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  • af Thomas H Crowne
    128,95 kr.

    The Bible is full of many rules dictating exactly how followers of the Christian faith should conduct themselves, no set of rules concerning the laws of Christianity being more exhaustive than those or thorough than those found in the book of Leviticus. This set of laws is so extensive that one can find laws governing practically every aspect of human life ranging from legal dictates concerning food, various types of offerings, motherhood laws, laws concerning sacrifice and land and even some dedicated to lepers, of all things, the ordinances laid out in the book Leviticus being thorough and repressive enough to satisfy even the most hard-core legislator or religious zealot. Truth be told though that while many Christians today tout the strict adherence to "god's law" very few in reality have the slightest idea as to what exactly what they're subscribing to with recondite fanaticism, many often being totally shocked and repulsed or sent into a state of incomparable delusion when confronted with the grim reality of living by strict biblical codes. Agreeable or not though these laws are as indelible as time itself though getting the majority of Christians to willfully adhere to them would be a textbook example of an exercise in futility. This said, some say that the laws are meant to be taken only in an interpretive or metaphorical sense while others maintain that the laws should be strictly and unabashedly adhered to. The problem with such though is allowing interpretation to creep into the matter means giving an individual the ability to mold the laws to their lifestyle and standards, not the other way around. Conversely, strictly adhering by such laws necessitates implementing a very turgid and repressive system that ultimately creates a social and psychological atmosphere totally counterproductive to the religion's original intended purpose. Irrespective though of an individual's belief on the matter of which ideology is right the very idea of even trying to live by the strict laws of Leviticus is usually enough to turn away even the most fanatical of believers.

  • - Why it Should Be Legal
    af Thomas H Crowne
    98,95 kr.

    Biblical Arguments For Abortion: Why It Should Be Legal is a short treatise that discusses the highly and often dangerous issue of abortion here in America from a biblical, legal, scientific as well as common sense standpoint covering many aspects of one of the hottest issues in the country. Irrespective of one's personal opinion on the subject though abortion is a reality we all must deal with and one that's here to stay (for now at least) and has resulted in nothing less than a Vietnam-scale level of media publicity, public debate, protests, riots and in some cases horrific acts of violence that not only claimed the lives of numerous innocent people but ones that seem totally counterproductive to the supposed goals of the anti-abortion movement, this irony strangely and sadly being lost on the perpetrators. Ironically though while Christians today use the religious decree "Thou shalt not kill." (Exodus 20:13) to affirm their position against abortion and fanatical support for the "pro-life" cause they seem to have absolutely no compunction about taking life, in some cases on an enormous scale in a myriad of other manners, the ideology of not killing suddenly taking a nose dive out of the nearest window. Moreover, while Christians continually pound the anti-abortion drum the bible nevertheless remains chock-full of text clearly depicting pregnant women being killed along with their offspring, the Christian community suddenly and mysteriously falling silent on such matters. This said, my intention here is not to incite controversy over the already issue of abortion but to rather point out many of the highly dubious aspects surrounding this issue and how I truly believe that people on all sides of the debate would vastly by simply taking the high road of objectivity just once when considering the issue of abortion. To end, do I expect such material as this to bring about a cessation in the war called abortion? What planet are you living on? My purpose being, contrary to popular belief being dedicated to enlightening people concerning this topic rather than infuria¬ting an already cantankerous job.

  • - Another Biblical Story They Don't Want You To Know
    af Thomas H Crowne
    98,95 kr.

    While the biblical story of king David and Bath-Sheba and his overwhelming treachery committed in the name of pure greed and lust are not totally unheard of in the world of religion it's one that adherents of Christian ideology definitely do not go out of their way to make known simply due its overly embarrassing and treacherous overtones. Despite King David's Machiavellian ventures he ironically still remains one of the most unquestionably popular and revered biblical characters third only to god and his supposed son Jesus, how anyone could do the things David blatantly did while remaining so highly coveted and central to Christianity remains a total mystery to me. Presented in this book are all of the sordid details concerning king David's forays into the world of adultery, deceit, kidnapping, the killing of his own son and the murder of an innocent and unquestionably loyal soldier for the sole purpose of appropr¬iating his wife and all of the creature comforts concomitant with a female companion. Also discussed is god's grisly act of infanticide, the almighty obviously having forgotten about one of his own supposedly sacred laws ("Thou shalt not kill." Exodus 20:13) and finding it far more convenient to simply murder the child as a form of punishme¬nt rather than directly punish the individual solely responsible for all of this drama in the first place. This would obviously make too much sense as such lowly logic is far too rudimentary for god's paramount intellect. Ecumenically, this book presents the entire story of king David and Bath-Sheba in a manner you will most likely never hear during the church sermon or study group, the author having chosen to take off the proverbial gloves when revealing the true nature of events that took place (according to the bible, that is) as this story has been told in a sanitary manner for far too long.

  • af Thomas H Crowne
    108,95 kr.

    While some of the worst tyrants in history have taken a severe beating from the media, society, historians and those oppressed and terrorized by them, when looked at objectively the Christian god so highly lauded today is in fact far worse than any of the mortal human recreant satraps that have plagued mankind for millennia. Don't believe me? Well, then I strongly suggest that you give this short book a very thorough read and form an opinion on the subject after you've read it and you will most likely never look at the issue the same way ever again. And, while most will continue to make excuses despite the logical¬ly undeniable similarities and attempt to explain these recondite actions the simple fact nevertheless remains the same: certain religious deities are not nearly as docile, loving, merciful and "holy" as most today would have you believe.

  • af Thomas H Crowne
    98,95 kr.

    The issue of whether or not the Genesis creation took place so many moons ago is yet another highly controversial hot topic in the world of religion and society, one that has created no small amount of drama on its own, one side steadfastly arguing that a supernatural deity did in fact create the world mankind knows all too well, opponents of such an ideology steadfastly asserting that such a belief is pure nonsense, both sides of the argument swearing up and down they are right. But who's really correct when it comes to this. In this book, The Fable of the Genesis Creation I do my absolute best being a lifelong non-believer to answer that very question by expressing my belief that mankind was not a result of so-called "divine intervention" and take great pains to point out (many of the idiosyncrasies and outright contradictions found in god's supposedly infallible "Good Book", which, after even the most cursory review one would find it nearly impossible to logically deem "infallible". Additionally, I've included arguments from a scientific perspective asserting my beliefs of a far more naturalistic origin for mankind than what most religious adherents will lead you to believe, the natural world around us being logically undeniable proof that no such omnipotent deity created the universe in which humans live. Will these views, irrespective of how docile and objective be accepted by the Christian ranks? Well, simply put, I think you'd have better luck raising the Titanic with a pair of tweezers and sewing thread. To end, mankind has been led for millennia to believe that a supernatural being created all living things in on this lonely planet, my intention with this book being to show that such could not be any further from the truth.

  • af Thomas H Crowne
    98,95 kr.

    The King James Version of the bible is absolutely chock full of information that can be relatively difficult to find even under ideal circumstances or unless you're an avid bible reader /aficionado or regular speaker on the bible, this compendium having been designed to present some of the bible's more notable issues far more accessible to the average reader. Additionally, this work should in no way be considered comprehensive or authoritative but rather just a simple guide to some of the more noteworthy, famous and often-infamous information offered in god's "Good Book". For those in search of a truly authoritative and comprehensive book concerning biblical information I would strongly recommend Smith's Bible Dictionary, certainly a one-of-a-kind and unparalleled to me which truly has no equal. For those merely in search of a far more reader-friendly and humorous account of many of the bible's more notable accounts, I would also strongly recommend Summation of Books which is specifically designed for the armchair reader or those just generally interested in what the bible has to say.

  • af Thomas H Crowne
    118,95 kr.

    Few things could incite such a violent reaction from the religious sectors largely revolving around the ideals of Jesus Christ like suggesting that he was in any way involved with such things as "sorcery" or "witchcraft" let alone actually asserting that he was in fact a prolific practitioner of these arcane arts, according to the biblical text that is. If one will take out the time to carefully read what the Christian bible has to say on Jesus' reputed acts of performing "miracles" one should be able to easily see the logically undeniable similarities between these supposed acts of faith healing Jesus Christ supposedly performed and the overtly condemned "black arts" that are commonly associated with such things as sorcery or witchcraft. Throughout this highly controversial book, I will explore all of the bible's ancient texts that speak of his reputed acts of miraculous acts of hearing irrespective of how dubious that many be in the world of reality. Jesus Christ, for all intents and purposes being a very prolific practitioner of these widely condemned occult practices, according to the biblical text that is.

  • - Book 1
    af Thomas H Crowne
    235,95 - 354,95 kr.

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