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  • af Theodore Andoseh
    217,95 kr.

    Nombreux sont ceux qui languissent après un leadership canonique, tandis que très peu sont en train de se qualifier pour un leadership intrinsèque.Lorsqu'on nous présente Gédéon, nous remarquons premièrement qu'il était un cultivateur de céréales craintif qui se faufilait dans un pressoir, comme un lâche dans sa cachette. Il était le candidat potentiel le moins susceptible d'être qualifié pour le leadership spirituel.Quel est le genre de personnes que Dieu choisit et dont Il se sert pour Son œuvre ?Dans les écritures, nous retrouvons des hommes et des femmes effroyablement grands, qui avaient faibli, lutté, et parfois échoué. D'après John MacArthur, Dieu s'était servi de ces hommes de manière surprenante et extraordinaire, pour accomplir Ses desseins. Les écritures dépeint leurs faiblesses, n'exagèrent pas leurs forces, et ne modifient pas leur histoire de manière à exhiber une certaine noblesse humaine. Au contraire, elles décrivent ces dirigeants du peuple de Dieu avec une honnêteté indéfectible et nous donne une fin surprenante : « c'est pourquoi Dieu n'a pas honte d'être appelé leur Dieu » (Hébreux 11:16).Dans le livre : Le leadership spirituel selon le modèle de Gédéon, le Pasteur Théodore Andoseh, nous fait revivre l'époque, l'appel, l'ordination, le travail et les périls du leadership dans la vie de Gédéon-un homme faible rendu fort. Par ce rappel, nous comprendrons clairement dans quelle mesure son histoire s'applique à toute personne qui, de nos jours, aspire à émerger en tant que dirigeant du peuple de Dieu.Qu'a accompli Gédéon afin de se qualifier pour le leadership ?Qu'a-t-il réalisé en tant que dirigeant ?Qu'est-ce qui était impliqué dans son leadership ?Quelles sont les risques et dangers auquel il faisait face dans son leadership ?Dans ce livre, vous verrez comment Dieu a agi de manière surprenante dans ce qui a contribué à la formation de l'appel de Gédéon et les leçons propices à l'émergence d'un leadership spirituel intrinsèque.

  • af Theodore Andoseh
    137,95 kr.

    Do you feel like you could be doing more to serve God?Are you looking for practical guidance and biblical wisdom to help improve your stewardship and service?Join Pastor Theodore Andoseh on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth with this powerful collection of live narrative homilies on the Spirit of Christian Service, delivered throughout 2022 at the Christian Missionary Fellowship International headquarters in Cameroon, offers practical guidance and biblical wisdom to help improve your stewardship and service to God.From The Ingredients of a Miracle to Jealousy and Covetousness in Service, each chapter offers a deeper understanding of the principles and practices that lead to effective Christian service.Whether you're a seasoned Christian worker or just starting out, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to deepen their walk with Christ and become a more effective servant of God.

  • af Theodore Andoseh
    197,95 kr.

    The messages in this book were delivered at the Third World Convention of Christian Missionary Fellowship International at her headquarters in Koume, Bertoua, Cameroon from 8th to 17th December, 2019 to brethren of the Community from 93 nations from the six continents. We were gathered to give account to God, thank and celebrate Him who blessed and enabled us to accomplish the Phase 2 goal of our work.These messages serve as an orientation for the pursuit of the goal, and directives for our work in the next five to seven years. In pursuing these directives as a disciple-making movement, God being our Helper, and by the blessings of the Lord, we expect to be a community in which every member loves the Lord Jesus or returns to the first love for the Lord Jesus.Our heart cry to the Lord is that these messages would help keep us on the rails and stir us to work hard at accomplishing the goal that we joyously accepted from and committed ourselves to before our blessed Lord and Master Jesus Christ.

  • af Theodore Andoseh
    112,95 kr.

    Watching in Prayer by Theodore Andoseh is a timely book that emphasizes the need for leaders to watch and pray as their ministries grow and expand. The book highlights the challenges and threats faced by ministries as they grow, including attacks through cooperation. The author reminds us that to navigate such big changes and macro transformations without failing God, we must be vigilant and prayerful.This concise but poignant book is a wake-up call for spiritual leaders at all levels, parents, teachers, disciple-makers, and anyone seeking to build a hedge around their life and ministry. It emphasizes the need for watching men and women who are spiritually alive and more attuned to God's leading.With its emphasis on the critical task of watching and praying, Watching in Prayer is a must-read for anyone seeking to lead with excellence and navigate the challenges of ministry.

  • af Theodore Andoseh
    107,95 kr.

    The first epistle of Apostle John cites three age groups to describe Christian maturation-childhood, fatherhood, and youth-in an order contrary to the natural order of human gradation.Why does the Bible go from childhood to fatherhood before coming to the third category-youth?In this book, Pastor T. Andoseh expands on these three categories of disciples of Jesus Christ in terms of their spiritual relevance and usefulness. He gives an acute diagnosis of each group's needs and offers an ideal prescription to satisfy each need.The reader is made to see their need for maturity and potential usefulness in the advancement of God's Kingdom. The author demonstrates through contemporary examples that, the pathway to continuous and multiplied victories over temptations, the world, and the works of the enemy is open to all.It is a must-read for every disciple of Jesus Christ and leader of God's people.

  • af Theodore Andoseh
    111,95 kr.

  • af Theodore Andoseh
    197,95 kr.

  • af Theodore Andoseh
    97,95 kr.

  • af Theodore Andoseh
    157,95 kr.

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