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Bøger af Tom Birkett

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  • - Træd ind i en verden af guder, kæmper, monstre og helte
    af Tom Birkett & Isabella Mazzanti
    149,94 kr.

    Kom med på en rejse gennem tid og verdener, til riger af is og ild hvor mægtige sagnhelte holder gilde og kæmper, og hvor skæbnen venter. Denne fantastiske antologi er den perfekte introduktion til de mest spændende og sagnomspundne skikkelser fra den nordiske mytologi. Du kan f.eks. møde Hel, underverdenens drabelige vogter, og drilleguden Loke. Læs historierne om dødbringende jætter og gådefulde alfer. Hør om de dunkle norner - de tre kvinder, der spinder skæbnen for alle levende væsner - og kom tæt på den frygtede slange, der bugter sig omkring verden!Forbered dig på en dramatisk fortælling, hvor du får spændende viden på hver eneste side om guder, uhyrer og mystiske væsner, deres gerninger og skæbne.

  • af Tom Birkett
    168,95 kr.

  • af Tom Birkett
    1.173,95 kr.

    The essays here, united by their appreciation of the centrality of translation to the interpretation of the medieval past, add to our understanding of how the old is continually made anewThe first decades of the twenty-first century have seen an unprecedented level of creative engagement with early medieval literature, ranging from the long-awaited publication of Tolkien's version of Beowulf and the reworking of medieval lyrics by Ireland's foremost poets to the adaptation of Eddic and Skaldic poetry for the screen. This collection brings together scholars and accomplished translators working with Old English, Old Norse and MedievalIrish poetry, to take stock of this extraordinary proliferation of translation activity and to suggest new ways in which to approach these three dynamic literary traditions. The essays in this collection include critical surveysof texts and traditions to the present day, assessments of the practice and impact of individual translators from Jorge Luis Borges to Seamus Heaney, and reflections on the particular challenges of translating poetic forms and vocabulary into different languages and media. Together they present a series of informed and at times provocative perspectives on what it means to "e;carry across"e; early medieval poetry in our contemporary cultural climate.Dr Tom Birkett is lecturer in Old English at University College Cork; Dr Kirsty March-Lyons is a scholar of Old English and Latin poetry and co-organiser of the Irish Research Council funded conference and translation project "e;Eald to New"e;. Contributors: Tom Birkett, Elizabeth Boyle, Hannah Burrows, Gareth Lloyd Evans, Chris Jones, Carolyne Larrington, Hugh Magennis, Kirsty March-Lyons, Lahney Preston-Matto, Inna Matyushina, Rory McTurk, Bernard O'Donoghue, Heather O'Donoghue, Tadhg O Siochain, Bertha Rogers, M.J. Toswell.

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