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  • af Mikael Grahn, Thierry Smolderen, Alexandre Clérisse, mfl.
    293,95 kr.

    Halvtreds år efter at Linda og Valentin første gang så dagens lys i det legendariske franske tegneserieugeblad Pilote, har en række tegnere fået chancen for at lave deres egne personlige hyldester til serien og dens ophavsmænd. Indfaldsvinklerne er lige så mange som antallet af medvirkende, og bidragene veksler mellem at være muntre, personlige, poetiske, ironiske, gådefulde og vemodige. Den danske udgave af jubilæumssamlingen indeholder ud over mange originale franske bidrag også helt nytegnede serier af sytten danske og svenske tegneserieskabere. Lars Horneman, Peter Kielland-Brandt, Henning Kure, Peter Madsen, Thomas Nøhr, Rune Ryberg, Peter Snejbjerg, Karoline Stjernfelt og Thomas Thorhauge har leveret de danske indslag. Spændvidden og opfindsomheden er imponerende stor, og fælles for samtlige medvirkende er, at de på forskellig vis har været inspireret af Jean-Claude Mézières’ og Pierre Christins banebrydende tegneserie. Ekstra: Forord af Pierre Christin og Jean-Claude Mézières Interview med Pierre Christin og Jean-Claude Mézières Fire siders smagprøve på det kommende album Erindringer fra fremtiden 2 Interview med Jens Peder Agger om dengang i 1975, da Linda og Valentin for alvor kom til Danmark

  • af Thierry Smolderen
    444,95 kr.

    McCay is an invented biography chronicling authentic - though only partially true - stories of the life of the future creator of Little Nemo, Winsor McCay - in which McCay's life is enriched by an imaginary encounter with British mathematician and science fiction writer Charles Hinton.

  • - Death in Dubai
    af Thierry Smolderen
    226,95 kr.

    Intriguing characters and plotlines intertwine in anear-future political thriller drawing on contemporary world events and actualgrowing technology contributing to a cyberwar in both reality and virtualreality. When Lindsey, a young student in London, is rescued from a riot byChamza, a young woman from the Arab world, they begin a relationship based onboth fascination and convenience. Before she knows it, Lindsey is drawn into aworld of vast wealth and intrigue; her new friend seems to have ties topolitical movements and revolutionaries throughout the Islamic world, but it isnot clear what their agenda might be, or where her great wealth comes from.Could it be the fabled legendary lost treasure of Al-Qaeda, supposedly amassedthrough insider trading prior to 9/11? Unbeknownst to either Lindsey or Chamza,a set of US contractors, all veterans of war in Iraq and the CIA''s renditionprogram, are focusing their sites on Chamza, believing her wealth is indeed thekey to a larger threat to the entire world economy. The series looks atsurveillance, clandestine military action, and class warfare in the twilight ofthe current War on Terror, all within the context of a thriller that ultimatelyseeks to find out what controls the global economy.

  • - From William Hogarth to Winsor McCay
    af Thierry Smolderen
    778,95 kr.

    Thierry Smolderen presents a cultural landscape whose narrative differs in many ways from those presented by other historians of the comic strip. Rather than beginning his inquiry with the popularly accepted "sequential art" definition of the comic strip, Smolderen instead wishes to engage with the historical dimensions that inform that definition.

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