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  • - A 9-Week Plan to Identify Negative Food Triggers, Get Better Gut Health, Get Rid of Bloating & Brain Fog, and Live a Healthier Life
    af Todd Strong
    157,95 kr.

    This Simple Approach Will Have You Saying Goodbye to Bloating and Dieting Forever How many times have you said to yourself, "This will be the last diet I ever go on," only to find yourself giving up after just a week or two? The frustration of starting and stopping over and over again can be stressful enough, and it can make it feel even worse when "foolproof" new diets seem to pop up every day. While all of these approaches claim they've discovered the perfect program to get amazing, lasting results, they are all based on a single, widespread misconception. These diets assume that the most important aspect of health and nutrition is the composition of the foods we eat. In reality, recent research has begun to reveal that what matters more than anything is how our individual bodies process food. Think about allergies--you may have them, and even if you don't, there is a huge likelihood that you know someone in your life who does. You may even know multiple, even though only around 4% of American adults suffer from allergies. Compare that to the 15-20% of adults who have food intolerances and sensitivities. Traditional "diets" expect every person's body to respond in the same way to the same approach, when the fact of the matter is our bodies and our reactions to foods are incredibly distinct. What you eat is not only responsible for your weight and energy, but it can also be the root cause of headaches, bloating, hormonal issues, and more. By shining a light on the common foods that may be responsible for a slew of health problems, and the easy-to-follow method for identifying them in your own life, Dr. Todd Strong reveals what the diet industry doesn't want you to see. In The Elimination Diet, here is just a fraction of what you will discover: The 5 straightforward phases that can change your life in only 7-10 weeks The important daily habits that you need to be aware of in order to make any major lifestyle changes A downloadable food diary that can be customized for any lifestyle and dietary habits Why a "low fat" diet isn't actually as healthy as you may think it is, and how focusing on fat may be blinding you from the other vital components in your food The common additives and ingredients you should be looking for in the foods that are already staples in your life How to identify the foods that are working for and against you in your life, and why generalized diets are built to fail The gold standard method for identifying food sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances so you can make informed decisions while following a simply structured program Step-by-step instructions for each step of the process, with resources and advice for the common difficulties most people face when making dietary changes And much more. Why put yourself through another grueling diet that will only show temporary results, even if you follow it perfectly? You've spent enough time trying to make your body conform to the demands of diets--it's time to set them aside, and make the lifestyle change that you will benefit from even months and years after the program ends. We've been bombarded with the belief that leading a healthier life requires pain, discipline, and sacrifice, and that failing to change our habits means we aren't trying hard enough. What that really means, is we have gotten so used to ignoring our body's signals that we expect losing weight and feeling better to require suffering. You have the power to change your health by listening to your body, not fighting it... If you are tired of endless diets and constant discomfort, and ready to embrace your healthiest self, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.

  • - A Reference Guide for Patients
    af Todd Strong
    182,95 kr.

    How to understand your blood work results, interpret them at a doctorate level, communicate with your doctor more efficiently, and take control of your health, all in an easy to understand process. Do you feel confused every time you have bloodwork done and the doctor says it's normal? Do you question whether your problem is real or just all in your head? The trips to your doctor just end with them saying, "Everything is normal.", but yet you still have symptoms?Have you been experiencing health concerns but no one has the answers?Are you searching for someone who understands health rather than just disease?You don't have to feel helpless anymore. Dr. Strong can help. By educating his patients, Dr. Strong believes he can have a greater impact on their lives.Issues that impact your health affect performance, quality of life, and leave you feeling like you're living in a daze.There's a medical explanation behind your troubles, and this book will help you discover what the reason is and how you can take back your health.Dr. Strong has helped countless others find the solution to their migraines, chronic pain, depression and more, and you could be the next success story. By first understanding your lab results, how it works, and what can affect it, you'll get a well-rounded view of how your basic biochemistry influences your health.Divided into several lab tests, this book covers the basic blood panels that most doctors run for your yearly check-up. By having this tool, you can ask better questions, understand the ROOT cause of your problem, and work with your provider to resolve it.Your basic blood panel can tell you about how your body is functioning. In order to be your best self, you need the best health.Inside Understanding Your Bloodwork and How It Relates to Your Health Issues, you'll discover: The different types of blood panels What the function of each panel is testingHow to interpret the panel to ask better questions to your providerWhat are the possible causes of elevated and depressed markersTips for preparing for your bloodwork to ensure the best resultsRecommendations for supplements to boost your healthClinical and optimal ranges to better understand the difference between normal and optimalA FREE 2-week diet plan to optimize your health and wellness!And much, much more! It's never too late, or too early, to prioritize your health and quality of life.Patients from all walks of life have already reaped the benefits of Dr. Strong's expertise. It's your turn now.You don't have to let brain fog, chronic pain, or depression keep you from living your life. Your health is in your hands. With this book, empower yourself, through education, to take control of your health. Let me give you the tools you need to understand what is causing your problems.You can find a solution.You can feel better in every sense of the word. If you're ready to let Dr. Strong guide you towards better health, click "add to cart."

  • - An Autoimmune Protocol For Leaky Gut, Inflammatory Bowel Disease And SIBO Using A Simple Five Step Plan
    af Todd Strong
    192,95 kr.

    Have gut problems taken the joy out of life?Have you tried implementing new diets unsuccessfully?Have new exercise plans done nothing for you?Have you tried switching up your food and calorie intake and even tried avoiding entire food groups to no avail?Do gut problems such as IBS, GERD and other nasty issues still plague you? You don't have to live this way! According to research conducted by Johns Hopkins University, the gut is our 'second brain' and has a profound impact on our enteric nervous system. Poor gut health has been linked to higher instances of depression, anxiety and other chronic conditions such as inflammation. The message is clear: If you want a healthy brain and peace of mind, start with your gut! So how would you like to get rid of all of your gut related issues and be free once more? Introducing Reclaim Your Gut Health by Dr. Strong (DC DACNB, CFMP, PAK). Using scientifically proven techniques, you'll learn what causes your gut issues, how to solve them, and best of all: How to prevent them from recurring! This book will walk you through the basics of gut health and will introduce you to the various factors that govern its health. You'll learn just how central to your health your gut is and how you can make a few fixes to reverse your health issues.You're also going to learn exactly how your gut and brain communicate with one another and how you can identify the things that are causing you problems in the first place.Inside Reclaim Your Gut Health , you'll also learn all about: The war that's taking place inside your body... and how you can win!The one thing that wreaks the most havoc in your bodyPreventing SIBO and other nasty conditions from reducing the quality of your lifeThe silent killer that lives in our society... and how to eliminate it!The science behind leaky gut and the things you need to do to make sure it stays awayThe 5 pillars of gut healthThe key to solving Celiac disease and other negative autoimmune responsesDiscover how neurotransmitters affect your mood and healthAnd much, much more! You don't have to suffer from poor gut health anymore! Your health is fully in your hands.The simple and clear instructions in this book will not only help you recover but will also help you live life in the healthiest way possible.Join the millions of people who have banished their intestinal issues by using Dr. Strong's expertise.If you want to wave goodbye to your health issues, scroll up and click "add to cart"!

  • - Conquer Negative Self Talk and Negative Thinking by Using Proven Practical Techniques to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
    af Todd Strong
    192,95 kr.

    You wouldn't shame your friends if they made a mistake or gained a few, so stop doing it to yourself. You have between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts a day, and research indicates that around 80% of them are negative. A certain amount of self-criticism is both normal and useful: in fact, it developed as a survival skill and can help us with personal growth and self-improvement. That is, until it becomes automatic and develops into negative self-talk. Have you ever told yourself you'll never be able to achieve something? Has your inner voice ever told you that you need to lose weight? Do you often assume something's your fault, even when you know this isn't rational? If these kinds of thoughts seem familiar to you, you're probably one of the millions of people who has a negative inner critic. Your inner voice is constantly narrating your life, and the chances are, it sometimes has a thing or two to say that is less than encouraging. The problem is, the longer this goes on, the more it starts to impact your life. When we constantly tell ourselves that we don't deserve the things we want or that it's impossible to achieve our goals, we make it impossible. We get caught in a vicious cycle, and that little voice wins. But it doesn't have to. You are stronger than that voice, and you can break the cycle. In Negative Self Talk, you'll find out how to tell when your inner critic has overstepped the mark and learn how to squash it into submission. You'll discover: Negative self-talk broken down into categories so you become of aware of when you're doing it, allowing you to move forward and make necessary changes for the better Surprisingly simple strategies for catching your negative inner voice right in its tracks, even when you don't realize it's talking to you 7 common habits that could be causing your negative self-talk, and how you can guard yourself against them Mindset-changing techniques used by popular celebrities to battle their inner critic (that's right, even seemingly perfect individuals deal with low self-esteem) The #1 thing you need to do if you want to overcome negative thoughts for good How you can use 'cognitive restructuring' to be your own therapist, saving you hundreds on therapy sessions What psychologists really mean when they talk about self-compassion, and how you can easily do it yourself How to implement strategies to keep negative self-talk at bay for a lifetime And much more. If you thought constant self-doubt, comparison to others, and feelings of unworthiness were something you just had to live with, think again. Your inner critic has a place, but it's a small place, and it should be a friend to you--not an enemy. The world opens up with possibility when you learn how to get control over your negative self-talk: find out how today (it's easier than you think). If you're ready to triumph over your self-doubt, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now.

  • - Optimize Cognitive Function, Prevent Chronic Disease, Resolve Anxiety And Depression Using Natural Methods
    af Todd Strong
    177,95 kr.

    Make these small tweaks to your daily habits and turn every negative aspect of your life into something positive. Keep reading... Have you noticed your mental health and overall sense of well-being on the decline lately? Does it feel like your headaches are becoming more regular, that your anxiety is shooting through the roof, or that you simply just don't have the energy to give what you used to? Maybe you feel confused more often than not, or that your life really shouldn't be as difficult as it always seems to be? If you are resonating with any of the above, rest assured that you are not alone. In today's modern times, overwhelm and its cousin of depression appear all too common, and as a result, it makes it hard for us to realize what's really going on until it's too late. The good news, however, is that if you are reading this here and now, then that means for you it is not too late! All of the negative side effects listed above have one thing in common -- they become so as a byproduct of our daily choices and how we choose to navigate through the chaos of this world. Our daily choices are something we can change, and how we choose to move through our realities is something we can become more aware of, allowing us to feel more empowered to make the right decisions. In Reclaim Your Brain, you'll discover: Why your brain is so important, as well as the 5 most important factors that affect its health A closer look at the neuroscience of your brain and how to ensure you are getting the right nutrients for optimal activity How brain function plays a vital role in the development of chronic illnesses, and what you can do to stay ahead How your gut health directly affects your brain, and why a focused diet isn't something you should dismiss right off the bat A play-by-play guide for how you can improve your diet and begin eating the right things (as well as understand what not to eat and why) Why exercise is the #1 antidepressant on the market, and how you can easily incorporate some into your already-packed daily routine The role of herbs, nuts, and other commonly overlooked foods in optimizing brain health, and how you can use these simple tools to your advantage ... and so much more. Life doesn't have to be a struggle or feel as though any part of it is too much or impossible. In fact, life should be easy and flow to you with little to no effort. You should be happy and joyful in most moments without even having to think about it. If these things are not your current reality, then only one thing is true: it's time to optimize your brain health and get things back into working order! If you're ready to take control of your reality and truly begin to feel the way you know you deserve to, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.

  • af Todd Strong
    327,95 kr.

  • - A Patient Reference Guide
    af Todd Strong
    152,95 kr.

  • af Todd Strong & Bernie DeKoven
    237,95 kr.

    Add more fun, excitement, and variety to your physical education class or youth program with big activity balls. This book is ideal for anyone who works with kids and provides them with a variety of cooperative games, water games, and modified classic games.

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