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Bøger af Thomas Hodge

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  • - Sobrevivir en Silencio Trauma
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    La violencia doméstica es un problema que afecta a millones de personas. Tradicionalmente, la mayoría de los estudios se han centrado en la violencia doméstica como un asunto de mujeres, donde una mujer es víctima de un agresor masculino. En golpeado abajo, el tema es estudiado por los innumerables hombres que han sido víctimas de la violencia doméstica. La mayoría de los hombres que han sobrevivido a las relaciones abusivas permanecen en silencio sobre el problema. Estos hombres son renuentes a pedir ayuda. Sufren maltrato que es similar y, a veces peor que sus contrapartes femeninas. En golpeado abajo, se escuchan historias de quienes han sido víctimas de relaciones abusivas. A lo largo de sus ensayos, muchos sufrían en silencio durante años. Algunos han sido castigado para salir, para buscar ayuda. Muchos todavía sufren en silencio sin que nadie se da cuenta de que el dolor detrás de sus ojos.

  • - Icopu
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    For all the fans of zombie apocalypse survival guides, this is the one manual for the politicians out there. This book serves to outline how to structure an international organization for the defense of the world against the oncoming zombie onslaught.

  • af Thomas Hodge
    152,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • - Silently Surviving Trauma
    af Thomas Hodge
    107,95 kr.

    Domestic violence is an issue that affects millions of individuals. Traditionally, most studies have looked at domestic violence as being a woman's issue where a female is the victim of a male perpetrator. In Beaten Down, the issue is examined for the countless men who have been the victims of domestic violence. Most men who have survived abusive relationships remain silent about the problem. These men are reluctant to get help. They suffer maltreatment that is similar and sometimes worse than their female counterparts. In Beaten Down, stories of who have been the victims of abusive relationships are heard. Throughout their trials, many suffered silently for years. Some have been chastised for coming forth to seek out help. Many still suffer in silence while no one notices the pain behind their eyes.

  • - Letters from the Brink of Sanity
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    Behind the eyes of madness, lies hurt, pain, anger, and memories that tear at the fabric of a person. In this book, one will find a collection of letters and poems written by individuals on the brink of sanity Through the words inked in the letters and across the verses of the poems, one can make a clear connection with hurt and pain that of the writers of the letters and poems that are contained in these pages. Many of the letters and poems were intended to reach out to loved ones while the writer was on the edge. They were a cry for help or solace or remembrance. Perhaps the intend recipient might be reading them right now and realize the message that was to be conveyed in that darkest hour of their lives.

  • - The Life and Times of a Cat
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    For all the grumpy cat fans, Maui is a superhero. He is the cat that speaks his mind and just lays out all the things that are on his mind. Maui gives us an in-depth look into what cats are actually thinking when they stare at us in what seems to a blank and sarcastic gleam. Maui just lays it out there and gives us a look at what really is going on.

  • - Die Geschichte und Entwicklung der Hölle
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    Eine Erklärung für die Entwicklung und Ursprünge der Geschichte der theologische Begriff der Hölle. Das sieht aus, wie das Konzept in das aktuelle Bild von dem, was wir heute als die Hölle vorstellen, entwickelt.

  • - The History and Development of Hell
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    An explanation as to the development and origins of the history of the theological concept of hell. This looks at how the concept developed into the current image of what we now imagine as hell.

  • - Short Stories and Lessons Learned from an Army Career
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    A collection of deep, comical, and informative short stories and lessons learned while see the world on military tours because you have no place else to go

  • - Der Völkermord
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    Der Völkermord in Ruanda diente als einer der Momente, die die Welt beschlossen, schauen weg. Dieses Buch befasst sich, was die Welt drehte seine Augen von.

  • - Cognitive Approaches to the Topics
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    This serves as an entry level approach to popular topics such as amnesia, artificial intelligence, and language use. The book is written in simple language. It uses examples from the media and pop culture that the reader can easily relate and understand the concepts and topics.

  • - A History of Anxiety Treatments
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    Sometimes, you worry for a reason. Sometimes that reason is logical and sometimes it is not. Occasionally we want to stop worry. Here we look at what people have done to stop worrying. Others have done things to get rid of the worry. This book discusses the tactics and mis-tactics that have been used throughout time to address such stresses.

  • af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    This serves as the first in a series of books examining a variety of psychological issues and treatments. This looks at the neurological aspects of mood disorders, motor disorders, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and cognitive disorders. Several therapies are examined in the later parts of the book to include psychoanalysis, psychodynamic, existential, behavioral, cognitive, and more.

  • - Psychological Development Issues
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    This takes an in-depth look at various psychological issues and concept with regard to the development of an individual.

  • af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    Les couples de la théorie des étapes psychosociaux avec la thérapie cognitive qui se concentre sur des croyances rationnelles et irrationnelles pour produire un changement durable dans les croyances inadaptées. Le centre des processus de développement inadaptés et des systèmes de croyance irrationnelles contribuent également à un manque de sens ou une signification qui est nuisible à l'image saine de l'individu de lui-même ou elle-même. L'accent mis sur l'auto-développement sensibilise des tendances et des préjugés que l'individu détient. Une transition de croyances irrationnelles et rationnelles actuelles diriger la personne vers le changement, et le traitement final avec un accent sur la fourniture d'un sens et un but à l'individu de comprendre les événements de la vie de permettre une solution durable pour l'individu d'être en mesure de maintenir la changements qui avaient été créés à la suite du processus thérapeutique. L'approche prévoit également la flexibilité que permet l'approche être adapté en matière de sensibilisation et de l'identité culturelle tout en permettant un traitement non-discriminatoire des femmes par la même approche.

  • - Psychological questões de desenvolvimento
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    Este tem um olhar em profundidade em vários problemas psicológicos e conceito no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento de um indivíduo. Nós olhamos para uma variedade de questões para incluir parentalidade, o desenvolvimento cognitivo, a psicopatologia, estilos de aprendizagem, e uma variedade de outras questões relevantes relacionadas com o desenvolvimento psicológico humano.

  • - Challenging the Status Quo
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    Have you ever been annoyed by teachers, parents, and faculty CONSTANTLY urging you to take notes in class? And have you ever noticed that once you've put in huge amounts of effort to acquiesce to their request, that you never go back over them? The fact is that most of us DON'T. This book outlines a research supported method that will allow you to learn and retain new information more efficiently than ever. But more importantly, it provides a WICKED good method for being both the smartest person in the classroom and honking off your professor at the same time.

  • af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    The psycho-social stage theory couples with cognitive therapy that focuses on rational and irrational beliefs to produce a lasting change in maladaptive beliefs. The focus of the processes of maladaptive development and irrational belief systems also contribute to a lack of meaning or a meaning that is harmful to the individual's healthy image of himself or herself. The focus on self-development raises awareness of tendencies and biases that the individual holds. A transition to current irrational and rational beliefs direct the individual toward change, and the concluding treatment with an emphasis on providing a meaning and purpose for the individual to understand the events of life allow for a lasting solution for the individual to be able to maintain the changes that had been created as a result of the therapeutic process. The approach also provides flexibility that allows for the approach to be adapted to address cultural awareness and identity while allowing for non-discriminatory treatment of women through the same approach.

  • - Passing It On
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    This book takes a quick look at the transmission of PTSD from one generation to the next and how it happens. It provides a quick synopsis of research.

  • af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    In this book, some of the basic information and background into biology is broken down and explained. This serves as a quick and fast to the point introduction to biology. Some of the concepts explored include cell structure, taxonomy, biochemistry, and systems biology. With reading this book, one could explain some of the simpler concepts of biology in a short time.

  • - How It Happened
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    A look at the rise and fall of Gaddafi's regime in Libya.

  • af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    This book provides a useful tool for examining the individuals with PTSD. The AS-PTSD scale can be used as a guideline for interviews of individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of combat action in modern warfare that differs from traditional linear warfare.

  • af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    Some sickness you hear about every day. Some illnesses you rarely hear about or come across. Some things like allergies to the cold or semen or exotic disorders or diseases.

  • - Hindi Edition
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    The psychosocial stage theory couples with cognitive therapy that focuses on rational and irrational beliefs to produce a lasting change in maladaptive beliefs. The focus of the processes of maladaptive development and irrational belief systems also contribute to a lack of meaning or a meaning that is harmful to the individual's healthy image of himself or herself. The focus on self-development raises awareness of tendencies and biases that the individual holds. A transition to current irrational and rational beliefs direct the individual toward change, and the concluding treatment with an emphasis on providing a meaning and purpose for the individual to understand the events of life allow for a lasting solution for the individual to be able to maintain the changes that had been created as a result of the therapeutic process. The approach also provides flexibility that allows for the approach to be adapted to address cultural awareness and identity while allowing for non-discriminatory treatment of women through the same approach.

  • - A Few Good Tricks
    af Thomas Hodge
    117,95 kr.

    The magic and mystery of psychotherapy can easily be explained in such a brief moment but sometimes we just have a difficult time understand and grasping how it works. Here we find some explanations to those important questions that have been asked over and over. Here it is just simply explained in a nutshell. Thomas Hodge is a native of everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. He holds Bachelors of Arts and a Masters of Arts in Psychology. He has focused his research on Anxiety and the Treatment of Anxiety. In addition to scholarly studies, he served seven years in the US Army seeing the effects of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder first hand. He has lived in examined how individuals handle and treat anxiety in various cultures including the United States, Europe, Far East and the Middle East. He has seen, survived, and helped others cope with mental disorders all over the world. He has witnessed and studied some of the darkest and most unimaginable moments of human history and nature. He can attest to some of the atrocities of human nature with understanding and caution. He has seen several odd medical conditions that do not commonly occur in many parts of the world. Some are more common than thought and some are the kind of thing one would hope to never come into contact with.

  • - A Cognitive Deficit
    af Thomas Hodge
    77,95 kr.

    Anxiety is known to affect the cognitive process of the mind. Explanations on the effects of anxiety on these processes have been refined through increasingly more detailed cognitive theories. The theories began as generalized views of anxiety being a distraction as could be seen in the concept of cognitive bias (Calvo and Eysenck, 1998). Research has provided an explanation that anxiety affected the functions of the central executive in the processing efficacy theory. Attentional control theory refined processing efficacy theory's explanation of anxiety. Attentional control theory pinpointed specific functions affected by anxiety. The theory shows that anxiety which is not related to the individual's present goal can impair shifting and inhibition functions in cognitive processing, but research into attentional control theory has shown that is related to the current goal anxiety causes an increase in processing efficacy (Causer, Holmes, Smith, and Williams, 2011). Understanding the different impacts of anxiety and how it relates to the individual and the goal at hand can serve to improve efficiency in functioning, learning, and responses of an individual. Further research concerning the refinement of current theories is discussed.

  • af Thomas Hodge
    350,95 kr.

    Video cover art is a unique and largely lost artform representing a period of unabashed creativity during the video rental boom of the 1980s to early 1990s. The art explodes with a succulent, indulgent blend of design, illustration, typography, and hilarious copywriting. Written and curated by Tom "The Dude Designs" Hodge, poster artist extraordinaire and VHS obsessive, with a foreword by Mondo's Justin Ishmael, this collection contains over 240 full-scale, complete video sleeves in the genres of action, comedy, horror, kids, sci-fi, and thriller films. It's a world of mustached, muscled men, buxom beauties, big explosions, phallic guns, and nightmare-inducing monsters. From the sublime to the ridiculous, some are incredible works of art, some are insane, and some capture the tone of the films better than the films themselves. All are amazing and inspiring works of art that captivate the imagination. It's like stepping back in time into your local video store!

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