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  • af Tatiana Dmitrieva
    568,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch erfahren wir, dass die ersten Menschen in Afrika, Jakutien, Altai, Sibirien und nicht nur dort auftauchten. Es wird ein Überblick über die modernen Konzepte zum Ursprung des Lebens und des Menschen auf der Erde gegeben. Es wird gezeigt, dass neue anthropologische und paläontologische Entdeckungen die vorherrschenden Vorstellungen über die Anthropogenese erheblich verändert und die Falschheit unserer Vorstellungen über die menschliche Rasse aufgezeigt haben. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Vorfahren des modernen Menschen nicht nur Neandertaler waren, sondern auch andere kürzlich entdeckte Menschenarten: "Floresianer" und "Denisianer", die räumlich und zeitlich gleichzeitig mit dem Homo Sapiens lebten.Das Buch wurde dank meines Freundes Sir Prof. Richard Peter Wade geschrieben. Er ist ein begabter Wissenschaftler und ein wunderbarer Freund.Die Idee, dieses Buch zu schreiben, entstand schon vor langer Zeit, als ich noch im Stadtbezirk Krasnogorsk im Dorf Gavrilkovo lebte. Das Buch wird für ein breites Spektrum von Lesern interessant sein.

  • af Tatiana Dmitrieva
    553,95 kr.

    Este livro conta sobre as principais constelações e galáxias. Contém também uma pequena sistematização das principais galáxias e constelações. O livro diz o que é um buraco negro e as suas características. A astronomia celeste é um extenso ramo da ciência astronómica moderna que trata da análise estatística dos dados observacionais e do estudo das propriedades colectivas dos objectos estelares e gasosos na nossa e noutras galáxias, a fim de compreender a estrutura e desenvolvimento das galáxias e do Universo estelar como um todo. Ao contrário da astrofísica, que estuda a natureza de vários objectos, a astronomia estelar lida com grandes conjuntos destes objectos e opera com os seus parâmetros médios. Prepara materiais para a construção de modelos teóricos sobre a origem e evolução dos sistemas estelares, e na fase final verifica o cumprimento das consequências observáveis destas teorias. A astronomia estelar faz uso de material de observação vasto e cada vez maior, em cuja análise os métodos de estatística matemática são muito amplamente utilizados.

  • af Tatiana Dmitrieva
    369,95 kr.

    This book tells about the main constellations and galaxies. It also contains a small systematization of the main galaxies and constellations. The book tells what a black hole is and its features. The celestial astronomy is an extensive branch of modern astronomical science that deals with the statistical analysis of observational data and the study of the collective properties of stellar and gaseous objects in our and other galaxies in order to understand the structure and development of galaxies and the stellar Universe as a whole. Unlike astrophysics, which studies the nature of various objects, stellar astronomy deals with large ensembles of these objects and operates with their average parameters. It prepares materials for the construction of theoretical models of the origin and evolution of stellar systems, and at the final stage it checks the fulfillment of the observable consequences of these theories. Stellar astronomy makes use of vast, ever-increasing observational material, in the analysis of which the methods of mathematical statistics are very widely used.

  • af Tatiana Dmitrieva
    369,95 kr.

    This book tells us that the first people appeared in Africa, Yakutia, Altai, Siberia and not only. A review of modern concepts of the origin of life and man on Earth is presented. It is shown that new anthropological and paleontological discoveries have significantly changed the prevailing ideas about anthropogenesis and showed the fallacy of our ideas about the human race. It is shown that the ancestors of modern man were not only Neanderthals, but also other recently discovered human species: "Floresian" and "Denisian", who lived simultaneously with Homo Sapiens in space and in time.The book was written thanks to my friend Sir Prof.Richard Peter Wade. He is a talented scientist and a wonderful friend. Writing the book was conceived a long time ago, even when I lived in the Krasnogorsk city district in the village of Gavrilkovo. The book will be interesting for a wide range of readers.

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