¿ w przysz¿o¿ci.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    777,95 kr.

  • - Advancements and Applicati
    af Taame Abraha Berhe & Etsana Kiros Ashebir
    797,95 kr.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    822,95 kr.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    822,95 kr.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    872,95 kr.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    872,95 kr.

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